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25812735 No.25812735 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of all these deadbeat women that think they can ride the coattails of successful men. I refuse to date non college educated women except under extreme circumstances. And there is a heavy biased towards lawyers, doctors, etc. I'm sick of women thinking they can bring nothing to the table. Men in the same circumstances would be considered absolute losers

>> No.25812758

Pump eeeeettttt

>> No.25812811

Okay. Date an educated woman. Why do I care about who you date? Stop telling women you have money. Let your personality speak before assets.

>> No.25812841

I’m sure you’re a massive catch, OP.

Given the time. You’re on 4chan either late at night or early in the morning.

>> No.25812848

Nigger college educated women become college educated to find simps like you to ride the coattails of. Women get money to attract richer men. Women get "educated" to marry higher status men.

EVERY THING WOMEN DO IS TO ATTRACT HIGHER STATUS MEN. Only the mentally ill ones date down like with nigger and drug dealers and shit.
Date women that you meet through family connections if possible. A lot of good women are hidden gems that can only be met through their relative you have to impress. Fuck college sluts and don't marry them.

>> No.25812864

Given the time, aren’t you as well? There’s a pandemic.

>> No.25812880

Based and Blackpilled

>> No.25812881

>tfw your height speaks louder than your personality
>tfw girls still ghost you when you're +6"
What the fuck?

>> No.25813041

I’m a femanon and make between $35-$40 an hour. I don’t actually get paid hourly but it’s something like that if I did. Would my primary job income qualify me into your standard of a woman who doesn’t need to ride your coat tails???

>> No.25813059

pretty much this

If you spend any amount of time on tinder you get a good laugh at the delusional value many modern women put on themselves. They confuse being attractive and getting a lot of replies from men with chad-staying power, which is what they ultimately want. Fuck them and move on, ideally to a good woman, OP.

>> No.25813070

Tits. Before u utter another word - tits

>> No.25813088

I wanted to warn you before you utter anything but it was too late: >>25813070

>> No.25813133

OP was clearly talking about gold digging thots that have little or no career but expect to be maintained by men because of their looks. also show your boobies

>> No.25813158


No one said you could talk whore. OP college educated women are even more annoying because they think they actually know something. Also, they only go to college to ride cock carousel then find someone with a good financial future to marry.

>> No.25813524

That's a man.

>> No.25813617

Fuck off, cunt, nobody wants you here

>> No.25813672

That's a deadbeat man

>> No.25813684
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You will never be a woman

>> No.25813738


>> No.25813751

>college education
Sir you either don’t know what college is or you are an enormous faggot that wants a bitch indoctrinated with leftist ideology.
Either way, good luck anon, you’re definitely gonna need it

>> No.25813753


I work for a top 5 tech company and I’m browsing biz rn unironically

>> No.25813769
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You will never be a woman

>> No.25813770

This is not a business or finance related thread. Please delete

>> No.25813858

There was a reason in ancient pure Aryan India, women were not allowed to take part in education. In women’s mind education produces arrogance and a passport to be anything than homemaker. Date a conservative or traditional women who are ready to remain home to raise kids, even if you’ve to reach out across cultures. Ex: Iranian semi-modern women will still be better than US ones.

Industrialisation and it’s cousin feminism killed women evolution has designed for men.

>> No.25813895


OP this is what I’m doing. I make over 200k and I’m dating a girl who makes 120k. We are going to have a HHI of over 400k when we get married

>> No.25813931
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I refuse to date girls older than 17.

>> No.25813934


Nah, fuck jannies

>> No.25813944

LMAO. It is. To acquire assets and make your life fulfilling, your partner need to be carefully selected. How much value you’d ascribe to a women who spend less, raise kids, do a side gig from home and make you happy.

>> No.25813963

Why can't women be a better best freind than a dog that has been with it's owner for 8 years to do things like going out with the owner when ever possible?

>> No.25813970

College educated women make perfect wives for the crypto rich neet man.

>> No.25813978
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>I don’t actually get paid hourly
Guys this sentence is so dumb and unnecessary it might actually be a woman

>> No.25813988

Women are like dogs, you need to train them from puppy.

>> No.25814072

>want all women to be rich and college-educated, but still willing to be stay at home moms that live in a cabin 30 miles from the nearest neighbor
>your offering is you're an incel living in your mom's basement with a lot of money

>> No.25814144

GFs are a lot bigger hassle as a maid.

>> No.25814151


>> No.25814242

>t. groomer

>> No.25814289

"Education" destroys women, college most especially. Almost everyone goes to college.

>> No.25814310

Height obsessed chicks are a filter, easy to spot garbage.

>> No.25814465


Op's pic looks like my ex. The one that got away.

Since the last time I seen her till the next time I see her, she'd have had mile's of cock. Do I want to be with that? Nope. I've made my money from BTC and Link enough to live Hygge.

Its time to train at the gym and go to Denmark and find me another mermaid.

>> No.25814696
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>> No.25814733
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>t. eunuch who doesn't have the balls to train his wife
Enjoy getting cucked by Tyrone

>> No.25815143

Shit that's how society has always functioned lol. Women attach themselves to the good looking an successful and breed away. Improving the human race and leaving idiots like you out of the gene pool. Faggot.

>> No.25815180

Fuck you poorfag

College education is a negative

I refuse to date a woman who works. I make millions a year, my wife will cook and clean and raise the kids

>> No.25815209

>I can’t believe all this 8/10 women I want to date don’t want to date me because I’m a 6/10

>> No.25815219

False. Men have always provided for women in exchange for women giving birth and doing house chores. Now you have to provide for women even if you never meet them cause they all suck up taxes.

>> No.25815239


>> No.25815240

You are partially correct. All women are mentally ill.

>> No.25815274

College educated women are the biggest deadbeats of all. Indebted whores

>> No.25815300

I wonder what your mother's would think of your opinions lmao

>> No.25815307

they ARE dogs

>> No.25815344
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I'm taking this a step further. I refuse to get involved with a woman who doesn't make MORE than I do (unless she is really, truly, 100% a diamond in the rough but even then, you never know...)

>> No.25815465
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dangerously based

>> No.25815472
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excuse me sir, not there

>> No.25815611

Based. But I’m taking it one step further I refused to get involved with a woman who doesn’t make so much money that I can quit my job and be a sugar baby. And no old women allowed. My age (24) or younger.

>> No.25815984

>marry a lawyer
>divorcerapes you cause she's a divorce lawyer

>> No.25816560

>college educated
doesn't make you receive a soul maybe that's why there are so many soulless people because it takes much more than that and real problems which first and second world retards don't have on the average

>> No.25816705


>> No.25816921

>letting women anywhere close to your assets and finances
NGMI. In this new paradigm, you pump and dump. Pussy is just about worthless now.