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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25799257 No.25799257 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here /LiveAtHome/ By Choice. I can afford to move out but I use my savings to buy ETH and pay off my credit card debt before making the jump again.

It's been 2 years since I moved back in , Ill prob move out this fall and have the gains from crypto pay my rent

>> No.25799294

Depends how old you are. 20s? Based. 30s? Cringe and incelpilled.

>> No.25799300

no i live on the floor at the library

>> No.25799323
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27 moved back in at 25 , moved out before @23

>> No.25799446

yes but i just turned 27, i dont plan on staying into my 30s. all of the people my same age i know also love at home, considering hoe expensive it is to live and how fucked in the ass a lot of millenials are itsnot even really uncommon anymore, but the part they fail in is spending their pay on funko pops instead of link. why does anyone even move out at 18 if they have a good family? the boomer independance meme?

>> No.25799502

i turn off autocorrect because it keeps me from saying nigger but now i just look like a retard from fat fingering every other character instead kek

>> No.25799560

>good food
>i like my parents
>can never be alone
>kinda embarassing
>feel like child
>my parents irritate me

>> No.25799789
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Same Here my fren, 27 but planning on leaving before I'm 28 , you do feel like a child and underachieved, however you have to understand that these feelings stem from a society that are debt cattle. If you have a good home environment you should stay at home until you are free of debt and can afford to live alone or buy a home in my opinion. I have a gf currently as well i do not suggest frens do this without trying at least first to make it on there own. Yes there are pros but the financial savings alone make you ponder why people over leverage bills just to be "an adult'"

>> No.25800372

I'm 32, I've always lived with my parents except once for 6 months I lived with a girlfriend. I've never lived on my own.

>> No.25801081

I've never moved out, age 26. Everything's fine except I feel like I'm in perpetual childhood, and it keeps me an incel because our house is in shit condition and my parents are against premarital sex, so I can never bring a girl over.

>> No.25801125

Are you me??

>> No.25801177

Does being a financially independent incel count?

Today I had my groceries delivered by a wagie.... I could have gone to the store myself but just didn't feel like it.. The deliverer looked to be about 320 lbs... I felt a little bad because the thought crossed my mind he might have a heart attack bringing me all my groceries.

>> No.25801272

32 living at home here, never worked a day in my life

>> No.25801342

I wish I realized this sooner. I lost my mind while I was living at home and moved out because I thought this what I needed. What I really needed was to invest my money. I'd easily be a millionaire now if I had stayed at home at invested that $1k/month I wasted on rent

>> No.25801562

Moved out at 25 and currently with my gf. I gotta say visiting home, sometimes sleeping there and getting lunch made by my parents is heaven.
Moving out is a society meme and there isn’t a single day where I’d rather move back to them, than to live in a small ass apartment with loud niggers and nigglets next door.

>> No.25801617


>> No.25801655

bigger yikes

>> No.25801675

>no job
>rent is cheap
>i dont like them
>i cant fuck femboys

>> No.25801930
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Hey you're literally me

>> No.25802003

i moved out at 17, was pretty /comfy/

>> No.25802018

>parents are nice
>free food and housing
>free service like cleanup etc
>helping me not fall for the gf meme again
>literally none

>> No.25802036

>owning good goy cards
ngmi tbqh fampai

>> No.25802108

i just pay for my rent with interest-free student loans lol. studying is basically free where i live anyway.