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25829894 No.25829894 [Reply] [Original]

This is what you retards get for refusing to acknowledge the Tether problem.

>> No.25830443
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I actually saw this interview after the other thread and it's really not that bad. Like if you really want to believe something is there I guess everything confirms your bias, but there wasn't much in that video that would lead a neutral person to such conclusions.

Do you really think that IF these guys were creating fake money in the billions, that they'd still be in the USA and going on podcasts? The lawyer is also very connected and active on Twitter, doesn't strike me as a criminial mastermind, same as the CEO.

Same situation with banks really having huge amounts on the balance sheets with like peanuts as actual equity. Tether has probably some cash reserves and the rest of Tether is backed by BTC and loans, nothing wrong with that.

It's not unrealistic to believe that some wealthy individuals (Saudis or whatever) bought into crypto recently using Tether, and that's the reason for the pump, not them printing fake Tether, because they know that it's not worth it for life in prison, which they'd 100% face if they were acting maliciously.

We are currently correcting because we went up for 12 weeks straight, not because of Tether FUD. Also I believe with Corona and general bullishness coming back in 2021, we are still looking for a lot of upside for the year.

>> No.25830613

>Tether has probably some cash reserves and the rest of Tether is backed by BTC and loans, nothing wrong with that.

>Tether backed by BTC pumped by Tether backed by BTC
>Nothing wrong with that.


>> No.25830693
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>> No.25831028

Just wait, they're going to crash it down and buy-in, then launch it

>> No.25831044

There is no indication that Tether is minting Tether to buy Bitcoin though. And why would they do that instead of buying with USD instead?
Of course, if you believe that they are acting maliciously you will never accept that, but there is no proof brought up since 2017 for them actually buying up BTC with Tether that they minted themselves out of thin air.
Also these guys are all fucking loaded why risk life in prison for more money?

>> No.25831089


>> No.25831111

It#s not only this. look for the news from Bongland aka 1984 Dystopia simulation playground. The big Bong banks are going to ban BTC. That is a big signal. If EU and US (globomo kiked as they are) follow, this will be much more catastrophic than the Tether situation.

>> No.25831166

Best answer: Greed. Would you turn down an easy method of turning 100m into 200m within a matter of minutes with little to no work involved?

>> No.25831219

>And why would they do that instead of buying with USD instead?
wat. they dont have usd so they use tether to pump and their exchange bots to dump on normies

>> No.25831224

>There is no indication that Tether is minting Tether to buy Bitcoin though.

I didnt believe the Tether fud till I read this today.


>> No.25831238

US likes money too much to do so

>> No.25831277
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>Would you turn down an easy method of turning 100m into 200m within a matter of minutes with little to no work involved?
yes. buy high sell low

>> No.25831279

>Arguing with quads

>> No.25831309

Trump isn't president anymore. You are heading into a nightmare now.

>> No.25831342
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>There is no indication that Tether is minting Tether to buy Bitcoin
This >>25830693 and pic related arent enough for you?

>> No.25831385

>The interviewer had to ask the same question 3 times and still didn't get a straight answer from either people

>> No.25831425

>paolo: tether is backed by loans made to us from thirdparties
>"if you really want to believe something is there i guess everything confirms your bias"
not sure if /biz/ is unironically retarded or baiting at this point

>> No.25831511


>> No.25831708

If life in prison or death is the consequence, then yes.

Not clicking that. If you can't summarize it here then it's probably more circumstantial evidence, am I right?

As I said. There is enough rich money in the world right now looking for investment opportunities. Probably some rich governments or families buying into crypto using Tether (because it is regulated). This doesn't proof anything.

I bet most Tether Fudsters also believe in conspiracy theories, it's insane what these people come up with on Twitter. But not in 3 years has anyone found any ACTUAL proof of malicious activities by Tether, it's just circumstantial always.

>> No.25831746

Here Anon: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bank.asp
You learned something new today, isn't it great?

>> No.25831766

>Not clicking that.

Like clockwork, post an actual study to a person on /biz/ and says not clicking that. Is this website really just full of fucking indians? I hate you curry niggers so much

>> No.25831853

After reading through tether fud threads the last few days came to discover most of them are Alex Jones listeners and qtards who think Donald trump is the real winner of the election. So yes they are all stupid conspiracy theorists who can be safely ignored

>> No.25831930


>> No.25832000

Tether is fully backed. The ceo confirmed it. Next.

>> No.25832028

>Using algorithms to analyze blockchain data, we find that purchases with Tether are timed following market downturns and result in sizable increases in Bitcoin prices.

In other words they don't have shit. Correlation isn't causation how do we know market downturns don't cause tether purchases?

>> No.25832064


Is this a joke post?

>> No.25832102

Yeah, the 15th is probably gonna be a bloodbath at this rate.

>> No.25832137

>sir i skimmed the paper and have reached the evalution that this is nonsense!

Sigh I guess theres nothing but indians on this website

Fuck you and your village will starve you uneducated third world baboon that cannot even read an academic paper.

>> No.25832209

>answering tricky questions yourself in a podcast instead of letting your expensive lawyers & accountants do that in court
>bad thing
are you actually retarded or just 8 years old?

>> No.25832217

one question. How much Tether do you think is stored in BTC.

>> No.25832555

>suggests insufficient Tether reserves before month-ends.
>October 2019

Looks like their advanced algorithmic statistical block chain supercomputer analysis was wrong. Just like all the rest of the tether fud for the past 4 years.

>> No.25832914

they were 78% backed when tether was 5 billion market cap.
It's 24 billion market cap now.

>> No.25833344

What is tricky about "is any of tether backed by bitcoin"? It's a yes or no question.

>> No.25833394


>> No.25833619
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So why is this Tether news causing bitcoin to plummet? Also what cause Bitcoin to rise so quickly? Seems they may be correlated if you actually use critical thinking..

>> No.25834276

How low will Eth go?

>> No.25834590

Its been a problem since the first runup in 2017. The (((exchanges))) basically set up Fractional reserve banking by using Tether and backdoors between the exchanges to transfer tether then using their own bots to run up/down the price of crypto to whatever they want.
Thats why I stick with stonks like a boomer instead.

>> No.25834663

>why would they do that instead of buying with USD instead?

You're asking why would people use actual money to buy something instead of buying something with pure air and then selling it for real money.
It's not a difficult question to answer.

>Also these guys are all fucking loaded why risk life in prison for more money?
Because their entire lives are about accumulating more wealth.
Are you seriously trying to apply normie morals to people who's entire wealth accumulation is centered around evading every tax imaginable and making as much money from wherever they can?
That's naive as fuck.
These people could have stopped making money years ago when they reached 10 million in net worth. No one needs more money than that, but still no one stops increasing their wealth as much as possible when they reach that point.
Money guys going to prison for fucking people over isn't exactly out of norm. It would happen on a daily basis if there was more regulation in the business world.

>> No.25835184
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>try to tether up
>gas fees are $200

what the FUCK

>> No.25835406
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>> No.25835924


I thought fractional was bad and was the reason why we should have BTC in the first place. Well, it is bad unless it pumps the price up.

>> No.25835977

Listen babe, you’re not a thinker, you look good but you’re dumb as fuck babe. So shit your whore mouth when the men are talking.

>> No.25836010

>it's not that bad
Printing billions of memedollars?
This. Merely 1%.


>> No.25836095

Why do Saudis buy crypto with Tether and not fiat?

>> No.25836139

It wasn't tether you idiot.

>> No.25836155


>> No.25836194

Tether is completely trustworthy sirs ,I am tired of this FUD

Sent from my Sharwanapoo X3

>> No.25836239

Of course they will ban crypto. I thought this was priced in? Imagine being so naive that you think governments won't ban Bitcoin. I knew that before I bought.

>> No.25836494

>Same situation with banks..
BANKS have deposit protections
BANKS are regulated
is then ANY of this applicable to Tether?
>It's not unrealistic to believe that some (((wealthy individuals))) yapyap fucking yap

>> No.25836553
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Insane how this has gone on for so long honestly.

Academic world has seen through this market manipulation for months.

Source (1): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jofi.12903

>> No.25836616
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Continued from article.

>> No.25836627

The tether printing is a tiny fraction of daily BTC volume.
And obviously there is a lot of demand, since the tether printing is also a tiny fraction of daily Tether volume.

It's not as big a problem as you keep trying to make it out to be.

>> No.25836702
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Continued further.

>> No.25836812

exit scam

>> No.25836829


Doesn't matter, if Tether explodes then a huge part of the confidence in BTC is gone. People shouldn't have touched Tether in the first place.

>> No.25836864
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Again lads, do your own research.

This shit saved me thousands. Wasn't sure when the ball was going to drop, thank god I sold on the upswing.

Stable coins are a great idea for making the entire market a BTC derivative, but did anyone consider the implications of being able to print your own money THEN BACK IT WITH WHAT YOU BUY???

Source (2): https://www.blockchainresearchlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/The_Influence_of_Stablecoin_Issuances_on_Cryptocurrency_Markets_BRL_Working_Paper_No_11.pdf


>> No.25836887

>if Tether explodes then a huge part of the confidence in BTC is gone
People don't know what tether is, even the vast majority of people who use it.
Nobody is "invested" in Tether.
They'll just use one of the countless other stablecoins.

>> No.25836914

pretty conclusive yeah, the question is just how much did they print on thin air
we will find out sometime after 15th I suppose

>> No.25836923
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>> No.25836946

>Insane how this has gone on for so long honestly.
Its almost like the tether FUD is complete BS

>> No.25837006
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>Why would someone give themselves all the money they could possibly want with no threat of negative repercussions?
Are you people literally fucking retarded?

>> No.25837043
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Again, to prove I'm not cherry-picking articles, here the author finds no link between issuance and price (although the other find a correlation) but finds tether has strong impact on trading volume.

Source (3): https://smallake.kr/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/SSRN-id3175876.pdf

>> No.25837070


Of all the stablecoins, Tether is the biggest player. I'm aware you don't invest in Tether, but that doesn't change the fact that it has become a huge part of BTC volume.

>> No.25837098
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conclusion for article

>> No.25837101


>> No.25837115

>Of all the stablecoins, Tether is the biggest player.
Only because it's the most convenient/popular.

If it goes away, people will just use another stablecoin.
Most people will barely notice.

>> No.25837156

how much tether has been printed since we started seeing BTC drop?

>> No.25837211

Yeah because people use tether to trade inbetween cryptos. That's why it was created. That's why all the stable coins were created

>> No.25837292

Likely zero as they already replenished the available tether last week

>> No.25837328

No one really cares about that. All part of the narrative to find normies to dump on.

>> No.25837377

Yes, this is correct. Stable coins helped detach the volatility from BTC to help improve market conditions for other coins. Example would be USD being very volatile impacting prices of stocks.

That forward relationship is well understood and documented. The issue is the issuer of USDT has backed USDT with BTC, creating a circular dependency in the process.

The take-away should be when USDT's are minted they are not backed, they are used to buy BTC, which then backs those coins that were minted.

>> No.25837462

Well you can see if they have on Whale Alert twitter. No additional tether has been printed since the decline. There has been USDT shuffling between exchanges, my take on this is that this is happening to make up for increase liquidity.

>> No.25837553
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Research continued.

source (4): Dissecting Tether’s Nonlinear Dynamics during Covid-19

(google it, it's a downloadable pdf [2nd link])

>> No.25837605
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>> No.25837701

are you familiar with the terms liquidity and solvency

>> No.25837784

If anything centralized exchanges will be the ones left holding the buck.
They're overwhelmingly the end point for tethers being sold for crypto.

>> No.25837881

Like he's wrong, but I 100% agree that long-term the market will recover. At that point we'll see the true demand for crypto assets.

Alternatives will take tether's place (hopefully) but the timeline for adaptation won't be instant.

I truly believe it's unlikely so much capital suddenly too an interest in crypto. I'd wager most of the volume is artificial and the market is overvalued.

>> No.25837931

They'll have the 'biggest' losses but it's all relative.

I'm sure an exchange can afford to lose a lot more than some guy who invested his parents money.

>> No.25837999

you dont understand. crypto is fucking over.

>> No.25838069

People aren't "invested" in USDT.

>> No.25838149

Or maybe because our justice system is garbage and court cases take forever

>> No.25838281

USDT is the bridge between altcoins and main coins.

USDT volume has artificially increased main coin prices through issuance and purchase.

That's like saying 'Oh BTC crashing shouldn't affect the altcoin I'm invested in.'

USDT is central to the current crypto markets, you don't have to hold it to be affected by it.

>> No.25838346

>USDT volume has artificially increased main coin prices through issuance and purchase.
This is meaningless mumbo jumbo.
Volume doesn't increase prices at all.

If tether gets nixed, people simply use another stablecoin.
Nobody cares.

>> No.25838359

It's going to see a serious correction.

It is not over.

>> No.25838498

Say USD was found to be insolvent, would you be able to the EUR overnight?

Also, that is not meaningless mumbo jumbo. If USDT was back 100% by USD then if would be a true reflection of market demand as the backing comes from external sources.

USDT is partially backed by USD AND some portion of BTC and other coins. Meaning it's backed cyclically through issuance and purchase of crypto assets like BTC.

>> No.25838574

CIVIL SUIT!!!!!!!! they will pay 7 million USD fine and nothing will change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop FUD!

>> No.25838626

>that is not meaningless mumbo jumbo
The part where you said "volume has artificially increased main coin prices" was mumbo jumbo.

Again, but nobody cares about Tether.
If Tether goes away, people simply use another stablecoin.

>> No.25838770

Yo someone post that USDT money printing infographic

>> No.25838779

Ah in which case I agree.

I guess I meant their volume of issuance and purchase of BTC. Would you agree with that?

And yeah tether doesn’t matter. I think long run it’ll be fine, but the time it takes to switch over we’ll see red.