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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 930x476, Screenshot_2021-01-10_18-31-53 b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25802753 No.25802753 [Reply] [Original]

bought my first crypto through paypal
I feel like a loser because I waited so long
I've been afraid

>> No.25802779

watch it take a complete dump now
that's how it works when I try to invest

>> No.25802810

This is the best buying opportunity

>> No.25802819

Every time I tried to invest money, it took a dump and I lost everything
this better be a sure thing or else I'm committing sudoku

>> No.25802855

kek already in the red

>> No.25802859

Bad time to invest. BTC is about to shit the bed and all crypto will follow, at least for a little while.

Just hold and be patient. It will go down on you but just be thankful you only spent 500.

When it crashes below 100 dollars per coin buy more.

>> No.25802902

You will make it

>> No.25802919

This is bait. It's the newest Bobo fud tech

>> No.25802939

Never forget. Buy high, sell low

>> No.25802988

$500 gets you 3 LTC now? wtf

>> No.25803009

You're not investing retards. You're gambling money. There's nothing wrong with gambling money, just know what you're doing.

>> No.25803012

in order to come out even, it has to hit 175.25

>> No.25803013

What branch did you serve in faggot?

>> No.25803054

ok - I'm gambling

>> No.25803103

This is the tard psychology I don't want to miss out on

>> No.25803185
File: 33 KB, 672x490, Screenshot_2021-01-10_19-02-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already lost $10.00
fucking great
I suck

>> No.25803252

I guess I'm the tard here
I ALWAYS lose money gambling
Every Single Fucking Time
Every Single Time

>> No.25803292

I hate the world

>> No.25803477

every time I try to have a conversation with someone about crypto, I feel like I'm retarded because I didn't buy it back in 2013 or before.
it just sucks
and then they use terminology which I can't understand, and when I ask about it, they don't explain it
I tried to make a BTC wallet, but it was a complete fail
I am fail

>> No.25803507

I mean you'll probably make money if you hold it. I'm holding 10 of these precisely for the reasons you bought.

>> No.25803518

dollar cost averaging and hodl is the best way to go for a crypto normie

>> No.25803523

Obvious fud is obvious

>> No.25803548

I don't understand
pls explain

>> No.25803549

Yes, you are indeed retarded if you can't understand that you need to hold something for more than 15 minutes

>> No.25803557

relax, at least you entered halfway the dip and not at the top

>> No.25803566

If you buy and hold it fren, you’ll make it.

>> No.25803592

Sell that shit

>> No.25803591

what is fud?
nonono - I can understand that

>> No.25803603

>lost $10

>I hate the world

>> No.25803647


(god i always wanted to say that)

>> No.25803659

but I'm already getting discouraged
see that?
yeah I know that sounds ridiculous

Like in a week, I will have another $250.00
Should I just buy more of the same?

>> No.25803666
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>Yeah he's in, finally, dump it

>> No.25803678

top is in

>> No.25803690

> lurk 2 years before posting faggot
when is the last time you heard that?

>> No.25803729

> top is in
I don't understand that either

>> No.25803756

I guess I'm just on my own here again
groping in the dark again

>> No.25803890

Why don't you start by making a Coinbase account. Then dollar cost average into ETH and LINK. Also take a look at tradingView on the weekly scale if you want to buy something else to make sure you are not buying at a yearly high lol

>> No.25804063

If you would stay online with me and give me some guidance maybe I can do it
If its so easy, how come I've failed?
Maybe I have one but its not tied into anything

>> No.25804152

yes I do have a coinbase account
I'm on Identity verification
What do I put in for "What will you use coinbase for?"
> Investing
> Trading
> Trading on Other Exchanges
> Online Purchases
> Online Payments
Pick one

>> No.25804258

investing. Honestly after that comment you should watch youtube tutorials about Coinbase and Coinbase Pro basics and not come back here for a while or you will be taken advantage of

>> No.25804285

Anon, here's the truth about Bitcoin: only buy if you are willing to hold for 3-5 years.
Do that and you are almost guaranteed to make some profit.

>> No.25804357

now its asking for a photo ID

>> No.25804372

Only reason I won't shit on you for being a newfag
Don't worry about it. You are always immediately in the red whenever you open a position, even if you don't pay fees, because you are buying the lowest ask on the market. Ie, you're buying at or slightly above the highest bidder.
Anyways I've probably paid about $1,000 of fees already this year. Don't worry about it.

>> No.25804414



>> No.25804434
File: 74 KB, 1200x1077, loss aversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop looking at it. Just forget you even own if for a couple months. It is not helping you at all to observe a loss, and it's not even a loss, but a lowball offer.

>> No.25804444

Jesus are you like 16? We did you even buy it on paypal? You do realize you dont even own it right

>> No.25804464

Anon you sound so pure and innocent. Watch some Michael Saylor interviews if you want to learn about why you should be investing in Bitcoin.

>> No.25804496

let me guess, you bought Litecoin because it's 200$ instead of 40k like bitcoin?

>> No.25804545

you bought the original sin

>> No.25804553


>> No.25804602
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so this is where I'm at
loaded my Driver's License

>> No.25804605

Wait, which one supports Paypal?
My fucking credit card issuer decided 2019 to block all crypto purchases but it still works if I use a middle man.

>> No.25804694

Dude don't watch it every day, you'll stress and do something stupid, just hold on till you get double your money. Patience

>> No.25804728

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and losing more money as I watch
its really discouraging seeing it go down further

>> No.25804758

Got in at $10 in 2017. Thanks for picking up my trash OP. Last time I dumped this piece of shit was at 300.

>> No.25804795
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>> No.25804839

but I will try not to.
so you just bought 50 Litecoin, I presume?

>> No.25804869

No I sold

>> No.25804880

low IQ bait

>> No.25804896

Honestly can't tell if you're retarded or not.

>> No.25804948

Based buy. This shit is mooning this week.

>> No.25804998

just hold or you'll gonna lose everything

>> No.25805032

you haven't lost money until you've sold

>> No.25805071

You paid a transaction fee and you don't even own the key? LMFAO just buy on Robinhood then. At least that's free

>> No.25805099

how much further down is this going to go?
should I buy Chainlink? (pic related) using Coinbase?
If I sell, can I put the money back into my linked bank account or paypal?
what are the mechanics of this?

>> No.25805167

why the fuck didn't you just buy bitcoin. how many billionaires and hedge funds piling in to bitcoin only do you need to see? pensions are next, then sovereign wealth funds and ultimately nation state fomo. they won't be buying litecoin

>> No.25805230

or this? 0x (ZRX)
well, I didn't think I was going to hold onto it too long
If it got up to $175 then I would just sell and basically come out even, counting fees and all that

>> No.25805241
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We all know what happens next.

>> No.25805255

imagine thinking pensions will place millions of people's retirement at risk by buying bitcoin. i am bullish but this is a new level of delusion

>> No.25805290

you are all retarded

>> No.25805312

Your plan was to buy LTC at $170 and sell at $175 so you could break even? I wasn't sure before but you are definitely trolling

>> No.25805359


>> No.25805365

not joking
I just wanted to try it out for the first time
no troll intended whatsoever
this is literally my first time
and I was real nervous about it
I wanted to buy some
my coinbase account I thought was all fucked up
and I need help - as in conversations about it

>> No.25805421

just fucking lol

>> No.25805446
File: 128 KB, 642x870, Screenshot_2021-01-10_20-10-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Pump Party
I'm on a discord server which I haven't participated in yet
I was invited to it
and they do 'pumps'

>> No.25805450

based retard

>> No.25805483

No offense dude but it sounds like youre fucking with us. Just send me your money and I'll invest for you.

>> No.25805527

I don't know man, I bought ltc when it was 1/3 price of ETH.

At this point I'm just happy it got out of the sub $100 dollars rut it's been in for so long at least one more time for me to sell. It could hit $300 dollars again or even higher, but I'm done waiting for this outdated piece of shit.

The crypto space moved on. There are projects out there with real futures now.

>> No.25805533

yeah, right
pls help

>> No.25805549
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 4t8pwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold it

>> No.25805570

So I guess if it makes it up to 175 or so, sell it and start again?
is this sound reasoning?
in reality could it hit $175 this week?

>> No.25805576

Hope u ready to be rich faggot

>> No.25805601

cunt shut the fuck up and neck yourself

>> No.25805605

I spent too much time on /pol/ nigger
> $500.00

>> No.25805648

Inversely, you're not making gains when you aren't selling.

>> No.25805680

A complete noob can come in here, read this thread, and learn from this if you would just quit making fun of me constantly for not knowing what the fuck I am doing and accusing me of being a troll.

>> No.25805698

You need a second to help samurai?

>> No.25805833

If you're that worried about a 3% change in price, crypto is not for you.

>> No.25805845

So now I have $60.00 left in my account after buying the $500.00 of LTC through paypal
Now I am trying to purchase through Coinbase
I'm not sure how long it takes to verify my Driver's License
What is something I can buy that will go up a little bit
kind of like what penny stocks were like?
what is "Preview Buy?"

>> No.25806038

so in the past week, it was as low as $140 and as high as $186
that's $46.00 difference
so, in order to make some decent money for weekly wages, per say, I need to be playing with a total amount of 10+ Litecoin in order to make $460 a week (before fees)

>> No.25806062

I did the same thing as you, so at least you got another retard in the same boat

>> No.25806098

just started, went straight for lite for about 450

>> No.25806163

> Litecoin
> past month
up on 16 Dec - Wednesday
up on 25 Dec - Friday (9 days later)
up on 2 Jan - Saturday (8 days later)
I still have to figure out the mechanics of buying and selling

>> No.25806205

how long ago?
did you do it on paypal?
I knew I was going to be called a newfag though
fuck it

>> No.25806242

avoid LINK if you want to make it

>> No.25806246

So for any newfriends, DON'T USE PAYPAL. It is literally the worst, since you can never own the coins. You can't transfer out ever. Only buy and (when they want you to) sell. Also, your account can be closed for any reason without warning.

>> No.25806266
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If you're serious, you will do the following:
1. Do not use Paypal because you do not actually own your coins. Coinbase is fine for now.
2. Quit the pump group immediately. These are highly organized and layered. The guys up top all slowly accumulate the coin, by the time you get the pick, they're using your buys as their exit liquidity.
3. Dollar cost average. Look this up if you're not familiar. You can set up auto buys on Coinbase.
4. Stop looking at charts so much unless you're actually analyzing and learning something. Minute charts will just stress you out.
5. The big 3 are BTC, ETH, LINK. Average into these and ignore the noise. You will see random alts pop 100% days, never let FOMO take over.
That's it. Buy and hold. Until this cycle tops out you need to learn the fundamentals and implication of blockchain. Don't come back to /biz/ until you have some understanding. Once you have accumulated a decent amount, you need to start taking storage and security seriously and understand the saying in crypto "not your keys, not your coins."
I can guarantee no one else will give you any real advice here.

>> No.25806313

Relax. I started investing in crypto a few days ago and I’ve already lost €50.

>> No.25806328

I sold a bit as a test, worked fine and transfered to the bank, is it in big quantities it gets blocked?

>> No.25806332

discord link pls

>> No.25806355

I thought you could transfer to and from on paypal?

>> No.25806404

as soon as I can make it even, or near even, I will cash out and start using coinbase exclusively.
https://dis gourd.gg/aVNf6rEu

>> No.25806436

>$60.00 left in my account
just keep it anon

>> No.25806486

You bought the top. Good job! Now hold 2 years.

If I were you I'd dump for high risk low caps or you're gonna get bored and sell or worse sell at a loss.

Look into Bonded Finance. >>25804216

>> No.25806497

Am I wrong to hope that Lite might follow suit as a normie coin scapegoat to bitcoin in a few years? I'm buying for a long hold

>> No.25806532

> I can guarantee no one else will give you any real advice here.
thank you for sharing what you did though

>> No.25806557 [DELETED] 

no. Go to investopedia and start reading

>> No.25806620

is there something a little more focused than that?

>> No.25806676

Yeah you can literally just buy and hold on paypal or sell. I tested it out one day and you can't transfer it anywhere or do anything with it other than hold or sell.

>> No.25806765

this has to be a joke lmao, nice one op

>> No.25806803
File: 84 KB, 750x669, 1584491747530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you lurked for 2 years and missed Chainlink and countless other cryptos and now you are here coping. you really should have lurked more. see picture for reference

>> No.25806822


>> No.25806844
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>Buys a zombiechain 2017 meme coin
You are definitely ngmi. Thanks for playing.

>> No.25807006

I tried to invest in Bitcoin in 2017 but my debit card company and my credit union jerked me around and told me to contact the other to get my account working. Today I finally got my crypto account working again and invested a tidy sum into Bitcoin. It feels good to finally have some skin in the game. I want to invest more in the future, I've been interested in bitcoin for years now.

>> No.25807029

I'll just
figure it out on my own
thanks for all the shit I was given.
appreciate it
will never bring it up again
probably won't visit this board again
- sincerely
- /pol/fag


>> No.25807050

oh wow $500
What a big boy

>> No.25807085

you're mostly just a bunch of know-it-all dicks that don't want to share your experience

>> No.25807167

if you want to make it you need to lurk and learn how information works on this board, otherwise you will never make it because everyone will tell you different things if you ask

>> No.25807187

> oh hey, look at my gains
> Oh, here's a newfag that doesn't know what the fuck he is doing
> instead of helping him, lets fuck with him and give him shit information

>> No.25807243

this is 4chan do you know what this place is known for? maybe you should go back to facebook

>> No.25807258

You must understand we don't respect newfags because they are naive enough to believe they can waltz in here be spoonfed and get rich. Nigger a lot of us have been in crypto for years, through thick and thin, seeing our porfolios crash 50% in one day, and also do a 10x in one day. So yea you need thick skin to survive out here and anyone that's been through a thing or two definitely won't feel any sympathy for you newfags. Ah poor baby is down $10. How about being up over $250k and losing almost all of that in a matter of a couple days to only be back to that years later? Seriously lurk more faggot.

>> No.25807297


relax, anon. plenty of good advice given in this thread, since i'm feeling charitable i'll add some more for a newfag such as yourself

>not your keys, not your coins

don't hold your coins on exchanges. if you are playing with ethereum or erc-20 (ethereum-based) tokens then download metamask. make sure you don't download from a scam website.

>Never type out your private keys


>90% BTC/ETH, 10% shitcoins

as a newfag you are clearly not able to cope with fluctuations as shown by your reaction to a $10 (unrealised) loss. shitcoins are not for you, keep a very low % of your portfolio in those.

>most importantly, always do your own research and don't base your decisions only on others.

here are some coins you should research :

>> No.25807397

LTC is for trading to get more BTC the only scarce hard sound money asset

>> No.25807476

listen here nigger
If I wanted to go to faceberg, I would
If I want to learn something about crypto and would rather learn from friendly anons, I come here
but apparently
friendly anons are such a scarce commodity nowadays
__THIS__ is good information
> metamask
what is that , or rather, what does it do? hide your metadata? thats what it sounds like
> reaction to a $10 (unrealised) loss
its more now, but I didn't think it would fluctuate like this on a SUNDAY
this is not like stocks whatsoever
> distinction of Shitcoins
I see what you are saying there - beginning to see the difference already

>> No.25807492

wow five hundred dollars. you could buy an xbox and some weed with that dude!! and imagine if it goes up 10x, you can buy so much weed!!

>> No.25807526

what experience? i got in bitcoin in early 2010 and now im rich. my buddy (one of the only people i could manage to invest with me that long ago) now spend all day playing video games and talking on discord with our other friends who are jelly, and we spend hours checking out mansions across the US, taking our time to find the perfect one. we wanna get a house so big it would easily it could support both our families. maybe we should build one. theres my experience, you somehow happy now?

>> No.25807540
File: 110 KB, 1342x975, 55C68A52-EED0-4B53-862E-2428C715D71F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life right now
I’m halfway to being A brilliant trader.

>> No.25807575

why would you want to live in the same house with your 'buddy'
you guys are fags arent you. the state of /biz/

>> No.25807665


metamask is a wallet, that runs as a browser extension. most of the degens here use it as it's secure and pretty easy to use.

yes, it is nothing like stocks. but even a bad crypto "trader" can trade stocks very well. seeing your portfolio do -90% in a day reinforces steel hands. most people aren't cut out for trading though, so better to just hold.

obviously, as a (probable) poorfag you don't have the means to diversify. no point buying 5 tokens with $100 each, if you actually want to make good money you will have to accept risk. there are uniswap shitcoins that go 100x in a week, but you are just as likely to get rugged (scammed) by chasing those. if you want steady gains and are prepared to hold for a long time - buy coins with actual use rather than just speculation. the ones I shilled to you belong to that category.

>> No.25807699

but that's in a day
is coinbase able to buy/sell fast enough?
that's how one earns money
If I could do that 8 hours a day
my wife will get off my back about finding a real job

I need to learn how to set up auto sell/buys

>> No.25807730

anything less than 10k is pointless
anything less than 100k is chump change

>> No.25807779

I tried to set up a bitcoin wallet on a memory stick
is this a good idea?
> metamask

>> No.25807831


serious advice anon

>shut the fuck up about trading

you clearly aren't cut out to trade. you can learn the hard way or just take advice from a jaded anon who has seen it hundreds of times. you're supposed to keep emotions out of it, not make it your fucking full-time job which you are dependent upon.

>> No.25807868

yes you can buy fast enough
you can buy and sell in a 2 seconds
the issue is the fees for buying and selling, not simply the speed.

>> No.25807940

everyone look! this is the normie mentality

>> No.25807995

niggur there are countless youtube videos and online articles out there explaining shit, you are just a lazy retard who wants others to spoon feed u aren't u?

>> No.25808203

what are their fees like?
I can't find them on Coinbase's site
am I just blind?

>> No.25808306
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i feel you anon

>> No.25808381

9$ transaction fee wtf

you're better off buying on Coinbase for 0.5% fee which is $2.5 per $500 transaction

>> No.25808426
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are first time failures always this bad?

>> No.25808484

thank you
just activated my coinbase account while in this thread

>> No.25808556

We did like the exact same thing, I out 500 in BCH on paypal last night. Just sold, lost $90 bucks. I thought there would be a little pump left and then I would sell, but I'm not going to risk it

>> No.25808582

should I just sell it before I lose $100.00?

>> No.25808660

why the fuck would you buy litecoin

>> No.25808667


>the absolute state of newfags

thanks for at least providing a sell signal to those who hadn't already sold, niggers.

>> No.25808716

You mean binance. Fuck coinbase.

>> No.25808769
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>> No.25808820

this is looking really bad you really should sell right now at this loss so you can buy back later when its cheaper

>> No.25808851


>> No.25808862

It's bad luck, you had no idea it was going to crash. Biz nuggets are so full of themselves

>> No.25808869

i hate to say it, but like me you got in too late.
i got in a little earlier than you, but still late. luckily i didnt purchase to much so i might only loose a few bucks. i ll wait for the next dip.

>> No.25808906

>He bought the top

>> No.25808910


>> No.25808912
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>> No.25808930

never sell

hold onto it forever

>> No.25808942

Sell and buy back if it gets to 10k

>> No.25808951


I closed all my positions days ago nigger, that KSI tweet was the final straw for me to close the few alts I was holding.

>> No.25808971

kek this can't be real

>> No.25809003

what was the ksi tweet?

>> No.25809017
File: 1.92 MB, 1295x1059, 1599260816629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Now don't buy back until it reaches 60 dollars and youll make back 3x your money. Cheers anon always happy to help out a bro from /pol/

>> No.25809036

>actually listened to "sell and buy back when it's cheaper"
The whole market is going to recover now, just you wait. Welcome to your first day on /biz/

>> No.25809052

please tell me that you are just a really bored larper, this thread can't be real

>> No.25809082

yeah, it is
first ever crypto bought
lost $100.00+ in just about 4 hours

>> No.25809099

>then it goes up

you cant predict it
hold it and buy more

>> No.25809129

I can predict it actually. When newfags on their first day of crypto consider selling, that's the bottom

>> No.25809147

shit son rule number 1 is "buy and hold"
you had bad timing but dips should make your brain scream "buy" not "sell"

>> No.25809148

wtf is this?
now its going back up?

>> No.25809208

Yeah but it could've gone up just as easily you're not clairvoyant nigger

>> No.25809225

I'm going to give you some real advice. Just find a project or token which is undervalued (LTC is a shitcoin), and slowly buy in over a period of months. Don't go all-in, don't panic, and don't try to swingtrade. You WILL be in the red at some point. However, if what you've bought is still undervalued, it will recover. I wouldn't be buying anything right now, the whole market is overvalued. Unironically come back in 6 months when /biz/ is empty.

>> No.25809226


>> No.25809247

dips are for buying not selling anon

>> No.25809259
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>> No.25809258
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its going up again
fuck me

>> No.25809314

Just close biz and come back in 6 months with more money that's what I'm gonna do

>> No.25809370

Remember this everytime you think "they just got lucky"

>> No.25809481

what did I just say

>> No.25809505
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>buy high sell low
HOLY FUCK i can't breathe dude

>> No.25809509


>bought the top
>sold the bottom

holy fuck you are retarded.

>> No.25809526

Hello Fren,

I bought BTC at 6000 in March and have 3.5 plus some ETH I shorted 1/2 a BTC to buy.
I was never here, or on an exchange until about 10 days ago when BTC jumped way up.
I had my coins in a vault on coinbase and I'm still learning.
I have learned a lot here. There are dicks, and angry fags who try to make you feel like shit, but there are some smart guys here as well. Fuck the faggot assholes, just like /pol/, about 3/4 of the people here are trolls and shills, but the autism is here also.

Stick around, lurk, and make some money.

>> No.25809592

re-bought $400.00 at 141
jesus christ I'm a retard
up to 144 now

>> No.25809668

just buy and hold
if it dips buy more
you'll be eaten up on fees if you try and swing trade

>> No.25809674

it went down to 133
then right after I sold
it started going back up
(((THEY))) know I'm doing this
I swear its personal

>> No.25809690

stop swing trading, hold, be patient and think long term
you want to make a ton of cash overnight? with money you are not prepared to risk?

>> No.25809732

the $500 I started with was my play money

>> No.25809735


>> No.25809740

I saw EOS at 2.66 just now and bought 8k worth instantly. I'll be up %20 in 1-2 days.

>> No.25809806

I've made 6k in 1 week swing trading noob.

>> No.25809813
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my avg price is 168 bc i am a retarded fag

>> No.25809835

paypal fees are going to kill me though

>> No.25809854

No you're just an emotional poor retard that put his pittance of a life savings into a 2017 zombiechian. There's really no hope for you at this point. Maybe if you stick around you'll eventually make it by 2025, but it sure as hell ain't happening in this cycle. You WILL get burned like us OG's have, but that's how you learn son.

>> No.25809871

True. Maybe sell .5 BTC and convert to ETH and hold forever. In 5 years you'll be well off.

>> No.25809880

paypal is 1.8% per trade

>> No.25809921

if you're going to get serious then stop using paypal for crypto, of course you're gonna get reamed by fucking fees

>> No.25809922

and have you been positive 1 year doing that?
if you can do this just looking at graphs congrats. still think it is a stupid bet

>> No.25809927

> You WILL get burned like us OG's have, but that's how you learn son.

>> No.25809936
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I'm >>25804795

How does it feel to get dumped on?

>> No.25809951

Look Imma simplify this for you.
Buy Ethereum through Metamask wallet and hold, over the next few weeks I want you to learn about how to use Uniswap and learn what REAL coins you should invest in. None of this 2017 vaporware bullshit I'm talking coins in the Defi space. I might've already spoonfed you too much at this point, do what you will with this information. I am not answering any stupid questions you have.

>> No.25809986

Buy more. Get your cost per down

>> No.25810060

I was quite surprised at first, but now I'm like fuckit

>> No.25810063

Doesn't matter. It isn't enough money to justify the fees.

I swing trade with intent when I do it.
I went into BCH yesterday for 5K and sold for 6K 2 hours later. If I had held until today, I would have lost money.

I lost money day trading loopring a few days ago. Just not worth the fucking stress.

You have to be bold, and live on the fucking computer for it to work at all.

>> No.25810206

80% of people who swing trade lose money on stockmarket
i don't see how doing with crypto would be any different
but good luck

>> No.25810220
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Dude just go to Bitcoin’s official site and get a wallet. What the fuck are you doing? You can do that shit easy, it’s just a while to wait, it took me 2 days because of shitty internet, but if you have it good, it might take a few hours.
You’re not really suggesting you did the bare minimum, look at the official damn sites.
Lurk. And I’m not trying to be mean, I’m saying it because you’ll understand it all and answer your own questions in a way that’ll make you understand better if you do.
If you don’t understand what’s going on when you’re looking at a damn stock broker, then you’re probably gonna start buying or getting a loan by accident.

>> No.25810225

> You have to be bold, and live on the fucking computer for it to work at all.
the obviousness of the ridiculous fees that paypal is incurring makes me realize that I need to do this on coinbase, at a minimum

>> No.25810250
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Just ride the wave bro

>> No.25810255
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This is why biz is better than reddit.

>> No.25810370

I'm afraid to ask, but what goes on there?
do I really want to know?
do they really avoid this place because of the ebil haxxor 4chins?

>> No.25810579
File: 50 KB, 653x564, 1610201865015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I have no idea. I'm from pol. Pol is literal hell on the internet. Don't go there. You will hate women, jews, blacks, gubment, elites, and it will fracture your reality.

>> No.25810723
File: 80 KB, 855x585, alleged shitposting terrorists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you think I come from?
> that fly hahaha

>> No.25810744
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>> No.25810790

haha stop fuck you hahah

>> No.25810836

unironically you need to sell again op its about to dump a lot lower than the first time
stock markets havent even opened in the west yet
GG dude
sell and rebuy that shitcoin for like 65$

>> No.25810898


>> No.25810916

Yes but Shia and his fucking flag, the 2016 meme wars, the weaponized autism, digging into the Vegas thing.... there are good times there too.

>> No.25810976
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>bought high
>sold low
Congrats you're losing money professionally now

>> No.25811051

my bank is going to be like, wtf? tomorrow
omg the flag hahahahha and paddock
My /pol/ drive got nuked in Jun 2019, so I lost everything
that's exactly what I did
thank you
is it easier when you're smoking weed?

>> No.25811081

Dude stop trying to swing trade on PayPal jesus those fees. Even coinbase is a cunt for fees. At least you can use coinbase Pro?

>> No.25811169


This helped

>> No.25811176

> coinbase
> coinbase Pro ???
there's a difference?
I'm a complete newfag

>> No.25811331

you've been bogged. happens all the time.

>> No.25811430

Anyway here is how this can go...

>use coinbase as a fiat on ramp
>transfer to wallet and hold
>or leave on coinbase who gives a shit about $500
>or transfer to coinbase pro and try to trade
>or use binance as a fiat on ramp and trade there or transfer from coinbase to there to trade (not free transfer)

To be fair until you know what you are doing and want to be exposed to even greater risk you will not want to get into uniswap, defi and meme tokens. Gas fees are insane too.

>> No.25811470
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Its easier when you're not a little bitch
If you actually cant take it just log out and forget about it. Literally let it sit indefinitely until it explodes again.

>> No.25811576

OP here
I learned a lot in this thread from the mistakes that I made so far

>> No.25811630

Send cock pic, they never check those things anyway

>> No.25811834

I have to say youre taking this better than me I'm blood red mad rn. I just yelled at my mom

>> No.25811877

i just got into crypto 2 days ago, im down a couple hundred, enjoying the ride

>> No.25812162


>> No.25812336

I'm retarded. You only pay taxes when you cash out, right? Buying doens't trigger anything with the IRS?

>> No.25812401

Yes. If you sign up for coinbase you basically already have a cb pro account but you have to change sites and they have separate wallets. cb pro has lower fees if you plan to swing trade (you shouldnt). but it will still save you on buy ins.

Next time you plan to buy some more, I recommend buying usdc on coinbase using your bank (ach deposit with 0 fee) but keep in mind this will take a few days to reach your account. then send the usdc off to cb pro and buy btc or whatever you want to buy. Though i think cb pro has like no usdc pairs so if you want to buy more ltc youd have to buy btc, then buy ltc w the btc and after that the fees might not make sense at that point. GL anon

>> No.25812425

spend a little bit every so often and keep holding everything.

If you want to invest $1000 into BTC, then maybe do $50 a week until you hit the $1000. You buy on the lows and highs and should average out in the end.

>> No.25812458
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>> No.25812481

You literally completed the buy high sell low tutorial on biz

>> No.25812574

OP Here
paypal needs your tax information in case you make any gains so that you can pay taxes on it.
Can anyone tell me if coinbase discloses earnings to the IRS?
I took a loss today.
Do I get a $100.00 deduction on my federal income taxes?
> Leveled Up

>> No.25812703

Are people seriously fucking crying over 10$ or 100$? Wow I must have become jaded as fuck, I don't feel anything even when I lose 100k in 1 day

>> No.25813078

I'm just a newfag and this was my first time
If I put money into USD Coin (USDC) on Coinbase, can I purchase other crypto with the money I have in USD, Sell the same crypto, converting it to back to USD Coin, then putting the money back into my regular bank account? Do I have to pay 4 separate fees?

>> No.25813141

just stop bro...

>> No.25813176

I am going to do this and become rich
you just watch

>> No.25813364

how much $ are yoou down

>> No.25813498

After I figure out the mechanics of this.
all I'm going to do is make gains.
I am determined.
It's going to be just another video game.
different tactics.

>> No.25813593

> how much $ are you down
Not much
its really no biggie

>> No.25813645

>Do I have to pay 4 separate fees?

>> No.25813676

i lost like 5 bucks so far.
im not bad i lost.
im mad i didnt sell and make money when i should have.
but fuck it i only invested chump change.

>> No.25813682

its pretty simple, buy bitcoins, send them to exchange, hold for the next 5 years nut buy during dip and sell during peaks

>> No.25813718

i thought you lost 20 percent

>> No.25813722

Converting USD to USDC on coinbase is free.

>> No.25814182

I sold some ethereum and other shitcoins so I wouldnt loose more. i lost a little more on bitcoin but all around it was just a around 5 bucks

>> No.25814241

I can't put it back into my bank though wtf

>> No.25814296
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Yeah but it's also a taxable event in burgerland. Last year I lost a lot of money literally just going into stablecoins.

>> No.25814316

Already down 20% in a couple hours hahahaha. they finally convinced even the biggest pussies to invest- top confirmed hahaha op sucks

>> No.25814364

I'm an idiot
that's okay though
I learned much today

>> No.25814514

pretty based mindset
unironically will make it
also yes it is like a video game. same exact shit
boomers are just mad because they are getting BTFOd by the new meta

>> No.25814653

not taxable if they never owned it. they don't get the key so they truly don't own shit. paypal is a joke.

>> No.25814661

> new meta
pls explain
like metadata?

>> No.25814693

Im proud of you anon. Most NPCs (my brother included) will deem this whole space a scam on their first liq/draw back.

>> No.25815229

He can also straight purchase USD > LTC and vice versa.