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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25850968 No.25850968 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25851225

Why the fuck aren't Western countries doing this to social media platforms and making them a utility?

Actually scratch that, it's all fucked no matter what angle you look at it

>> No.25851307

That sucks though. I actually really admire him and his spirit

>> No.25851330

>Elon becomes the richest man in the world
>Jack ma "disappears"

Alibaba Intellgeince got him.

Also, fuck Elon.

>> No.25851368


>> No.25851455

Yeah I mean its pretty clear private companies have far too much power and social media is beyond just catching up with your grandma. The problem is that the alternative isn't great either because then that's state censorship. There's no good solution

>> No.25851471
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>> No.25851482

may god protect glorious Xi

>> No.25851486
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>> No.25851578
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>Western capitalist cucks have sold their nation out so they can wealth transfer to a communist country that will kill your ass and take your stuff if you make them butthurt

The commies were right.

"the capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with"

>> No.25851621

Reminder that net neutrality died under Trump's FCC.

>> No.25851647

Hope our billionaires wise up and recognize they Are now on a game board where they are pawns rather than kings.

>> No.25851743

>capitalists sell you to the communists to increase gdp
>communists will enslave then kill you at their discretion

>> No.25851757

Reminder the “net neutrality” act trump opposed was as good at keeping the net neutral as the patriot act was at keeping patriots safe.

Endless reasons to criticize trump, this is not one of them.

>> No.25851823


>> No.25852069

the chinese economy is an unsustainable bubble. They're a drug addict the west is their dealer who is about to cut off the supply

or at least that's how I could cope with the self sabotaging foreign trade policy the west has had for the last few decades.

>> No.25852084


>> No.25852150

>the government nationalizes a social media platform
>it turns to shit and all users flock elsewhere
Great plan

>> No.25852174

>If your still alive at 56 it is your country's fault

>> No.25852239


>> No.25852294

>talks about capitalism and communism when the real subject is megacorporations

>> No.25852344

this group of companies manages the shipping logistics for 100s of billions of people.

>> No.25852345

Daily reminder NEVER to buy stocks in authoritarian countries.

>> No.25852362

>100s of billions

>> No.25852420

Megacorporations brought into existence through the propagation of a massive welfare state and oligarchy

>> No.25852445

based and redpilled

>> No.25852449
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Official data from the CCP says it's actually thousands of trillions of people, sweaty.

>> No.25852489

chink society is based on guanxi, so nepotism and oligopolies are inherent to them

>> No.25852512

debased and communist propaganda pilled

>> No.25852534

ni hao wealthy chinaman!

>> No.25852542
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If ccp democrats take over usa, guess what happens to big tech.

>> No.25852586

>We named it net neutrality so it must be good

>> No.25852594

I think we both agree the west is the way it is because of communism-lite

>> No.25852599

you say that like twitter and facebook aren't already shit. people only still use these services because most other people already use them, it's the normalfag herd mentality. They aren't seeking quality otherwise they wouldn't be there in the first place

>> No.25852630
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Why do I get this "Forbidden or Private" since today on the 4chins and not the video titles? Is it just me?

>> No.25852692

Now do the Patriot Act.

>> No.25852704

Everything you buy on Amazon is really from Alibaba. They are sister companies.

>> No.25852731

...ccp democrats changing hands?

>> No.25852733

Now we know who the ones are hiding money in tether

>> No.25852748

In shit countries, people use them cuz fb offers free internet but only on fb. Ofc this is where tyrants typically enter power.

>> No.25852774

That's the point. Social media deserves to die in its entirety

>> No.25852780

the west is the way it is because it had to fight communism which is expensive. This will be the third and possibly final time

first one yuri bezmenov deception was my job
eisenhower farewll address
stealth war: how china took over americas elites
pence hudson speech
then caspian report videos on chinas geopolitics

>> No.25852784

>100s of billions of people
KEK. There's 1.4 trillion people in China alone.

>> No.25852796

>wanting to give telecom jews more ways to screw you over
cuck mindset

>> No.25852826

damn, i had no idea this was even a thing kek. no wonder so many third world shitskins are scamming on these platforms

>> No.25852853
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He was a fraud

>> No.25852891

Justin Sun next when?

>> No.25852896

If social media sites become nationalized in the United States, does that mean you can't be censored because it would violate your 1st amendment?

>> No.25852952

which are promoted, fed, and enabled by communism

>> No.25853001

Because kikes own the government and own social media. No point on making the relationship more complex. China is owned by the kikes (CCP was founded by kikes) but they're prepping Chinkna to be their new host, they're not trying to exit scam like they are doing to JewSA.

>> No.25853038

imagine being this much big of a redhat faggot

>> No.25853154

about the same way you can't be censored in San Francisco or NYC...

>> No.25853193


Not talking about any acts, just the policy position of Ajit Pai deciding not to do his job and hold ISPS accountable for treating all traffic the same.

>> No.25853363

Reminder Ajit Pai was appointed by Obama

>> No.25853377


>> No.25853469

Excuse me you're forgetting at least 400 trillion from the closest milky way ayys, our foreskin snacks one of the most sought delicacies in this side of the galaxy, we are just now hitting the perfect genetic admixture for the perfect wield taste and texture per child.

>> No.25853476

>Ajit Pai is the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. He was designated Chairman by President Donald J. Trump in January 2017.

>> No.25853785
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Anons, what are some good refiners that you can send recycled silver to have if cast into pure bars and assayed?
I searched old threads for the guy who buys cheap sterling off ebay, but I couldn't find the bars he posted.

>> No.25853902

not just you no

>> No.25853912

>noooo, you can't just prioritize low bandwidth uses over streaming
>nooooo, you're not allowed to charge companies who use your resources as the expense of the rest of the users

Back to r*dit with you, where your ignorance will be celebrated

>> No.25853940

And who got him into the commission again? Oh yes king nigger.

>> No.25854295

Only at Mitch McConnell's recommendation to maintain a politically-balanced commission. That's what we get for electing a compromising centrist like Obama instead of a real Leftist, I guess?

>> No.25854308
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He's literally just chilling in his penthouse and was told to lay low by the government.

>> No.25854457
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>Why the fuck aren't Western countries doing this to social media platforms and making them a utility?
Because communism doesn't work and communists deserve to die.

>> No.25854492

America isn't capitalist anymore, that's the problem. We're just the world's reserve currency overun with central banking.

>> No.25854575
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>> No.25854760

If you read some international news, you'd realize that he is taking part in that tv show in africa right now. China making his business theirs, was probably not even unexpected by him.

>> No.25854881
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Jack Ma BTFO’d, praise chinks, fuck your democracy

>> No.25855066
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Bezos is sweating

>> No.25855351


>> No.25855494

>Only at Mitch McConnell's recommendation
Both are part of the uniparty so I don't see how that matters.
>instead of a real Leftist
like AoC?

>> No.25856122

>right is communist now
oh boy here we goo

>> No.25856640

Why would you rope a man, before throwing him out of a plane?

>> No.25857180

jack ma, now as mr highway man...

>> No.25857570

4chan was a cool place before gamergate

>> No.25857756
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>person familiar with the matter
Damn...he's really RIP

>> No.25858392

It's very usual for politicians, scientists, businessmen or anyone actually to dissappear in China and come back after a while changing the their views that were crossing the lines of the communist party. It happend to Xi aswell in 2018.

>> No.25859165

Please Winnie, don't forget about Justin Sun and the scam that is Tron.

>> No.25859239
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What do you call that ideology again? Country Communism?

>> No.25859259

Aware me on Ant financial. Aren't they responsible for bringing US broker dealers into China?

>> No.25859370

what country are you from?

>> No.25859867

anon, i...

>> No.25860331

kek, has it occurred to you yet that one of the only checks and balances against oppressive internet companies is ISP's ability to throttle / block their websites, like what that small idaho ISP is now doing to facebook and twitter after they cancelled conservatives?

>> No.25860778

Has it occurred to you that if Facebook and Twitter were concerned about losing users, they wouldn't have banned users? That small idaho ISP is just playing the same game Facebook and Twitter are and it's still only hurting the same people: the end users.

>> No.25860853

is there a reputable source? all i see is curry nigger sources FUD

>> No.25861222

>there’s no good solution
Yes there is and it’s simple unless you’re 18 and don’t remember how these companies started you’ll very easily know what the solution is
>break them up
>spur competition
>reform section 230 so that companies engaging in the practices of big tech aren’t covered by this law
>regulate for more data transparency (users can know who’s subscribed to them, able to engage with their followers more and so on)
If you incentivize and legislate for the empowerment of people which is what these companies started from in the first place you very easily solve the problem

It isn’t that Twitter as a platform is ”powerful”, it’s that it’s allowed to censor its users, remove and moderate content, not be held accountable and be in a cartel to crush competition without backlash
THAT’S the problem

YouTube was amazing 8-9 years ago now it’s literally 1984 because the law lets it get away with it. Section 230 doesn’t allow this and it needs to be made clearer in the law. And had they not been allowed to be in a cartel where AWS shuts your servers, they pressure advertisers from your platforms and shit creating alternatives would’ve been easy, but now it’s impossible because if you try media labels you nazi, Amazon fucks you in the ass and Google + Apple remove your apps, so good luck challenging YouTube or Twitter

Plenty of good solutions and its in the private domain it just needs to be legislated and enforced

>> No.25861279

How will the rest of Chinese big business respond?
I doubt they would do anything public about it but I don't see them just taking the death of one of their own lying down, especially not when it could be them next.

>> No.25861465

Right wing Communism?
the technical term is Fascism

>> No.25861528

>The problem is that the alternative isn't great either because then that's state censorship. There's no good solution
Just make them beholden to the principle of free speech. Simple as.

>> No.25861621

If the left is turning into a reverse onions Nazi, that's the only option.

>> No.25861659

Tax the companies based on the userbase above a certain amount. Then allow free speech credits. Allows smol forums to be dedicated and prevents Big companies from censoring

>> No.25861786

>hey, you want to ban people for anything other than breaking federal or state law?
>oh, you want to add your own take to people's posts to contest them?
>okay, you're now legally classified as a publisher and people can sue you for your users' posts

>> No.25861819


Biden is going to deep throat Xi so hard in 2021

>> No.25862313
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What’s even more fucked is big tech is going balls to the walls on being in bed with China. If it’s any consolation, all these fucks are gonna suffer the same fate from the ccp.

>> No.25862324

Miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.25862362

>the shipping logistics for 100s of billions of people.
WHat the fuck off world colonies confirmed???

>> No.25862924

good that china are still communist retards who think nationalization is a good idea

>> No.25863819


>> No.25864000

Get fucked.

>> No.25864748

This man knows the solution. We just need lawmakers who aren't owner by big tech and are willing to do the right thing. Unfortunately I'm not too optimistic about that

>> No.25864784

I love you and you are correct.

>> No.25864792

Because we aren't brutal dictatorships? Here politicians would change the law and then if nothing happened sue the crap out of the social media companies until they complied

>> No.25864959

They don't need to go to that extreme
They just need to mandate that banning people is a crime and removing non illegal content is a crime.
Now, why won't they ever do that? Because they fully support the censorship.

>> No.25865235

RIP i always loved president Xi!

>> No.25865423

Unless there's a way to aggregate experiences of different platforms, social media will always trend towards centralization. Agree on YouTube though

>> No.25865532

>making them a utility
Twitter isn't necessary.

>> No.25865571

Low iq amerimongrels ngmi

>> No.25865634

>welfare state
You mean corporate welfare state

>> No.25866357

Nigga do you expect me to watch all this shit

>> No.25866486
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Reminder that the /biz/ approved Asians are Japanese and Koreans.

>> No.25866508

Jack does what Jack wants with Jack's social network

Therefore all social progress depends on Jack

>> No.25867109

Congratulations, you're starting to realize that right-wing "populism" is just another form of elite rule.
What we need is a political movement that is actually based in organized labor, but good luck getting there as long as most Americans are so hopelessly propagandized.

>> No.25867404

>"B-B-B-But mah private companies"
>Implying mega corporations haven't essentially become an arm of the government

>> No.25867434

>social media is beyond just catching up with your grandma
maybe for you, for me it has absolutely no influence on my life whatsoever. And I'm not a NEET either.

>> No.25867448

yet they don't affect me in any way. I mean whether the gov give them my taxes or keep them for themselves, it makes no difference to me

>> No.25868385

They turned him into pig ears for dogs to chew on.

>> No.25868399

Because those corporations own the government, not the other way around.

>> No.25868468
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