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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25769184 No.25769184 [Reply] [Original]

I can not stand this place anymore.
All those semi rich fags who are positioned to /make it. I can not deal with if from a mental standpoint anymore. /biz/ made me realize I need like $5 to $10 million dollar to be happy and live my life and retire. And I should propaply get a job in the meantime. I am approaching my late 20s and have only a few years left until I hit the wall at 30.
And all I own is a laughable pathetic stack of 5000 LINK. I could have bought so much more. But to top it all off, I am retarded as well, so I didn't.
A retarded, broke loser, who will never get anywhere in life. Anyway, I am happy that some of you guys make it. I just won't. Not in this lifetime. Or maybe in like 20 years when it's already too late and when LINK finally hits $1000 because of inflation.
I was just not meant to be propaply.
Take care anons and don't spend it all on drugs and whores.
And see you tomorrow.

>> No.25769197


See you tommorow fren

>> No.25769217

>And see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow fren

>> No.25769246

See you tomorrow friend. Link to 1k eoy

>> No.25769299

do you have any idea how many people here are reading this and envying your LINK stack? that's worth almost $100k dude.

>> No.25769312

I have 1 btc and I’m 29. I think I’ll make it

>> No.25769347
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Take the schwabpill loser

>> No.25769422

>5000 LINK
>wahhhh i'm pathetic

You know most people even in the first world have almost no money saved right?
Be grateful for what you have. You are considerably wealthier than the average person even now. Stop being a little bitch and whining normies would kill to have that much money, have sex

>> No.25769425

Yes, but just as they are envying me, I am envying the 50k LINK stack anon.
$100k is not nothing, but it doesn't cut it.
Neither does a million. I need like at least $5 million or in other words $1000 EOY
Also my life situation is not the best in regards to personal and professional success/fulfillment because I am somewhat autistic and not high IQ enough to learn a useful profession like Computer Science

>> No.25769528

>have sex
I would give up all my money for female attraction. The last time I had sex was years ago.
I have given up on that part already.

>Be grateful for what you have
I am. But shit like this >>25763782 and the answer to it >>25767495 makes me realize that we are all poor faggots and even if you own several houses and cars and earn 6 figures, then you are still middle class.

>> No.25769535

>Literally a multimillionaire in Chainlink with geographic arbitrage

>> No.25769542

After BTC hits $100k it will fall back to $20k after 4 years and the cycle will repeat again. It will to to $1m. Work on yourself, get a good job, and be there when it dips to $20k. In the meantime, convert your link to pnk

>> No.25769590

>5k link
how does $5,000,000 sound?

>> No.25769641

>how does $5,000,000 sound?
Like a pipe dream.

>Literally a multimillionaire in Chainlink with geographic arbitrage
I am not running to Asia, sorry. Maybe for a holiday, but that's it

>> No.25769642

>I have given up on that part already.
Kek, same here fren. Just remember Wagmi.
And see you tomorrow.

>> No.25769645

Ungrateful retard I’m 28 I have 100$ to my name with $1100 dollar in crypto but I owe my brother because I borrowed money to invest into it, and owe him $2500 and I spent $1500 of it plus on top of that I owe my mother another $1800 and I’m living at home with my family and get unemployment. I’d kill to be in your shoes with 5000 link, be happy

>> No.25769789

>wahhh im only going to end up with 5 million dollars instead of 30 million dollars wahhhh

>> No.25769848

I don't know what it is about the human existence that we always need more and can't be happy with what we have. Anon you are right. I should stop comparing myself to others, because that's where my misery comes from.
And I should get my fucking life in order. But it is such a hard thing to do. I don't even have a proper education and should eventually go back to university. The place I hate and where I never got laid EVER. Fuck, what do I do. I can not sit around and wait for number go up.

>> No.25769874

Obvious nolinker demoralization shitpost, no one can be this retarded

make it less obvious next time op

>> No.25769886

You're very early to Fuse.

>> No.25769890

Also I hope you are gonna make it one day as well. The real /making it is not only in financial terms alone anyway I think

>> No.25769911

>I am approaching my late 20s and have only a few years left until I hit the wall at 30.
That hit hard.

>be me
>late 20s
>hate being a wageslave
>get into stocks
>lose over 15% of my networth
>double my networth sometime later
>crab since June 2020
>anything I jump into I jump out too soon or get fudded out of very easily even when i seriously picked it
>1 pick from November would be a 1.5x to 2x depending on when I'd sell
>another pick almost a 2x
>picks 3 and 4 and 5 would be a 10% to 20% gain
>have now gone almost all in on one company
>off all my picks this is the only one that has since just crabbed and dumped
>i bought near the peak back in november, whereas those other picks would be higher now even if i bought the top in november
>i hate this company so much now
>all the math points to up yet it just crabs
>have gotten a job
>ends up being the worst job ive ever gotten and one of the worst paying ones I've held
>am considering neeting again even though it might disappoint my mom
>maybe get a job as a janitor, perhaps it'll be a quiet job without being pushed around anymore but itll definitely be humilating having my parents see me a college degree holder cleaning up pee and poop
>or likely just have my applicatipn rejected

>> No.25769953

>$5 to $10 Mil
Why you need so much money to be happy?

I think you need to find something besides money.

>> No.25769998

This might also be eye opening

>> No.25770068

>I think you need to find something besides money.
I definitely have to. But the question is: how do I find it and what is it?
Money does not fulfill a person alone. A mission, a bigger goal in life does.
But I have next to no professional skills. I can't sell myself, hence the fact that I didn't get laid for years. And now everybody wears a mask and stays at home because of Corona as well. That doesn't make thing better at all.
I was reading though the /entrepreneur general" threads a few weeks ago. But it's all just a meme. You need to be really good at something. Which is obvious of course.

>> No.25770173

Stay strong anon. At least you got a job.
I never worked in an office a single day of my life. So I can not imagine what kind of hell this must be. Only stuff I've done was some blue collar shit

>> No.25770186

God bless you OP materialism be damned. Need less and you will have more

>> No.25770205

Even when I make it I know I will still work. I'm a carpenter and it is the most fulfilling job I've ever had, after I'm dead the work I've done will last at least a hundred and that always makes me feel better when I'm looking at my 10k portfolio

>> No.25770247

>materialism be damned
You are correct. I don't buy and need much stuff anyway. All I want to do is buy a house/ maybe two and a car, keep some cash in the bank and the rest in some shit that pays me dividends. So that I never have to worry again and can do whatever I want, whenever I want.
Which is basically only travelling around.

>> No.25770337

I'll own a farm and raise a large family one day. Full analogic away from all this faggotry

>> No.25770343

Yeah anon, I know that feeling. When I worked it was always fulfilling to help other people and see what I accomplished. Propaply the reason why so many office cucks hate their job. Just sitting the whole day in front of a PC does not give you the same kind of feeling most of the time. Of course people and jobs are different. though.
But for example I could not imagine myself being a software engineer or some bullshit like that. Even though they make good money.

>> No.25770355

Move to Alaska, land is 20k, Build cabin (DIY on YT should build you a simple 16x20 cabin for 20k), have a fullly paid off place, close to civilization (20 min from a walmart/safeway/fred meyers), and then just enjoy life, garden, read books, novels, study a new language, just enjoy life while u flip your remaining 60k in LINK for fun.

>half way to that plan, except ive built a 3000 sq ft house, and now paying off the land for another 2 years, my property was 50k as well

>> No.25770358

We seek boundless within finite world of land and money. Read Power of Now and Quantum Mechanics. Take some hiking trips among red canyons (read SoulCraft) and make “star parties” under a starry night with a couple of mates and Celstrons. Seek boundless by celebrating your “autism” gift. Go balls deep there. And yeah, settle down to a eco-village and grow some veggies. We often tend to suppress our inner sadness with magical money but it doesn’t solve it.

>> No.25770426

>have only a few years left until I hit the wall at 30.
Get fucked thot

>> No.25770485

this is a demoralization post and i love it see you tomorrow fren

>> No.25770540

You retard honestly believe our meme concept of "making it". Ffs a good guy with a wife and a nice just job is way more lucky than us autists chasing shitcoins and larping on lambo and showing muh portfolio pictures straight out of paint.

>> No.25770674

>Ffs a good guy with a wife and a nice just job is way more lucky than us autists chasing shitcoins
I realized this as well anon. But I don't even have that. Heck not even half of that. So I always think I have to make up for it with money to compensate for my feeling of being not enough. I realize most the things that are wrong with me and with how I think. But at the end of the day I always end up being caught in the same thought loops again, lieing to myself how everything will bet better one day.
>OP pic is how I look after realizing it for the 1000th time
Sounds interesting anon, I will look into it.
That sounds comfy anon. Propaply nothing for me, just yet. But I hope it works out for you fully.

>> No.25770905

>realized this as well anon. But I don't even have that. Heck not even half of that. So I always think I have to make up for it with money to compensate for my feeling of being not enough. I realize most the things that are wrong with me and with how I think. But at the end of the day I always end up being caught in the same thought loops again, lieing to myself how everything will bet better one day.

Anon, that is because your feelings are comprised of little bits of data that your subconscious mind is calculating and giving out a result that you have no logical reason for, thus it is a feeling. You feel this way for 2 reasons, first, the factual blocks that you are working with are one way, and second, because the reasoning process that occurs subconsciuously is calculating in a way that is giving you a negative emotional result. Do not be decieved my friend, everything is in the mind.

To get out of this predicament I strongly, STRONGLY reccomend that you learn how to master the process of thought itself, study, learn, read, practice. If you can learn how to think consciously from immitation of others for instance (such as from reading copious amounts of books) your subconscious process will strongly improve and you will have more control of the emotional outcome that you are going to experience.

Then there's also the building blocks of data themselves, and these are the visible tangible things that are going on in your life, these you simply need to construct rationally to be what you wish them to be, for instance, working out, getting a 2nd job, doing your bed, or whatever other physical things you need, that you feel would benefit your wellbeing.

IF you conquer yourself on both of these fronts, anon, trust me, even 100 LINK will be way beyond a "make it" stack.

>> No.25771064

>/biz/ made me realize I need like $5 to $10 million dollar to be happy and live my life and retire.
it's not realizition dont be a retard its the spoiled nigger retards forcing this thought upon you you mentally weak faggot you fucking jidf fanboy

>> No.25771577

1.8 btc club here. It's not a lot, but it's something.

>> No.25771948
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>have only a few years left until I hit the wall at 30
at 30 you will be extremely old to do anything in your pathetic life anymore, you're basically a mummy at that point and this is not just a retarded zoomer meme, it's true and no one is above it
so you better just kys right now instead of whining on an antarctic penguin supporting forum, untermensch

>> No.25771975

>t. 19 year old

>> No.25772160

Boohoo I only have 5k link. Stfu nigger. I got 1k link 40k pnk and some sent and Im fucking gonna make it to live a frugal life no wagecucking. You're just a god damn whiny little bitch asd cunt. Kys op, kys

>> No.25772176

The entire world structure is about to be upended. Your retirement isn’t going to involve USDs most likely. Stop blackpilling

>> No.25772415
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Your life can still have meaning even with just 2 million. You can adopt even if you are single and by giving life a meaning to an unfortunate soul, you'll give your life a meaning as well. You'll receive love when you learn give it.

>> No.25772477
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humble bragging about owning 5k link
ok, we get it. you're the new financial elite. you don't need to rub it in all our faces.

>> No.25772632

Thats just being a cuck

>> No.25772772

People here can be really superfluous. I know it's a business forum but people like to belittle others to stroke their ego. Don't feel bad about it, compare yourself to who you where yesterday, not to other people.

>> No.25772800

very based anon

>> No.25772863

Go live like a richfag in SEA then. Jesus, what's wrong with people, it's like they don't want to be happy.

>> No.25772924
File: 85 KB, 887x589, F3E64D33-4F2F-4E12-B817-14065CDD88D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“Killing myself” posts and “KYS Rope yourself” posts are from communist trannies

>> No.25773164
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being loved and respected is the exact opposed.

>> No.25773182


>> No.25773259

Its shit here now anyway fren.
See you tomorrow