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File: 31 KB, 1280x408, 1280px-Tether_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25799844 No.25799844 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight: chinks/kikes couldn't beat bitcoin/crypto so they're basically using tether to buy us up through the backdoor? And then crash it with no survivors?
Uhhh guise I don't feel so good
I trusted you fucks and you told me tether was backed.

So now they've been
1. printing tether out of thin air (like our good old central bank friends)
2. Using that thin air to buy bitcoin
3. Raised the price to ridiculous ATHs
4. Meanwhile /bizpol/ thinks it's all a natural consequence of the actual central bank printing burger rona stimulus money (the fucking irony)
5. Meanwhile it's starting to come out that tether isn't backed by shit except promises and hope

So what next? The crash is coming isn't it? This is fucking pathetic
I've got a terrible sinking feeling

>> No.25799865

Tether is backed don't worry.

>> No.25799902

By hope? gg
Also what's happening on the 15th

>> No.25799912
File: 747 KB, 660x1024, Screen-Shot-2019-12-05-at-2.30.49-PM-660x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25799983

>Also what's happening on the 15th
tether team will submit their documents and absolutely nothing will happen

>> No.25800020

nocoiners need to rope. bill miller and massmutual don't give a fuck about tether. please attach a rope around your neck and do the needful sir

>> No.25800030

>printing tether out of thin air
With government agents in their office watching them after already investigating them for exactly that.
>on the 15th
Tether can legally loan more money to Bitfinex. The documents are already handed over, they already complied.

>> No.25800032

if i understand correctly, tether cashes out bitcoin to print out more tether. bitcoin price go up = more tether

>> No.25800086

That's a bit vague. It really depends what documents and who they're submitted to. Even if it's the US government, do we really trust them to not try and take down bitcoin while they have the chance?
What else have they ever done to competitors to the USD?
Are we seriously trusting thieves to hold themselves accountable?

>> No.25800120

>government agents
Yeah really fills me with confidence to know the US government is looking out for people who are directly challenging the USD.

>> No.25800166

>So what next? The crash is coming isn't it? This is fucking pathetic
Yes and precisely because of what you said. Fucking chinks destroyed crypto

After the crash crypto will be officially criminal, banks will disassociate and all exchanges will require anal kyc to buy any crypto that isn't a uniswap rugpull

>> No.25800261

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you hold XRP?

>> No.25800315

Conflict of interest?

>> No.25800531

Ignoring that the opposite is true lets say it wasn't. Is the theory now that the NY attorney general is covering up crimes Tether is committing? Do you hold XRP?

>> No.25800620

>Is the theory now that the NY attorney general is covering up crimes Tether is committing
After witnessing the events of the last 3 months, do you still think it's impossible for high level collusion to take place?
No I don't own XRP.
Am I not allowed to be skeptical of the government after witnessing them basically do a hostile takeover in real time? You fucking people I swear

>> No.25800795

You're not being skeptical. You're participating in a coordinated campaign whether you're aware of it or not. You twist anything said into confirmation of the narrative you're supposed to push. Even government confirmation that you're wrong is twisted into just another reason why you're right.

>> No.25800854

I didn't hear any facts about why tether isn't a scam especially after today's events.
How long are you people going to try and cover this up?
You're like the Biden shills who can't see evidence.

>> No.25800883

Holy fuck get a job you loser. Stop posting this same thread every time it dies

>> No.25800900

Fuck off back to /pol/ retard.
You're a dumb nocoiner.

>> No.25801078

>WAAAH muh /pol/
Lame comeback

>> No.25801101

There's no evidence for it being a scam. On the other hand the AG investigated the reserve scam claims in April 2019.
Nothing new is happening on January 15th but somehow there's an army of retards on social media pretending this date or any of this garbage is relevant to the price of BTC.
None of you listen to reason, you clearly don't care what's actually happening, all that matters is pushing the narrative as hard as possible.

>> No.25801128
File: 130 KB, 636x848, B87EEFDD-097F-41B7-9266-A47CAB7A0B7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is its job

>> No.25801171

Yes but people here will deny it because they dont want it to be true. It would mean:

a) they lose money
b) they’re idiots to be scammed by finex

But after listening to the podcast for myself, I no longer doubt it. Tether is 100% the scam that will destroy crypto. Shame.

>> No.25801180

Don't worry Tether is blacked

>> No.25801211
File: 57 KB, 1024x925, F279A4FA-6654-43E0-9D72-3E64B91E7390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t we have this FUD last bull run?

>> No.25801218

Stay poor nocoiner /pol/tard

>> No.25801283

>By hope? gg
75% cash
25% securities and other collateral.

>> No.25801303

I buy btc and eth on an exchange that doesn't even trade tether. Your fud is ineffective.

>> No.25801356

There's no helping people. I watched Trumptards go through the same denial/stages of grief and it was ugly. Now it's /biz/s turn.

>> No.25801387


>(i) beginning 9:30 a.m. eastern standard time on January 11, 2021, any transaction in publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company as defined in section 4(a)(i) of this order, by any United States person; and

>> No.25801421

China owns the blockchain and can do whatever they want.
This is something different,

>> No.25801453

You don't understand, fucking moron. Tether isn't directly attacking you. They're devaluing BTC from the outside by printing as many tether as they need just like Biden votes. Just like central bank money. Kek. Many such cases!
The fact that you people don't know the attack vector makes me even more convinced that this is it and you're fucked.

>> No.25801495

Calling bs. tether so far haven't been able to prove shit.

>> No.25801606

>ignorance is bliss.
Look at Tether’s volume.

>> No.25801800

>ignorance is bliss.
One of the most cope aphorisms ever, if not the most

>> No.25801986

>printing as many tether as they need
How do you know?

>> No.25802063

We'll all find out in 4 days
Might be too to cash out then lmaooooo

>> No.25802128

Even if you're theory is correct, which is complete conjecture not based on any facts whatsoever, think about what you're saying.

The price was manipulated up. That doesn't mean that Bitcoin is backed by Tether. It just means that the price is now different.

An order book is a constant market of buyers and sellers. Bitcoins price today is cheap compared to gold, which, in case you've been living under a rock is what it's constantly being compared with - buy all the largest wealth asset managers in the world.

The Tether FUD is from people that legitimately don't understand why Bitcoin has gone up 2x from its previous ATH when it wasn't being backed by institutions.

People are retarded. People are biased. DYOR. Move on.

>> No.25802224

>We'll all find out in 4 days
No we won't. An injunction that's irrelevant to all your claims expires.

>> No.25802235

This anon, don’t worry dude.

>> No.25802322
File: 127 KB, 1080x1200, 1610312510694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all of this was correct how come bitcoin is tanking in terms of tether? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

>> No.25802666

Well tether is 5% of box market cap and let’s say a dump causes a 30% drop - buy the dip