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25840614 No.25840614 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25840634


>> No.25840663
File: 71 KB, 594x455, us-revenue-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The income tax system, formerly unconstitutional, always reprehensible

>> No.25840666


>> No.25840689

>live in someone's house (the us government)
>dont want to pay rent (tax)

You sound like a communist.

>> No.25840739

You're paying for the infrastructure and security so that you can spend your money at relative ease in that country.
Why don't you move to Somalia or another lawless shithole if you're so against taxation then?

>> No.25840767

No, unless you are obliged to, under penalty of law, pay for Pakistani gender programs without your consent.

>> No.25840817

>abolish all taxes
>bohoo why is muh infratructure not maintained

literally retarded

>> No.25840855

>the US government owns all land as its own fiefdom

>> No.25840858


The government doesn't own the country you absolute moron. They're temporary elected public servants and officials.

>> No.25840862

>paying to keep a military presence in over 130 countries around the world and teaching Pakistani's about gender theory leads to security

>> No.25840895
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>y-yes goy, that massive tax bill every year is going straight to roads, police, and fire services!!

>> No.25840905

>The government doesn't own the country

Are you retarded?

>> No.25840906

>4% of federal spending is on infrastructure
So fuck off

>> No.25840941

>or another lawless shithole if you're so against taxation then?
I'm moving to Singapore which is in fact, not a shithole.

>> No.25840944


The government is our representation, not the ownership, stupid fuck. We can reform it at will.

>> No.25840978

You don't own your land

>> No.25841011

>taxation is theft

One of the dumbest fucking ideas the right has ever conceived.

Taxation = society
no taxation = anarchy

really not much more complicated than that.
Especially when you consider the game of Monopoly, and that pure capitalism has its major flaw.

>> No.25841032

you can gauge how much theft a tax is by what it pays for. the better or more popular the thng is, the more theiving that tax is. i.e.
>property tax pays for schools
they made it pay for schools because property tax is literally just stealing from you, so no one can ever oppose property tax because OH MY GOD HES TRYING TO DESTROY PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!11!!11!

>> No.25841053

literal retard who doesn't even know who does maintenance on infrastructure

>> No.25841057

>he thinks the American government is meant to "represent" and "protect" us

I'm audibly keking, tell me more about this government lol.

>> No.25841075


The country owns the country. We designated an entity to administer that process. And entity that answers to us, allegedly. We are not our own countries.

>> No.25841120

Private companies via government contracts do the work, but who funds those government contracts.

>> No.25841122


It is meant to, I didn't say it was purely that way in practice. Government attracts tyrants, no doubt, but they don't own the country. When enough people get upset a violent overthrow is always on the table, where votes and appeals don't work.

>> No.25841145

read the constitution the government is meant to be representative and unintrusive. it is no longer that, but that was its intended purpose.

>> No.25841150

holy shit you have room temperature IQ
are you Indian?

>> No.25841164


A small % of your total annual tax obligation. Most of it goes towards welfare and the military (welfare but with guns).

>> No.25841174

That’s why I have dual citizenship and spend half of my years in Puerto rico.

>> No.25841181

No, it's necessary so our great liders can have island parties w children

>> No.25841193

Amazon and Walmart should pay to maintain highways because they need them a whle lot more than I fucking do.

>> No.25841196

are you proud of overpaying for these contracts by involving a third party in the middle that does nothing?
you are a literal drooling faggot retard

>> No.25841261
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>US budget
>16% bombing sandniggers
>30% paying for obese boomers treatment
>30% gibs for niggers and spics
lma0ing at your country

>> No.25841277


>> No.25841300


Yours is the same just half the military budget

>> No.25841306

if you do not follow the will of the people, yes. dotr when?

>> No.25841328

>When enough people get upset a violent overthrow is always on the table, where votes and appeals don't work.
Are you serious? Your country is already under foreign occupation, where is the "revolution"?

>> No.25841363

That wasn't the question

Yes, but the government is owned by large businesses so that will never happen

I am apart of a company that profits off these infrastructure projects, so yes

>> No.25841373

If it werent for the government i would just pay a private contractor for those things. And I would be able to choose which one I wanted, instead of being forced to use the government-approved one.

>> No.25841386

yes, if they cannot justify what they spent the tax on then yes, its theft... if you dont agree with what they spent it on, such as mass migration and giving it all over to mother fucking lazy piece of shit niggers, then yes, its theft

>> No.25841389

lets hear your argument.

We dont need government?
or hospital care and ambulences
or firemen
or police
or infrastructure maintenance?

Or should they all be private companies that we throw out monthly pay check at to keep in business?

>> No.25841418

more like 5x less but I agree that paying for old people healthcare is retarded and should be stopped. Since most of them can't be bothered to lift a finger about it themselves.

>> No.25841428


No it isn't. Can you discuss like an adult please.

>> No.25841461

I pay a county tax and the city I moved to 7 years ago still has two major potholes on a county road, right in front of the entrance to the largest employer in the state, where I work. If I'm paying taxes for roads, they sure as fuck aren't fixing them.

>> No.25841470

I'm guessing the education segment goes to federal student loans? Why is transportation 80 billion when our roads are shit and we are behind in high speed railways. If we reduced military spending would we be fucked by Russian or China in a few decades? how would you guys modify this spending

>> No.25841472

Yeah, who would build the roads, amirite?

>> No.25841478

>ad hominem

>> No.25841490


20% of Americans are already on some form of welfare. With the way we like to outsource jobs out of existence and stick the chaff on welfare we're in a death spiral where 1/3rd of this country will be welfare queens, 1/3rd actual workers, and 1/3rd white collar service """""""""""workers""""""""""" who really just browse reddit all day. Our democracy will be permafucked as welfareoids exclusively vote for a bigger state.

>> No.25841504
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Now imagine how much you're being underpaid to make another person profit. At least taxes serves a greater good.

>> No.25841592


Make cuts all over this place. Abolish SS and replace it with a voluntary alternative to work 401ks.

Ideally the federal government primarily oversees defense of the country and basic national infrastructure, this was their original role and it should return to that. State governments should handle domestic matters like welfare, and then we would have better options and accountability.

>> No.25841603

Taxes do not serve a greater good.

>> No.25841635

Not really considering I don't pay them

>> No.25841673

almost forgot about education and military.
Ah military the biggest welfare program we have.

>> No.25841682

You will own nothing and be happy
You will eat the bugs
You will take the drugs
You will stop the hugs

>> No.25841746
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>> No.25841804




>> No.25841826

Get back to me on that when your home is on fire and you don’t have money to pay the private fire company. Or when your kid needs education.

>> No.25841845

What if you lived somewhere else, but still owed taxes due to holding a green card?

>> No.25841852


Why doesn't the U.A.E. tax income and they're rich?

>> No.25841906


Humans can create quantum computers I'm sure they can solve life without taxing income.

>> No.25841973

I love retards going against the government because they can’t really grasp how desperate the situation would be without it. There is a reason why humanity has slowly evolved politically into this current landscape of democracies and taxation.

I trust more the organic evolution of humanity over some LARPers who think they’ve got it all figured out

>> No.25842007

man I don't think SS cuts are likely because it's political suicide. I've seen people propose ubi while removing SS but Im not an economist so I don't know the exact implications of that. thought I'll say that if ai keeps taking jobs we're gonna have to throw some neetbucks at people

>> No.25842044

this retard literally took those numbers from The Sovereign Individual
20% returns over 40 years already sounded ridiculous in the late 90s, and it sounds even more ridiculous now
didn't even attempt to pull out a calculator and make some rational sounding stuff of his own using the same principles. just copypaste the shit like the down syndrome mong you are

>> No.25842048

taxation is a thieft when the state ponctuate 60% of what you earned by direct and indirect taxes
At least that's how much we pay in my socialistic shithole

>> No.25842051

yeah there's a good way and it's called a consumption tax

>> No.25842053

5,000 years and counting on that one...

>> No.25842348
File: 41 KB, 317x500, The_Sould_of_Man_4a2ee5d2d0be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read nigga read

>> No.25842417

>not home-schooling your children or pooling your money in with like-minded parents for a decent tutor like people did for centuries before instead of relying on shitty public schools
It's not the state's job to educate my children. It's mine and mine alone.

>> No.25842539

US was created from the injustice of taxation without representation. How much do currently elected officials represent the public, when they continue to fund gender programs and boondoggle gov't projects?

>> No.25842612

taxes are necessary, but we are way overtaxed

>> No.25842651

He's right, revolt soon.

>> No.25842759

Thats called balance.

and balance is the ONLY answer in all of politics.

if you say "lol libtards" as if you believe liberals are dumber than conservatives you are part of the problem.
Both sides have big issues.
Both sides have retards.
(granted the right is leading at the moment in the age of trump)

If you want to think for yourself, you have to take each issue, Issue by issue, and can analyze the pros and cons.

>> No.25842770



Bitcoin needs to take center stage asap if our governments and financial institutions are too corrupt to care to fix things in a forward thinking manner. relying on 5,000 yr old systems isn't going to get us on Mars. We need innovation on every level possible to advance humanity.

>> No.25842799

Wow. They just drag it all off the plebs ENTIRELY.

>> No.25842835

Theft is a legal definition. The legal system is paid for by the government so no taxation is not theft.

>> No.25842851

Yes but it's still necessary.

>> No.25842876

It gets spent responsibly, kill self anti-Semitic piece of shit nazi incel

>> No.25842881

I think the common term is "legal plunder"

>> No.25842900


The UAE didn't get the memo and they living large.

>> No.25842932


Abolish all public welfare programs and gov't loans, and cut military by at least 50%. With the surplus of those funds, issue a UBI (about $25k/yr per "taxpayer"). If you haven't filed taxes, you don't get it the 1st year and must wait until the next year to apply.

Simplify tax code to a small (<5%) national VAT on all services and purchases other than food, housing, and utilities. A flat 10% income tax for any wages in excess of $25k (with no loopholes, exceptions, or deductions for kids, mileage, depreciation, etc). And then also a 2.5% tax on any investment gains realized in that year (stocks, crypto, real estate, artwork, etc - no deductions for losses).

That would generate roughly the same tax revenue we currently have while decreasing expenditures. Gibs quality of theft would dramatically decrease though.

>> No.25842945

>>abolish all taxes
>>bohoo why is muh infratructure not maintained
>literally retarded

The infrastructure has been shit for over a decade and the stupid fucking government of my city refuses to fix anything, so why the hell should I pay tax when they aren't even maintaining the infrastructure in the first place??

>> No.25843010

The government “represents” the owners. Youre a fucking dipshit, friendo.

>> No.25843013

>id is gook
Fuck off kim, take your commie bullshit back to leftypol

>> No.25843085

>no deductions for losses
to clarify, no realizing losses just to deduct from income. Total tax due on investments would be 2.5% of the total gains realized that year above initial principal (if two stocks were sold, and stock A gained 400, while stock B lost 450, tax bill due would be 0 for the investments category).

>> No.25843123

I like this. what does that make me?

>> No.25843146


>> No.25843151


>> No.25843174
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Don't care.

>> No.25843194

Also, based.

>> No.25843211

there will always be taxes if there is government. government exists to protect life and property, and to restrain evil men.

>> No.25843216

>all land is owned by a centralized power
>calls others commies
back to /pol/ faggot.

>> No.25843282

Cut welfare. It would force unproductive people to become productive or risk extinction. Either way, it's a win win. Less population means less spending in all categories, more productivity means higher GDP / more cashflow for the government

>> No.25843298

Income tax was put in to replace alcohol tax, during prohibition, by a socialist named Wheeler. After FDR got rid of prohibition, he kept income tax, because fuck you goy.

>> No.25843308
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>> No.25843325

I thought the US military was like 60% of total spending

>> No.25843329

I studied tax law. And when I was in university some judge specialized in the field told me that he couldn't find any legitimation for taxes. It just is. I have never forgotten that.

>> No.25843370
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Are you saying you wouldnt sodomize some sense into this girl? Shes legal now, you know.

>> No.25843399


Lefties will call the other stuff "non discretionary" and exclude it, like we have to fucking live with Social Security and Medicare as their birthright.

>> No.25843421

kek you can see exactly where world war one buttblasted Europe's economy

>> No.25843462

Except that federal government does have the responsibility to mobilize and solve "big problems"

You sit there somehow believing you're intelligent, because you followed the retarded orange man clan and got tricked into thinking "lol global warming isnt real" just like the corona virus hoax, right cleetus?

>> No.25843766


Their "solution" is more taxes for them, more regulation, and rewards for the "alt energy" companies they're in bed with and getting kickbacks for subsidizing, while China and India continue to pollute the planet to hell in increasing supply

>> No.25843833

Do things exist? What can we do about them? The disagreement among rational people is relative to cause and effect, not existence. You've been brainwashed w/ ad hominem into thinking this bit of politics is about is and isn't. But it's not. Go look up bezmenov, and then go back to first grade and learn something wise one.

>> No.25844020

Lol, a leading climate scientist that works for the biggest weather company in our country and a phd graduate came to our school and speedran all the info on climate change, and basically yes it's a problem since the climate change is so abrupt but it is easily solvable with the right tech and not as much of a problem as we think. The biggest problem will be coordinating the change of the weather with the tech, since some countries would want a warmer climate and others a colder one etc. This is referred to as geoengineering btw. A much bigger problem right now is the amount of chemicals in our food supply that mimick estrogen in the body, but the onions scientists will be late to acknowledge it.

>> No.25844042
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of course, because the opposite of central planning is another central planning.

>You sit there somehow believing you're intelligent

I am not intelligent, that's why I'm not trying to be a central planner, or voting for one, that will fix every problem in the world, as a central power as planning for another involves factors which are totally absent in planning for one's self

>> No.25844066

Idk why S O Y is changed to onions but ok.

>> No.25844215

Newfag. Opinion discarded.

>> No.25844252

I understand corruption and bullshit exists.
But you're speaking about 2 different matters now.
Necessity for this to exist is different then whether or not it operates well or needs adjustments.

it depends on the subject dude.
Global warming is settled science, as is this Corona shit.
If Big Gov says hey we gotta lower emissions 50%, then we have to play our part, and not play pretend retard time where a portion of the country just flat out denies its happening.

i understand that.
irrelevant to the bigger point.

Oh cool, so the answer is to not organize and plan and take on larger than local issues?

>> No.25844290

Probably lurked 4chan before you ever did, not degenerate enough to keep up with it. Just came back after Sam Hyde talked about crypto on ig.

>> No.25844461

income tax definitely is.

>> No.25844484

I agree governments giving out money to solve problems is obviously useful but Greta is fear mongering hard, climate change is not that big of a deal. She's obviously a pawn used to push for some god knows what policies by slimy people.

>> No.25844515

The butthurt over Biden (allegedly) stealing the election seems like a great way to start a tax resistance movement that could actually work. For those that believe the election was stolen, it's not a hard sell to convince them that an illegal government doesn't deserve taxes. Again, it doesn't matter whether this is actually true, the important thing is that a big enough chunk of the people believe it that the government can't put them all in jail if they don't pay taxes. Mass tax strike when?

>> No.25844549


>> No.25844597
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organizing is different from centralizing. we are on /biz/ where we are organizing and planning to take on the global financial system and replace it for a more clean, digital only, private, secure, decentralized one, and no one has ever been coerced to use bitcoin or other crypto

>> No.25844646

people like you are extremely common and thats why we are in the situation we are
you probably also think there’s no point in paying attention to the macro because it doesn’t affect you

>> No.25844689
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I basically pay taxes to have my truck fucked and pay storage fees after it is towed out the street. They did this next to a hospital entrance. This is in Chicago.

>> No.25844722

the entirety of science is about improving our model of reality, and being a model, is not something that is ever settled. don't be a church of science zealot anon

>> No.25844769
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Yes, because no one consents to taxation, or rather their consent is never taken into account. All justification for taxation is posthoc. It's literally a cope. The social contract does not exist; the tax system is simply forced upon you when you are born. And if you want to opt out it (leave the country), you have to pay a fee (exit tax).

>> No.25844782

>Global warming is settled science, as is this Corona shit.
It's settled science in the way the internal combustion engine was settled science in 1880. Fuck right, Fuck left. All gov't is unironically out for themselves. Figure it out before you become a new brownshirt.

>> No.25844789

"pushing it too hard" is a debatable subject when you talk about mass die off in a very fragile collection of ecosystems.
But pretending it isnt a very serious issue is anti intellectualism, purposely created and pushed by corporatism.
but believe me, i understand fear tactics exist on the left as well as the right.

i understand man, but you're talking absolutism.
The large vs small federal gov footprint is an argument as old as the US itself. Of course we want a good balance of it.

>> No.25844792

So you live with niggers and you're surprised?
If you live in any of the urban jungles in the year of our Lord 2021, im sorry anon, you're retarded.

>> No.25844869

You. Understand. The point.
To pretend its a large conspiracy created by thousands of independent top scientists is completely anti-intellectual.
I understand being contrarian is really cool in 7th grade, but reality still matters.
People like you start to actually believe that Newsmaxx and OANN is more accurate than CNN (despite its issues), then we have a whole laundry list of new problems in this country.

>> No.25844903

So tell me people do not close their positions?

>> No.25844976

not one ""person"" ITT questioned the retard math applied in the OP

>> No.25844997
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Taxation is only theft when they tax MY earnings.

>> No.25845039

you'd pay a private contractor to build a road system from your door to the local grocery store? damn anon that's gonna cost a lotta money.

>> No.25845098

It's hilarious to witness how uneducated /biz is within the financial sector. Your tax money isn't being spend on anthing, it is literally a money burn to keep a currency from experiencing hyper inflation. Governments do not need your taxes to pay for anything. They can print as much money as they need all day long, except it wouldn't be worth shit unless a decent amount evaporates each year.

>> No.25845129

What about creating taxable events to buy sell high and buy low
Wasn't the Civil War fought over those tariffs though?
This is bait

>> No.25845170

>he said, on a government powered electrical grid and internet structure.

>> No.25845172


>> No.25845176

conspiracy or not, you have to build your own network of trust of what and whom to believe because if you or your network can't verify the veracity of whatever information you've consumed then there's a pretty good chance it's misinformation or outright propaganda for someone else's gain

>> No.25845204

fucking filthy kike. you will bleed.

>> No.25845275

>60% is welfare
holy shit no way this is sustainable

>> No.25845344

>dude just give up your civilization cornerstones
retard alert. you have the same mindset of the "greatest" generation and boomers. AKA the reason cities went to shit and were handed to the niggers.

>> No.25845372

this is true, but the balance between reality and conspiracy is Strongly tilted to conspiracy in today's world for 40 to 60% of the country.
People are emotionally driven and geared toward false connections and conspiracy.

unfortunately what today's society needs the most is boring a s fuck voices like mine telling them that they have to be careful with the conspiratorial shit they believe in
that even though CNN are eye hungry entertainment sensationalist who are trying to make money, they arent a partisan machine built by the deep state to fight the hero trump..
Or that Corona isnt a made up hoax, or that the dems arent really a lizard pedophile network.

>> No.25845466

Make no mistake, welfare and social security will both collapse within our lifetime

>> No.25845627

Educate yourself biz

>> No.25845733

>Assumes flat 50% tax rate
>Assumes you save 100% of your income for 40 years so you can collect compound interest
Literally retarded

>> No.25845749

>where is the "revolution
The country has been burning for months, where have YOU been?

>> No.25845774

>raise taxes
>infrastructure still crumbling
>politicians make more money and live outside of the district they represent
Just pay more taxes, bro

>> No.25845806

Income taxes are.

>> No.25845818


Yeah ok goofy, they're still taking 30-40% of our money per year all told through taxes

>> No.25845865


DC has never been more of a palace on a hill removed from the rest of the country than now

>> No.25845892

No, because you get something in return. If you choose not to pay taxes then the state will visit violence upon you unless you know how to prevent that or can defeat the state. Most cannot. Those that can, choose to use the loopholes to evade taxes.

>> No.25845945

>he actually believes this
Yes, the Wolf pack does not own the forest it was merely democratically elected by all of the deer! It preys upon them at the deers discretion!

>> No.25845977

That's true, and the weaker the currency becomes the more taxation you can expect to get. So prepare yourselves as they have printed enormous amounts of dollars this year. But do also keep in mind that if they did not tax you more, your money would be worth less. So the system will fuck you either way, enjoy.

>> No.25846008


Yeah, I do. Governments are routinely disposed of worldwide once enough of the country is unhappy with them. Being the CEO of an organization doesn't make you the owner, even if you have the most power.

>wolves and deer

Nice analogy dumbfuck

>> No.25846013

No, see you ARE your own countries and you’ve been conditioned to believe otherwise.

>> No.25846062


Or you could you know, vote for and demand 1. less taxes and 2. less money printing. That's possible too anon. It might be a futile effort given the state of general public stupidity and apathy but it's not impossible.

>> No.25846076

No you racist, the civil war was fought over slavery

>> No.25846130

fag onions has autocorreted to onions for like six years now. you are new, you are fag, do not larp.

>> No.25846131

>the balance between reality and conspiracy is Strongly tilted to conspiracy in today's world
why wouldn't this be the case? societies are fundamentally built on trusting people you don't know to work in harmony with or at the bare minimum not completely screw each other. when you have a government that literally hates its own citizens and is doing everything in its power to replace them, why would any of the would-be-replaced believe anything coming out of that government or related entities?

in a general sense it certainly doesn't help that increased diversity in every aspect has a inherent negative impact to social trust, regardless of whatever the espoused benefits to the nebulous concept of progress

>> No.25846144

Humans lived before taxes. Taxes are a human invention and are unnatural. The Wolf is not taxed for being a Wolf.

>> No.25846227

Oh and where is your violent Revolution now? Two more weeks, right? Nobody is coming to save you.

>> No.25846298

That inevidably leads to the same conclusion. Less wealth. Wealth isn't derived from the government or taxes or infrasctructure or any of that. Wealth is derived from people actually working hard somewhere in the chain of events or capitalizing on resources that actually produce value. America is on a decline not because of its monetary system, but because the literal value of the land and its people is in decline. China and large corporations are taking over, because they produce more real value.

>> No.25846407


I didn't say the American people are at a point where they're prepared to do that, just that it's possible. The government is smart to only slam 1/3rd of the population with odious taxes, while letting the welfare queens and elites skirt by.

>> No.25846458

Yes, but it's unfortunately a necessary theft. Governments should limit spending as much as reasonably possible to reduce the amount of burden on its citizens
t. left-leaning libertarian

>> No.25846460

>quality of theft

>> No.25846505


Your logic is confusing. Yes, a freer market with less taxes, less regulations, and more market activity and productivity is going to produce more wealth. Taxation and inflation are just moving bills around. Regardless, taxes take money out of our pockets. That doesn't refute the central point of this thread you're kind of just deflecting to an entirely different dynamic.

>> No.25846588
File: 16 KB, 522x346, whatthefuckisthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxed 25%+ from paychecks then an additional 6%+ on purchases
>infrastructure is still shit and getting worse every year

>> No.25846605

It’s not possible. Look around you. Where do you see violent Revolution throwing off the shackles that oppress them? You don’t. Everyone is already enslaved and nobody is going anywhere. Even if you did manage to topple a government you would still be enslaved by the central bankers.

>> No.25846658

Money isn’t wealth. You need to understand this before you can understand how things actually work.

>> No.25846663

that doesn't even take into account the money printing inflation tax that goes straight into the market/banks. The real tax people pay is MUCH HIGHER

>> No.25846691


I don't know, history books. Open those up and learn some stuff anon. Power shapeshifts but it remains beholden to the masses ultimately.

>> No.25846715

>civil war was fought over tariffs

No lmao, it was slavery, tariffs broke the camels back though. Rich slaveowners sent the southern white man to die to keep niggers for cheap labor. The north was fighting because they lost all their raw materials when the south seceded. CSA VP gave a long speech about how the foundation of the Confederacy was built on the inferiority of the black man.

This was all about keeping the oligarchy in place, thats why all wars are fought.

>> No.25846746



You're annoying

>> No.25846764

Your way of thinking only works in the old system, when our currencies were actually backed by something scarse like gold. Now we actually have to make the currency scarse ourselves to prevent it from losing value, the best way to make it scarse is through taxation. Then redistribution at a slightly higher rate through government spending (about 2%) So my argument is that it is not theft.

>> No.25846772
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>pay high taxes
>infrastructure still not maintained

>> No.25846813
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Get rid of education (scholarships for niggers and women) and debt expenses (we're never ever going to pay it off so why bother), fuck both and you've got a whole lotta extra cash to actually fix the goddamn roads holy shit

>> No.25846838

The best capitalists may not be communist, but they are always marxist.

>> No.25846853

Maybe YOU should learn some history anon. How have those violent, government toppling revolutions played out? Look around you and tell me the results! I think you will find that we are all just as enslaved as we were then. You completely misunderstand the nature of power. Your petty dreams of violent uprising to take back control of the government are pure delusions. Even if you achieved such a goal you would be squashed or enslaved by the central bankers. As has happened throughout all of history. Maybe you should read more?

>> No.25846866

>Buy land.... don't pay taxes (rent) on "your property"

Govt evicts you until someone else pays to have the privilege of renting it.

Don't get me started on eminent domain.

>> No.25846864

The government can spend as much as they want, it just causes inflation.

>> No.25846941

>You make money
>government needs to take half and devalue what you have left every year
>the reason is: "make economy go"
>government prints more at anytime
>pretends it is ever underfunded

>> No.25846992

Don’t put words in my mouth. It is possible to break free but you’re looking at false solutions. You can either get 30% of the worlds population to agree to not take part in the system, which will cause its quick collapse, or you can simply kill all of the central bankers. Or you can join them too! There are other solutions I have not thought of, I’m sure, but these are the ones that come to mind. Don’t get mad at me for pointing out that by changing the government you change nothing of importance

>> No.25846998

Some is some isnt

>> No.25847063

Yes. Unless you have allodial title you do not own your land. And then even if you do, if you cannot defend it then it can always be taken from you.

>> No.25847781

Based and hypocrite pilled

>> No.25847921

1) They do charge tax on many areas, just not as much and not for individuals.
2) They have so much oil that it's not comparable to most other countries' business model.
3) They are not living particularly large, anyway. Their HDI is lower than most western countries, and the inequality higher.

>> No.25847982

It's either taxes or we go the cyberpunk route and have to pay private corporations for stuff like police, healthcare, road infrastructure, city lighting.

>> No.25848066
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>> No.25848212

taxes are good, unless its me paying them.

that's my honest opinion i am not memeing.

>> No.25848400

breaking news retard: the grocery wants to sell products. so it would be more lucrative to have a way to connect your consumers to you. why do you think they have parking lots for example.

>> No.25848468

No those are run by private companies. They are approved by the government. I would prefer to have some options.

>> No.25848508

Same, unironically.

>> No.25848531
File: 95 KB, 826x806, welfare done right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is very easy to achieve. Vasectomy on men who slip and have a 2nd child.

Why are we not forming a movement to reform welfare like this? I am trying to achieve this IRL, because I am not a cuck. But why are you not? Are you weak?

>> No.25848718


>> No.25848811

Your "reasoning" literally sounds more communist than it does anti-communist.

>> No.25848826

>voting matters

>> No.25848901

Yes, but the govt is too inept to collect anymore

>> No.25848948

based and selfish pilled

>> No.25849029

those $50 billion for "international affairs" probably all go to israel lmao

>> No.25849114

Ah yes, banning taxes. Because we want to make the gilded age look humanitarian.

>> No.25849221

If there were no taxes, there'd be anarchy and your community would pool some money together for a fire service and a police force. Then they'd realise the fire service can't respond to a fire with shitty roads.
You see where I'm going with this.

>> No.25849359
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Stop it man I'm dying over here.

>> No.25849473

Go to bed, sleepy Joe

>> No.25849490


Read the thread dumbo

>> No.25849540

Yes. Absolutely nobody has the right to my wealth except me.

>> No.25849547

>muh roads

>> No.25849554


You're a communist, stop dancing around with distracting stories about how tax cuts are futile because of inflation and revolutions/depositions are impossible as well

>> No.25849573

Taxes are essential, but are also still way too high for most people and not working properly.

>> No.25849646

read this faggot https://falkvinge.net/2017/03/01/a-simplified-taxless-state-a-proposal-part-1/

>> No.25849647

Yes just like how the community has to unite all their savings to get food inside a grocery store

>> No.25849745

Anti taxation is anti blackness. Please think about POC you fucking racist.

>> No.25849911

Anti taxation is anti-trump, because most of his supporters are lower class people who need food stamps and social security/welfare

>> No.25849918

No. Fuck them they can all die.

>> No.25850215

No, but most taxes are still shit. Income and transaction taxes stifle the economy and productivity - they're used so heavily because they're easy to calculate and collect.

>> No.25850320
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the best part is that embezzled, measly fucking 4% is their justification to why they're entitled to the other 96%

>> No.25850344
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>> No.25850395

This is the most common answer amongst brainlet cucks. You think taxing people's earnings is the only way to pay for all that infrastructure and security OP?

>> No.25850480

Fake and gay.
Income tax is fucking theft. Stop being a coward.

>> No.25850509

Republican voters ≠ Trump Supporters.

>> No.25850600

Consumption taxes > income tax

Now what nigger?

>> No.25850771

Republicans and their party are irrelevant and have been since 2008.

>> No.25850839

Thanks for reminding me to not announce my holdings

>> No.25850922

>4% veterans benefits
Thats a bullshit chart and it doesnt include the fucking BLACK amounts that just vanish from the budget

>> No.25850988

If there were no taxes the local councils would make up the difference via rates.

>> No.25850996

>I trust more the organic evolution of humanity over some LARPers who think they’ve got it all figured out
sounds exactly like an argument against government, dumb motherfucker

>> No.25851063

>so why the hell should I pay tax when they aren't even maintaining the infrastructure in the first place??
This is the worst fucking thing about all my taxes being taken, my local county has shit roads yet somehow they had the money to build a brand new $180M county courthouse and now they're telling us the new courthouse is behind schedule and going to cost 20% more than expected.

>> No.25851259

Most wolves are essentially taxed (and cucked) by the alpha breeding pair and their offspring

>> No.25851267

>Global warming is settled science,
Freeman Dyson begs to differ, go fuck yourself the sun is the primary driver of climate on the planet and the relation between co2 and temperature is fucking logarithmic

>> No.25851408

>I trust more the organic evolution of humanity over some LARPers who think they’ve got it all figured out
wouldnt that mean you trust the free market more than government bureaucrats?

>> No.25851638

at the pinnacle of the roman empire you had access to the highest/safest standard of living for 0.5% tax rate annually

>> No.25851695


.. those are Trump voters. "Supporters", by definition. Did you think the hordes of brown people in Detroit counted as rich?

>> No.25851833

>nooooooooo, but that's not socialism, thing about the innocent boomers without their 3k monthly pensions

>> No.25851931

States keep things afloat, specially capitalism.
You wouldn't have modern structure without the stability good states provide. Crypto is the living proof of that. The only descentralized "currencies" have long proven that they are too volatile to be useful as currencies, so the goalposts have shifted (and it's now "digital gold").

>> No.25852474

It wouldn't be if they actually spent the money on things that benefit me.
Instead, it's used for corporate welfare, military subsidies, forcing globohomo down the world's throat, and bribing the impoverished into not burning down the country for leaving them behind.