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>> No.25839662

Final call for the GHIV train.

>> No.25839696

How do we feel about SNDL boys? Are we high?

>> No.25839704
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>> No.25839709

Chuu-chuu motherfucker

>> No.25839713
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I come on behalf of who I love.

MARARIOT it dying. Her life in now bound to the fate of The Coin

>> No.25839732
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>former house rep makes SPAC
now this is podracing

>> No.25839741
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Take a knee for fellow bobos.

>> No.25839744
File: 35 KB, 640x646, 15D4F307-6392-4A3F-B4F8-358E336C282B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fudder last thread really pissed me off. I've only had two picks: GHIV @11/12 and BTWN @13.

And they're both about to wake up.. I have only made anon money

>> No.25839774


>> No.25839784


>> No.25839807

>XOM keeping my portfolio from being a complete dumpster fire

Thanks Oil Chads.

>> No.25839810
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a balanced portfolio

>> No.25839823

Do I dca ALPP or BILI calls (165/June)?

>> No.25839842
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 23572346-2B32-4B61-9691-C21F2BC91141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MARAuders unite!

>> No.25839858

I sold, waiting for $0.7 to buy back in

>> No.25839860

I sold half my fucking RIDE this morning and now it's up 20 percent I'm so mad

>> No.25839881

Why is this pumping

>> No.25839895
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Should have sold on Friday.

>> No.25839900
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What the fuck is AT&T's problem?

>> No.25839907
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Shows up as RAACU for me. I have done 0 DD on this, purely a corruption/nepotism play.

>> No.25839912

BCRX anon?

>> No.25839939

>I have done 0 DD on this
Based. I’m in.

>> No.25839943

Someone explain how a positive PEA for a mining company wouldn't move the stock upwards. (manganese play here)

Have you ever seen it go down on a positive PEA or PFS? I haven't.

Inb4 same picture is posted

>> No.25839966
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I'm getting fucked today /biz/
In a good way

>> No.25839969

Debt and huge divvy pay out. 2021 is a comeback year though people will cry they didn’t buy more under $20

>> No.25839989

look at their debt

>> No.25839997

I didnt and yes, it lowered my profits, but I am daytrading it like a madman, already back to fridays stats (that means I am +20dorrar in MARA only tho)

>> No.25839999
File: 194 KB, 1592x892, BCRX upcoming milestones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just upped my share size in BCRX from 500 to 1000

am i gonna make it?

>> No.25840006

Lmao @ you if you didn't sell on Friday

Use your brain and stop being so greedy

>> No.25840043
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what's the play here lads

>> No.25840070

why did MARA dump? they seem to be recoovering pretty nicely to be fair, breaking through the HoD

>> No.25840073

Feb 18th 35c I’ll ride this bitch to the ground

>> No.25840077

>big tech companies shitting the bed
>market overall roughly the same as it was on friday

I don't understand how market points work.

>> No.25840080

Should I buy more GHIV tomorrow? I'm currently holding onto an AMD BULL X5 certificate and planning on selling tomorrow.

>> No.25840090
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>The weekly 24c I bought at open is ITM

>> No.25840092

Fucking direct tv and stupid debt

>> No.25840100
File: 326 KB, 735x692, 1608910059441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont listen to him anon youve been right all along.

t.strapped in with 10k worth of GHIV calls

>> No.25840113



>> No.25840115

Cant you just do a venture capitalist thing with spacs put money into all of them and 20 percent moon, 70 percent do mediocre, and 10 percent crash? And still make money?

>> No.25840118

>why did MARA dump?

>why am I retarded?

>> No.25840121

both MARA and RIOT basically copy BTCs every move

>> No.25840134
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>buying anything except pharma

>> No.25840158


>> No.25840174
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You guys missed the steel boom. Don't miss the soya boom. SOYB, be the CLF Chad of soya


>> No.25840177

I'm with you on that GHIV ride anon, you did right.

>> No.25840186
File: 214 KB, 359x367, internal_screaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody tell me that selling clsk was the right thing to do

>> No.25840200

buying SQQQ tomorrow.

>> No.25840202

not the BCRX shill, but own 1k shares now, JPM conference is on wednesday the 13th. buy the rumor sell the news as they say.

>> No.25840206

Mirror of btc

>> No.25840213
File: 68 KB, 699x485, retarded-pepe-5820009b9ab78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now when crypto is no more relevant when will stock market crash?

There is a fucking pandemic going on and somehow everything is at ATH.

>> No.25840216

You'll be waiting for 6 days to find out

>> No.25840217

BCRX will give you a guaranteed solid minimum 1,000% annual gain simply by virtue of being a pharma stock

>> No.25840245

I think he would tell you to hold and then something about six more days.

>> No.25840255
File: 15 KB, 779x423, 2020gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will we ever have a year like 2020 again? I know many of you guys had better performances than this but I feel like we won't ever have these types of opportunities again in our lifetime

>> No.25840263

Also there's still time to get in on the EDIT pump if you guys want in, better buy fast though
$100 EOW

>> No.25840266

Today’s been gay.

>> No.25840270

Didn't you hear? Biden basically cured the pandemic when he was elected.

>> No.25840290

Pls answer

>> No.25840298

it's cheap, im fine with gambling $7k on it, hopefully it works out. im not greedy, i'll be out whenever it pumps significantly, but i can wait if necessary.

>> No.25840306

2021 is the year of the small caps, buy growth stocks under $30B mcap

>> No.25840311

Gentile tier gains, how can you not even 10x in 2020?
Only if you made stupid calls and holds.

>> No.25840338
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>I know many of you guys had better performances
hhaha y-yes much better

>> No.25840340

>mwf FOMO’d TSLA

>> No.25840351

nobody does. Thats the biggest meme of them all, just react to the market and you will be all green lmao

>> No.25840356

Sell at $120 is what I'd do, I doubt it can go much higher than that.

>> No.25840358

>Pompeo and Trump to talk
I can't wait for the markets to pump

>> No.25840363
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guys, I am positive with my Tesla puts, I broke the Matrix

>> No.25840368

i have 500 shares but i am reluctant to sell out of my other positions to buy more (for example i also own RIDE which went up 20% today and stocks like TLS and NET, cant bring myself to sell)

i have read the whole new corporate presentation it looks BULLISH AS FUCK. this always happens there are always too many stocks to buy. i'm just gonna hold my 500 shares. you're do well out of your 1000

>I think he would tell you to hold and then something about six more days.
based. then i will wait 6 more days. he'd... he'd like that....

>> No.25840377


>> No.25840387

do i buy this bili dip?

>> No.25840389

Is anyone doing GTE calls?

>> No.25840390

>Not putting wojaks face floating in the soup in the last image

>> No.25840399


>> No.25840411

2023 after the civil war and war with china leave the NUSA debt free to spend itself into oblivion one more time.

>> No.25840413

buy EDIT you retarded goys
last chance

>> No.25840417

Get fucked idiot lmao

>> No.25840438

You will make 9999% profit

>> No.25840442
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>> No.25840455

In 2020 or 2021? It's going to peak at $1,400 and dump to $200 then crab for a decade.

>> No.25840469


>> No.25840493

I had been waiting to jump into the stock market because of my boomer boss talking about it every day. Bought in heavy in March when the market went down 10%.

That dude just invests in meme stocks he learns about through random sources, insists 5G is the best play but doesn't know how it is different than 4G, and absolutely killed it this year.

>> No.25840494

>RIDE announces 100 THOUSAND+ pre-orders for their trucks

>> No.25840511
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you're really that bullish on it? care to elaborate more?

in return i'll give you a tip: buy SWBI and/or POWW. there's a storm a-brewin', that's for sure. next 1-2 ER's are going to be crazy.

>> No.25840514

pastaniggerkikes are the worst

>> No.25840517
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Yes i have a couple hundred but they havent moved in a month lmao

>> No.25840519

my sentiments as well
used to be that +10% a year was already amazing

>> No.25840528

good luck if they have the new variant, UK hospitals are completely fucked right now and we have an actual lockdown. some of our hospitals are having to ration oxygen now

i've got a ticket
a ticket to $RIDE

>> No.25840536

I mean I didn't, but I see why you did with how it was looking earlier.
I got in at a good level though so I think I'll just hold forever with the small amount I bought @$17 and see where it gets me

>> No.25840537

I'm considering buying TSLA calls at the end of this red/crab week

>> No.25840543

That’s mean, desu.

Last week. I sold a few months back and bought back in with the release that Musk became the richest man. I thought there would be a rise before dipping. It didn’t (yet).

>> No.25840545

Oh wow that timing sure is convenient

>> No.25840563

Most of you fucks will strongly disagree but in my books, $GTE will probably 4x AT LEAST from here. Their last quarter didn't look too good but good news might be coming for gte. Especially considering that they are not as heavily affected by the environmental policies as other NA companies.
Also remember, it's turning taps off is much faster/easier than turning them back on.

>> No.25840603

Thanks i bought and I'm down $20. My wife's son isn't going to be able to have dinner tonight because I can't afford it anymore. Hope you're proud if yourself.

>> No.25840606
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does anyone else own both RIDE and the Horse? because Horse owns 10% of RIDE, whenever RIDE moons it just drags the Horse up with it. pretty neat

>> No.25840622

>Pls answer
Okay, you assume it will be positive despite insiders not buying any shares in advance of the release. You also assume it's going to be released this week or any time soon when these plans can take forever to come out and the mine would take years to become operational. Their only press releases lately are trying to mislead investors through the EV connection they made up and they literally hired someone just because his brother works for Tesla on batteries.

Manganese X Energy is a shitty penny stock run by a scamming company regardless of what happens in terms of price or reports. If you manage to make money on it, it's solely due to luck and nothing else.

>> No.25840673
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Cygames stock when

>> No.25840701

Buy stocks, buy precious metals, buy crypto, buy guns and ammo, buy anything that holds value and isn't USD

>> No.25840707
File: 29 KB, 309x396, 20210111_204155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, I'm gonna take my WKHS
>To the old NASDEQ road
>I'm gonna RIDE 'til I can't no more
>I'm gonna take my WKHS to the old NASDEQ road
>I'm gonna RIDE 'til I can't no more

>> No.25840711

I'll keep that in mind. I bought some shares but calls sound alright too...

>> No.25840714

It's likely, there will always be crashes at some points in the future - if you just buy the crash you will do well. I think the amazing thing was the speed of the recovery last year, in terms of stock prices. I think normally you would have to wait a few years at least to see the +100% you did (which is great and don't let any larper here tell you otherwise)

>> No.25840719
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>> No.25840731

more like kusogames lmao

>> No.25840741
File: 22 KB, 229x220, 5F905A20-4221-4EFA-A4D3-0D37C40583E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MARA has climbed up 25% from open

>> No.25840743
File: 436 KB, 605x599, CE82F7D7-1D35-430C-AD5D-94C1002C2F4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, bought this morning
What are your positions

>> No.25840744

I'm bullish on anything pharma. Pharma is the new dotcom bubble, except it will never pop. You are GUARANTEED insane return on practically any pharma stock.

>> No.25840779

Ill see how this works out first

>> No.25840791

>You are GUARANTEED insane return on practically any pharma stock.
unless it fails to win FDA approval for the drug then you lose everything

>> No.25840793

shill me some tickers

>> No.25840807
File: 23 KB, 600x439, 7506B635-7C4B-4D3A-B274-583FBDA3D3C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be SNDL
>pre market +16%
>manages to close red

>> No.25840825

No, then you double down and buy even more cheapies and wait for it to skyrocket.

>> No.25840837

I sold half of my RIDE this morning at open
I'm so mad

>> No.25840838

How does Obama/Biden-care affect pharma? It has to be good right? But is it a blanket effect or does it only benefit the companies that get approved for coverage?

>> No.25840842

>CEO bought more shares two weeks ago
>The brother worked for this company before the TSLA brother joined tsla
>I'm not waiting for the mine to open, I'm waiting on the economic report
>I don't think it's misleading considering the connection and Elon saying they will use manganese

Thanks for the input though.

>> No.25840879
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>GME above 20

>> No.25840878
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>> No.25840892

>No, then you double down and buy even more cheapies and wait for it to do a reverse split and bleed out

>> No.25840902

Was anyone a big enough madman to buy calls on open?

>> No.25840916

>shill me some tickers
SOYB is what I'm in, it is an etf with pretty regular predictable growth and cheap calls.

>> No.25840939
File: 126 KB, 1177x1025, 5AD45B20-64F0-4C40-9636-DD0945E4A5C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw timed the GME dip again for the 10th time

>> No.25840950

clinical trials take forever you've got to wait for them to do a whole new study, so you're holding bags for ages

pharma is good but you have to sure about the company. there was that one pharma stock last week that lost 50% value instantly, cant remember the ticker

small pharma is risky, big pharma is almost as crabby as defence

>> No.25840955

Seriously BCRX anon, come out and talk about magnum sex

>> No.25840966
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Is Nio really popping the Tesla bubble? One fraud bubble gets busted by another fraud bubble?

>> No.25840969
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i have 250 8/20 2.5$ calls bought at .05 ea. Bought them as a meme but theyre still the same price lol

>> No.25840974

Did you lads remember to buy VXX and VIXY calls

>> No.25840977

thats not how you greentext

>> No.25840981

Right and then you buy even more and wait for it to skyrocket. Rule #1, number go UP.

>> No.25840994

heh me too, for the first time tho

>> No.25841020
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>up 3.2% today
>mostly from GME

>> No.25841027

Quick Donald tank the market so I can buy the RIDE dip please right now right now right now

>> No.25841029

>I like the color

>> No.25841038
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What pain, I'm green across the board.

>> No.25841042

I don't knwo ins and outs of options but I thought calls were for bullish movements? How is this losing you money?

>> No.25841049

buckle up coomers

>> No.25841063

The only thing RIDE has going for it is the small market cap and general EV hype. The Endurance is an overpriced piece of shit compared to its competitors that are coming online soon. Who the fuck would buy a $52,000 boomer truck with only 250+ miles of range when you could get the base 250+ miles Cybertruck for only $40,000 or a 300+ mile Cybertruck for $50,000?

>> No.25841077
File: 1.27 MB, 2500x3401, 7869DAB1-38D0-4600-A448-6CB58CE6E978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, hope these fuckers print for both of us

>> No.25841093

Picked up some sweet Mara at 21.30

>> No.25841104
File: 794 KB, 873x1185, ddiyxc0-5381f6ac-89bd-4ec5-942a-579a1f068fc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is CLF still a buy?

>> No.25841117

Fed will hammer interest rates back down. There's a certain level at which the DXY moons, the market crashes, and mortgages (and the banks that back them) go insolvent on a massive scale. They will not let it get too high.

>> No.25841119

I go to ETFs for pharma, there's no telling who'll make the drugs that actually get approved and who's just pouring millions into absolute dead ends of treatments

>> No.25841125
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We haven't even BEGUN to coom, Ryan Cohen is now on the board – and can start doing the media rounds to showcase his turnaround plan

>> No.25841129

Parler is suing Amazon.


>> No.25841138


>> No.25841157
File: 30 KB, 472x461, 1607460277216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck would buy a $52,000 boomer truck with only 250+ miles of range when you could get the base 250+ miles Cybertruck for only $40,000 or a 300+ mile Cybertruck for $50,000?
and guess who has money?
now you understand why the line goes up

>> No.25841162


>> No.25841171

Based COVID doesn't exist after January 20th, thats pretty McFuckingAwesome. Just like my QAnon mom said lol

Kind of like the last time Biden was vice president and he had the luxury to do zero shutdowns for H1N1 or even masks. The press won't give a damn.


Fuck my stupid life why do I keep wasting opportunities on buying fucking weed stocks?

Why does its options need to be so gay. Shucks.

>> No.25841184

Parler did literally everything wrong and was probably a honeypot

>> No.25841186

Good. These tech companies think they can make the rules now and ignore the constitution. They are going to get fucked if any semblance of American spirit still exists.

>> No.25841201
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Textbook cup and handle forming.

>> No.25841206
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>> No.25841210
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>snows in alabama
>market dumps
What was meant by this?

>> No.25841209

So CLSK is following BTC now.
However, it's slow to catch up to changes unlike MARA/ RIOT.
Can I do some babby tier leaning on daytrading on this?

>> No.25841220
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>> No.25841225

I do
Makes me kind of salty I sold half my RIDE this morning at open to buy more WKHS tho lmao

>> No.25841228
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>buy the dip as well as UVXY as a hedge this morning
>up on both

>> No.25841229
File: 57 KB, 875x492, teslachadtruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and low poly pilled

what wrap are you guys getting on your cybertrucks?

>> No.25841231
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Anyone thinking of leaving the US and retiring in the third world when they /makeit/?
Thinking of Brazil

Literally heaven.

>> No.25841234
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I swing trade so it doesn't matter to me, I buy low sell high.

>> No.25841244


>> No.25841249
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>> No.25841252

Hahahahaha finally that FAKE fucking DOGSHIT Crypto faggotry will all crash down to 0$
Literally no purpose of existing worthless retard catcher.

>> No.25841258

The fuck are you on about? It was one of the only legit possible competition for Twitter and Facebook, and so the tech cabal erased it from the internet. It's charge? Enforcing free speech. It's sickening.

>> No.25841269

RIDE design is more traditional muh big burger truck that boomers will like, TSLA design won't be popular among that crowd.
Also isn't RIDE getting them out to market much sooner than TSLA?

>> No.25841273

he sold calls.

>> No.25841289

IV crush or he has a higher break even?

>> No.25841297


>> No.25841299

look up nomad capitalist, he has a lot of good articles and youtube videos on how to accomplish that, and his company offers consulting services if you're serious

>> No.25841317

>The brother worked for this company before the TSLA brother joined tsla
This is false. Roger only recently joined this meme company, Jeff has been working for Tesla since June 2016 when they signed their five years agreement.
>I don't think it's misleading considering the connection and Elon saying they will use manganese
You don't think it's misleading to try to sucker investors into buying this company by referencing Tesla's batteries when EVs as a whole won't seriously raise manganese demand and it will always be a very slim minority of the business? They're literally scammers. The only reason why people would be interested this company is because they think it's an EV play when it's not.

>> No.25841323

Horse will probably do something similar soon dont worry too much

>> No.25841327

Since banks report earnings soon, you guys think any in particular that might be worth picking up? Either before or after earnings?

>> No.25841330
File: 104 KB, 1848x618, whatinthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have any of you guys seen this happen in forex before? I don't understand how CAD is consistently going into the red only for the price change to be above the previous tick

>> No.25841343

Oh that makes sense. Is there an advantage to selling calls over buying puts?

>> No.25841357

>WordPress site hosted on Amazon asking random people to take pictures of their ID
>relying on app stores instead of going purely web-app
>no Tor service
How fucking hard is setting up a Fediverse node

>> No.25841361

He acts and looks feminine, but you've got to respect the success

>> No.25841362

just bought into LMFA, how stupid am I?

>> No.25841398

Just bought a load of RIDE.

>> No.25841404
File: 38 KB, 808x805, pinko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is too tense, too much nerves, I'll just not look at the market and go do other things.

>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% up
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% down
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% up
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% down
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% up
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% down
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% up
>20 minutes pass, phone rings to tell me GME is 5% down

How do I make money without losing hair?

>> No.25841406

Oh shit I forgot, when do they start reporting?

>> No.25841413


>> No.25841421

he sold the calls. so if you think the stock will go up, you buy a call. the person who bought those calls from anon is making money as RIDE goes up $24

anon sold the call for a premium. if RIDE stayed below 24 he would just keep the premium. but it's above 24 so now he has to pay the anon who bought his call

>> No.25841433
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>> No.25841440

what brokerages should I use in Canada?

>> No.25841450

I'm just more concerned as an American about losing my freedom of speech than Parler being a good app.

>> No.25841458

Turn off notifications, go all in on GME, only check GME's price if cohen tweets an emoji

>> No.25841464

Original guy here, google covered calls. Basically even though the number is big red and scary, all ive done is lock in the premium the option purchaser paid me ($68) and guarantee to sell my shares (purchased at $19) at $24 if RIDE is above $24 on friday. Basically all ive done is miss out on like $300 extra gains. But oh well. Maybe ill roll, but i doubt it

>> No.25841474

i was thinking BAC just because i'd be able to buy more shares of it than something like JPM. i need to get in on this too. i'll probably be too late by the time i'm paid

>> No.25841476

just put forward my first thousand dollars into questrade to purchase my first stocks, just have to wait a business day or two. pretty stoked

>> No.25841484

you just hold

>> No.25841494
File: 217 KB, 1080x1440, trudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The budget will balance itself

>> No.25841495

CADUSD is not a trading pair that people use, you're probably pulling quotes from a garbage broker
you short USDCAD to get CAD/USD exposure

>> No.25841497

Move to America and stop guzzling moose semen.

>> No.25841499

I agree, but my criticism is that Parler being technologically illiterate retards has seriously stunted efforts towards corporation-resistent free speech

Distributed services and crypto are how you fight tech oligarchy, not fucking AWS hosted Play Store apps

>> No.25841505

I was gonna sell my GME right before close today but now I don't know anymore!

>> No.25841515

oh god buy tesla this is the only warning i'll give

>> No.25841520

Good luck questrade bro

>> No.25841532
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welcome to the clown market

>> No.25841534

They claim that they will start producing limited numbers in September this year, Tesla's Austin factory will be complete around that time and they will probably be able to produce more than Lordstown. Tesla isn't the only competition, most boomer truck buyers are brand loyal and would go with an electric F-150 or whatever over a company that is completely unknown to them.
Line goes up, I just don't like it as an investment.

>> No.25841550


>> No.25841556

Definitely hold now, the short squeeze is basically cancelled but the Cohen Turnaround is now 100% confirmed

>> No.25841574
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1609187069969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good dips to snatch today with Friday's profit from MARA and RIOT, bros?

>> No.25841630

That wrap will be a classic. I'm waiting for a Cybervan to live out of while I travel around and trade stocks. Maybe get a Starlink terminal to put on top.

>> No.25841654

GHIV calls

>> No.25841679

Roger has been apart of this meme company since 2016 as well, just as a board member. He was just recently put in as chair of the board to pump to the TSLA connection. I don't think it's misleading, no. If Elon says they are going the route of manganese then people will want to buy manganese stocks. Look at what happened on their battery day, manganese Stonks pumped. I understand there may or may not be a long term play. and like I say I'm not in it long term

I ask again, have you ever seen a positive economic report move the stonk down. I say it will be positive because of geological reports saying they are on top of the largest manganese deposits in na. Have you ever seen it go down on good news?

>> No.25841699

I bought MARA calls at open, but I sold already

>> No.25841700
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, IM SORRY XI PLEASE FORGIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they nationalized alibaba
holy shit

>> No.25841704

>AMD dropping down again
I just wish it would maintain its high for once.

>> No.25841709

he has been learning chinese magic from ping it seems kek
I'm getting it from tradingview, sorry I'm new but I've just never seen this happen in a currency pair before it was just spooking me.

>> No.25841750
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do it

>> No.25841749

I'm sure it will, it's crabbing real hard today for some reason

>> No.25841764

What does this even mean? I thought it was a chink company anyway?

>> No.25841793

They're not fucking over their middle class compared to the USA

>> No.25841798
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>> No.25841802

>it's real
fucking lmao holy shit sell your BABA now retards it's worthless

>> No.25841821

So it gets delisted and my shares drop to $0, right?

>> No.25841844

good governament takes control of bad company, something like Google Apple etc and democrats. but China at least makes that plainly obvious.

Standard practice in communists countries

>> No.25841849
File: 53 KB, 512x368, no hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already fell by 30%, how much worse could it get, as long as it isn't delisted?

>> No.25841860

Shouldn't you be selling off a little? I don't know if they are going to let you dump like 2000 options of the last day.

>> No.25841870


What, it is still pretty high

>> No.25841875

If you're serious about this, look at the manganese ore content from the core samples taken from Battery Hill(legit name, right?) and compare it to operational mines around the world.

>> No.25841876

Ah okay I understand, thank you.
>Tesla isn't the only competition, most boomer truck buyers are brand loyal and would go with an electric F-150 or whatever over a company that is completely unknown to them.
Yeah that's true and boomer brand loyalty is definitely stronger than younger competition will be, take your points. Afaik (and I may be wrong) RIDE still has getting vehicles out sooner as its advantage over boomer EVs though.

>> No.25841879

It being a chink company doesn't mean it wasn't a publicly traded one.
Now it's basically another arm of the CCP.

>> No.25841893


>> No.25841904

>head hurts when using ANC soiny headphones
How do I short Sony

>> No.25841912

If it gets nationalized, the ADR will be worthless and will be delisted.

>> No.25841917


>> No.25841931

believe, don't panic if you see red for the first little while, give them time to grow

>> No.25841937
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So they're nationalizing NIO too, right?

>> No.25841939

I've had them for 5 months now and this is the first time it happens, wonder what changed

>> No.25842025

>investing in China
when will they learn, take heed NIO bros

>> No.25842045

So what you're saying is $25 put 10,000 contracts?

>> No.25842054
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srac bros...

>> No.25842150

Puts will be worthless if there's no stock for the put seller to buy at the assignment. You'd have to short it.

>> No.25842179

i was $10 average about to get the ticker tattooed to my arse but feel the need to sit out this btc volatility...
selling is hard

>> No.25842204

You're wrong and stupid

>> No.25842219


>> No.25842228


>> No.25842246

>down 3% on no news
Meh? Buy more if you want I guess, or just ignore it for now

>> No.25842247

Sounds to me like you made a good profit anon, I really wouldn't beat yourself up about it; it could all come crashing down and then you'd feel vindicated

>> No.25842269


>> No.25842273
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DASH bros.

>> No.25842279

>CLF following the same daily pattern it has for months now
You should have listened to the tranny, stop fear mongering

>> No.25842289
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he's actually fucking dead

>> No.25842380
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>invest in chink shit
Niggas we told you even before the Luckin Coffee delisting to NOT invest in chinese companies. But you still wont listen.

>> No.25842383

$190 BABA puts will deliver $19,000 per contract upon delisting, anyone who says otherwise is a room temperature brainlet that has never traded options outside of Robincuck

>> No.25842405
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>> No.25842429

Does nationalizing delist?

>> No.25842459

Battery hill is the nickname. You didn't answer my question.

>> No.25842466

Can I get a for realsies on this? Cause I'm looking at contracts right now.

>> No.25842480

Whats the short float at? Shorts covered then?

>> No.25842491
File: 374 KB, 1125x1362, 7A303AC7-A809-4AE1-9A31-BC372BDCE429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s my fucking dollar aaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.25842499
File: 23 KB, 669x384, puge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're not in PUGE by now you're going to look real retarded on Friday

>> No.25842520

I have 1 Jan 2022 $40 put as a lotto

>> No.25842546

I already bought puts, don't care if you guys don't want free money, this is an easy trade even if there's only a 10% chance of it happening

>> No.25842565

No, shorts are still like 150% of float. But Cohen's agreement with the board prevents him from starting a proxy fight, which means no share recall. If anything the shorts will be slowly burned off in a Tesla or Overstock style melt-up. But the possibility of a sudden squeeze on a share recall is vastly reduced.

>> No.25842601

Why is the thread so dead

>> No.25842637
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when is CLF earnings? Also is the stock gonna bleed until then?

>> No.25842640

there's two /smg/ threads up atm

>> No.25842641

stocks and options are too high IQ for crypto virgins

>> No.25842642

theres another /smg/

>> No.25842653

Everyone who had MARA heroed themselves I guess.

>> No.25842655

Clf shills split the thread, check the catalog

>> No.25842661

>He wants us to buy on a +50% day

>> No.25842667

fucking tranny

>> No.25842697

nothing left to put money into for me, just waiting for stocks to go up I guess

>> No.25842714

I need more MONEY to buy OPTI and BFARF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25842731

Thanks for the update, I'll try to keep up

>> No.25842735

I did answer your question, I just refuse to spoon feed you when you've been a huge pain in the ass to deal with with your obnoxious and misleading shilling. You already wasted enough of my time.

>> No.25842740
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>> No.25842751


>> No.25842839
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Who /sold MARA on Friday/ here?

>> No.25842842
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I just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.25842871

fuck off

>> No.25842882
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line went down then line went up

>> No.25842892
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>> No.25842894

Cohen reached an agreement with the board of GME, Cohen is now a director and so are the former CFO and CIO of Chewy. ICR was cancelled because Cohen is throwing Sherman's dumb boomer plan out.

>> No.25842909

its going to keep going up until Friday when they drop their SPAC 8k

>> No.25842925

For all those that doubt RIDE. Think about it, being green is the new trendy thing, and even large construction companies are getting in on it, and construction companies need pick up trucks, well one many may start buying electric pick up trucks in order to have a green image and also transport stuff, just like how many universities have electric maintenance vehicles. Furthermore, many countries are outlawing cars that use fossil fuels and that will mean that getting parts and getting petrol for vehicles that use fossil fuels will become more difficult, which means at some point these construction companies and other heavy industries may be forced to move to electric trucks, and who has the most viable electric truck on the market right now RIDE. It is the smart move.

>> No.25842946
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So what's the goal here with LMFA?

>> No.25842952
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Thanks CLF tranny

>> No.25842966
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Last chance to buy the ARKK dip

>> No.25842980
File: 121 KB, 750x796, 00DBF813-BB11-4CEE-B602-E328A6FB3211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here bought twitter puts? Anyone made any short plays????

>> No.25842997

China is formally nationalizing baba and ant, and jack ma is literally probably dead.

>> No.25843014

>and who has the most viable electric truck on the market right now RIDE
That's not how you spell Cybertruck

>> No.25843016

And I'm back, let's go boys

>> No.25843035
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>> No.25843077
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>> No.25843084

congrats anon

>> No.25843083

Your chart is so consistent. I'm at 24.8k, but my chart does not look like that...

>> No.25843096
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I manage pain by not being a degenerate gambler.

>> No.25843108

It doesn't have a lot of room in the bed to carry stuff and many are skeptical that it is going to be released at all. Also, I'm kind of worried tesla is a massive bubble and I don't want to buy in.

>> No.25843111
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>> No.25843133
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buy SWBI

>> No.25843142

I just buy and hold stocks lol.

(I got lucky as fuck with NIO, and eman). I wish I never sold eman but at least I got my nio still

>> No.25843173
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What are other /smg/ certified meme stocks?

>> No.25843191
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You should be worried, its a Car Company after all.

>> No.25843198

Yeah, I know my problem, it's that I make too many trades because it's fun, but the smart play is to make less trades if your positions are making money.

>> No.25843207

WKHS im sure

>> No.25843218

i need those stupid nigger cattle to give me cheapies and make the pumps go even higher tho.

>> No.25843258

>meme stock
Do you hate money?

>> No.25843277
File: 231 KB, 496x475, 1605251734462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any point in buying some WKHS today?

>> No.25843287

why didn't they just let Trump win this one? why did they have to rig it, and so obviously to boot? sure he'd have 4 more years but then he'd be gone forever. the democrats have completely fucked themselves on this one, i don't get it, are they really this stupid?

>> No.25843289
File: 467 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210111-144909_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is anon, NIO is going up so fast my portfolio is not balanced at all anymore. But I can't bring myself to sell my shares. And God damn if I had invested 10k in nio I would be over 100k, instead I only put 2k in.

>> No.25843319

Hey guys, I made a new thread a little bit early in order to stop another split:


>> No.25843343

Yay thread #3

>> No.25843362

one-time notifications on price targets instead you dummy
recurring notification on volumes

>> No.25843404

Dude, you reached 25k, I would sell half of that and just feel good that you can't lose it.

>> No.25843419


>> No.25843437

But what if the "uprising" gets absolutely shit on and fuels a new era of easily passed gun control laws?

>> No.25843553

Just a few more till 310.

>> No.25843606

Okay now this thread can die in peace

>> No.25843634

Just one more post

>> No.25843721


>> No.25843798

Buy every dip faggot

>> No.25844163

Wait what, the conference is cancelled?

>> No.25844594
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