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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 960x539, GRT-Sale-and-Distribution-mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25800396 No.25800396 [Reply] [Original]

The Graph General - GRT

I told myself if it dropped to .32 again I'd acquire some more. So just picked up another 1000usd worth. Currently sitting on 15k GRT or about almost 5k USD worth at the time of this thread.

There's no threads up and price is back down so I see this as a buy signal. I genuinely think the EOY for this will be nuts. And even more longterm it's one of the last great moon rockets that no one is paying attention to. But I'm not an emotional day trader so I don't mind accumulating and chilling for years or whatever. I have a tech job anyway.

Anyways talk about GRT.

>> No.25800577

its a shitcoin Marty. I'd rather hold Link instead.

>> No.25800685


I hold link too and think it will do well longterm. In fact, I hold a diverse amount of stuff. But GRT is my suicide stack. If you're focused on buying shit that's already over $10 you might have some real chances at wealth but not insane wealth. GRT at .32 is a slept on moment.

>> No.25800715

Great coin, dreadful tokenomics. It just keeps bleeding kek. Might pick up a small bag on this dip tho

>> No.25800764

Smart. If you aren't buying these bargain bin prices on a future top 10 coin you are retarded.

>> No.25800895

what is the token actually for?

>> No.25800917


"bleeding" is just another way of saying "going on sale". We're so early into this coins existence too that it's literally the time to get in. It's not like it has years of history of poor performance or bleeding out. It's just fluctuating in the 30s range mostly. Hell if I was a day trader I could probably sit and flip this multiple times a week. But I'm not. And consider all the attention it has too. For me attention is a big signal for longterm growth just like it was for link.

>> No.25800963

Sucking man cock

>> No.25801025
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I keep throwing money at it. Hopefully you guys aren't shitposting

>> No.25801133

You bought at 32c? Shit... youre gonna lose 20% in the next month. Ss this and see.

>> No.25801149

>is a slept on moment.
not familiar with this phrase. spoon-feed me your cultural slang please

>> No.25801227

It's bollocks.

>> No.25801307


I'm just a white 30 year old in tech so idk why this is hard to understand? It means right now at this point in time people are asleep, unaware, or not paying attention to the opportunity that is present here currently.

>> No.25801435

3.3k baglet, all I'm hoping for is 5 figures to play with. Hopefully I'm not priced out of ETH by the time that happens. The opportunity cost is honestly getting to me a bit.

>> No.25801442

holding 31.7k 100% in delegation.

>> No.25801468
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0.15 bags incoming

>> No.25801531
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Your native dialect is fascinating. Thank you welcoming me into you village and teaching me your ways.

>> No.25801561


Wouldn't care one bit. I'd just start buying double at that point. You guys can never seem to zoom out.

>> No.25801575
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I'm beyond all forms of capitulation at this point. Now I'm just numb. I sunk $3k into this (half my life's savings) at 50cents. In my mind, that money is already gone. Poof. Evaporated. Bleeding away like the slow drip of my limited time on this earth.

That's what I get for daring to dream, for daring to attempt escape from slavery.

pic related, me in the future

>> No.25801615


>> No.25801620
File: 1.09 MB, 600x338, july.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought at .55 20 days ago, still in red and this shit is dumping even more fuck this shit

>> No.25801647


why didnt you just buy bitcoin lol

>> No.25801694 [DELETED] 

Fuck this piece of shit, I missed alt season because I hodl.

>> No.25801714

why are you invedting in a project that will be supplanted by Narrow AI tools within 2-3 years?

>> No.25801764
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>> No.25801775

I think you guys are expecting too much too soon. Partnerships (i.e. real usage) and expanding into other L1 and L2 chains is good, but it won't significantly boost price. Price increase will only come once revenue starts flowing in, which depends on how much these projects are actually used. I don't see much happening within a year - yeah there will be a boom now with transactions ramping up on dexes, but nothing that would boost dapps' usage. DeFi might advance a bit, haven't really followed since it crashed in September. It's a no-brainer for sure, but its success is not entirely dependent on itself.

>> No.25801788

Fuck you, you wigger fuck

>> No.25801825

No one gives a fuck about what you think. You and GRT are answers to questions nobody asked.

>> No.25801885

you want to develop an app and have a plan, great. now you have to buy or rent an expensive server and if you're low budget, hire a team of indians to index data for you. Or, you send the grt and get the data quicker and much cheaper.

>> No.25801892

Stake it. Then don't look at it for 5 years.

>> No.25801983

hindsight is 20/20

that's like buying NANO at $20 and then hodling

>> No.25801988

First of all, OP is literally me. So that's based.

Second of all, GRT is the most fun "slow burn" project I've been involved with. It actually makes me feel like I'm investing, instead of gambling.

Love these generals.

>> No.25802022
File: 367 KB, 541x700, 787e645dd272642d35bba7bba21c00c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth delegating to that new whale indexer?

>> No.25802102
File: 406 KB, 220x227, AEDDBCD7-1E3A-4848-A73F-0425954B6D36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be worth ZERO in 5 years anon

>> No.25802107
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>> No.25802125

I personally don't think so.

Their fee cut is just way too big.

>> No.25802162

Shut the fuck up. If this was such a sure thing, you wouldn't need to circle jerk in these generals. Just fuck off

>> No.25802202

Isn't it offset by how big their gains are?

>> No.25802222

Founder of a tech company here (~$50M valuation). I have a 15K bag that's delegated. Planning on putting another $5K-$10K later this week (expecting some turbulence thanks to the tether nonsense).

I will keep accumulating over the year and see what happens with this thing over the next couple of years. The problem intrigues me. It's all about the execution so let's see if this team can pull it off.

>> No.25802278

can someone share the links for the websites that let you calculate potential APYs for delegating with various indexers?

>> No.25802324

It could be, but you'd have to do the math.

There's a few online calculators online that'll tell you instantly, but I'm a dirty phoneposter right now so I don't remember the links.

I'll post them in a little if this thread is still up in a little

>> No.25802344


You seem emotional. ngmi

>> No.25802361

I wouldn't bet on it. Any indexer whose reward is drastically lower than the global average must be enticing potential delegators in the short term. In all likelihood, they will adjust it upward in the long run. That wouldn't be a problem for delegators if they didn't have a 28 day cooldown if they wanted to arbitrage their returns between indexers

this one?

>> No.25802396

meant for >>25802202

>> No.25802399

Yo need to do the math depending on your other choices. That whale pays out every day, so your interest is compounded daily. I put some with them just to have a reliable stake

>> No.25802443

Nah the new whale hasn't payed out yet. Who knows what cadence he'll be on.

>> No.25802460

Yup, thats the site I was hoping for. Thanks, anon.

>> No.25802478


I got off my lazy ass. Here's the sites i've found to help determine where to put my GRT:

the-graph-rewards dot com
thegraph.stake-machine dot com
thegraph dot live
twitter @stakemachine

Just know the unstaking period is a fucking absurd 28 days so choose wisely

i'm delegated to p2p personally

>> No.25802537

Disregard. Apparently I was running my mouth about shit I don't know about.

>> No.25802546

Just like you and your ego, starting this general and feeling the need to monitor and respond to your pretty little thread.

>> No.25802575

>There's no threads up and price is back down so I see this as a buy signal
That's a signal that a coin got shilled, pumped and dumped. Enjoy a steady daily decrease in sats until perma flatline. That's what you deserve for buying shitcoins.

>> No.25802590

>start a thread for conversation and ideas
"bro you should just make a thread and abandon it"

please go back to your pajeet scamcoin threads thank you

>> No.25802652

The Google of chainlink

>> No.25802703

Yea i delegated to the one bigger one. Seems like a Chinese rug pull wish me luck bros

>> No.25802734

why are you so incredibly assblasted over this

>> No.25802789

he bought at .70

>> No.25802860

I'm a newfag to crypto and have 1k in LINK and GRT. How fucked am I?

>> No.25802871

Post proof

>> No.25802985

Bad timing since it's not an alt season yet but quite an alright selection. You should consider throwing more money in unless you're content with what you have and reasonable in your expectations

>> No.25803028

>15k grt
>suicide stack
I hate you newfags so much.

>> No.25803085
File: 318 KB, 1152x2048, 1609971456824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> no one is pay attention to.

There is 2 new graph posts posted on biz every hour.
It is one of the most talked about cryptocurrencies in the entire space at the moment.

>> No.25803091
File: 96 KB, 1798x759, SCUMBAG indexer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking to a guy who got rug pulled yesterday. The indexer had attractive rates, then he changed them to 100% right before payout and kept all of the delegators' rewards. Pic related. Don;t delegate with him.

>> No.25803190

I just traded 600 GRT for like 400 PRQ. I know it'll be worth it in the end. Fuck this bleeding coin

>> No.25803350

As an example, what does it mean to delegate this coin? newfag

>> No.25803415

see you at 20c

>> No.25803485

I have around 20k GRT. Is delegation worth it or should I just hodl it.

>> No.25803524

in simple terms you collect interest on them in exchange for not withdrawing

for example i split my initial 5k stack among 5 different indexers

based off real rewards here is my yearly return
INDEXER 1 - 24.31%
INDEXER 2 - 5.48%
INDEXER 3 - 5.11%
INDEXER 4 - 28.47%
INDEXER 5 - 16.06%

I'll have delegated for a month on the 27th of Jan. I expect these numbers to adjust with time.

>> No.25803583

maybe you should get a job

>> No.25803622

Are you selling it sooner, or later?
Sooner: don't delegate.
Later: Delegate

>> No.25803623

correction: 25k stack

>> No.25803816

My plan is to just keep investing over time but /biz/ convinced me on these coins. Also holding some ETH, ADA, and RSR

>> No.25803840
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Thanks, I appreciate it. So let's say I've got 1k of GRT (could call it 1k stack?), and I want to hold it for long term. I've got 2 different indexers, and I want to delegate 500 to each. How do I go about this if I just got the GRT on coinbase as of now.
Additionally, could I take my 1k back at any point? Are there fees to doing that too?

>> No.25803855

Why would I need to do that. You can choose to ignore everything I say. Kek.

>> No.25803984

You have had many chances to sell and fix this.... I flipped GRT many times and currently have a pretty good stack considering im a wagie.

>> No.25804038

I'm a poorfag newfag, but I know their website has instructions. Download metawallet ( i think thats its name) and send it there. but either medium or their website has specific delegation walkthroughs

hoping to DCA this down to .3 and put all my money into it hoping it mirrors chainlink a little

>> No.25804070


You have to go back

>> No.25804082

Are quads not good enough for you?

>> No.25804091

checked, see ya at the cloud city.

>> No.25804103
File: 299 KB, 736x960, 1610139633665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your time and do your homework. it pays well to do so.

you'll need a metamask wallet and ethereum for gas. very bs but whatever my gains have already covered the gas i used. i used slow level fees because im not in a rush.

0.5% of your delegated GRT is taken as a deposit tax and burned AND you have to initiate withdrawal 28 days before the day you want to actually withdraw.

good luck and wgmi fren

>> No.25804178
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1.5k stack let here. 3$ is the perfect sell point for me. Hoping to make it.

>> No.25804211

forgot to mention the 0.5% fee is a onetime fee WHEN you FIRST delegate. meaning if you delegate only once, you pay that fee once. but if you withdraw and enter another delegator you pay another fee.

>> No.25804236

1) Download metamask. This will give you a wallet with an address.
2) Use the send/receive feature on Coinbase to send your GRT to that wallet itself. This will cost a fee, likely around $10. Coinbase might not let you do it right away either since their withdrawal deadlines can take a couple days. This will incur a fee.
3) Wait for around 25 network confirmations (5-10 minutes), your fuinds should be seen in the Metamask wallet.
4) To to the graph's network page, find the indexer(s) you want, and hit delegate. This will also incur a fee of .5% I think, as well as normal ethereum trading fees (called gas). The transaction will show up in Metamask for approval.

5) shitpost as a delegator because you're based

>> No.25804255
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>threadly reminder

>> No.25804265

10k here, will never sell before $10, not kidding.

>> No.25804358

I have 51k of these delegated. I hope that I make some money.

>> No.25804378

based and ywmi pilled
i so badly want to accumulate my stack to 100k but itll probably moon before then


>> No.25804403

I did not know this. Thanks!

>> No.25804459

happy to have so many GRTbros
How long do we think until this starts to moon? I only have 300 but want to try to get 5 or 10k

>> No.25804470

This is my goal, I wouldnt mind if it crabbed for a few more months because I am DCAing my way to 10k. Already at 1.6k and it feels really good.

>> No.25804520

Is it worth to delegate my 1.5k GRT? I'm hoping to hold It for a year at least but keep overthink about it hitting my sell price and my bag os stuck delegating.

>> No.25804549
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np broski wgmi

no idea but normies getting awakened to centralized corporations is a good sign steam is accumulating. hope to increase my stack just like you.

let's throw a lambo party when we hit $10 in a few years

>> No.25804591

delegation is worth it if gonna pretend these coins no longer exist. much easier to stomach price fluctuations that way.

>> No.25804600

Most on here bought the top and are still trying to break even. The project is cool, but if you don't hold a ridiculous amount like 1 million you won't make it.

>> No.25804675

I break even and make profit every day. GRT moon at the same time every day.

>> No.25804681
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How much GRT is a make it stack?
Can we settle this once and for all?

>> No.25804725

I bought at 11 cents. Average now at 25 cents.

Some of us are smart anon.

>> No.25804770

Nice. At most I see this hitting $1-2 eoy.. maybe sooner if there's polkadot supgraphs etc.

suicide stack: 500k
make it stack: 1million

I don't see how it could be otherwise. I mean look at the token supply.

>> No.25804785

What do you look for in a good indexer?

>> No.25804836

BIG ass
FAT titties

>> No.25804850

Unsure. I allocate about $150K every year to invest in startups (mostly YC companies) and crypto (except forbtc which is an asset class hold). I will be investing up to $50K at various price points in grt this year. The problem is interesting but as I said it's all about the team execution. I could lose it all but it has minimal impact on my life, YMMY

>> No.25804951

I mean besides the obvious.

>> No.25805077

low fee cut
low rewards cut
LOW = indexer cuts a smaller piece of your pie for himself

remaining capacity >0
>0 = youll actually get rewards. negative and you may not got rewards

high query fees
high indexer rewards
HIGH = indexer actually gets consistent traffic

stake owned < delegated
means people have faith in the indexer

>> No.25805174

graphlets.io is a good place to start, but don't take it as gospel.

I just looked at the fee cut, it's stability on thegraph.stake-machine.com, and how much delegation/stake they had, and went with p2p.

But honestly I'm not sure what the best way is...I'm sure there's ways to super maximize your yield but I was personally just looking for a safe place to park the tokens so I could stop staring at the fucking chart every day and just accumulate.

>> No.25805333

p2p is based and reliable. they index A LOT more than just GRT.

>> No.25805364
File: 195 KB, 860x917, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mostly got the hang of delegation now. I'll get more GRT over this short period before doing it, I feel is the way to go. Thank you for the intelligible replies to a newfag kind anons, I hope we all make it eventually.
Hope you'll stick around these threads for the ride too

>> No.25805366

$10 lol

Maybe in 2024 when a cup of coffee costs $45

>> No.25805393

godspeed anon

>> No.25805422
File: 206 KB, 704x756, E95C576A-E756-4DB6-B3A4-73D1DD675757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at 11 cents and didn’t sell at .80? You could have 8x your bags lol
>some of us are smart
Anon I got news for you

>> No.25805477
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godspeed and wgmi fren

>> No.25805754
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>> No.25805797
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Thanks, kind anons, I screencapped your posts for future reference and reposting.

>> No.25805855

I only have about 2k GRT, is it worth delegating?

>> No.25806334

You could gain like 5-10 a day. Adds up if you’re going to hold for along time. It also compounds

>> No.25806601

yes. your rewards are automatically reentered into your delegation at no extra cost.

godspeed fren

>> No.25806711

This is only for indexers which pay out daily though right? I've seen plenty which do every 6-9 days.

>> No.25806764

I buy 1000GRT everytime I get paid

>> No.25806793

I don't have paper hands like a little fucking bitch.

I like to buy early, hold, and sell for a 20x instead of paper-handing for an 8x at MOST.

I make 140k a year salaried so what the fuck do I care if I lock up my investments for a year. I'll live.

>> No.25806800
File: 611 KB, 1226x920, 1610073476974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand this piece of shit dip to 30 cents so I can scoop more up right now.

>> No.25806833

First time i've ever been screenshotted on 4chan. Been here since 2015.

Bretty cool. godspeed graphbro

>> No.25806874


>> No.25807475

How secure is metamask? Let's assume that the government wanted to come after my assets because I'm an undesirable fuck in 10 years. Would there be a way for them to block my wallet without the key?

>> No.25807568

you're thinking about it correctly. i'm happy to continue accumulating for the medium term. this is a can't miss opportunity as an investment, though maybe not a trade. if you're looking for immediate dope hits, you really should be looking for a pnd scamcoin.

>> No.25807694

You'll be fine w metamask. IRS tax code regulation 3016-3 prevents the IRS from seizing or freezing assets from gay guys who pull their pants all the way down at the urinal.

>> No.25807787

Excellent. I'll take it.

>> No.25807804

Bragging about 140k a year lmao

>> No.25807886

Bought at 0.17, sold at 0.78

>> No.25807934

What are those returns looking like?

>> No.25807996

see >>25803524

>> No.25808099

I hope we hold a prolonged dip, I will scoop up as much as I can sub 30. Very comfy buy and hold for the next bull run.

>> No.25808142

I make 73k a year and I know you're coping if you're laughing at 140k

>> No.25808251
File: 28 KB, 540x381, E2DA423F-3B89-4C0D-BA08-19468DC63459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make near 3x that

>> No.25808309

T.seething NEET

>> No.25808363

No one cares here. You could be worth a billion and we wouldn't give a fuck. You're just a large meat sack water bag.

>> No.25808383

well you obviously are lacking something in your life if you're laughing at someone who is doing well for themselves and are simply telling you their investment thoughts, take some time to reflect on yourself if making 140k 3x isn't enough to make you happy. I'm only telling you this today because I lost my temper in front towards my dog in front of my gf, and it wasn't a good look on my part, I've been reflecting since then, maybe do the same, faggit :)

>> No.25808430

lol who cares

>> No.25808435


Hey look what I can do.

However much money you make, I make 5x that. LMAO poorfag.

>> No.25808534

Probably about 100k