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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25777483 No.25777483 [Reply] [Original]

Which method has worked best for you?

A) Research and analyzing trends
B) Just following what the "experts" do
B) Gut feelings
C) Astrology, Tarot, gematria or some other esoteric practice
D) I will never reveal my secrets poorfag

>> No.25777505

B, intuition knows more then “experts” shilling their bags

>> No.25777517

Buy high, sell high.

>> No.25777523

What does born with the ability to see a week into the future fall into? C?

>> No.25777537

Research, timing, patient and sticking to the plan

And /buz daily

>> No.25777552

B) literally just copy grayscale or microstrategy portafolio and its gg

>> No.25777567

You tried

>> No.25777570

low iq fags and retards dont have intuition, intuition as we know it is literally just a smart "subconscious"

>> No.25777572

I just followed the crowd

>> No.25777587

all I dud was literally hodl'd for 1 year.

>> No.25777588

Buy the ones with the best memes, hold even when it crashed 90%
>t. 170k link holder

>> No.25777589

>C) Astrology, Tarot, gematria or some other esoteric practice
this but in the form of sacrifices to Moloch

>> No.25777598

A is the only correct answer for long term gains. If you don't understand what you're invested in, fear of loss will eat you up with assets this volatile.

>> No.25777614

Proper money management, scaling in and out, and trading at many multiple small positions instead of just one big one.

>> No.25777633

There's no thought or real research put into it.

Bought LINK at $0.30
Bought BTC at $7k

Both heavily up

>> No.25777731

If I invest in memes because memes proved to be stronger than (((mass media))), does that make me trend analyst?

>> No.25777769

repeating digits and ids

>> No.25777829

Just buy low m cap shitcoins and moon -> repeat

get into DAO now and swap to LCX later

>> No.25777854

what is DAO?

>> No.25777869

A for me. At this point there is so much jargon and convoluted marketing and white papers that I can’t tell the difference between what is actually good, original, authentic, and not fluff with buzzwords sprinkled in. I learned my lesson with SKRM.

>> No.25778250

I throw money at stocks/options and then if I feel like market conditions are getting hot then I increase margin until something pops. I lurk and I throw money at almost any ticker that comes my way here, assuming it clicks with me, and then I just pay attention to you folks and how much pain you're feeling. So if thousands of anons are feeling pain from SNSS and I haven't seen it mentioned in months I'll start buying it up. Underdog gems come and go and it's not something to stress yourself out trying to find; it's given me the best results to jump on a hype train, make some profits, and then I use those profits to buy more stocks I don't intend to sell.

I used to think the market couldn't be timed at all and it was all chaos and clownery, but I've been figuring out what the market likes and what it doesn't. So I lurk here and I refresh cnbc and I immerse myself in it all. If I'm making a trade and I start fantasizing about how shocked my old boss is gonna be when I buy the corner that his restaurant is sitting on, then I know I'm probably not making informed trading decisions and it's time to look away. But I also try not to let all the noise bother me. It sucks when you take risky long-term positions and get spooked because of some idiom in the back of your mind trying to talk you out of it. But as I keep trudging along I've gotten better at risk management and it's getting easier to hold on. Now I can afford to risk "a lot of money" but it's still only 1% of my portfolio, so I can trust myself and give the market time to catch up to me, and I can hedge my bets too. So while I still make trades based on hunches, feelings, superstitions, and memes, that is in fact my edge and when I'm not trading with an edge it's time to reduce margin and go outside

>> No.25778258

Same here

Also add B renamed as intuition, but you need A to build B.

>> No.25778343

>I can’t tell

Actually scrap that misread the post, most of the time I can tell.
Clearly you can see copypasted shit when you read enough.

TRON 2 years ago was the prime example of A applied in my case if you dismiss the china and leader redflags (B): no real differentiator, pastas from different whitepapers, poorly written documentation, 404 links all over the place, fake github activity...

>> No.25778442

When /biz/ red, buy.
When /biz/ green, hold.

>> No.25778446

C actually. I call up demons and they give me financial advice. So far they called the xrp 25c to 70, RSR 1.7c to 5, prq 19c to 50, FRM 11c to whatever it is now, Zil 2.5c to 7.8. They also heavily warned against GRT. I haven't called them up lately so I don't have any current picks right now.

>> No.25778507

>get into DAO now
Quiet, it's not yet time to shill this.

>> No.25778675

Memes and reading /biz/
Made over 1 million

>> No.25778777

Nice try irs

>> No.25778797

don't be naive OP. They make huge gains on ponzis and then they move to BTC

>> No.25778803

A) researching LTO, doubled my stack

>> No.25778833

Literally dubs and schizos made me 48k. And swing trading by apeing into green candles that have already half launched.

>> No.25778835

This. There are a couple coins on this board RIGHT NOW with very high quality memes yet down a lot from ATH

>> No.25778935
File: 106 KB, 288x288, buchner interlaced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirm the truth

>> No.25778966
File: 6 KB, 225x225, betmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25779012

If you aren't trading based on
heavenly bodies and spiritual intervention you are retarded and never going to make it

>> No.25779035

Investing based on memes

>> No.25779093

I made over 70K on Link (still holding). Unironically, the best strategy and the one that helped me find Link is gauging real world interest. If there is real interest in something the prospects are at least good for it in the short term, and if it's actually got potential that interest will grow over time and attract more people. On /biz/ I was actually able to see that via memes. I know this is going to sound retarded, but early Chainlink memes and the like didn't look like the normal shitcoin shilling. People will pump out soulless memes because they're desperate or want you to invest in a shitcoin. But Link memes seemed like they were made by people with genuine enthusiasm and interest in the project. Probably not the best or most clear advice, but that's how I decided on Link way back.

>> No.25779137

Momentum and sentiment and market cap. Nothing else

>> No.25779250

i ddint fear the red numbers on my portfolio, after one year i am 60k in profit, its all thx to biz, i woudnt have know what to buy

>link, xrp and btc are my major gainers

>> No.25779349

>join the telegram group
>use telegram date search function to go all the way back when the group was made
>read old convos and how the trajectory changed
>look at the roadmap (if any) if there's "binance listing" on the roadmap leave and report the group
>ask dev a bunch of questions on how the shit works, what's the plan
>if the dev can explain the shit to me convincingly enough, i buy

>> No.25779368

>> sticking to the plan
This. No matter how fucked up things might feel. Stick to your plan.

Ps, I have not yet made 50k in profits.
I started last year on 'bux' trading with 5k and have now 6641. A profit of 32% which I think I am doing greatly.

>> No.25779470

Keep an eye on what the jews are doing

>> No.25779531

Doesn't sound retarded at all, being able to distinguish between fake shilling and real meme interest is important. Good post.

>> No.25779570

Market/BTC sentiment and initial volatile pumps are very lucrative.

>> No.25779593


>> No.25779943

Gut feeling sometimes research but for sure not analyzing trends cause that never works

>> No.25780274

just choose the x factor you want out of it and hodl until it hits that value and sell. you can never not win with that way