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25827794 No.25827794 [Reply] [Original]

Market bleeds, XSN rises.
Sounds like a good bet to me...

Good news, exchange, partnerships, beta's etc etc etc. And it's showing with the lack of panic sells in XSN.

Seriously if it isn't going down in this bleed, imagine the upside?

Get it on Whitebit

>> No.25827823
File: 423 KB, 1373x1333, XSN is a SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exit scammed PoSW
>Didn't have any institutional interest or investment and no ICO (can be verified on Messari)
>Submits votes for themselves to mint more tokens, so they can dump on investors to pay for their 'operations' in textbook Principle Agent Problem

XSN token will never be needed. You can use the no volume, closed source, 'DEX' right now without XSN. Why? Because it doesn't require XSN and XSN is incompatible with a separate currency network. For example, you can't transact in XSN on BTC lightning. That's not how the network works.

How does it work? Well let's say you want to swap BTC for LTC via lightning. The developers currently own and collateralize a BTC and LTC lightning node, so if you want to trade BTC for LTC via lightning, you rent one of their channels where they receive 100% of the transaction fees that are required in the token that is being sent for a swap. So if you want to swap BTC for LTC, the fee is BTC.


Furthermore, developers say there will be DAPP developers that will drive utility for this token. However, this is a UTXO based blockchain which is EXTREMELY LIMITED and NOT EVM compatible, so there will NEVER be DAPPS.


>> No.25827873

XSN is still massively undervalued.
Cap this. I don't mind.

>> No.25828110


>> No.25828266
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It's actually pretty smart how they intend on scamming.

What they did is they formed an LLC called Stakenet.

So that way, when the EXIT SCAM AGAIN, LOL, DOING THE SAME EXACT THING THEY DID WITH PoSW, they can just SAY X9 were CONTRACTORS to limit liability.







What's EVEN FUNNIER???? You're not only gonna believe this shit, but you're gonna DEFEND THEM with your HONOR!!!!


>> No.25828812

Xsn is doing great today. Volume has risen massively, already at 234k.

>> No.25828842

Checked but your ID cinfirms you are a. Pajeet.

>> No.25828951


Fudders losing their mind !

>> No.25829369

Everything I said is 100% correct and verifiable. I'm pleased to help out unsuspecting investors and protect them from this scam.

We should all strive to identify obvious scams in this sector.

>> No.25829767

how much did you lose by panic selling, stinky brownie?

>> No.25830351
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>Pic related

>> No.25830420

1 MN chad here. Would be ironic if XSN is the the one to maintain my portfolio value.

>> No.25830752

Me too, ive held through all the fud and bullrun. would be great to actually have a winner here for once..

>> No.25831682

For you OWN good, buy something else. Are you crazy? What are you going to do with your masternode? You think you can run a DEX in a BTC lightning currency network?

To do that, you need BTC. Do you have $50K of BTC? No? Then, how are you going to run a DEX?

This isn't like Ethereum where you have smart contracts that can hold liquidity pools. It's not like someone is going to trustlessly deposit pools of liquidity in your node because A) it's not possible and B) why would they?

Think about it. This is supposedly a Dex but each hub is going to get a karma rating? LOL??? What???

Be safe, put your money in ETH if you don't want to lose all your money. Either that or do better research. Find projects that were attractive enough to find external investment and could run an ICO. Look at the utility of the token.

Look at the team. This team literally exit scammed. Do you really trust them? You think any institutional investor would trust them? OF COURSE NOT!!! And they didn't. They got no institutional investment.

Be safe.

>> No.25832126

>wildly gay mixing stuff up and single digit nonsense

The beauty of the whole system is that XSN is not enforced to be used to use the DEX. This will make it way more attractive to use

Moreover XSN doesn't gain value from transactions within the network, but from being necessary to host a masternode, which will later on earn dex trading fees

>> No.25832235

Yeah bro, like totally.

People will also live on Mars like total recall.

>> No.25832303

when raiden?

>> No.25832306
File: 426 KB, 1276x1038, blockek cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waster you time he is a seething blockek dev

For those that don't know blockeks wrote a bot that lets them know anytime anyone mentions them. Problem is no fucker does because nobody gives a shit about blockeks so they have add XSN/Stakenet to it's keywords and now spend all day shitposting XSN.

Why? Well because they are seething that XSN is getting attention and they aren't so they are doing what they can to discredit it. Another reason is they also sold the absolute bottom and now seething about everyone else going to the moon.

>Lucien made the blockek mentions bot
>Lucien sold the bottom at $0.08
>Lucien is seething
>Stakelords to the moon
>Lucien to the rope

>> No.25832885

i'm all in on XSN, gonna make it

>> No.25833391

lol, at least now we know where it's coming from.

>> No.25833770

Funny that they even held XSN instead of their own shitcoin

>> No.25834007
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>> No.25834291

CASE in point. Look at the IQ level of holders.

>> No.25834653
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Exactly, extremely high mother fucker.

>> No.25834773

Just wanted to share a coin not really bleeding during this massacre

>> No.25835055
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>> No.25835168


>XSN go brrrrr

>> No.25835315
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>pic related is the fudding fudder
السلام عليكم

Live Coin hack was a Perfectly hatched plan to BTFO of fudding swingies while simultaneously making people realize that there's a fully functional LN DEX to use instead. Essentially BTFO of two birds with a single hacking russian. Perfect, and unironically bullish as fuck. (not for swingies though kek, enjoy watching your frozen xsn in Cryptopia 2.0)

It was night of the long knives. Only long term holders loyal to the dex will make it. Kikes attempting to day trade for a measly profit on the trap cex laid for them were eliminated.

Their timing is perfect as the CEXs have already shown that they shit the fucking bed during times of high traffic.

>XSN is not just inevitable. It is necessary

>> No.25835375

Fuck blocknet cucks

>> No.25835409
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You did a good job, bruh

>> No.25835465

XSN stands for excess niggers.
Don't buy this coin.

>> No.25836103

Thanks just sold 420MNs

>> No.25836252

Let me guess LOL
Your suggestion is that people invest in Blocknet instead? :D hahaha
A project with no community for obvious reasons (it's going nowhere)
A project where their Dex currently has the same trading volume as Bitconnect.
A project that is run by a handful of naive little blond girls that got fist raped by CZ like the little bitches they are??
A project where the community members (the few they have) are more interested in buying XSN and then market sell at all time low and posting it in their Discord LOL.
A project that flip flops as the wind blows. One day L2 sucks and is not needed cuz we do onchain and 30min TX is fine for mass adoption LOL.
Next day uh oh we will do L2 also.
A project where the "devs" are spending half their time shit posting on biz and MAYBE the other half coding on their onchain stick structure of a Dex LOL.

Normally there is no need to beat a dead horse.
But calling Blocknet a horse would be a insult to horses.
It's a dead Donkey and I love beating Donkeys.

>> No.25836355

let the blockkeks be blockkeks we can laugh their lack of gains on the way to the moon

>> No.25836838
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I still don't know who the fuck thought having to download wallets for ALL the coins you want to trade on BlockDX was a great idea.
I mean, if I want to trade LTC for DGB i have to download the "dex" AND the 2 wallets separately. Who the fuck would do that? ROFL
And its not even larping or fud, is literally on their Youtube channel.

>> No.25837234
File: 161 KB, 1306x818, ROFLMAOBLOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and wtf they now have a broken dex because they can't even standardize FOLDER NAMES! ROFLFLFFL
this is a shitshow. It's just sad, desu

>> No.25837483
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>> No.25838062

Do you get paid to post these text walls in evwry xsn thread?.. i think YOU dont get how it works

>> No.25838350

Hahahaha you got to be kidding me??
I'm dying LOL
Now I almost feel sorry for Blocknet and the things I wrote.
I was kinda half joking on a few of the things I wrote.
But now you are basically showing me things are even worse IRL then the things I thought I was joking about hahahaha OMFG.
You just can not make this shit up!
No wonder Bitconnect currently has a bigger community then Blocknet.

Maybe we need to stop this? .
It would be sad to see their last handful of hardcore disciples leaving if they read this.
Also it would be like shooting ourselves in the feet, if we have no one bumping our threads while we focus on the things that matters.

>> No.25838584 [DELETED] 

If you're smart and resourceful, maybe one day you can figure out why it works. I gave you some great advice.

Don't get at mad at me for delivering a message that you don't want to hear. It's better you understand this now than later when, your investment ends up being worthless.

Really think things through. Just consider the competitors in this space and realize that not only have you committed capital to a team that exit scammed PoSW, but that also operate on obsolete tech and are essentially broke.

Competitors in this space are well capitalized in comparison to Stakenet. A good tip, never bet on a team that's broke and relies on pumping the price to finance their operations.

It's a bad bet.

>> No.25838674

If you're smart and resourceful, maybe one day you can figure out how things work. I gave you some great advice.

Don't get at mad at me for delivering a message that you don't want to hear. It's better you understand this now than later when, your investment ends up being worthless.

Really think things through. Just consider the competitors in this space and realize that not only have you committed capital to a team that exit scammed PoSW, but that also operate on obsolete tech and are essentially broke.

Competitors in this space are well capitalized in comparison to Stakenet. A good tip, never bet on a team that's broke and relies on pumping the price to finance their operations.

It's a bad bet.

>> No.25838791

No, can we say false dichotomy for $500?

What if I told you I have 0 affiliation with Blocknet. Makes your ad hominem attacks look pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Just because you apparently feel insecure about Blocknet, doesn't make it any less true what I said about Stakenet.

Not sure what your point is with this post.

>> No.25838987


How exactly did the XSN team “Exit Scam” POSW?

>> No.25839234

This is the gayest reddit shit I've seen lately. A donkey could swing this Bitfinex listing and earn a x10 and this sucker keeps pasting weird nonsense textwalls like some transexual

>> No.25839248

He can’t
Because they didn’t

>> No.25839524

I have an idea. I think I'm going to create a company I intend on exit scamming from. I'm going to call it Shitnet. It's going to be a PoSW (piece of shit wallet) blockchain.

This what I'm going to do, I'm going to create one company that issues the actual blockchain and currency, and instead of hiring internally, offering job positions, I'm going to contract out a team of developers. I'm also going to be part of that development, team but they are two separate legal entities. I'm gonna call that K9.

I am going to use Shitnet to market a bunch of misleading bullshit to unsuspecting and gullible investors while paying K9 'contractors' in SHITNET SHIT TOKENS.

Then when the I EXIT SCAM after K9 scammers couldn't 'figure out how to add utility to the coin, but they tried really really hard, as evident by their pages of bullshit, I'm not going to have any connection or liability to SHITNET because I just CONTRACTED out the work.

Is that a pretty good idea for a fucking scam or what????

>> No.25839610
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>> No.25839708

5 node holder. As comfy as it gets.

>> No.25839868

But that doesn’t answer how they exit scammed out of POSW like you keep claiming. You keep saying they have already exit scammed out of a project POSW but are failing to answer where the actual exit scam was.

All POSW coins where converted to XSN, nobody lost coins and they have carried on development for over 2 years now.

Also they have worked with Litecoin, Raiden and Connext Devs all of which have praised their work which they have seen first hand so if this is an exit scam it’s the most elaborate and long winded exit scam in history when they could have just exited years ago and saved themselves all the hassle.

Your argument literally makes zero sense.

>> No.25840015

Listen, son. Yes, that's right, I just sonned you.

Listen, son, you gotta raise your level. I brought it down to the lowest level I could go.

It's time for you to raise your level. If you operated at a higher level, you wouldn't be a future victim of this scam.

I know you're trying your hardest to think of ways to justify your investment, but at the end of the day, this is a scam and you're gonna lose all your money.

I don't what else to say. I just hope that you didn't invest more than you could afford to lose. When something seems too good to be true...well...I think you know the rest.

And don't get mad at me. I'm not the one fucking you over. In the future, you'll think back and realize that man that sonned you was a good man and was only trying to help.

Good luck.

>> No.25840128

So you can’t answer the question despite repeatedly claiming they have already exit scammed from POSW and yet you can’t show where they actually did.

>Stay losing
>Stakelords to the moon

>> No.25840310

Sigh, the delusion is strong with this one. I'm afraid that you can't be helped.


But just in case you're not dead, some good advice for you would be to buy some Eth right now as it just took a dip.

You'll thank me later for this if you act upon this advice. You got to stop being delusional.

>> No.25840392


>>I am a raging faggot and can't even come up with a half assed response to the questions, so I write five paragraphs of gobbledygook.

>> No.25840476

Transsexual confirmed

>> No.25840652

>Is proven wrong
>Come up to my level and you'd be able to make shit up in your head and believe it too
Go back to XSG with your schizophrenia, and take your Lithium whilst you're at it.

>> No.25840686
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>1 post by this id
Thanks for the bump :D

Listen to FUD biz and you stay poor

>> No.25841035

>12 posts
>brown ID
>never a decent argument

why do you keep trying with this week fud? It's getting sad.
do something good for once and clean your mom's basement. You've been living in filth for a long time to spit shit like this.