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File: 28 KB, 696x449, Liechtenstein-Cryptoassets-Exchange-LCX-Gets-Business-License-696x449-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25787045 No.25787045 [Reply] [Original]

So when this bad boy that is def not a rug pull and def will go to a dollar or 3 dollars very soon finally starts to make some climb, can i rely on the LCX exchange to trade my LCX or will I need to have my lcx in a different wallet like uniswap so that I can quickly execute the trade,

would seem there is not much volume on the LCX Exchange, is that going to be a problem when I wanna sell is what I'm saying, any idea?

>> No.25787353


My thoughts would be that by the time LCX is in the 1-10$ range there should be plenty of liquidity on the exchange.

>> No.25787510

slurp on m yballs im not reading all that
not selling @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

>> No.25787526

I say fuck LCX don't buy it because the people behind it are fucking evil

>> No.25787543
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Another 1.5 year hold that is as cheap as dirt. I'm so happy anons. I did it with LINK, and now I'm loading up my acc with a new magic currency. Someone try FUDDing me. Do it. Do it.

I'm an arms dealer btw, wanna become Aristocrat.

>> No.25787584

The only thing to do is wait for the exchange to increase trade volume. It's not as easy to use as coinbase for instance, but the fees are tiny in comparison so I believe we will start seeing euro traders using it to exchange crypto/EUR very soon as it will be cheaper and faster for them to get their money moved from the internet to their bank. Liquidity wont be a problem then.

>> No.25787614

I can grab 50,000 of these rn should I do it or wait for lower? I saw all the hype when it was .05 and I didn't touch it. Now good opp?

>> No.25787805

post proof anon. how much did you pool into lcx

>> No.25788052

yea now is a good time. you were smart to wait.

>> No.25788088

Whales are keeping it from falling under 0.2

>> No.25788173
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I can only choose between 1 good shitcoin to all in right now.
Convince me why PNK or ADA isn't better than this?
Or would realistically in 6months, I would be happy with either three?

>> No.25788386

i only selected this because of the low market cap. if this ends up being the real deal, it will probably do okay. i'm very concerned about the lack of hype on social media altogether. but this is money i had already had from another shit coin i picked.

at the end of the day, we'll never know. I know how it feels to only be able to pick one dude. it sucks balls.

>> No.25788403

any will do if your are holding that long

>> No.25788436

Hype is over, exchange launched, it's probably not gonna fall below .02
Now is a decent time to buy

>> No.25789063
File: 1.80 MB, 2236x1258, Screenshot 2021-01-10 at 16.03.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risk to reward favours LCX, I think.

>> No.25789106

it is now below 0.02, what do?

>> No.25789367

Evil always wins, always bet on it

>> No.25789502

if i didnt buy yet i would get some now and then wait and see if the whales will let it go and stabilize or whats gonna happen

>> No.25789539

if you want to finance your own slavery sure bet on it, your gains will ensure you get a top bunk in the gulag

>> No.25789541

this is pretty true, if they wont manage to make a central tokenalization company for whole world, they will "only¨" make it a place for the big guys to unload

>> No.25789589

its just making money, (((they))) do it too.. they are making money on you while they are trying to get you killed in the end.. let me make money of them and then use it how i want to

>> No.25789709

I agree with you in principle but not in practice, investing in your own domination is plain stupid and morally repugnant

>> No.25789831

go back moralfag

>> No.25789996

no man, money is freedom.. also its not evil project, its just connected to powerful evil people.. project is good and you know it will make it, i dont care its shilled by devil

>> No.25790041

just put my entire live savings in LCX

I hope I will make it

>> No.25790043

I take my (You)s wherever I can get them I'm a whore for them, bite me

>> No.25790083

Hi Klaus you fucking weirdo

>> No.25790165

it's evil and by investing in you are perpetuating it and also removing your leverage from a good proposition which is bitcoin and then your money won't matter, they'll gulag you anyway

>> No.25790288

>>25790165 (You) (You) (You) (You)
thx just bought 100k more

>> No.25790354

im we can have open discussion on internet about the fact the want us gulaged.. lcx will take off with or without me.. with me means i can move out of city and buy house.. but you are right that my money could be in bitcoin, but then again i do have money in bitcoin and most ppl dont so i shouldnt be yelled at just cause i made even more money than normies and could also bough extra one mil lcx stack

>> No.25790424


Same - well over the course of the day.

>> No.25790499

theres nowhere to buy it that i can find... i cant use uniswap, way too high fees & gas

>> No.25790575

I'm not yelling at anyone Anon, I love you guys but I'm also contrary and argumentative because I'm so fucking sick of this clown world

>> No.25790632

It's only available from LCX.com

Registration and verification is excessive. Requires passport, 3 proof of residence (utility bills), etc.

>> No.25790655

>the people behind it are fucking evil
That is unironically bullish

>> No.25790664

The LCX / crypto holders that survive the great reset / normie crypto holder witch hunt will be able to afford to live in the NWO towers / luxury apartments / penthouses.
No coiners will be sucumed to the gulags and the pods, getting paid in USDC for their NWO labor jobs, and will ultimately be priced out from purchasing other crypto coins that can make them escape such a life in the gulag. 5 years to go, at least.

>> No.25790694

You have to take a selfie or two to verify before you can buy or trade LCX

>> No.25790722

yes, i dont mind yell yell.. u got no lcx?

>> No.25790734

I'd rather invest in minecraft

>> No.25790739

I stick with bitstamp. Thanks

>> No.25790764

they wanted extra birth certificate from me.. then they contacted me irl with mossad and i had to give them foreskin of my penis since im not american and still had my foreskin

>> No.25790799

Also remember these people are all high falutin WEF faggots but they still have self interest in this may be a simple grift disguised with wizadry

>> No.25790841

buy alluring LCX token for rewarding time with beautiful girl and many moneys. Do not buy if hatred for moneys is strong anon, buy if not gay

>> No.25790989
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>> No.25790995

I would rather be safe than sorry. As long as we survive the witch hunt by the no coiners we will be set. Generational wealth.

>> No.25791057


>> No.25791070

its gonna dump so hard you are gonna lose all your money. get out as fast and buy in LCX, it will pump after tuesday

>> No.25791241

It's astounding how many Coinmetro fags LCX attracts. I have been in CoinMetro since the Assblaster days. If you really think one other European exchange popping up is enough to threaten XCM you should probably sell right now instead of posting in these threads. It's getting kinda sad.

>> No.25791360

>its gonna dump so hard
i hope
>tfw its not an european exchange
and stop projecting, no one is getting scared because of lcx, get a grip retard

>> No.25791429

who made this? where did you get it?

>> No.25791570


Gas fees are like $20 at the moment tops - but understand that this is a big chunk of what someone might want to put in to LCX.

>> No.25791655
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>>tfw its not an european exchange
It is a European exchange, nigger. Liechtenstein may not be in the European UNION but it is still in Europe.

>and stop projecting, no one is getting scared because of lcx, get a grip retard
The way you retards can't help yourself from posting about CoinMetro in these threads says otherwise. Don't tell me you didn't DCA down into XCM when it was low and are still holding bags, anon?

>> No.25791658


I made it. Happy for people to comment on what could change on it etc. I think it's better to inform people calmly about an opportunity than call people a nigger.

That said I'm in a loss so maybe I got it wrong - we'll see.

>> No.25791692

You're retarded if you dont hedge your good boy plays with evil bugman plays.

>> No.25792017
File: 70 KB, 550x550, D6617CAB-C019-4888-A007-6825414FA732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25792123

may i ask why more people aren't checking this out? most of the research on this pulls results from 5-10 months ago. many in 2018. why aren't people outside of 4chan talking about this?

there's a few $lcx posts on twitter but thats it. where do i get some more info outside of telegram

>> No.25792253

ppl outside of 4chan think of wef as random thinktank group that has no real connection to the world.. redpilled people know these are dirty kikes who are outside of "top 10 richest ppl in the world" because they are "roalty" so it "doesnt count".. fyi rotschilds would be top 10 living richest people - if we counted everyone actually living on earth

>> No.25792496

Just 50/50 LCX and ADA, and hold it

>> No.25792790


Not sure. I really only discovered it through /biz/, I've been buying all the way down and more aggressively as it dumps. Think my buy in for a quarter mill tokens is now approx .0028. If we dump lower I'll double my stack and leave it at that.

I think the one thing that LCX are not doing right is marketing. In reality it's pretty simple - 'cheap' marketing exists through leveraging youtubers - we saw how well this worked for bybit. They would receive profits for each individual signed up. Something similar would be great for LCX.

There's other novel features they could surely add, like margin trading uniswap tokens - don't think I've seen that anywhere.

At any rate, by the time it's fully established and a pretty sure bet (i.e. BNB), it's too late, isn't it? So of course it's risky but the reward is there to justify it.

Think of some other exchanges with very few users (i.e. FTX) and their tokens have approx 1b market caps. Plus if they actually establish themselves as the future EU exchange for launching STOs, that is completely enormous.

>> No.25793057

Exactly. And you’ve got autists coming at from both sides. Poltards on WEF et al, finding out where the money goes, and biztards sniffing out big names and partnerships like glorious bloodhounds looking for microgems

>> No.25793093

looks to me like they are taking it slowly.. current tiktok, instagram is for few hundo bucks and thats it.. monty tweeting at this dude is more like hinting at something at this stage.. when they want to push with the normies style marketing, they will.. we have seen wef projects boom on twitter and tiktok before.. you are all very very early.. imagine gettin in two years ago and sitting for 2 years on your investment before they launch lcx and something actually happens.. its huge project build in stages, right now for three cents

>> No.25793131

what size bag to make it?

>> No.25793139

yes.. only jews and racists know how to make money kek

>> No.25793185

thanks broski, i hope to accumulate 100k LCX before the moon mission arrives.

>> No.25793224

the bag should be sized to what you can put aside for 2-3 years and literally forget about it

>> No.25793263

But the dips anon but not like that. This was a pump and dump scam. 10+ concurrent threads just all vanished like your money.

>> No.25793322


You're welcome, my dude.

500x seems like a meme, and a lot would need to go right. But if it does...

Plus even if I'm 50x too bullish, that's a 10x. Stock market bros would wait 20 years for that.

>> No.25793387


It's cool. I made so much in BTC (for now) that I'm up like 6x on the year. So for that reason it's worth it to me to buy a moonshot.

>> No.25793646
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look at this dude...oh nono no no no no


>> No.25793765
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stop showing that you bag of shit

>> No.25793798
File: 35 KB, 291x307, 1605378302818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need quick returns now, I will just invest every month knowing that this exchange got too much connections to fail