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File: 1.75 MB, 1712x950, RIP Eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25770565 No.25770565 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanted to do a trade on Uniswap, got this as a transaction fee...and not even talking about gas costs. Ethereum is broken man, and it's not going to be fixed for the next three years or so.

I'm going to trade my ETH for IOTA and never worry about transaction fees again.

>> No.25770596

poorfags in disbelief

>> No.25770605
File: 3.35 MB, 480x270, 1582692185743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell you weak handed bitch. And never own another ETH again

>> No.25770679

Yeah, Eth sucks and with Eth 2.0 it will get even worse. IOTA will fix their flawed bullshit.

>> No.25770705

>I'm going to trade my ETH for IOTA and never worry about transaction fees again.
because you're not gonna be making any transactions?

>> No.25771765

Because transactions are free on IOTA.

>> No.25771939

Kek no one wants to use iota thats why its free

>> No.25771987


>> No.25772246

IOTA is way better than anything out there. But please stop shilling here. I want to accumulate more

>> No.25772318

keep on accumulating, straight to zero

>> No.25772333

good job bro. now you can just use do your trades for free on the IOTA uniswap ... oh wait ... no such thing exists, and now your coins are stuck on the tangle, better write an email to the coordinator to get them back.

>> No.25772401

>Ethereum is broken man,
The base chain is expensive, yes
>and it's not going to be fixed for the next three years or so.
False. In fact it's already largely fixed today, you don't even have to wait for ETH2. State channels, Rollups, Sidechains and Plasma are all layer 2 solutions that are available today, high-traffic smart contracts would just need to implement them (and many have).

>> No.25772406

You're looking at it the wrong way: people desperately want to use Ethereum, they're even willing to put up with ridiculous fees to do so. In the meantime no one wants to use IOTA, despite it being "free". This tells you something about the value people assign to these platforms.

Bitcoin Cash transaction fees have been hundred to thousand times lower than Bitcoin's and no one ever has and no one ever will give a fuck about it.

>> No.25772457

Da fuq is ioter?

>> No.25772499

Well its probably tax deductible in my country. So who cares but poorfags

>> No.25772522

God I hate this fucker

>> No.25772536

Fees are expensive but if you're realising $500 of profit then the $10 fee is more palatable.

I do hate it for smaller amounts though, I really want to consolidate the $80 of random coin odds and ends I've picked up over the years but I'd be loosing money.

>> No.25772672

Kek, nobody wants to use iota?
Meanwhile in real life world:
Yeah millions of use-cases, iota being used hundred of thousand of times already, more adoption than bitcoin already.
Damn, you guys cope hard.

>> No.25772848

How many years have we been hearing about those "great usescases for IOTA!" now? Three? Five? And it's always bullshit like that. Putting IoT sensor data in a blockchain/DLT is idiotic from the start. And there's often zero actual reason to do so, other than getting a bit of marketing out of putting up tweets like this that are then gobbled up by clueless true-believers.

>> No.25773793

Can you read you mongoloid?
IOTA is already used for hundred of thousand of usescases. Also you don't even know shit you're talking about.
>Putting IoT sensor data in a blockchain/DLT is idiotic from the start
Literally the most retarded shit I've read in a while. How the fuck is that retarded to have the most valuable asset of today = DATA immutable on a trustworthy ledger that can not be tempered with? You absolute 1 digit IQ creature.

>> No.25774129
File: 190 KB, 574x949, 1609795196015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did it perfectly, riding the short-term wave on normie coins then switching back to the long-term winner. I personally don't like to trade (to stressful, to complex tax) and therefore simply hodl IOTA. Maybe less profitable, but extremely comfy.

>> No.25774173

Dude you know your data is encrypted on the tangle so only you and people you give access to can read it? Like, people who pay you? It's astounding how low the level of understanding is on biz

>> No.25774232

eth is such a normie coin, everyone joining the space is buying this shitty poc becase "eVeRyOne DoEs so, It MusT Be GoOd".

get your 10gi iota-bag and enjoy your life without wage slaving.

>> No.25774324

I pay 15€ per deal with brokers. Stfu

>> No.25774482

How about you pay 0$ for teansac with IOTA and less than 15$ with future IOTA-based DeFi (scalable smart contracts already in alpha)?

>> No.25775028


buy hex

>> No.25775289

Have you ever tried sending and recieving with IOTA?

Its the buggiest fucking piece of shit ive ever used. The values are unstable, you can send all your money byebye with simple missclicks its insane

>> No.25775641

iota is fucking awful. no one uses this shit. its obsolete. cant even do p2p well. You're better off having money in nano. there a reason why other coins are pumping a lot like nano or rsr. compared iotas fucking chart. would touch with a 2 inch dick

>> No.25776134

> cant even do p2p well.
> no one uses this shit.

best proof that you didnt even try to use or understand iota.



use HelloIOTA on youtube to deepdive into IOTAs possibilities! brilliant work by Chris!

>> No.25776587
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, year2021overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.