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25848454 No.25848454 [Reply] [Original]

My fucking 14 year old son wont stop bitching about crypto and asking me to make a coinbase account for him make it stop please

>> No.25848521
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I love Gawr gura!

>> No.25848550


>> No.25848553

I want to fuck this shark

>> No.25848573

> coinbase

>> No.25848581
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>anime weirdos have teenage children now

>> No.25848608
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your son want sex
you should find him nice girl that he can unga bunga penis in vagina

>> No.25848652

It's because I've been going into the Gawr Gura discord page for the past 2 months mentioning crypto.

>> No.25848654 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1736x2048, 1608865117097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Gura!

>> No.25848724

Yes find girl that look like this, introduce to son. He sex her, penis in vagina. Son happy, no need meme coins. He no become 4chan incel.

>> No.25848736

You have 6 hours to live

>> No.25848801

> he no become 4chan incel
Every day i wonder if it’s already too kate for that

>> No.25848841

Late* fuck

>> No.25848859

Well, if he become incel it your fault. Normal father, he make friend with man with cute daughter, get his son to fuck her in pussy. His failure, your failure. If he become incel, you must rope.

>> No.25848918
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You type like a pajeet.

>> No.25848963

IT's actually a great way to pump things, I find communities and mention the latest trending crypto and I make the market bigger.

>> No.25848971

It's ironic bro. But seriously though if you don't get your son some prime pre-teen pussy he will always hate you.

>> No.25849018

Take your med retard

>> No.25849062

Imagine if your son is on this fucking board right now. You should monitor your web traffic and see if he ever goes on 4chan, if he does then just menacingly ask if he has been on inappropriate message boards and freak him out. How old are you anon? It's crazy that some weebs have kids now.

>> No.25849235
File: 485 KB, 637x659, Senzawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have very good reason to belive this is what she actually looks like

(Gura was originally a creator called 'Senzawa' and liked posting selfies every now and than)

>> No.25849236

Also if he is 14 tell him to go get a job and use that money on crypto. That's how old I was when I started working. He needs this experience so that he 1- is respectful to minimum wage workers, (it really pisses me off when I see kids disrespect minimum wage workers) and 2- learns to not be dependent on you to buy him shit. He will stop asking for shit and buy it himself.

>> No.25849257

He get’s it off of dumb youtube trends so he’s safe for now. Considering blacklisting 4chan on the internet, though. I’m 34

>> No.25849262
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>He sex her, penis in vagina.
unprecedented levels of pajeet kek

>> No.25849284

She is equally as attractive.

>> No.25849302
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thats a man....

>> No.25849373


>> No.25849378

this site will liberate him, /biz/ for financial matters, /mlp/ for waifus, and /his/ for the humanities
likely larp

>> No.25849455
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>> No.25849542


>> No.25849640
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>imagine being old enough to have kidos and still spending your time on boards posting anime

The longer I live, the more I realize that this world is getting worser and worser, and there's nothing much you can do about it.

>> No.25849813

Here are some pointers from an 18 year old zoomer. These are things that I wish my parents had done differently. Don't allow any social media and discourage porn until he is older. He knows what porn is, just explain to him why he should stay away from it. Same for social media, demonize it. Here is a big one: if doctors try to prescribe him adderall, vyvanse, concerta, or ritalin DO NOT LET HIM TAKE IT and if he is already on these push the doctor to put him on strattera before he realizes what these medicines are and starts abusing or selling them. I am hooked on these prescription medicines now because my parents allowed it to be prescribed to me and were oblivious to their effects. Amphetamines are serious shit and should not be given to kids. Don't try to shelter him, make him independent right now. Most of the internet (and even 4channel (excluding the 4chan boards)) is not that bad.

>> No.25849851
File: 320 KB, 828x608, DA833AC4-86D1-45E4-9DD2-CB0CF7051F7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /his
> humanities

>> No.25849925

who are you quoting

>> No.25849969

Sorry, that's male.

I also wonder about Kate...

>> No.25850016

I wouldn't worry about 4chan too much. Most of the boards aren't that bad. Excluding /b/ /pol/ and the porn boards. Just tell him why to stay away from them and give logical explanations. Instagram, Facebook, snapchat, and tiktok are way worse than a tropical bird discussion board where people call each other retarded faggots. If you want to block the deep web, monitor the port 9001 on your WiFi and if you see traffic through it someone is using Tor. Familiarize yourself with wireshark if you want to figure out what he is doing. Allow him to explore the internet and think that he is not being watched.

>> No.25850135

Daily reminder that Hololive is for children (and Manchildren).

>> No.25850148

Make the kid an account and then cash out on him with your retirement money. He'll learn a good lesson on why you don't buy shit normies shill and also how he's just here so you have someone to pay for your retirement.

>> No.25850252

Your son: wants an early start on financial literacy and independence
(You) a shitposter posting anime sharks

>> No.25850315

Is it /biz/'s fault?
Does your son browse 4chan?

>> No.25850376

No proof

>> No.25850379

That's Bailey Jay

>> No.25850519

i unironically would (might) be rich if my parents let me buy crypto when I was 14

>> No.25850524

Yeah, I think he's larping. There's no way that someone so old would still post on this danish horse breeding forum.

>> No.25850660

I rarely do

>> No.25850768

>has a child
>thinks some one is a incel

Shit bros someone should tell him how children are made.

>> No.25850818

You better give that kid back to his parents

>> No.25851026
File: 281 KB, 1000x1350, 1610402405074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you will stop seeking attention here just because you feel lonely? I bet that these "I saw my granddaughter in tik tok" threads were yours too.

>> No.25851256

You’re wrong but we can pretend that i made those threads.

>> No.25851365
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>> No.25851712

give him back, tyrone.

>> No.25852395


>> No.25852490

kys virgins

>> No.25852515

Based caring grugdad

>> No.25852565
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1606685075984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine finding out your dad is an anime poster.

>> No.25852705

He has a lot of potential.
Imagine what wealth you could have reached in your thirties if you had started at 14yo.
He may even get bored of his latest game in a few years and decide to create the next gen ETH killer!

>> No.25852794

But does your favorite entertainment increase your faith in God and in Jesus?

>> No.25853044

Isn't it better to make his son into an alpha male who fucks every girl and makes them pregnant before leaving them for a new one, forcing them to find a beta provider to raise his children for free?
If your only goal is to increase your dna in the world limiting yourself to only 1 cute girl is very inefficient...

>> No.25853148
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>> No.25853344

they don't he just doesn't want to be called a newfag