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File: 142 KB, 603x423, biden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25818472 No.25818472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from this as a straight, white male?

>> No.25818488

Be their landlord

>> No.25818490

You’re a gender fluid non-binary who identifies as a woman.

>> No.25818491

become a nazi

>> No.25818509

this, increase the rent

>> No.25818524

Soon it will be illegal for straight white males to profit off of anything, whitey

>> No.25818563

Shit, what do.
This country isn't ours anymore. He is a traitor and disgusting pseudo-commie piggo.

>> No.25818566

1. Be white
2. Be loved and adored by the entire world except China and do whatever you want rent free
3. Still be angry and upset that its not enough and choose a life of inceldom
You've done it

>> No.25818624

Chinese women love cumskins

>> No.25818625

become a woman then?

>> No.25818635

How can white people vote for this?

>> No.25818639

That's fucking racist, how can people tolerate this kind of statements?

>> No.25818658

lol buy BTC

>> No.25818677

have you been sleeping this summer?

>> No.25818683


>> No.25818712

Unless they make it illegal to do that
Oh and they might decide to stop paying rent in which case you can do basically nothing
Never rent to niggers
T. Ex-landlord of 23 properties

>> No.25818756

All asian women would take multiple beatings and torture by birdshit skin and still be happy

>> No.25818763

Not one country likes americans

>> No.25818781

it's because they know those genes will live on

>> No.25818784

I am not Jewish
checked and missing 1

>> No.25818817
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>That's fucking racist

>> No.25818851

Vacationed with my gf to China 2 years ago, had a Chinese ask me why our country is ok with its culture being destroyed by immigrants. I am not joking. I was shocked to hear something so genuinely based.

>> No.25818890


>> No.25819043

Thank you Larpy McLarpson

>> No.25819073

That's how people react everywhere outside Western Europe / USA

>> No.25819154

You wish. People in China, Korea, Japan etc. are openly racist. Maybe try leaving your liberal/western bubble for a couple of months.

>> No.25819178
File: 564 KB, 876x847, 1608679624988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start a business in the lucrative field of fertilizer sales and Ryder truck rentals.

Lots of people will be moving out of the cities and growing their own food.

>> No.25819211

True. Been there for a visit. I think racist is the wrong word though, they really dislike everyone that isn't Japanese.

>> No.25819240
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>> No.25819262
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pretty sure its lip service to niggers and spics

>> No.25819267
File: 50 KB, 553x553, 1610220561030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing you can do at this point. Too many white people are under the NPC spell from the media. They will get away with it.

You could always sell your dignity and become a tranny, but please don't.

>> No.25819300

if you don't understand the US has been doing this since the 1960's, including all through trump's presidency, you're too stupid to profit.

>> No.25819301

>Never rent to niggers
there are no niggers in my country but we have an equivalent gypsy tier minority, wasnt planning on doing that either. solid advice desu

>> No.25819309
File: 384 KB, 710x1000, 1598860541946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites got pissy sorry pol and r the donald whites got mad when trump was gonna pass 500 billion in blacks and decide not to vote(good choice voting honestly doesn't matter)
>biden is just gonna do it anyway

>> No.25819394

It's like this almost everywhere in the west, even here in Europe. It's actually quite baffling to watch

>> No.25819445

Sue the fucker for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

>> No.25819450
File: 284 KB, 445x528, Em8-rHzW8AY239L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really it's no different than Trump with his platinum plan for blaeqs and American dream plan for spics.

American politics in a nutshell:
>promise things for blaeqs, spics, gooks
>give everything to jews
>call white people evil or pretend they don't exist

Rinse, repeat, etc.

>> No.25819459

I lived in China, the normal people love westerners

>> No.25819466

Since when niggers pay rent and don't detroy your property?

>> No.25819487

Pretty much this. Every white man in the US should just buy BtC stop working and tank the dollar

>> No.25819490

You won’t win. They control the courts. All we can do is take it for the next 4 years unfortunately.

>> No.25819502

>Be loved and adored by the entire world
Maybe you should actually read the OP pic.
The upcoming leader of the US openly disdains and discriminates against white people.

>> No.25819527

Find the nearest leftist then beat them half to death in minecraft.

>> No.25819528

If you think they will leave you alone for 4 years then you will have pretty brutal wake up call.

>> No.25819545

Wow, America is a shithole, I feel ashamed wishing to immigrate there

>> No.25819548
File: 73 KB, 843x465, 50$-whatever-you-want-baby-Can-you-vote-for-green-meme-7073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They aren't gonna deliver for blacks or any other sub groups they never do
As long as black "leaders" are there to gather up the black vote there is no need to actually come through

>> No.25819573

And then do what? Elect another zionist faggot?

>> No.25819574

Start a business in Asia with your capital. All East Asian countries are booming with White entrepreneurs.

>> No.25819583
File: 138 KB, 1792x828, pewds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in minecraft
do you fags ever stop being a joke? no wonder you couldn't take the capitol

>> No.25819611

yes, but they're also very racially aware in their outlook on politics in foreign nations

>> No.25819619
File: 277 KB, 1200x1200, malcolm-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they control the courts
but mitch mcconnell the R was packing all local courts for trump what do you mean?

>> No.25819650
File: 75 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,FFFFFF_97ab1c12de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you allowed to just make posts like this without providing any kind of source?

>> No.25819664

Wow how strange that white males overwhelmingly vote republican kek

>> No.25819691

>I think racist is the wrong word though, they really dislike everyone that isn't Japanese.
Xenophobic is a more accurate word.

>> No.25819703

Oh anon you poor naive soul. We white people don't get the 14th amendment protections of strict scrutiny. We get rationale basis review because we are not a group that has suffered under a past history of discrimination. Legal discrimination against us is only ongoing and accelerating.

This system hates you and wants you dead. Political violence is the only answer.

>> No.25819706
File: 94 KB, 850x478, 5b0821d415e9f917c2730963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes the same intelligent white males who continue to elect mitch mcconnell and storm federal buildings for their leader trump
>who basically told them to fuck off on twitter before getting banned
those white males are intelligent bunch
coal industry resurgence wen?

>> No.25819716

lmao that pic is so commie it's adorable.

>hurr just solve everything with muh programs funded with tax dollars

>> No.25819717

You can earn a pretty good wage as an english teacher in Japan as long as you're not a shitter.
Downsides are housing prices and the like, but whites are the niggers of asia so you're not expected to work as hard and the like.
Japan is a nice place to go for a few years but I wouldn't want to live there for the rest of my life.

>> No.25819727

write a book where you invent a story about how you went through a non-binary phase but at the end ended up as a straight male. Don't forget to add explicit sexual scenes (fake obviously). trust me women love these stupid books

>> No.25819729

This is why I'm not too concerned. Sucks to be white currently, but I can keep my head down while still accumulating assets.

>> No.25819728

People laugh until they stop laughing. My gay nogunz shit-talking leftoid friend, you don't want the people to stop laughing.

>> No.25819735

You know, I have no clue what to do. I feel pretty hopeless, anon. I don’t see things ever getting better. Think I’ll try to drown out reality with alcohol and vidya.

>> No.25819742


Yet somehow Trump is the real racist lol

fucking clown world

>> No.25819749

>ah yes the same intelligent leftists who continue to elect Maxine Waters and storm federal buildings for their leaderless commie revolution

>> No.25819754

Baffling and disturbing.

>> No.25819781

>Every white man in the US should just buy BtC stop working and tank the dollar
That would be so fucking based.

Then we take the profits and build communities around the globe. Where will you be building your crypto community?

>> No.25819783
File: 71 KB, 680x473, what are you gonna do vote democrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes communism is when the government does stuff. Might I suggest the utopian paradise of Appalachia or Kentucky? Real libertarian fend for yourselves type there

>> No.25819805
File: 44 KB, 700x360, og-timothy-mcveigh-8328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I wonder

>> No.25819816

>communism is when the government does stuff
The government is supposed to do very little stuff.
Because the more stuff it does, the more power it has.

>> No.25819822
File: 160 KB, 500x597, 1xlm0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well if the left dies for their puppet leaders it's okay for my side too die for our puppet leaders too
communism is when the government does stuff

>> No.25819840
File: 35 KB, 608x456, jew gimme dat baby dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes communism is when the government does stuff. Might I suggest the utopian paradise of Appalachia or Kentucky? Real libertarian fend for yourselves type there

>> No.25819849
File: 495 KB, 1104x534, 1596342216428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question. But you see, you can't be racist towards whites.

>> No.25819863
File: 141 KB, 909x1024, peaceful protest vs terrorism capitol hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25819877

or they will storm the capitol for the god emperor trump or get trampled to death carrying don't try on me flags? Or get shot in their sleep on red flag laws? I've seen your side it's as pacified as the left