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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.62 MB, 640x360, wife.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25860008 No.25860008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm unironically in love. Does anyone have any more like this?

>> No.25860032

/biz/ is such a shithole and I love it

>> No.25860077
File: 12 KB, 374x520, baby pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25860092

you'll eat bugs and enjoy it

>> No.25860093

fucking animals

>> No.25860111

At least she's not vegan

>> No.25860117


>> No.25860120

I thought this was a business board

>> No.25860132

I hate bugs for doing this but also cant stop watching. Too bad youtube bans this shit. Almost comical meanwhile they support influencers who every day chill in the gym with 15 other people shoulder to shoulder with no masks like Larry Wheels.

>> No.25860149

oh my god i used to have an asian fetish, mostly japanese and korean and this webm has made me totally not into that anymore. god bless white women. that shit was DISGUSTING absolutely VILE and INHUMANE

>> No.25860207

ngmi. this webm only increased mine tenfold

>> No.25860220

idk why people call asians bugs, they look pretty amphibious, fishlike.

>> No.25860249


>> No.25860259

hive-mind behavior

>> No.25860287

also, they eat bugs

>> No.25860297

No no sir. Asians arent bugs to me. Chinese are bugs. For me its the webm of the child laying on a crosswalk who eventually gets run over and everyone continues to ignore him. They are programmed not to help each other at threat of being responsible for the hurt partys injurys by some strange law in China. As a result they are bug like showing no emotion to death, even mice react more than they do. Literal bugs without a soul.

>> No.25860329

Not to mention the way they likely sell their children to the jew for organs.

>> No.25860338

you mean like the faggots that shitpost here. or the faggots that believe every word trump says. or the ultrafags who regurgitate false liberal ideology? hivemind is not exclusively asian

>> No.25860361
File: 498 KB, 2048x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.02.24-23260811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860376

u literally just described NYC mentality

>> No.25860383


>> No.25860391

If she eat sharks in front of PETAfags, I'll marry her.

>> No.25860393
File: 612 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.04.11-31051327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860398

You want to play the samsies game but its not the same girl. Fuck off.

>> No.25860415
File: 86 KB, 768x1024, 1603727951603m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860421
File: 517 KB, 1152x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.05.09-38208524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860444
File: 676 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.07.03-75370015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860453
File: 155 KB, 1080x1350, 121739110_1256737647999557_916080716376637430_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860467

maybe you should ask yourself what part of your own inner bug you've yet to come to terms with that you need to project it onto chinks?

>> No.25860468

Klaus actually said "you'll eat out bugs and enjoy it"

>> No.25860482
File: 193 KB, 1200x1600, MissWolfJ (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860504

Good one when you cant make any points or distract anymore you make it about me like a cunt. I said fuck off. Fucking bitch doesnt realize the scale of human trafficking and child abuse out of china. Last thing i give a fuck about is pro china rhetoric

>> No.25860522
File: 110 KB, 1080x1801, FB_IMG_1595335452349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 filename

>> No.25860532

no but it's characteristically asian

>> No.25860537
File: 686 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.06.20-68889386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860543

The only thing I find really disturbing about this is the fact that octopi are one of the most intelligent animals in the world. And she's eating them alive. Like what?

>> No.25860555

1 child policy alone probably killed more FEMALE kids than the holocaust killed jews

>> No.25860558

reminder that asians are soulless creatures and should bot be regarded as human

>> No.25860604

>doesn't realize everything he hates about the Chinese is the darkness in his own heart

>> No.25860612
File: 2.39 MB, 720x1280, 1610163527093.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white girls will fuck any race of man but these girls will only fuck chinese guys, life isnt fair

>> No.25860637

Broadly speaking, asians in general (more specifically the chinese) are a subhuman insect culture - a hive mind if you will. They have little slits for eyes and speak in a series of robot tones (Jit do, chung ping, ding bao, etc). They are dog eaters and cat eaters and studies show that they have a complete lack of empathy, almost like an alien like species. I mean talk about subhuman filth! They are subservient and constantly bow (this is probably why most asian males are turbo manlets - due to spinal compression). They love karate and kung-fu but its like, hey Ching-Do! Try flailing your arms when I have a 50 cal deagle cold cocked to your head! I'm glad that the Japanese did cool insect bug experiments on the Chinese during WW2 (jewgle Unit 731) especially those cool live vivisections! But like any dumb asian subhuman, they need to be put in their place every once in a while so we microwaved the Japs like a bento box. Good times and God Bless!

>> No.25860647
File: 451 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.05.24-42001106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860651

Nah youre projecting on me, ironically. And youre a cunt for doing it. I know about china which is why i speak on it. And some cunt telling me im the darkness behind chinese slaughtering children is fucked up and i wont carry that guilt YOUR people will. May it weigh heavily on your non existent souls

>> No.25860653

Who says that? Don't know about the other races but white men do have an advantage when it comes to dating asian girls.

>> No.25860660

wtf are you talking about? they love BWC and our colorful hair and eyes. We are to them what black dudes are for white women.

>> No.25860673
File: 144 KB, 524x440, chongjanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25860677
File: 729 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.06.02-44349146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25860685

Stinky chinky has a micro dinky

>> No.25860703
File: 102 KB, 629x275, fbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only ugly white guys (incels) chase asian women. Chads dont even consider anything but white women. Everytime I see a pic being posted of a chink woman on this board, I know exactly whos behind the post.

>> No.25860709

Nigger what? Now you're projecting about projecting? I think you need to go get some fresh air, maybe find a sweet chinese girl to talk to rather than basing your opnions and hatred on them off webms youve seen on pol

>> No.25860715

holy shit that picture made me HARD

>> No.25860732

>porn addicted coomers

>> No.25860760

You think my opinion on the 1 child policy came from /pol/
>your stupid face when you realize i have 4 or 5 fresh off the boat chinese friends from grad school who told me they knew about girls being slaughtered over 1 child policy
Its also on several news sources. Just keep your head in the mud faggot

>> No.25860781

Careful, before they will start coping and start calling you a jealous white woman.

>> No.25860807


Same here. White women are so bland

>> No.25860808
File: 434 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.10.01-130130851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25860849

What I said is based on what an average asian woman you can ask in the streets of any city will tell you, not porn fantasies.
But this applies also to black women outside america, latinas, indians and pretty much every women on earth prefer white men if they were to pick freely.

>> No.25860886

Like i suggested, fresh air.
Seeing that overpopulation is the root of essentially every problem we are facing, 1 child policy seems like a lesser evil. I think more measures should be taken for contraception, rather than murdering infants/fetuses with beating hearts, but litterally the whole planet is at risk at this point. I can literally hear you seething through the computer. You need to accept that the Chinese will be the next superpower. Time to start working on your Mandarin, this is for your own psychological benefit.

>> No.25860892

Damn thats that fucking evil peace of shit who tortures fish and then devours insane quantities of them.

>> No.25860922

Youtube banned this? I had originally seen that on YouTube?

Fuck that evil bug

>> No.25860932

man imagine what shed do to ur penis n but hole cum

>> No.25860937


Yeah the hot fobby Asian chicks mostly only date Asian men. Makes me wish I was an Asian man desu. White men can get less attractive foreign Asian girls and pozzed Westernized Asians pretty easily though.

Being a white guy is kinda overrated wrt to dating azn grils, you really have to be a white Chad (being tall is a MUST if you want Asian chicks to lust after you). Asian women worship height even more than white women.

>> No.25860944

Also, you are a faggot. If you're not going to take the advice about fresh air, plz keep seething.

>> No.25860964

Why not just nuke the most overpopulated areas? Starting with China.

>> No.25860967
File: 1.59 MB, 576x1024, 1605574038385.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.25860985
File: 165 KB, 1000x1500, 1609995613147[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25860990

Haha no i am not seething over the empire of dust worth 39% of europe currently and doesnt have anything on america. I totally agree China should reduce population. Im sure the muslim wars of 2025 will help with that.
Im glad you think a people can keep their souls when virtually 40% of them have or are willing to slaughter their own child just to have a boy

>> No.25861024

>i love white cock but dont want to be attacked by my retarded woke friends

>> No.25861031

Maybe post-AsianWall Chink roasties will date white men but the younger gen are all CCP loyalists and will only date either a homely looking rich Chinese boy or a KPop looking Asian e-boy.

>> No.25861032

Btw good luck with covid. I mean that sincerely

>> No.25861042
File: 587 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.04.08-30366338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25861055

dude her nose looks like michael jackson. wtf

>> No.25861068

Mostly because of the radiation and thirst for vengence it would lead to, which would be an even greater threat for humanity. We need to start bringing starving niggers in africa condoms rather than spaghettios or w/e the fuck we've been giving them. That and Chist/islamocucks need to stfu with muh "go forth and multiply" faggotry.

>> No.25861072
File: 46 KB, 300x250, 0vdzgr32q0z01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If one white man takes 4 asian women each in a harem we can create a new half white half asian master race.


>> No.25861073
File: 680 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.04.14-31529296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25861105
File: 8 KB, 273x185, POX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha no i am not seething

>> No.25861120

I donate sperm to chinese only sperm banks

>> No.25861121

Except hapas aren't shitspawn and whites don't beat the shit out of and single mom the chinks

>> No.25861127

well nvm too bad about the face

>> No.25861129

That one's for the white girls.

>> No.25861134

Asian women and families are very materialistic and status seeking.

>> No.25861154

Back to being a cunt making it about me because you cant argue by making actual points. Sorry your wife is soulless

>> No.25861192
File: 546 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.06.16-47638371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25861194

Better than selling the next generation's future.

>> No.25861262

HAHAHAHA yea you faggots arent over farming your land and water and polluting the air. Is this thread real? China is the single worst place to be born as a next generation, enjoy your empire of dust

>> No.25861274

anyone else just wanna punt her into the mirror with a steel-toed boot?

>> No.25861294

>thinks he ever had a point
really ngmi

>> No.25861298
File: 735 KB, 1481x1915, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.07.10-78672169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25861313

I had one point: souless bugs
And i made it. Also you can keep talking about making it because i already have

>> No.25861346

Why is this Pajeet so mad lmao

>> No.25861354


>> No.25861355

You people need professional help

>> No.25861391

I dont like when i make valid points and the other party to win an argument claims my mental fortitude is lacking. Its a snake tactic and one the jews love.

>> No.25861394

Professional here. Who needs my help?

>> No.25861459

idk but goddamn this is my new fetish, however, this bitch is trippin if she thinks that her shit is going to overrun my superior white genes in our children

>> No.25861488

you wish faggot, thatd fit nice and snug into your 2d narrative

>> No.25861567

asian women are for white incels that don't work on improving themselves and wonder why they don,t get laid

>> No.25861660

>fat mongrel tinder bitches with 30+ filters and dog ears in every pic are for white incels that don't work on improving themselves

>> No.25861693

I wouldn't mind falling victim of her plan to be honest. I wish her luck.

>> No.25861694

my wife :)

>> No.25861703
File: 541 KB, 1536x2048, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.10.23-146000553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25861706


>> No.25861742

>yes, goy. fuck and marry the white woman with n-count in the 100s.

>> No.25861788

her butthole probably looks like nikocado avocado's
no im not posting the onlyfans pic unless you ask nicely

>> No.25861813
File: 293 KB, 1490x1983, Kuukow OnlyFans kuukow-2020.10.13-138619107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you please post it

>> No.25861827

Please anon, do it for the goys here

>> No.25861829

If you guys can't tell, you're replying to a (((white))) roastie.

>> No.25861881

she does look cute tho

>> No.25861892

I love having sex with Asian girls

>> No.25861894

Asian women fall under the category of pump and dump, always.

>> No.25861920

>t. Soulless chink

>> No.25861938
File: 44 KB, 960x914, 1596423672776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25861950

How did she not choke and die? What the hell?

>> No.25861985 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 462x657, 1606420105374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25862026
File: 2.91 MB, 854x480, 001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25862034

Fish heads is an old timey slur for nipsects

>> No.25862061

>these girls will only fuck chinese guys,
You're out of your mind tenda

>> No.25862069

patrician's taste

>> No.25862159

I'm a blonde blue-eyed American of North-western European descent, but keep seething, roastie. Let me guess, you're just starting to hit the wall?

>> No.25862306


>> No.25862388

and yet they still don't swallow NUT

>> No.25862400

Cringe. Anime does not translate well into reality which is why weebfags are disgusting

>> No.25862455

I have a quiet shy hikikomori japanese girlfriend and we spend all day sitting next to each other in the study browsing stocks and talking about the markets.

>> No.25862474

Simp and jew
He was banned to give us a glimpse of the finer things in life

>> No.25862506

Pretty comfy ngl

>> No.25862509
File: 28 KB, 500x281, 1560914352478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw it, I regret my request

>> No.25862630


>> No.25862637

Lmao, funny, name of show and anime its adapting?

>> No.25862718

Oldboy iirc

>> No.25862758

squids are basically sea bugs

>> No.25862790

My sister bought a load of Argo shares. Thoughts?.

>> No.25862814

i just see asian women as fucktoys for my own pleasure. i like to cum inside their tight pussies and see the reaction on their face when they realize i shot my payload deep in their wombs

>> No.25862870

>80% of women date 20% of the best men, the rest are sore losers
>some of the loser attempt to date outside the very same dating pool that has labeled them as such
>N-no you can't possibly do that! You are meant to stay forever rejected by us, don't chase other women that isn't us!

>> No.25862905

not all of them, remember there's always exceptions to the stereotypes espc. in 1 billion + people

im comparatively a blue collar white working class loser and my abc gf's upper middle class family has accepted me for the most part

she has more in the bank saved up than i do at this point

she's also pretty autistic and obnoxious just like me and has a shut in internet loser sense of humor so we love each other

>> No.25862973

post a pic of her and then i'll give you my thoughts

>> No.25862994


>> No.25862999
File: 94 KB, 1500x1000, 1610224199511[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these anons already made it. god bless

>> No.25863072
File: 62 KB, 570x537, 1609383745287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have made it.

>> No.25863110

Its literally some hispanic dude's black hairy asshole with his cock and balls dangling and his asshole looks like it's taken too much abuse. Do you really still wanna see that?

>> No.25863147

Nickacado isnt hispanic

>> No.25863157


>> No.25863160

That is one of the most repulsive things I’ve seen in awhile

>> No.25863163

Whatever flavor of brown I don't really care

>> No.25863173

Hes from ukraine

>> No.25863194

Hes literally white, not brown, you retard. Dark pigment on your butthole is possible for white people too.

>> No.25863201
File: 114 KB, 1000x1500, DzvcILaUwAUwTi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED fellow coinbit

>> No.25863241

>He's white because he's from the ukraine
lel sure anons, whatever makes you feel good

>> No.25863258

Hes white because hes white look at his fucking face. Holy shit how stupid are some people.

>> No.25863297
File: 42 KB, 498x481, 20210112_004214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh. Pink pigment like that. He looks like a white little piggy.

>> No.25863302

Are you faggots going to post the picture what?
I must coooom

>> No.25863320

It was already posted. Janjan took it down

>> No.25863340

Dude I said whatever, jesus christ man
Sorry anon I do not support degeneracy

>> No.25863348

>black hair
>brown eyes (all three)
And the jewess reveals herself again.

>> No.25863353

I'm getting divorced in japan. It's a mess. Asians are good for pump n dumps only

>> No.25863367

So the rest of this thread is janjan approved? I got banned for far more on topic threads.
Fuck jannies

>> No.25863368

Can you donit again?

>> No.25863430
File: 119 KB, 1080x640, 20210112_004657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally made up those criteria. Here is 1 white man posing with his 1 Hispanic partner. Can you spot the difference? Hint its his skin color

>> No.25863431

>ot all of them, remember there's always exceptions to the stereotypes espc. in 1 billion + people
Yeah. I've found 1 and they're rare, because they're isolated too.

They're not on tinder, at the bar. Hell, they probably even get groceries delivered

Going to devote some time to finding this type once I make it. Maybe at crypto conferences if this shit sticks.

Make sure to value this type of chick, because it's hard af to find again. I was too up in my own ass to do that

>> No.25863451

Tell us more anon

>> No.25863452

>They are subservient and constantly bow

Bowing is a Japanese thing.

>> No.25863455

I would take the ban and post it but alas i didnt save it sir

>> No.25863532

You're not fooling anyone, neither of those is white. One just hasn't been in the sun as much as the other.

>> No.25863585

>I'm getting divorced in japan. It's a mess. Asians are good for pump n dumps only
Japs were your problem, not asians.

e.g. divorce is illegal in the philippines

You wanted the conventionally better looking chicks in asia and got burnt it sounds like. That's the tradeoff you make.

A Japanese chick will disappear with your belongings and children; a (good) filipina chick will wrap her legs around you to pull you in as you cum, each time. You're their dream. In Japan, you're a mark like the tech lead

>> No.25863587

Im not trying to fool anyone jew stop making chaos when there is none. You made up some bullshit criteria about what is white in a mixed world and shaped it to match only eurocuck inbred norwegian standards. Youre as annoying as that faggot earlier in this thread telling me chinks that sold you jews their organs have souls. Off with you now moshe

>> No.25863654

I am yet to meet a single Asian woman that has natural beauty. They are all pigs with make up

>> No.25863702

Yes, yes, I know, you want your (((people))) to be able to blend seamlessly into white culture, but here's what it comes down to:
White people have pink assholes. Brown assholes are a clear indication of a non-white.

>> No.25863711

I have but it's like finding a needle in a haystack

>> No.25863719

This. I like how incels reeeee on here about white woman and make up. Asians are fucking plastered in the stuff and held up with plastic surgery.

>> No.25863737

Are you a connoisseur of assholes fren?

>> No.25863746

What a dumb cunt. God i cant stand this board these days. Like i said youre an inbred norwegian cuck. Also Ashkenazi jews have pink assholes. Looks like youre just a dipshit. You can fuck off now rabbi

>> No.25863749

>I am yet to meet a single Asian woman that has natural beauty. They are all pigs with make up
Meet some doing hard science, not narcissistic ones on instagram

>> No.25863786

Getting a plastic Michael Jackson nose to escape your disgusting genetics while still eating live animals like a dog is peak bug

>> No.25863827

Dumb cunt? Right back at you, but in the literal sense. Can't even into logic properly, typical roastie. All whites have pink assholes != all pink assholes belong to whites.

>> No.25863826

Also i guess this is private but why not. Im blonde blue eyed 1/64th native american and i have a brown poop hole color. Blonde blue eye isnt white now either

>> No.25863851

Goddamn man you're bring out the blogposter in me... She was very (100% natural) good looking, sweet personality, neet-y and actually fun to talk to but wasn't as driven as me at the time so I didn't take the relationship seriously. Figured if I managed it once I can find someone else but better.

7 years and 12 gfs (6 Chinese, 2 Japanese, and 1 Korean) later I realised she was one of a kind and that I'm not gonna find anyone like her ever again... It hurts just a little

>> No.25863867

See >>25863826 dumbshit. You know the comment before yours? You are clueless seriously

>> No.25863906

You already proved you weren't white when you said "1/64th native american." Your anus color betrays you.

>> No.25863929

HAHAHAHAHA my man i am white. I have never never never been mistaken otherwise. Holy shit this is some heavy cope from whatever aryan theory you have. Day of the ropers like you should unironically kys

>> No.25863965

>7 years and 12 gfs (6 Chinese, 2 Japanese, and 1 Korean) later I realised she was one of a kind and that I'm not gonna find anyone like her ever again... It hurts just a little
Legitimately was such an enormous problem ahead of me that it lit the fire in me to make it

>> No.25864013

I don't get the white man obsession with asians

>> No.25864041


>> No.25864154

They are cute, feminine and want the same thing as we do, which is building a cozy home and have many children to raise. Something very simple indeed, but contrary to the interest of the females of our own race.
While you're at it you dodge extreme ideologies, a vagina that hasn't welcomed a two digit number of men, and you avoid the horrible personality that will end in either divorce or unhappy marriage.

>> No.25864267

I already made it (not from crypto) and I can't get her back because she's happy and settled for a fat mediocre Chink who saw her worth like I never did

Thinking about it... There were a few girls that I saw after her who were not as good but still decent settle down potentials... missed my chance to buy in on those too FML

>> No.25864367

god i wish that was me

>> No.25864716

>Make sure to value this type of chick, because it's hard af to find again. I was too up in my own ass to do that

>7 years and 12 gfs (6 Chinese, 2 Japanese, and 1 Korean) later I realised she was one of a kind and that I'm not gonna find anyone like her ever again... It hurts just a little

fuck it feelsbadman to read this, my asian gf just broke up with me because I fucked up by not taking it seriously and she was exactly this special kind of gem that I will never find again... Like when you find a low cap shitcoin before anyone else that you know with 100% certainty will pump hard as fuck. That only happens once

>> No.25864840

This post speaks many truths.

>> No.25864955

>That only happens once
She was into me for me, broke in a dorm room. Woke me up to narcissistic parenting and my own resulting issues though. Becoming a millionaire is easier than getting a good chick, it seems

>> No.25865113

>She was into me for me
same, she even insisted on splitting everything even though she was a broke student and I had some money
>Becoming a millionaire is easier than getting a good chick, it seems
I was too obsessed with the former to not realize I already had the latter. Now I want to kms for being such a fucking piece of shit

>> No.25865197

I got a good chick bit I'm broke. Let's help each other out fren

>> No.25865334

>autism english teacher gets married to woman he can't communicate with
many such cases