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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25774731 No.25774731 [Reply] [Original]

30 day volume change
Binance: +353%
Coinbase Pro: +391%
Bitpanda Pro: +132%
CoinMetro: +584%

What more proof do you need?
See https://coinmetro-stats.com/ for some stats regarding volume growth and amounts of XCM tokens getting locked.
The price currently sits 1 cent above the highest ICO tier of 11 cents.
It's not too late yet.

>> No.25774755

I'm testing their fiat off ramp today

>> No.25774756

Oh and once 12 cents holds it will be the new floor price.
If you buy at 12 cents you LITERALLY cannot lose money, only gain.

>> No.25774785

On a Sunday?

>> No.25774842

I wouldn't think they would have to manually confirm each transfer. Do they?

>> No.25774900

Which method are you using?
Was just thinking that banks aren't processing today.
But maybe SEPA instant works on Sunday?

>> No.25774948

My bank account is in the same bank as theirs

>> No.25774980

>But maybe SEPA instant works on Sunday?

Yes, takes just a few minutes.

>> No.25775085

Which bank is that?
I thought IBANs contained a bank name, but theirs didn't.

Does that also mean you're Eesti? Did you visit them at their office already?

That's pretty cool, I didn't know that.
My bank has sepa instant but only domestically and during working days or something like that.
Maybe it's a cost thing for them.

>> No.25775262

their account is in estonian LHV bank.
yes i'm estonian. i won't go to their office but i might visit the meme toilet office once xcm is €1 to celebrate
it's been 6 minutes since i initiated the transfer. dashboard says it's Pending

>> No.25775297

didn't kevin literally ban a guy for consistently dumping xcm ?


>> No.25775361
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Just make sure that you check "real time-transfer", it takes 5 to 50 Minutes, et voila. Pic related, last sunday.

>> No.25775372


>> No.25775559

vau, täitsa ehtne eestlane kes kasutab coinmetrot. absull pole kuskil eestikeelset arutelu coinmetro üle ja ka päriselus ei tea kedagi teist kes kasutaks...

>> No.25775590

I think that was an instance where some dude sold into his own orders

>> No.25775626

So what? You think the average Chinese factory slaves are discussing binance? Lol

>> No.25775652

My bank doesn't allow me to choose.

>> No.25775908

still waiting for the transfer. it was sent 20 minutes ago, i hope the bank doesn't freeze it

ega ei julge soovitada ka enne kui mu fiat kohale jõuab

>> No.25775931

Kevin is a fascist

>> No.25775957

küll jõuab, ma 2019 algusest kasutanud, pole probleeme olnud.

>> No.25776011

küll ta tuleb, mul pole kiiret

>> No.25776166
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I don't understand this post. Sorry dumbass here, what are you saying i should buy? xcm? What is XCM is it an altcoin? Pls explain

>> No.25776175

I rather trust my money with a regulations enforcing fascist than a clueless criminal.

>> No.25776246

XCM is the CoinMetro native token, it gives you perks and CoinMetro buys up to 50% of profits back from the market.
As you can see on https://coinmetro-stats.com/ blue line goes up = more volume = CoinMetro will buy more XCM, green line goes down = less XCM available, yellow line goes up = price goes up.

>> No.25776383
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Tundub veits kakamünt aga mul pole ülikondades idufirmade vastu mitte mingit usaldust.
Kui keegi oskab ühe lausega öelda, miks see kuu peale lendab, siis võin soti alla panna küll.

>> No.25776453

Tere, CoinMetro kolleegid, kas see on hea päev mõnele aeglustujale petta :D

>> No.25776465

teretulemast tallinkil :D

>> No.25776558

Ma kasutan ka juba üle aasta. Null probleemi ja ja kui mingi jama on siis teenindus on neil tõesti kiire ja super.

>> No.25776577

imagine bnb
but 0.1ct

>> No.25776629

Ma investeerisin põhiliselt hr Murcko pärast. Vend on pühendunud ja fakti pärast et coinmetro on pidevalt tasapisi kasvanud (ka peale 2018 crashi)

>> No.25776707

soovitan ama'sid coinmetro youtube'ist vaadata kui huvi on.

>> No.25776825

Where or what is meme toiletoffice? Cashing out, ngmi. Jõudu!

>> No.25776903
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>> No.25776945

Veider lugeda, tihtilugu just eestlasi bizis ei näe.
Randdomis küll, alles mingi päev keegi veli lekitas Helen Kõpu pilte...

Plaanin pensionile minna oma 40K PRQ ja 10K XCMiga :D

>> No.25776973

The toilet has a post address.

Tartu maantee 84b, 10112 Tallinn, Estonia

Might send a postcard there and tell CoinMetro people to pick it up there.

>> No.25776979

Töötukassas trehvame

>> No.25777694

KYC shit

>> No.25777887

>t. pajeet without a passport
Every regulated financial institution needs to KYC their clients

>> No.25778011

>Look to see price on Binance to see for myself
>Not listed
>Not even google links to it searching" Binance XCM"
Why is OP full of shit? Link or false.

>> No.25778059

are you autistic? the % is the exchange volume change. and XCM is the exchange token for coinmetro... so it wont be anywhere else like BNB you bonobo

>> No.25778166


>> No.25778573

I care about the whole volume on CoinMetro exchange, not the volume of the XCM token.
CoinMetro volume is what's giving the token value and that's exactly what's going up the past 30 days.

>> No.25779002


>> No.25779661

guys I had a dream XCM was 0.03 and I bought 100k I woke up and it's still 0.16
fuck me

>> No.25779739

Think it's gonna drop?
Sorta waiting for a dip that might or might not come anymore

>> No.25779823

I think people have a vested interest in keeping the price high so that profits are assured

>> No.25780132

I don't see any reason to exit now.
If you were an ico investor you've been stuck for 2 years, why the rush now?
Because the exchange is generating quite the volume now, there's some upward pressure.
And last but not least, a fucking price floor of 12 cents was announced.
What's not to like?

>> No.25780163
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>> No.25780245


just no desu.

it's over.

DMG is your path if you are willing to take it.

>> No.25780338

>just no desu.
>it's over.
you do know we're only going to listen to you if you write coherent sentences why you think thats the case, literally everything from users and funding and xcm price included is going up

>> No.25780366

only exchange that started and still survived 2018 till now, just started marketing and higher volumes. better leave now ! stay poor

>> No.25780595

thinking about turning some eth into xcm
whats the absolute minimum amount to make it in a few years if i hodl ?

>> No.25780631

like actually making it? 100k
mini make it 10k

>> No.25780856

My thoughts are, they do bad, it goes to 1 euro, they do good, it goes to 20 euro.
It will take time, they do things slow, but what they do is done well and of course compliant.
Considering their past I'm gonna say they're going to do good.
Maybe this tells you how much you need?

>> No.25780992

actually looking at xcm now, seems really interesting, contacted the support because i havent received any confirmation mail, the support answered withing 3 minutes

>> No.25781338

And the retarded pajeet award of the day goes to >>25778011