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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25775700 No.25775700 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone could get spooked a couple of days before said date, taking BTC and alts into a plummet.

>> No.25775746
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Of course!

>> No.25775824
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Tether scam shill from the previous thread watching the red candles and getting nervous.

>> No.25775937

There will be panic sell around wednesday and possibly a huge bear trap at friday.

>> No.25776610
File: 69 KB, 1200x675, 1609747220648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u post a cock? u gay

>> No.25776699

Just follow whale alert on twitter and turn on notifications. When tether stops printing tokens, transferring them to unknown wallets/exchanges, that is the time to sell.

It's literally that easy. If you don't see tether being printed, there is nothing to prop up the bitcoin price. Get the fuck out then.

Jan 15th is a red herring. It's a document request deadline, not a verdict or judgment. Tether is free to keep printing and inflating the price of bitcoin until someone forces them to stop.

>> No.25776714

people exit isdt to bitcoin you mong

>> No.25776730

Yep. And I LOVE it.
Infinite pumps until the 15th.

>> No.25776740

delusional kike. don't listen to this fucker.

>> No.25776742
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What is tether and what is happing?

>> No.25776788

>company never provided any proof that they work legitimate
>keep pumping billions in the market every day

Yes Anon, absolutely no reason to be scared

>> No.25776791

why is he wrong bro?

>> No.25776838

Literally not wrong. 15th is a nothingburger. The ride won't stop until iFinex decide to take profits.

>> No.25776858

>BTC starts to dump
>tether gets printed and transferred to the exchanges
>BTC dip gets gobbled up and reaches new ATH

This has been the pattern for months now. In the past 30 days it's accelerated rapidly, raising the price of BTC more than 20 grand higher than pervious ATH. I've personally gained 40 thousand during these 30 days.

Just do what I say, wait for tether to stop printing for a few days, and then Get. The. Fuck. Out.

Buy back in after the crash. You'll have 4x to BTC you hold now I promise you.

>> No.25776877

“Please sell, I promise you you’ll have 4x your btc” kek how much are these priced out bobos seething Rn?

>> No.25776880
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kek the tetherfags backpedaling the date already, just like xrpers

>> No.25776911

>You'll have 4x to BTC you hold now I promise you.
Right but you're not counting on exchanges Mtgoxing you after they go bankrupt and steal your BTC.

>> No.25776922

How many sats are you holding?

>> No.25776940

get out into what?

>> No.25776958

but what happens if they can’t show the paperwork?

>> No.25776980

sadly, the market doesn’t work that way. sorry for making you nervous.

>> No.25777011
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>logic and general skepticism says fud
>emotions say DOOMSDAY
>people trade emotions
>so 15th will be DOOMSDAY
>but traders know this so actually the 14th will be DOOMSDAY
>but traders know traders know this so actually the 13th will be DOOMSDAY

~3 Days Remaining~

>> No.25777028

How is it logical skpeticism saying FUD if Tether really is going to be exposed as a counterfieters?

>> No.25777068


Cash, but briefly. The crash is going to be extremely rapid and violent and will affect all crypto. Your cash won't have much time to depreciate with inflation. Buy back in when you think we've hit the bottom. Where the bottom is is your call, that's just you investing.

>> No.25777219

It goes both ways. There have been plenty of crypto scams that weathered the storm, regardless of how fucked they seemed at the time. And there have been too many scandelous DOOMSDAY click-bait articles inflating minor things into something its not for me to believe in them 100%.

I'm confident Tether is dirty. I'm confident being exposed would be bad for Tether. But I'm not confident that it any singular blow is going to topple Tether overnight. It's possible, but unlikely.

But like I said, people trade emotions instead. I'm fully expecting retarded volatility this week.

>> No.25777261

If Tether goes down will that be the end of BTC as we know it? Isn't their printing the only thing propping it up?

>> No.25777707

someone correct me if I'm retarded but the absolute bottom would be determined by mining cost right? I remember reading shit in 2018 and 2019 that put the estimate around 3k at the cheapest, so now post-halving it should find a balance around 6-7k in theory. Insolvent miners can drop out and difficulty will adjust as usual

>> No.25777719

Why would you think this? BTC existed well before the shitshow of Tether, it doesn't need it.

>> No.25777728
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I post butt

>> No.25777768

Well theroetically if demand drops to 0 then BTC could drop to 0.

Yeah but BTC wasn't worth $40000 before Tether.

>> No.25777847

If Tether were to crash and burn tomorrow, wouldn't that mean all the traders sitting in BTC/USDT trades would panic and put everything into BTC, driving the price up further?

>> No.25777878
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It's going to ZERO!

>> No.25777888

What does priced out even mean? It's not as if you have to buy 1 whole bitcoin

>> No.25777945

No, they would find no one to sell the USDT to.
24 Billion USDT will become worthless in a matter of hours.

>> No.25778027

Btc has value just not 50k not yet anyway. Institutional growth happened all at once and very quickly, you would normally except slow increase in value over time. Doesn't seem legit.

>> No.25778062


Don't be surprised if we overshoot on the weekly past 50k, creating a sense of false confidence. Rip in peace to all the bears who are going to be short squeezed this week.

>> No.25778137

The flaw with that theory is traders will most likely refuse to believe USDT is suddenly worthless. It'd be too sudden, USDT may depreciate but it won't just go to zero.

>> No.25778152

>worthless in a matter of hours.
pure fantasy if you think this is a possibility.
if this were even a remote possibility, the peg would already be slipping

>> No.25778170

BTC bears don't actually have short positions, they're just seething nocoiners coping with being eternally priced out

>> No.25778186
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