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25772690 No.25772690 [Reply] [Original]

Here is all you need to know anons:

Digital Business Marketplace built on IOTA (participants include Intel, IBM, T-Mobile, Accenture and others):

IOTA wallet built in the new Jaguar and Land Rover models:

IOTA used for Covid-19 test certification to prove authenticity:

Zebra technologies (4bn revenue) including IOTA in their Track & Trace API:

Bosch using IOTA in their products:

+ dozens of other partnerships and use cases. Before you know it IOTA will be everywhere and there will still be people calling it a scam and saying the token has no use... HAHA.

This, anons, is what real world adoption looks like.

>> No.25772701

IOTA refugee reporting in!

>> No.25772719

1$ next month easily.

>> No.25772721

Fuckin A

>> No.25772789

Can IOTA be stored on atomic wallet? Metamask?

>> No.25772813

40GIOTA checking in

>> No.25772824

Not metamask, but you can use ledger to do cold storage.

>> No.25773306


>> No.25773479

it's pumping just because it's normie coin

>> No.25773832

Tech will win, most comfy long-term hold. Can't wait for chrysalis Q1 and coordizide Q3

>> No.25773852
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As always my reminder:

- IOTA is on track like never before
- Mainnet-Upgrade: 1k tps, confirmation time <10s since 8/19/2020
- real world adoption is just around the corner
- since cfb left iota in 2019 and iota abandoned trinary, they're moving really fast
- Q3/4 2021: coordinator-less fast decentralized.

- chrysalis timeline IOTA 1.5, 1st step with 1k tps and <10s conf. time.

- coordinator-less decentralized network, see testnet:

- do you believe shitheads like some here or do you believe in what the now here following partners actually DO:

- OMG (object management group):
IOTA as an industry standard: Object Management Group Chairs Update Technology Standards - Influencing the future direction of key technologies

- ST Microelectronics - one of Europes biggest Chip Manufacturer:

- Tangle EE / Eclipse foundation:
IOTA and the Eclipse Foundation Launch Working Group to Develop Commercial Applications on Distributed Ledger Technology
members eg: DLR, Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Fujitsu, Huawei, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, Bosch, SAP SE

- TMForum
The Federated DLT Catalyst provides an immutable trusted data record of the physical tracking of devices leveraging the IOTA Tangle.
members: too many, see: https://www.tmforum.org/membership/current-members/
showcase: https://twitter.com/iotatoken/status/1288460803130130438

- MoBi

- Software AG

- ZEBRA Coop:

>> No.25773882

Bosch and IOTA Update 2020:

DELLs Project Alvarium

Brilliant Use Case KUPkrush - 600 Billion Reasons Reasons Why by Terry Shane & Co.:

Some Speculation:


Just do yourself a a favor and listen to HelloIOTAs new Roundup:



- Smart Cities
- MoBi with its car manufacturers
- upcoming Firefly, the new flexible and secure wallet


HelloIOTA: Don't be like Joe (IOTA history)

use HelloIOTA on youtube to deppdive into IOTAs possibilities! brilliant work by Chris!

>> No.25774042

0.5 (in due time)

>> No.25774474

>Can't wait

>> No.25775379


>> No.25775655

I feel like this coin is going to quietly make a lot of people rich. things that work don't care about marketing. it'll pop through institutions and then regular people will jump on causing it to moon

>> No.25775682

honestly the tech scares the shit out of me on a nwo slave matrix level

>> No.25775772

Dude the absolute opposite. Right now Facebook, Google etc know everything about you and share with industry and u government. IOTA and other DLT facilitate ownership of your own data and only share it for cash. Check out society2 social media project (IOTA based).

>> No.25775831

iota seems good for a very long term. but not this bullrun. I'm in this bull run to make money. sold mine for nano. I'll hop back into iota after the bull run

>> No.25776301

where can I invest in iota?

>> No.25776376

Binance or Bitpanda if you're from Europe, if you're from the US Binance.us or Bittrex I guess

>> No.25776835

Stop, I can only get so erect

>> No.25777201

12x just to old 2017 high, this whole time IOTA has been furthering it's tech, become more and more adopted in the real wolrd by actual companies, this is what crypto adoption looks like

>> No.25777215




>> No.25777249

This garbage is still down over 90% from Ath. No thanks

>> No.25777301

>free transactions
>still fewer tps/usage than ETH

>> No.25777320
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>> No.25777430

Why would anyone want to buy something that's 90% down from all-time high, yet has improved constantly since?
>sorry I've got to go, brb, buying some maker at 1,700

>> No.25777692

have fun buying high sell low on your fav. memecoins with litterally no usecase.

get your iota-bags full as log as its still affordable to tank it with 100GIOTA


>> No.25778648

What's the suicide stack?

>> No.25779202

if we are conservative and just predict back to old highs, thats 12x
9k IOTA worth 4k at 12x is just under 50k, if everything follows trend we are set for 2x ATH, which puts that same 9k iota at 24x 100k

>> No.25779276

suicide 10 GIOTA=10.000MIOTA
dunno 25 GIOTA
make it 50GIOTA

>> No.25780080


2 weeks network frozen due to double spending attacks due to incompetent devs
Nobody could sell

Quantum safe crypto, broken by high school level attack. Security god calls them rookies.

Still centralized coordinator shitcoin

Buy to support belorussian scammer and german basedboy

>> No.25780154

> literal years-old FUD
You know the technology has evolved since 2017 right? You know it has more real-world applications this very second, than almost any Top-50 coin?

>> No.25780488

ahahahaha, what an old stupid fud-shit.
- iota never got hacked on protocol level
- only the value txs got stopped, data txs were still running.
- belarussian boy cfb isnt part of the if anymore - thats really good! >>25773852
- its the future update you're buying, buy low, sell high - see the pic here >>25773852

>> No.25780948

Hahahahha LMAO
Same old marketing shit from 2015
Muh real world applications
Muh parnerships
Muh we serious now

How is Jinn my man?

Remember folks Jinn, remember Nxtcoin, remember that scam from the same people as iota, that german thin basedboy belorussian psychopath and their gullible idiots? I member

>> No.25781045

They don't know about buying low, selling high. They don't know about looking at future updates. They FOMO into coins AFTER they made x4 over night. That's why they won't make it

>> No.25781074

Omfg I cant believe people still fall for coordinatorless coordicide in 2021

How many coordicide events has IOTA celebrated publicly since 2017?

3 times IOTA claimed coordinator is gone.

I remember in 2017 when german basedboy Schneier and CfB said coordinator is baby wheels only would be removed end of year. LMAO.

CfB is still running the show, still scammin
German basedboy is still bagholding
Trying to convince bizraelis to buy his bags.

>> No.25781139

The tangle is a broken piece of shit. Dont fall for 2017 shitcoins anons

>> No.25781156

If anything I've learned that tokens with good fundamentals never pump

>> No.25781255
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I see traumatized people. I'm in the greens with IOTA and follow the tech-updates: You will miss out big time

>> No.25781405

>2 weeks network frozen due to double spending attacks due to incompetent devs
It's worse than they, these reset events are deliberately seeded as a pretext to confiscating user funds. There technically are ways to get your funds back, but they are designed to be high-barrier and get most people to give up at some point.
This. They perfected the 2017 partnership meme. It is possible that something will stick eventually, but the overwhelming majority of this stuff is PoC that won't go anywhere, and largely also incentivized by paying tokens to the partner.
Also this. Popov was apparently hired to write the original whitepaper after the system was already implemented. His mathematical analysis then was completely irrelevant to the real system because he ignored the most important parts like the coordinator, and used unrealistic probabilistic assumptions about transactions that won't hold especially when attackers are involved. This new system is probably subject to many of the same idealistic assumptions, and if it isn't then there are probably hidden scalability issues.

>> No.25781552

heroin addicted dev who is a known scammer, no thanks

>> No.25781560

Why do you use up so much of your time to make up lies and post them on the internet?

>> No.25781588

this is true, they stole a lot of funds and even identities to those who were stupid enough to send them their info

>> No.25781675

You either know nothing about the history of this project or you're a dirty scammer. In either case your opinion is worthless.

>> No.25781966

Why are you multi-accounting to spread lies?

>> No.25781989

I cashed out close to ath. I guarantee you dont have more gains from iota than i do. And it's still a broken piece of shit.

>> No.25782068


>> No.25782244

HAHAHA I laugh at the idiots that lost money in 2017 with the IOTA wallet. Literally your own fault for being a big retard that didn't spend time to look at how the tech works, and just assumed it would work the same as bitcoin. So you fucked up, lost money, and now say it's a "broken piece of shit" or whatever. LOL. You're just fucking dumb, accept it....
I literally had NO problem in 2017 using IOTA. You know why? Because I'm not a moron, and I actually research shit before I buy. Wallet worked fine if you actually knew how to use it.
Doesn't matter now because IOTA is miles ahead of where it was back then, but god, what fucking idiots. Even that HEX retard Richard Heart went on that long rant about how he hates IOTA because he fucked up and lost money, HAHAHAHAHAAAA. You guys are pathetic. Keep losing.

>> No.25782318


>> No.25782696
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Only people who should be laughing are people looking at this chart

>> No.25782806


Im not even sad about those ppl getting scammed
Entire internet was full of info
Coordinator omg
Baby wheels
Quantum safe yet broken by cryptoanalysis omfg

Get this one
Proof of work
On microcontrollers omfg roflmao

Everyone who gets scammed here deserves to part with their dollars and their coins and only receive tiotas for rest of their iq 89 lives

>> No.25782837

I didnt read a single word in this thread because Im balls deep in IOTA

>> No.25783184
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Second half of thread is just one FUDster same-fagging to spread lies, you didn't miss anything! News and tech are insanely good, I expect huge growth this year

>> No.25783217

The way they engineered the 2017 monster pump was crazy effective. First they had another user funds confiscation wave. Then they basically shut down the network, thereby ensuring that funds on the exchanges will dry up. Then they posted the fake Microsoft partnership announcement.

If you were around at the time, you saw how transfers basically stopped working for a couple of weeks. But in every component, as always, they had an element of plausible deniability. The Microsoft announcement? Ah, that was a misunderstanding. Pulling user funds? It's for your safety. Networking not working? Guess that's what a lot of traffic does to you, remember we're still in beta!

Maybe they did even more things that I missed.

>> No.25783634

I notice this exact pattern with other coins here, why do you guys think that shilling a coin on /biz/ will have any impact on the price? Why not something like reddit, I don't even think /biz/ has any money

>> No.25783838
File: 85 KB, 1080x616, 20210109_090517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siemens has 47 patents on IOTA.

>> No.25784214

I lost 160miota to a vulnerability with the IOTA wallet.
Worthless unsecure shitcoin, that looks promising but was executed badly. Invest in the next person who does the same thing but better.

>> No.25784279

Im getting a whiff of curry from this bread.
But i dont see any reason why this shit wont go to at least ATH desu

>> No.25784777

literally every coin pumped 2017.

>> No.25785257

People still talking here

I already bought another bug and I didnt read a single respons

>> No.25785677
