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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25850531 No.25850531 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else surprised at how easy it is to make tons of money in life? once i started giving a shit it was really fucking easy

>> No.25851464
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tell me how pls i dont wwanna be poor anmore :DDD

>> No.25851488

>sirs id
smells like curry in here

>> No.25851507

Buy 0Chain

>> No.25851562

True, bought bitcoin at 20k in 2017 and now I’ve doubled my money and can retire for the rest of my life

>> No.25851589

yep its really fucking braindead easy. im autistic and shit and making thousands it takes just a couple days to learn to make bank

>> No.25851659

Thousands of anons aimlessly put large amounts of money in investments they didn't understand.
At least 2 or 3 profited from doing this is a big way, hence threads like OP''s.
You will probably be part of the 9997 anons who do this and lose all their money.
Not necessarily a skill issue. Just a matter of the survivors seeming special or skilled because they were part of the inevitable few who statistically won't lose by randomly gambling.

>> No.25851679

What you doa non? Trading crypto or you opened a business?

>> No.25851711


>> No.25851835


A big epiphany for me was when I started meeting rich people and realized a lot of them are not particularly intelligent.

>> No.25851863

Stop watching anime. That will solve all your problems.

>> No.25851869

start giving shit anon

>> No.25851892

lurk more

>> No.25851905

yes i spent all of 2017 and 2018 in wonder about how the crypto markets work but i luckily found an indicator that i'm pretty sure is being used to power the most prominent trading bots because i can accurately predict the short term movements with over 90% accuracy and finally started trading with it. will develop a trading bot that does it eventually but it's a lot of work to code the logic that i use in my autist brain

>> No.25851911

I wish I was afucking anime girl

>> No.25851983

pls share fren

>> No.25852233

Just the truth senpai. You disproportionately see posts from survivors which gives you your warped view of reality. You might even be one of those random survivors yourself.
Sort of like how you can have a lottery where the odds of winning are both very low and yet also there's a 100% chance one person somewhere will win.

>> No.25852280

Except, what makes you think it was luck or random?

>> No.25852334

seething nocoiner

>> No.25852374
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The rules to make it never changed since humanity existed.

>> No.25852390

This. It's a zero sum game.

>> No.25852578

I worked hard and got some money when bitcoin was around 4k a while back in '19, i managed its ups and downs without leverage and i ended up making around 10kUSD, to secure it sold it when it was around 11k back in october just to see it going up and up, i didn't get in to avoid being wiped out of what i got, i guess that now i'll get back at least i can see a correction and i can work with it, maybe you won't be able to make a killing right away but trying your best and not giving up while being cautious will eventually get you there

>> No.25852648

It's just easy because you're a 4chan user, which usually means highly educated, single, no children and little to no friends.

>> No.25852659

because youre a biztard

>> No.25852763

Good point indeed. Yes, well, if you like, I can speak more /biz/ like to make you comfortable, faggot.

>> No.25853019

This. Half the wealthy people I’ve met are essentially morons, but they really wanted money and kept trying to find ways to get it. A lot of the smart people you meet are concerned with discovering truths or finding meaning, but that has little to do with making money.

Consider a statistic:
Approximately 12 million American households are “millionaires”. This statistic is supposed to exclude real estate and retirement accounts. There are about 255 million American adults as of 2019. If you divide these numbers you’ll find that about 4 out of 100 adults you meet could be millionaires. Those chances actually increase if you divide by the number of households (122.8 million)

Supposedly there are about 1.3 million American households worth $10m+, so the chance of meeting one of them is about 1/200.

>> No.25853164

I know right. The boomer hard work long hours mindset is holding many back, when you break free from it and see the world for what it really is then everything clicks.

>> No.25853180

Depends where u live...

>> No.25853227

>4chan user
>highly educated

>> No.25853237
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It's weird. When I was 18 I considered the $800 that I had in my checking account to be a shitload. I couldn't imagine losing it all. Now just 6 years later I spend $800 without even second guessing myself. $800 to me now is like a dollar was then.
It just feels bizarre how I spend the first 18 years of life barely scraping by thinking $20 was a decent amount of money then suddenly I'm dropped into adulthood and I have money that would make 18 year old me shit his pants.

>> No.25853249
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>4chan user
>highly educated

>> No.25853298

You mean since 1926 when that book was written

>> No.25853313

To be fair half of 4chan users are highly intelligent and educated the other half are drooling retards which is interesting since usually it's way worse regarding retards on any given gathering

>> No.25853329

>t. lost all his money degening into biz pnd shitcoins

>> No.25853338
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Checked and kek'd

>> No.25853697

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand /biz/. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of shitcoin cycles most of the jokes will go over a typical poster's head. There's also Ranjeet's optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from rugpull literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these scams, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike /biz/ truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in anon's existencial catchphrase "That's a man" which itself is a cryptic reference to gender in the photo. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as anon's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them.

>> No.25854241

Tis a true delight to gaze upon a befuddled, coinless buffoon who gimply grasps for meaning within the million folds and layers of /biz. To see them struggle, like toddlers playing with puzzle pieces, as they wander through the labyrinthe of crypto-crumbs, holding a feeble lamp that barely illuminates the path ahead... forever lost in a dark and endless tunnel of intellectual confusion. Just the thought of a hapless non-channer churning their milk mind over and over for solutions to a problem they cannot comprehend spreads a grin across my face stretching from ear to ear. I pity them too, fren.

>> No.25854745

Well meme'd sir

>> No.25855013
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I too wish I was fucking an anime girl.

>> No.25856003
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>The rules to make it never changed since humanity existed.
so.... buy high sell low?