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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25813835 No.25813835 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>think about studying Computer Science because of the money
>do alright the first three semesters, even though I hate it
>can't motivate myself anymore after that
>be miserable and fuck around for another 3 semesters
>getting depressed and grinding my teeth at night
>can't imagine myself doing that bullshit for the rest of my life
>finally drop out for the better
>feel relief finally
>already 27 years old but luckily debt free
>realize I wasted the best years of my life, doing something I hate and got nothing out of it
>am fucking angry at myself for being such a retard once again

What are my options from here on /biz/?
I have a $80k Crypto portfolio, so I am not a total bum I guess.

Does it even make sense to go back to university and study something I enjoy?
Who the fuck is going to employ a 30 year old anyway?
And the thought of going there again, sitting in class all day (or rather in front of my PC because of Corona) just to get a paper to be a verified wageslave makes me fucking sick. I know I may sound entitled. But I just see how much bullshit I learned in my Computer Science classes which I already forgot again.

I was thinking I could apply for Business administration or so, which is not too hard and something I have an interest in. However my prospects are not the best then. But I am definitely not chasing money anymore.
In the meantime I could try to hussle and get something going for myself. And if it doesn't work out, I can still use the degree as a fallback. And in the worst case scenario, I still have my 5000 LINK.

What are your thoughts, frens?

>> No.25813873

bump because I want OP to succeed.

>> No.25813964

Fuck everyone. Get rich, be happy, don’t stress about what anyone else thinks. Too old? Who cares, what are you gonna do about it now? Start living.

>> No.25814081

>I know I may sound entitled.

Nope. Sounds redpilled to me.
Ideally you'd find a career prospect that gives you purpose or that you enjoy. If there's nothing you really want to do try to find something that at least doesn't make you suffer. CS isn't for everyone and there's really no reason to be mad at yourself for dropping out if you believe that career path would be detrimental to your happiness.

I'm a 29 year old NEET on autismbux. It's not the lambo life but it's a whole lot better than wageslaving for Mr. Goldberg.

>> No.25814108


I got in to CS because I was a programming autist in middle and high school, then after graduating and getting a job as a SWE I realized 9-5 dev jobs are way more boring than programming in my free time and I also started caring about money a lot so been job hopping

>> No.25814191

I studied engineering because my dad pushed me into it, had no clue what I was getting myself into, could barely pass some of the classes, but immediately knew I was in way over my head and had no business being an engineer.
Thought to myself, even if I somehow get the degree, I'll never be able to land a job. And if I somehow get a job, I'll be exposed as being a midwit retard who has no fucking clue what he's doing.
Since my brother had failed out of university and stuck my parents with his student loans, I told myself I at LEAST had to get the degree to not fuck over my parents (I took on $50k of student loans and parents took on the other $50k).
I ended up failing some classes, but got the degree, didnt have any intern experience and wasnt a part of any clubs. I eventually got a job paying $50k, worked there for 2 months, but the commute was absolutely brutal (3-5 hours in the car every day). Parlayed my experience (2 months, but didnt say that on my resume) into a new job 15 minutes from my house making $54k. Slight raise.
Worked there for 3 years, got some pretty good experience, hated the work, was extremely stressed out, did a lot of unpaid OT. Paid off my loans. Went from $54k starting to $85k when I left, and I now have a government engineering job making $99.5k.
Still hate my job, and I absolutely know I have no business doing this type of work. I feel imposter syndrome every day, and I have to try hard to get things done because I don't care about the work and my brain is not meant for engineering. The only reason I'm doing it is for the money.
My advice to you - find something you can tolerate. If you don't like what you do, you'll never be the best you can be at it. If you like what you do in some capacity, you can build off of that and make yourself more valuable and earn more money. Think long and hard about what you want to get into, and do some solid research on what a typical day would be like working in that role/position.

>> No.25814266

Don't think you can do much with a business administration degree. You can do something like support/sales engineer, business analyst (middle man between business retards and computer nerds), business intelligence/data analyst (basically SQL stuff) with a computer science degree as well if you hate coding and they're more people focused too if that's your thing. They'll pay less than a typical software engineer job but still more than most other jobs out there.

>> No.25814756

>I have no business doing this type of work. I feel imposter syndrome every day, and I have to try hard to get things done because I don't care about the work and my brain is not meant for engineering
That is exactly how I felt as well half way through my degree, when I imagined myself at the workplace. All those passionate people, doing that shit even in their free time and loving it, vs. me who's only goal is to pass the exams. I also applied for some internships at the time, but even walking in those offices gave me anxiety. And it's not even that I am anti social or so. I was working abroad (blue collar) in my early 20s all by my own and travelling to several countries.
But I just didn't think things through this time.
>If you like what you do in some capacity, you can build off of that and make yourself more valuable and earn more money.
Good advice. And that's what I realized as well. Nobody needs a shit tier software engineer anyway.

You are right. I am putting myself too much in a box on what other people think.

Yeah, I was thinking this as well at some point. Maybe I fucked up in that regard and just should have gotten the fucking degree anyway. But I was hating every bit of it, so I don't feel much regret, even though my situation doesn't look very good.

>there's really no reason to be mad at yourself for dropping out if you believe that career path would be detrimental to your happiness
Thank you anon. I always thought it's a meme when I was younger. But life is too short to do some bullshit just so that you can consoom and brag how great of a job you have. Especially now in an age where you can make a lot of money with Crypto anyway.

>> No.25814764

move to india sir. living is definitely over for you

>> No.25814961

>Learn to fly
>Get Private > Instrument > Commercial Single Engine > CFI
Chill as CFI for a few years get paid build hours get a bs online degree then apply at the airlines in 2-3 years make bank and get paid to travel

>> No.25815023

>Spend 50k-70k on certs
>dont get job because of covid and pilots all being unemployed
Youre a retard

>> No.25815095

I was also idiot and went uni study something based on future salary, i hate my career choice and will never work in this area. Lesson learned study something you would actually like to do

>> No.25815100

>That is exactly how I felt as well half way through my degree, when I imagined myself at the workplace. All those passionate people, doing that shit even in their free time and loving it, vs. me who's only goal is to pass the exams. I also applied for some internships at the time, but even walking in those offices gave me anxiety.
You did well to get out while you can. Think about it, you have no debt, you have time, you literally have a blank slate. You have some time to research the best approach and the best path for yourself. I'd look at your situation positively, you can be whatever you want to be, anon. Don't forget, not everything requires a degree. And i'm sure if you do decide to go back to school, there are online schools you could attend instead of sitting at a desk. Especially with covid, i'm sure uni's are geared for this.

>> No.25815103

You can get a CFI job easily, 121 guy.s just got called back so 91/135 jobs will be opening up.
with all the early retirements/buy out plans when things pick up they're going to start moving fast that's why I said 2-3 years

>> No.25815107

See a therapist. Get exercise. Vitamin D. Find an album you like and lose yourself in it. Become zen. Find peace. Figure out who you are.

Your career is not that important and 80k net worth at 30 is so good. And you have to opportunity to go back to school and do what you want. You can lie on your resume. You can distort facts. Make a website and say you were self employed. You can do what you want — you just need to have some agency and to develop the gift of understanding what makes you truly happy. The real shame is not the lack of credentials in your life but the lack of passion or sense of self.

>> No.25815121

What are you doing now? Or what did you end up doing?

>> No.25815175

work til you have decent savings if you dont already and then just freelance. if you know how to sell you can make people simple websites for thousands. I made $500 setting up a simple squarespace for someone, if you can do basic design (or follow templates and rules) you could easily make more.

>> No.25815183

>Business administration
Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
This is becoming a trade tier degree. Like nursing.
Anyways mine is in economics. I have another in biz adm. No one cares about the second. They only care about the first because I have hard skills that accompany it. You having a CS background is incredibly useful, because (most) other paths you go on will premium the shit out of it. If you know a programming language or higher order math & stats that's really good when combined with another concentration. The big data meme is no meme at all

>> No.25815258

I had a similar experience like you except that I went through an apprenticeship. The only thing that I regret is that I should've avoided Uni and instead started my apprenticeship earlier.

>> No.25815352

studied Construction engineering, doing magic internet money. Gonna make it in this bullrun anyway if btc hits 100k$ so i dont even care anymore

>> No.25815367
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>Vitamin D

>> No.25815579

Its better you didnt get the degree. If you decide to go back for something else, schools will accept your credits you already have into different requirements. If you completed the degree, youd have to start over completely.
Find something you like and use your cs credits to speed the process up. Might shave off 2+ years

>> No.25815663

I studied something I loved (chemistry) and I make less than 8k/year as a PhD which I absolutely hate.
I am in Europe.

>> No.25815780

>buisness admin
fuck no that's a woman's job these days bro. I was in a similar position, I had 3 years of CS done and switched to electrical engineering. I have a decent govt job, it's not my dream life by any means but it could be worse. If I was coding for 8 hours everyday for these past 7 years I would have put a gun in my mouth

>> No.25815882

Of all the gay shit in that post you pic vitamin D

>> No.25815973

Yeah because Vitamin D is some basedboy plddit meme

>> No.25816023
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>he fell for the PhD meme
Hello /sci/.

>> No.25816063

I left CS and switched to archeology. Very interesting, however every place I applied to has denied me.

>> No.25816110
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Bro.. I am 27 and I did two years of comp sci. Got an associates and then bounced the fuck out this year because online school is trash. I am just gonna be a cop and invest my cop salary into the market and live a modest life with my fiancé. I feel fucking great about it. I love driving, I love guns, and I love talking to people so I know I'm gonna love being a cop.

>> No.25816123

Checked twitter yesterday, everyone is talking about Poolz and their new options, I can’t even get what is it? Sorry, I am idiot

>> No.25816222

>i fucking LOVE science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25816375
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>I was thinking I could apply for Business administration

NO. useless degree. its either a trade or stem (for the most part). choose.

>> No.25816380

Have you tried learning to code?

>> No.25816433

I'm a college dropout (2nd year CS) and make 6 figures a year and have a side business that is about to break 6 figures as well. Fuck yuropoors. Fuck the EU. Fuck you.

>> No.25816448

I'm a few years older than you so I'll share some of the things I learned. Very few people will truly enjoy their job. A few people may get lucky but a lot of people will just end up merely tolerating it at best. Pursuing your passion is bad advice and is not practical for most people. I would love to be a zookeeper but the pay is absolutely terrible. I want to get a job that pays well so I can have some cool reptiles and volunteer with animal rescues or something. I've spent my entire adult life doing shitty manual labor jobs and I can't stand another minute of it and the pay sucks. Computer science is horrible and for some reason I made a few tries at it myself despite being bad it and being miserable. Tomorrow I start my first semester of robotics engineering. I like the idea of learning how to build things and now I'm motivated to do my best at it. Don't do business admin, a lot of people do it and it's an oversaturated market. You should find something you like that is practical though.

If you think going back to school at 27 sucks try doing it at 30 like me. I've already had one professor that was younger than me and another that was the same age. That made me feel old for once. You'll wish you would have finished your degree years ago.

>> No.25816729

>sunlight bad!

>> No.25817092

27 and all you have is 80k in doge coin? Hope you know how to tie a noose...

>> No.25817149


t. fat neckbeard

>> No.25817243


im a pajeet please dont punch me in the kidney when i inevitably become the worlds greatest bank robber sir

>> No.25817304

Uum sweatie, just to give you a heads up, a big part of robotics is tied to CS and there are a lot of algorithms you'll need to learn. The part where you figure out the mechanics and whatever is not really the main thing.

>> No.25817339

lol dude

fields like archaelogy, art and communications is just a means for young chicks to fuck around 24/7 while getting a useless degree and stay in academia forever

they are also naturally anti incel fields where ull either be (ab)used to death or cast out as soon as they realize u arent going to let them use u

>> No.25817376

Good, we don't need you fuckers flooding the industry with mediocre code.

>> No.25817501

Thank you for the advice anon.
I hope things work out for you, fren.

>> No.25817591

It isn't. Vitamin D supplements most certainly are though unless you live in your basement literally 24/7 for years on end.

>> No.25817605

Same, dropped from 2 unis already, CS and Architecture, top of the class in both but still not happy.

I just want to have a farm, I hate technology.

I'll probably move to a forest soon

>> No.25817677

Real programmers hate the fucking trade. It's just a never ending kidney stone push until a deadline. That's literally why I only work for myself now

Look at cyberpunk 2077 they had 800 programmers and 8 years to work on it. It's pure shit.

It's also why you see instructors/professors teaching it at college instead of keeping their jobs at some bullshit tech company

>> No.25817926

dont blackpill me on this anon. im trying to teach myself so i can make more than 12 bucks an hour.

>> No.25817934

Shut up incel basedboy, have fun with your pajeet co-workers.

>> No.25817956

>It's also why you see instructors/professors teaching it at college instead of keeping their jobs at some bullshit tech company

Teaching at a college is the most comfy job plus they get to dick college thots

>> No.25817990

"Real Programmers"
I've built databases, maintained customer data, built code for multi billion dollar machines, detected and fixed countless bugs, and made countless auto testing scripts. And I love doing this shit. Fuck off loser.

>> No.25817998

so then why do you fags hire so many pajeets?

>> No.25818001

Then why did you study something you didn;t enjoy?

Do you even know what you will do with your business administration degree afterwards? anything business related as more wage slaving than a cs degree.

>> No.25818036

Harr harr, not an Indian in sight at my place. Course you wouldn't believe me nor do I really care if you do. I actually hate being around those fuckers. Last job I was around them. New place I have yet to see one.

>> No.25818082

where you work and what's your side biz?

>> No.25818084

Some shit you have to do to survive yo. That's life. There's countless other paths OP could go with that degree to but he's just a ragequitter.

>> No.25818232

imagine taking advice from this pathetic loser. OP, just finish your fucking degree and find something you can stand doing. no one likes their job but you can do a lot with a computer science degree. as you work your way up you do less and less work and make tons of money you faggot

>> No.25818250

i took 12 years to finish my diploma. my parents steered me towards studying computer science. i also did not like most of the stuff but i also had no idea what else i could study and past a certain point i already had spent so much time on this i wanted to finish my degree at all costs. since i was studying so long i had to dance through many loopholes in the regulation to not get thrown out but in the end i think it was worth the effort.
but if dont want to gind out on IT then it is important to understand that studying in the most areas can be done in two ways either you are smart, gifted and so on or you have relentless perserverence. just push through any obstacle. i saw multiple people that quit i did not understand that. my mindset was either they give me the boot or i die trying to get this diploma.

>> No.25818299

One of the jobs I had did hire pajeets from India. As in outsourced the code to some code money farm there. The code that came back was fucking god awful. This does lead me to believe that places that do have a shitton of pajeets have just a ton of bad code that's super brittle to crashes and/or problems.

Point is not ever company that requires programmers tries to go cheap with pajeets. But to answer your question from the ones that do? Cause they're cheap, no shit. But from the crap I've seen you get what you pay for. And for disasters such as Boeing I doubt they want to go that cheap again or at least for awhile.

>> No.25818327

>dont blackpill me on this anon. im trying to teach myself so i can make more than 12 bucks an hour.
It's still worth it if you know you're in it to get some cash and get out via crypto/entrepreneurship IMO

>> No.25818450

Imagine being 27, hodling $80k crypto, zero debt and feeling helpless and thinking it's too late to start over.

I'm 36, hodling $20k USD, negligible crypto, zero debt, on unemployment for the first time in my life and looking to completely switch tracks into something new.

The future is bright. Don't be a faggot. We're all gonna make it.
>also, get a job, it sounds like you have no work experience, only uni

>> No.25818602

You shouldn't do anything 'just' for the money, it'll kill you. On a funny sidenote, I actually thought about going for a second degree in CS, because I find it to be much more enjoyable than what I'm doing now (physics).

>> No.25818884

god I hate pajeets

>> No.25818894 [DELETED] 

You dont need a CS degree to be a front end developer. I am a front end developer and i have no cs degree. All you need is some personal projects to show off. You don't need a college to educate yourself. You can do it on your own, so stop being a lazy fuck.

>> No.25818921

This, except never ever see a therapist
Just make a fucking friend and have fun with them
Psychology is a secular pseudoreligion that brainwashes you into thinking normal human mental states are diseases, which makes you feel like shit and traps you in a deterministic defeatist mentality
Its a cult and you would be fucking retarded to join
Unless you become a psychiatrist (join the priest class) and make a living scamming naive idiots
But you have to have shit morals to do that

>> No.25819577
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>Fuck yuropoors. Fuck the EU. Fuck you.
I am not even going to insult you back.
I will never have an american passport and that saddens very much.
My current gf has one but she is a feminist who is against marriage. So no green card for me.
I really did. I enjoyed my undergrad very much it was the best years of my life.
>tfw 300 euro just got deposited into my account.

>> No.25819637

missplaced your (you).

>> No.25819869

>make 6 figures
how the fuck do you convince an american company to pay you 6 figs?
Don't they prefer people with an education?
I am not even hating, genuinely curious. The only way I can think of is that you joined as a 22 year old and climbed the ladder to the top in 10-20 years.

>> No.25820195

which country? 8k€ seems very low or is it not fulltime?
6 figures is great congrats.
but sucks to be a mutt and lose everything once you see a doctor.

>> No.25820203

hey, I am a software engineer, just like you i hated school, but loved gaming and being on the computer, i always loved doing art, and making 3D models and shit. but i hated school with a passion, contrary to yourself, i managed to finish university and get a degree, then i worked for 10 years in IT, the first 4-5 years i loved it, but slowly and slowly, i realized that whatever you do, no matter how hard you work to make something work, your bosses will always consider you like shit, and there is literally no recognition of what you do whatsoever, so i kept on working just for the money for the rest of the 5 years...then at some point i decided to quit my job to pmpmake my own business, i thought that working under people was what bumming me, and why i hated my job, but after 4 years of doing my business i realized that i actually hated coding, not that i hate coding, but i hate to code for corpos, like write code that has to follow strict business rules and strict regulations and boring financial rules. i enjoyed more to write fun code that resulted in something cool than write code that resulted into calculating product prices, trigger payment, sending notifications and shit.

in the end, after these 15 years experience in IT, i can tell you that apart from the money, an IT job is really shit, i would have preferred to go into a less mind tiring job that sure doesnt require an engineering degree but u'd feel detached from it, because IT jobs tend to consume too much of your brain, and it's too much.

the only thing good, was that i was able to buy my house and have a stable enough life to get a wife and kids.

otherwise, personally i think it was never worth it

>> No.25820489

Probably good you dropped out. I'm autistic and can't get a job despite having 3 undergrad majors (biology, physics, math) and a masters (computer science). I applied to around 30 places but no call backs or emails. But anon you need to apply to 1000 places! Well I guess if I want to be a codemonkey for yelp or something sure. I applied to my dream jobs. Ended up just starting my own business in a college town. My business is is an Asian convience store and I actually do pretty well for myself, but you always need to stay on top of suppliers. Also covid hit hard and limited asian exchange students but I'm still ahead from the normal townspeople that live here.

>> No.25820517

imagine not finding a computer science degree fascinating.

t. phd in math

>> No.25820713

Happy that it worked out for you fren

>> No.25820894
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Vitamin D supplements are synthetic vitamin D. They are harder for your body to uptake, they aren't as efficient as natural Vitamin D and synthesized Vitamin D, sometimes supplements are even toxic. Get Vitamin D from whole foods in balance with the other vitamins and minerals each of which on their own can cause shortages of others because they inhibit uptake of the others.

>> No.25821050

Also, very little of your Vitamin D requirement can be created from sunlight, it is almost wholly supplied by dietary Vitamin D, gotta add that otherwise the post would seem irrelevant. "Get out in the sun" is mostly a meme in regards to Vitamin D but there are a ton of other benefits to it besides that

>> No.25821105

The reality of the matter is that it's so much easier for high IQ people, they're not even trying. I learned to be content with being inferior to others and making only 10k a year. First year of uni was devastating for me, up to that point I was average in school but I realized I might as well be a retard compared to the most average student in first year of uni.

>> No.25821147
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This is something I've heard a lot from engineers and programmers, that programming tends to take over your brain the longer you do it

>> No.25821199

>The reality of the matter is that it's so much easier for high IQ people, they're not even trying
high IQ doesn't actually mean people will master things more efficiently. With high IQ you may be able to get a grasp of the basics quicker but for actually mastering anything you will always need to bust your ass off working and keep trying to improve by challenging yourself constantly so that you don't plateau. And that is true for every bloody thing you ever do to improve, not only school.

>> No.25821229

you are going to make it my friend. we all are.

>> No.25821370

simply untrue. High IQ will master subjects just by coasting along, i.e reading and practicing. Low IQ, if they get the basics, will have to work like slave just to achieve results comparable to high IQ on his worst day

>> No.25821449

Yep. It may be an unpleasant truth in this time period, when intellectual property is packaged up, copyrighted, and commodified to be sold in a very selfish, unenlightening way, but high IQ people simply come up with more better ideas. In other eras, these ideas enriched the fabric of life because high IQ people are actually very altruistic most times

>> No.25821472
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>coasting along
choose (1), deliberate practicing always requires conscious effort and all masters of any craft will have done mind-numbing amounts of practice. Ask any skilled musician for example.
>Low IQ, if they get the basics, will have to work like slave just to achieve results comparable to high IQ on his worst day
So wrong it hurts. You are assuming people are predetermined to be skillful at things. There is no pianist gene. There is no maths gene. There is no athlete gene. There is only hard work and the right kind of deliberate practice. Read pic related, change the way you view yourself.

>> No.25821474

lmao nerd faggot shut the fuck up

>> No.25821518

>There is no athlete gene
there is. You could be born with a congenital heart disease and you'll never be an athlete. Born low IQ, you'll never understand math. Born with poor coordination, never master the piano.

>> No.25821550

That is not an athlete gene, that is a disease. Any normal, healthy man or woman can practice to become basically whatever the fuck they want to be.
>Born low IQ, you'll never understand math. Born with poor coordination, never master the piano.
Guess you better learn then.

>> No.25821553

>I'm a 29 year old NEET on autismbux. It's not the lambo life but it's a whole lot better than wageslaving for Mr. Goldberg.
No it isnt. I was a NEET for some time in my early 20s and Im now 30yo wagie with high salary job (top 10%), actually having a purpose, plan and future beats beaing a loser. You are just sour grapes coping, thinking that all the memes you read on /biz/ about waging are real, and living the delusion that your real life will start soon. Protip: it never will, because your real life is now and you wasted it.

>> No.25821579

>Any normal, healthy man or woman
that's already determined by genetics
>Guess you better learn then
for useless results

>> No.25821601

so many options. so many moonshots


>> No.25821607

If everybody with talent just reserved their talent and labor for a system that they actually agree with, this system would have no resources to draw upon to continue existing. But nobody has the instinct or the will to boycott things they disagree with in the form of not giving their time and energy to it.

>> No.25821625

and I was a neet for some time in my early 20s and now I'm a wagie making 15k a year and doing nothing but sleep in my free time. Truth is you were just lazy but actually smart and industrious. Odds are this anon is like me and better off being a NEET.

>> No.25821644

>that's already determined by genetics
No it's not. Most people are normal and healthy. Sure some are born with diseases and genetical deficiencies, I admit. That sucks but is rare. But if you have a normal, healthy body you will have unlimited potential.
>for useless results
Practice differently then. Practice efficiently.

>> No.25821645

return to poo street pajeet sir

>> No.25821652

It may be a "disease" but it illustrates the point that innate ability is baked in, just like a genetic disease. Both are different degrees of the same phenomenon of gene expression producing varying fitness/success

>> No.25821687

what a fucking load of bullshit, no point arguing with you if you're being this obtuse

>> No.25821706

There is no such thing as innate ability. There is only more or less potential. If you have a heart disease then you will have limited potential for physical fitness due to the risk of dying of a heart attack. If you are like most people though you will have nothing limiting your potential.
keep telling yourself you are worthless and your wish will come true

>> No.25821711

What the fuck are you talking about. There is an very obvious predisposition to sports. As an example, very few people are not "hard gainers" because evolution made people with high muscle mass die off (lack of food).
Look at elite track runners, how many of them are non-black?
Genetics play big role in athleticism.

>Truth is you were just lazy but actually smart and industrious. Odds are this anon is like me and better off being a NEET.
Close, but actually my main problem was lack of self esteem. I believed there is no way I can do anything right or contribute to anything. I was wrong, and Im sure there is a lot of people here who are like that.

>> No.25821730

You don't believe in inequality

>> No.25821736

Diversify some of it out of crypto. Get a degree in Business administration or finance. Surely you have some credits that can transfer?

>> No.25821761

do you really believe NBA players being 6'5+ is a fucking coincidence? Or that they trained to be that tall?
>lack of self-esteem
just an excuse, if you are smart/rich/good-looking you have no business talking about self-esteem issues

>> No.25821837
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>Studied CS because it is all I am good at
>3.8 GPA + Amateur Gamedev
>Detonate Spaghetti grenades at every interview, graduating into nothing
>Bought ETH at $20 sold it at $15 and swore off it forever when I was like 18
Nobody makes it in the end

>> No.25821855

My point is: very rarely will those factors impede you from practicing and improving. If you are a normal healthy man or woman, what's stopping you from training and becoming an athlete?
I do.
Sure tall people are more likely to be successful at basketball, but there have been several successful players that are shorter than 6 feet. Nothing stopped them, what's stopping you?

>> No.25821904

You believe in inequality of initiative. You think everybody has the same "potential" but just doesn't take advantage of it by working as hard as successful people do

>> No.25822004

I wouldn't say I do. Sometimes people won't be able to work due to financial or social reasons for example. Maybe you're so piss poor that you're spending all of your time just trying to stay afloat and paying rent, or maybe you have to look after a sick relative or something like that. I do think most people have the same potential though, it's just that we're not all equally free and we come from different diverse backgrounds and yes, we have different starting points. Anybody born to a rich family has better opportunities and options than somebody born to an impoverished one.

>> No.25822058

You should have just finished it. You taught yourself that you do not have discipline and fortitude. You taught yourself you cannot rely on yourself when times are hard.
I did a Master's degree in Politics while working in Iraq. I would literally go up into the hills and get down on my knees and scream into the dirt. I fucking despised thar Master's program. But I didn't give up. And now I look at new challenges confident that if it gets hard, really hard - I'm not going to break.
What you did was an important milestone in understanding yourself. You should fix it.

>> No.25822287
File: 160 KB, 828x912, society isnt natural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time that people stop mutilating their minds and sacrificing themselves on the altar of inhuman materialistic individualism just to prove that they can do something contrary to their nature to survive. Satanism is "do what thou wilt" but also specifically doing things that are contrary to the good just for the sake of violating it. When you are depressed, that doesn't mean you should change, it means society should change not the other way around. Everybody hates doing things that they have to do to survive in the modern world, but they still think the inhumanity of it all is not as bad as just giving up and living a neet tier ascetic existence. Those who do give up have to wait for others to give up until it ends.

>> No.25822499

>think about studying Computer Science because of the money
just money alone is a shitty motivator that's not likely to last. just don't make the same mistake again. spend some time finding out what actually motivates you (rather than what you'd like to motivate you).

>Business administration or so, which is not too hard
If you want an easy life, then you need to consider the possibility that you need to do 'hard things' (aka things a lot of people just don't want to do) for a while until you get yourself into a position where you can start to coast on previous 'success'.

>realize I wasted the best years of my life
you're only 27. not sure where this meme about how your 20s is supposed to be 'the best years'. I'm in my mid thirties at the moment and I've been the happiest I've ever been.

>> No.25822519

Sirs, the INDIAN BVLL BRAIN is preparted to take the stresses of programming. Goto the outsourcing, sirs.

>> No.25822547

it's not a meme if you live in the northern hemispheres (UK, Scandinavia, Russia) and half of your year will be perpetual grey skies and darkness.

>> No.25822700

Have 600k in crypto, studying computer science

I fucking hate it

I fucking hate computers, I hate programming, I hate sitting hours at a time staring at screen

Its inhumane, its not normal, have to take 3 hour walk after every session and spend like 5 hours in nature

I hate it so fucking much I hate the fucking nerd culture

>> No.25822806

somewhat based

>> No.25822844

Crowley's "Do What Thou Wilt" means that you do what is your original nature and natural inclination

>In our time it is fashionable to exalt work of whatever sort and no matter how it is accomplished, as if it had some superlative value in itself independently of any consideration of another order. Contrary to what the moderns think, any work that is done indiscriminately by anyone solely for the pleasure of acting or because of the need to ‘earn one’s living’ hardly merits being exalted, and indeed it can only be regarded as something abnormal, opposed to the order that ought to regulate human institutions, to such a point that, in the conditions of our age, it only too often acquires a character that without any exaggeration qualifies as ‘infra-human’. What our contemporaries seem to ignore completely is that work is not truly valid unless it conforms to the very nature of the being that accomplishes it and results therefrom in a spontaneous and necessary way, as it were, so that it is no more than the means for that nature to realize itself as perfectly as possible.
- "Glorification Of Work" - René Guénon

Similarily, animals in their proper habitat in nature do not much else than "Their Will" so to speak, it is their natural inclination and instinct

Crowley never meant some sort of "hedonistic do what you want" -

>> No.25822883 [DELETED] 

You'll never be a woman.

See a therapist.

>> No.25822989
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>> No.25823057

lol bullshit

>> No.25823086

>I've built databases, maintained customer data, built code for multi billion dollar machines, detected and fixed countless bugs, and made countless auto testing scripts.

Congrats on being a backend code monkey faggot. Come to the full stack side and you'll know what pain is.

>> No.25823196
File: 342 KB, 1280x1545, inner solitude when clown world wrath of gnon quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a based quote. Saved. I'll admit I didn't really have any background on what the phrase means, but there is also something true about "do what thou wilt" having somewhat of a double/esoteric meaning from what I've gathered. The elites do satanic stuff because it is in their twisted nature to do so, but they also do it as part of blackmailing each other to keep each member in the cabal, that way they need each other and can't survive if they are cast out because the blackmail will cause the populous to devour them. I think there's some connection or similarity to that in how they traumatize the population and always keep them waiting in suspense for the next blow. Schooling is just another part of that. K-12 is required by law, but college is the point where you are expected to do it out of your own will. There's some sort of satanic pact that is formed in college by purposely traumatizing yourself and jumping trough hoops (and everybody knows subconsciously that's what it is, that's why there's so much partying, drinking, depression, degeneracy in college) just to get a piece of paper

>> No.25823266

Damn op im sorry. I'm cs programmer now. But I can't imagine trying to force myself to do it if I didn't like it.

And 9 to 5 job programming isn't as fuck as programming in school.

Good luck

>> No.25823282

I envy all of you. I have ADHD and can only do something for 3/4 months and move on. its fucking depressing because im too scared to try medication.

>> No.25823447

>See a therapist. Get exercise. Vitamin D.

Stopped reading there

>> No.25823566
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>> No.25824124


> already 27 years old

I also dropped out of college after 6 semesters, people were giving me shit for it constantly

> you wasted 3 years of your life
> you almost had it, why not finish it
> more normie shit talking

what these faggots and most of society don't understand is that in those years you "wasted", you gained so much experience and knowledge about who you are that you are willing to drop something that was in progress for x years because you knew it wouldn't make you happy

Who gives a fuck how old you are?

Is living the rest of your life in depression worth the respect and acknowledgement of other worth it?


Fuck these niggers, fuck society, fuck college, fuck everyone.

Stop fucking worrying about that shit and do what you want. If you can't make money with what you are doing, then you are not good enough at it, so fucking improve.

>> No.25824626

>college drop out
>enough money lying around to throw 80k into crypto

>> No.25825084

I have to work for 10 years to get 80k.

>> No.25825188

I hope you get paid the amount of each part of development you're covering (back-end, front-end, devops).

>> No.25825367

>graduate highschool
>bumble around a few semesters in college with no purpose because boomer parents say get a degree
>Life goes to shit, drop classes and move back in with dad
>Get a job in manufacturing
>Sort of mindless, but gives a purpose and routine to life
>Do well, get hired on full time
>Become a QT
>Sit on laptop and explain why people fuck up for wagebucks
>Get approached about industrial engineer position
>company is paying for me to get an engineering degree
>full benefits
>working out again
>eating healthy
>debt free, put free money into stocks and crypto

You can make it anon, just gotta put in the work.

>> No.25825369

did eng.mech ... limited jobs, learnt about thermodynamics though so that was worth it

did law, liked it. worked a bit. ESP banking law, in which I did the elective on FIAT CURRENCY and bored my class and teacher to death in 2006 with why FIAT is problematic with things like low CRR and QE .... so guess what I got some of when I heard about it in 2013.....

did MD finished that going to larp as an intern....but the BTC has made this all a hobby now.

I may retire. Or start my own company. Or something. I am over working/study.

>> No.25825444

>which country? 8k€ seems very low or is it not fulltime?
greece, fulltime

>> No.25825528

Be really good at what you do, simple as.

>> No.25825883

Jesus Christ there is so much wrong with that attitude I don't even know where to begin.

Study harder, work smarter, push more relentlessly. Read some Nietsche. You got nothing to lose, get up again and dust off your fucking skirt ya bitch. Listen to Grant Cardone.

>didn't enjoy it
The mistake is thinking that ripping out the universes' throat with your teeth is the same sensation as eating fucking sugar pops while rewatching Cartoons.

>> No.25825909
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forgot pic

>> No.25825951

>Grant Cardone
yep, this one goes into my cringe folder

>> No.25825980
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Part 1, (5) JOYS AND PASSIONS My brother, when you have a virtue, and it is your own virtue, you have it in common with no one. To be sure, you would call it by name and caress it; you would pull its ears and amuse yourself with it. And behold, you have its name in common with the people, and have become one of the people and the herd with your virtue! It is better for you to say: "Inexpressible is it, and nameless, that which is agony and sweetness to my soul, and also the hunger of my belly." Let your virtue be too high for the familiarity of names, and if you must speak of it, be not ashamed to stammer about it. Then speak and stammer: "This is my good, this do I love, it pleases me entirely, only this way do I want the good. Not as the law of a God do I desire it, not as a human law or a human need do I want it; it shall not be a signpost for me to over-earths and paradises. An earthly virtue is what I love: it has little prudence, and least of all the reason and wisdom of everyone. But that bird built its nest beside me: therefore, I love and cherish it - now it sits beside me on its golden eggs." Thus should you stammer, and praise your virtue. Once you had passions and called them evil. But now you have only your virtues: they grew out of your passions. You set your highest goal in the heart of those passions: then they became your virtues and joys. And though you were of the race of the hot-tempered, or of the lustful, or of the fanatical, or the vengeful; in the end, all your passions became virtues, and all your devils, angels. Once you had wild dogs in your cellar: but they changed at last into birds and charming singers.

>> No.25826026
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Ok enjoy your ego smugness masturbation while I outperform you. Thanks for the extra motivation, worm

Out of your poisons you brewed soothing ointments for yourself; you milked your cow of sorrow - now you drink the sweet milk of her udder. And nothing evil grows out of you any longer, unless it be the evil that grows out of the conflict of your virtues. My brother, if you are fortunate, then you will have one virtue and no more: thus you go more easily over the bridge. To have many virtues is a distinction, but it is a hard fate; and many a one has gone into the desert and killed himself, because he was weary of being the battle and battlefield of virtues. My brother, are war and battle evil? Necessary, however, is this evil; necessary are envy and distrust and slander among the virtues. Behold how each of your virtues wants the highest place; each wants your whole spirit to be its herald, each wants your whole power, in wrath, hatred, and love. Each virtue is jealous of every other, and jealousy is a dreadful thing. Even virtues can perish of jealousy. He whom the flames of jealousy surround, at last, like the scorpion, turns the poisoned sting against himself. Ah! my brother, have you never seen a virtue slander and stab itself? Man is something that must be overcome: and therefore shall you love your virtues, - for you will perish by them.- Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.25826119

>uh oh, forgot my BASED pic.
I think OP was right to remove himself from the soulless 15+ years of CS slavery he was signing up for; but yes, he can do with cheering up a bit.

>> No.25826174

Any non-fiction book recs, or advice in general, sire?

>> No.25826180


I'm getting a degree in speech and language pathology because I want to spend my time helping people. I'll have my medical license this year. Not every job has to be about wageslaving. Find a field that motivates you for reasons outside of just monetary ones.

>> No.25826209
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>I have a $80k Crypto portfolio
Not anymore!

>> No.25826271
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>CS Slavery
If you decide to become a slave you will be one. Knowing how to work the layer 0 of literally all of contemporary economics does not sound like the worst skill. Just don't be a bitch and believe what people try to tell you regarding your worth.

>> No.25826312

You have an 80k net worth in one of the best assets of our time, you have 3 more years in your 20s, you have zero debt and you realized you hate what you were doing.

Congrats, you're doing better than 80% of people in your age group. You feel dread and despair because you're not sure what to do next, that's normal.

What you need to realize is you have nothing to lose, but nothing to gain if you sit around and mope in your depression. You need to decide your career path quick and go all in. You can get hired in your 30s no problem. No one is going to pat your back and say good job, no one is going to hand you a job, no one is going to do anything for you. Your life is on you, it's up to YOU to do something now. You need to bust your ass now, so you won't be here making the same thread in your 30s and instead you'll be starting your career.

>> No.25826438

You know you have to be the most stereotypical IMPROOVER I've come across. I'm glad you found something that pulled you out of whatever mental space you must have been occupying previously though.

>> No.25826765
File: 259 KB, 864x1024, Kali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to say because I spend most of my leisure reading but the ones that come to mind are

Thus spoke Zarathustra
Be obsessed or be average/ 10x rule
The rational male
The strategy of conflict
The blockchain revolution
Study Baudrillard to become aware of what the Matrix movies are about

>General advice
Check your ego, until you can bear to see the mud you are. Be smart mud, be growing mud. Don't be mud pretending to be a fucking elf or something. People who are smug about their non-mud-persona are literal wankers and will never amount to anything because of that.

Be quick to block people on a whim when they poison your mind.

Worship pic related. Dance with her, tempt her. Translated to practical terms: Be afraid only of fear and compromise.

Lift of course and eat healthy. Martial arts are good.

Delete Netflix. Torrent good films if you want to watch something.

Be nice to yourself but don't pander. Think "would I treat my son like this".

Don't get too involved in politics or other people's issues. Always ask yourself "is this belief serving me or am I being integrated into a Borg superorganism".

Circle between reading old books (donwside: not necessarily up to date) and new ones (downside: they want to sell you something).

Pride yourself on being broke (because all your money is in investments).

If you want to game play only dark souls.

Meditation is ok but you don't need to overdo it.

Fast once in a while.

Pride yourself on execution not ideas.

>> No.25826937

doesn't pay the bills retard. Getting a degree because it's fascinating is some "i fucking love science" tier idiocy. Just read wikipedia or pirated algorithm design text books if that is your prerogative.
I relate to u boss, except I am merely in the phase of contemplating my own business.
Anons what is the name for the situation where I can easily get a 4.0 gpa in any difficult subjects (chemistry already and comp sci in progress) and have held some menial jobs before but can't seem to get a nice job within my field of education? It has me pretty blackpilled desu. Thinking of becoming a neet and living off dad's money for the rest of my life. My conditions is probably kind of like what >>25821711 is describing, a lack of self esteem....but it results in entire days wasted.

>> No.25827442

>Be obsessed or be average/ 10x rule
>The rational male
>The strategy of conflict
all reddit-tier
> Thus spoke Zarathustra
>The blockchain revolution
I'm on this board for a reason
>Study Baudrillard to become aware of what the Matrix movies are an allegory to transgender cause according to their directors...

The general advice section proves however that you are better than these recs. Hoping for a redemption arc, don't want to think that I've misjudged you.

>> No.25827681
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Oh and this is coming from a non-musical person but replace music with audiobooks. Audiobookbay.nl is your friend. Play them at 1.5x speed and whenever you do something that does not require your focus.

Be quick to put books aside that are a pain to read.

Don't beat yourself up if you don't understand shit.

If you study math and science be prepared to go slow and look up all the term you don't know. Takes forever at first but afterwards people will think you are a fucking blood sorcerer.

Be willing to think about a problem. Most people quit when the solution does not come to mind immediately. They feel guilty and shameful for thinking about problems they don't have the answer to, which is kinda paradoxical. Been there.

Related: Apply your head to things you want to change.

Did I say already you should stay greedy?

Don't be ashamed to spot the mind leech matrix beliefs/voices of other losers in your head and remove them. Takes incredible courage to see how much and deep you are cucked.

If you have to go somewhere walk if possible. People whine about having to walk 20min. t. just walked almost two hours to an appointment after leg day. Was freezing too, cold is good for you (look up brown fat cells).

Read the easy peasy method to quit porn and apply it to all your vices. I don't even think that porn is bad but I explored it well enough, time to drop it now. Tl:dr if you see it as a struggle you will fail. Be happy to not being hooked anymore to things that you decided to do without.

>redemption arc
gee I really need your approval internet stranger, please give it back

You have not read it have you? Most of it is Nietsche's personal blog.

>> No.25827850

>reddit spacing
I can't tell if you're a onions fag or a pedo onions fag.

>> No.25827880

Hey, very good advice, but worshipping Kali? What the fuck? Isn't she goddess of death and the assassins or some shit?

>> No.25828008

best schizo post ive ever seen. actually useful

>> No.25828157
File: 1.56 MB, 2342x6196, Nietzsche,_Where_To_Start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe loser, then get back to work. Chop chop.

Gods are metaphors only. It means loving life, loving risk. It's more fun if you visualize it as a crazy woman.

Thanks. Realize that everyone but literal autists is a shizo, but some people in certain times and places are the same kind of shizo and this is termed normalcy then. Take anyone from anytime/place and put them somewhere else and tell me they won't be called shizos (or call that everyone else).

Tl;dr what's your excuse not to be a shizo. You are not autistic are you?

>> No.25828295

>sound advice is now schizoposting
Clown world.

>> No.25828458
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x5000, Baudrillard,_Jean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit tier
Not all wisdom needs to be complicated. Simple books with a true message are easier to listen to while showering, walking, cleaning, lifting.

>> No.25828608

I just bought Thus spoke Zarathustra, haven't read it because I'm reading a couple other books I got at the same time. I haven't read any of Nietzsche's works, will I miss out if I don't read these other works?

>> No.25828674

>gee I really need your approval internet stranger, please give it back
I have studied game theory (maschler) so I chose the most optimal choice. You seemed like a person that would respond to something like it with a follow-up. If you had responded differently, it'd be something easy to use (redflag - ignore, otherwise to convince)

Nice chart, haven't seen it before. What's the sauce?
>Audiobookbay.nl is your friend. Play them at 1.5x speed and whenever you do something that does not require your focus.
Been doing that for a year or two. Not all audiobooks are on it, though. Any good alternatives?
Books from my list that I haven't found on it:
>when google met Wikileaks
>assange cypherpunks
>The Quants
>Permission Marketing
>Inside the Black Box: The Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading
>100 Baggers: Stocks That Return 100-To-1 and How to Find Them
>Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (SHIT QUALITY)
>The Buy Side: A Wall Street Trader's Tale of Spectacular Excess
>Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono

>Read the easy peasy method to quit porn and apply it to all your vices. I don't even think that porn is bad but I explored it well enough,
>Greene-like philosophy
You are a mystery to me. You spout reddit-tier bullshit along with actually useful advice. How will reading >>25828458 make anybody money? It won't.

>> No.25829198
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I think not. Again don't be afraid to not understand shit he's saying, the point is to surround yourself with uncucked people even if they are dead.

Some more

Focus your efforts on as little things as possible. On the other hand this category you pick does not need to be listed as a course at uni, if you see some interrelation between different subjects I want to encourage you to study all of it. And the reverse is true too - don't study a whole field if you don't see the point. I.e. If you want to disrupt shit with math bombs study Plutus/Haskell and game theory, you don't need web design or accounting.

Read fiction to wind down. I find reading econ books at night disturbs my sleep. Goes without saying it should be enjoyable. Bonus points if the authors are dead already. Ask lit for recs.

>Game theory
At based university? Best subject out there.

thanks, nice.

Care to elaborate fren?

>how will Baudrillard make anyone money
By unplugging them so they can act. You don't need to read all of that, just watch cuck philosophy's take on him (on youtube and cry me a river about him being a leftist, idgaf)

But yeah I would say that one of my vices is that I'm addicted to figuring out how things work which might not be the straightest path to success. But sometimes I read something and it feels like I just smoked DMT

>> No.25829258
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It's also very important to not get "locked" in other peoples ideas and philosophies. They are just either pointings or just fun to think about. They are of no use if you don't discover for YOURSELF if they are true or not. Giving advice to the world is easy. Following your own advice is hard.
>seek help from great therapist
>helps my life an many others
>start to discover my own way in life
>see that we all have out unique way in life
>therapist later commits suicide
>accept that as his choice
>hold no grudge, just slight disappointment
We all suffer in life. Some more than others, but seek help. Even if you are the helper.

>> No.25829301

finish and get a programming job, comfy and high salary

>> No.25829336

the fact that you are so vindictive of this man not working shows me you aren't as happy about your situation as you claim

>> No.25829570

I do it. Bloody Unity development of all things. But I work outside of games and make good money and get to browse here during the week.
I hate it of course, but I have the money to do what I want. Once you've got the basics, run through Robert C Martin's books and you can get yourself somewhere seniorish quickly enough.

>> No.25829772

>reddit tier
Another comment on that. Not everyone has the same sickness, so not everyone needs the same medicine.

As a german I have been surrounded by fucking death cultists (not the good fiery Kali kind, more the Christian cold water kind. Overloaded term I know) all my life and it took tremendous efforts to unplug and even dare trying. Now I increased my net worth from minus 10k to 100k within a year, not by working hard or even being smart but just by making obviously correct choices that made all the SJW's and Christians in my former environment seethe to put the sun to shame.

So - I needed mostly a mindset fix. Which I think is what most people need, differences in IQ are enormously overrated. Again, because we are all shizos (meaning social beings).

But yeah I would be curious to hear why you think they suck and what you would recommend instead.

>> No.25829982

>At based university? Best subject out there.
No, I have self-studied it. Maschler is far better than any university. Besides, studying game theory at a university involves getting a Ph.D. in economics and spending the rest of your life teaching. You can't do anything else after game theory.

>Care to elaborate fren?
You are recommending people to base their lives around validation from other people. That's why it is reddit tier. People who haven't ever needed to migrate to this site from something else, since they had never been on these other sites, have no use for
>By unplugging them so they can act.
They are solely focused on self-improvement. Self-improvement involves reading textbooks and other works just above your level your entire life. There's no place for philosophy.

Any book recommendations for computer science? Recently got redpilled on the necessity to know what does the device you use every day do. Started off with 'Programming: Principles and Practice using C++'. What then?

>> No.25830005
File: 39 KB, 608x611, boooooOooooOooring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a bum

Farm with BoringDAO.

>> No.25830227

What Maschler books would you recommend?

>> No.25830341
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>> No.25830516

Once you have a basic understanding, Cracking the coding interview covers a lot and should prepare you for any interviews. It's in Java, which is very similar to c++ but covers a wide range of material in an easy way to understand. The most important thing for CS though is side projects, you can study for years but won't go anywhere if you have nothing to show for it. Find some problem in your life/that is relevant and do it, try to have it be visual. Nothing too complex otherwise you'll get disheartened when you realize how long it will take.

>> No.25830524

I'm 23 years old, based in EU and earning $150k USD a year doing contract software engineering jobs for firms in London. No degree and never went to university, and all my friends tell me I am spoiled when I just feel despair and want to leave this meme fucking industry. I love programming but I cannot deal with the stigma of working professionally with it nor can I deal with the manchildren you encounter on a daily basis.

I just cannot see any career progression from here, I might be hitting $250-300k in total comp. this year depending on how hot the contract market gets, but no matter how much money you earn as a software engineer you will sooner or later be faced with a glass ceiling because boomers and those who run larger companies have ZERO respect for you or your trade. The only way I am getting out of this trap is by starting my own business, but that's not a walk in the park either even though I have ideas on what to do. Such is clownworld.

Imagine studying law or getting into banking, your career path is so well-defined and set from the getgo as long as you put in the hours and the work. In fucking software it doesn't matter how much work you put in because you will never ever make it.

>> No.25830571

Yeah ok, I just saw like 10 books by him on wikipedia

>> No.25830636

Is this what mental illness looks like?

>> No.25830667

literally me except having no money, been a neet for a year after dropping out

>> No.25830712

Yeah it's gotta be rough as a contractor because you're not even considered for promotions, and how much more value can you really add through your code. Reading up on finance and marketing would help allot if you make your own business.

>> No.25830766

Possibly. I burnt out two years ago and almost killed myself but decided to travel instead which alleviated some of the depression and burnout symptoms. IT/software burnout is real and there is a reason why it is the profession with the highest rates of it.

>> No.25830768

Read rich dad poor dad cash quadrant
You need to figure out how you want to live. Aimless details like should I x are not going to help at this stage of uncertainty. If you have a samsung you can get a free two nonth trial with scribd to read/audio book if you cant yarrrr it.

It wont have the answers but it will give you the right questions

>> No.25830799

Save most of your salary and you can reach FIRE in 5 years with that kind of wage.

>> No.25830815

>not a total bum
four 2x trades in crypto and you are a millionaire, you mental bum..

>> No.25830829

Used to be an employee in the past anon and it was the same shit then too. Promotions don't matter because realistically you're only going to be promoted to maybe CTO at a small startup (which is a massive bet assuming they pay you mostly in equity), rarely will you be able to net the high paying position at multi-national companies that other normies are able to get with ease as long as they put in the work.

>> No.25831068

I don't want to work in CS. Once I'm done with uni (doing math), I'm going to get myself a job in finance. Knowledge of CS is useful for me because I use a computer a dozen or so hours a day, so obviously, I'd rather possess the knowledge to make it more optimal (and not have my rights infringed by the government). As such, any textbooks recs would be much appreciated (there are good textbooks and there are shit textbooks). Will read the coding interview.
Also, what do you mean by
>try to have it be visual

>> No.25831192


>> No.25831226
File: 105 KB, 702x275, torus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your thoughts, frens?

I spend at minimum 50% of all my waking hours thinking about CS and Math topics -- usually more-- so I can't relate at all OP.

Sorry you don't enjoy the stuff, it's really beautiful to me. Maybe learn more geometry and stop thinking about programming linguistically? Deterministic languages like axiomic math and programming can be interpreted as transcendental objects with a highly symmetric structure, and navigated as a space.

>> No.25831381

Could you recommend me some books, too?

>> No.25831582

He means your projects must have a GUI and be pretty for the braindead sºydevs and managers that'll be in the interviewing process. CLI programs won't be enough. Anyway, it doesn't matter, you made the wise choice of going to fintech and that won't be needed.

>> No.25831710

Haven't said fintech, but maybe.

>> No.25831723
File: 28 KB, 435x1024, Boolean_operations_on_shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want to learn about?

>> No.25831982

Anything intellectually engaging and potentially useful for a math undergrad. Escaping government surveillance is a plus. Don't really know much anything about CS so can't be more specific than that. Generally, any textbook that you found to be good will do.

>> No.25832373



>> No.25832509

>The wagie ragie as he sits in traffic

>> No.25832770
File: 69 KB, 639x800, a1b3177f793fcd6ceac3bbc901dee666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Machine Learning. This is the BEST resource I've found on the topic and will get you up to the modern paradigm faster than anything else I've found.

You want to escape surveillance? They use ML to automate it, so learn ML and then learn how to break it.

For the rest of the listings, the books are okay but not as strongly recommended. Use search engine and libgen

>Algebra, Serge Lang
>Algebraic Topology, Allen Hatcher
>Category Theory for Programmers, Milewski

Some topics that I haven't found a textbook specifically for but if you search will give you plenty of resources.

>Clifford/Geometric Algebra
>Differential Geometry, specifically Riemannian

If you can't tell, I really like reasoning using Geometry. These are just the topics my head is currently stuck on. Your mileage may vary.

If you're a pure Math guy, you might be better off with Rudin's three books on Analysis. I personally can only stand so much rigor on the topic. Best wishes on your journey fren.

>> No.25832976

(Apologies for the shitty comment formatting I'm fonepoasting. I gotta go now but if any anons wanna talk on these topics hit up excavationsquad@protonmail.com I don't check it all the time but I will get back eventually)

>> No.25833076

Thanks. Will get back to you when I finish a chart or two and the ML.

>> No.25833230

ha reddit onions asscancer fag
you seethe and dilate
>meditate but dont overdo it
I'll meditate after i tie you up and eat your parents infront of you.

>> No.25833350

Hey man, I'm by no means as versed in math as you both, but I think you'll like Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual (if you find the first part tedious, just jump straight to the problems in the second part) and Smart's Cryptography Made Simple. I liked those books, especially the latter one because I like algebra.

>> No.25833413

All recs are good. Thanks

>> No.25833485

I never went to college and I make $120k a year as a senior programmer, although it wasn't trivial to get here. Consider yourself lucky about dropping out, just get a career. Entry level is really tough to get but once you do 2-3 years as an entry level programmer you switch work places and you are set.

>> No.25833718

I like your outlook. We are similar spirits.

>Now I increased my net worth from minus 10k to 100k within a year, not by working hard or even being smart but just by making obviously correct choices that made all the SJW's and Christians in my former environment seethe to put the sun to shame.

Please explain.

>> No.25834123

I graduated my CS degree but got laid off due to hyperinflation
am 27 as well
you are debt free OP and seem based and redpilled af
choose whatever path you feel is right and go with it
hope you make it friend

>> No.25834591


>> No.25834694

19 europoor here, mentally drained after 3 semesters of CS, starting into crypto to scape the rat race, started university as a plan B in case i dont make it, have pretty good ideas already so i may actually make it eventually, with which grade of confidence when things start going good do you guys think i should leave university? last night i started learning russian out of boredom even with an exam on tuesday but really i cant be bothered with uni

>> No.25834880

>And if it doesn't work out, I can still use the degree as a fallback
Sorry to say this anon but everyone and their retarded brother has a business degree these days, I really wouldn't look at it as a fallback for anything.

>I wasted the best years of my life
You don't even know what those years are yet anon, dont be sad. I envy you for not having any debt and having a bunch of money.

>> No.25834985

Love this man