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25768426 No.25768426 [Reply] [Original]

Just sold at $18, finally out without losing money

fuck this shit, I fucking hate you faggots for shilling it

I should have just bought bitcoin but now I can't even buy half of what I used to have

>> No.25768490

its okay i sold a little too but only 3% of my stack.

>> No.25768520

I sold 1k LINK

I paid 18k for it now I got 18k back, except the BTC value is fucking TANKED so I actually lost money by holding this piece of shit

>> No.25768677

oh i see you bought at 18. lmao ngmi

>> No.25768738

anon is about to learn a hard lesson. you're lucky you even got to get near break even, this alone should tell you something, but it won't because you've only watched this market for like 5 months.

>> No.25768771

I've only been fucking saying buy BTC for years now. You idiots and your Chainlink

>> No.25768791
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unironic buy signal

>> No.25768792

I sold anyway, I will not buy back because this project has no future

I know, should have just held btc but I got fucking tricked by the shills

>> No.25768802

Im only 5 figures in the green on my LINK holdings SAD

>> No.25768835

You lost 70% or more. At this time you Should stay in link

>> No.25768842

you also fudded link from sub 1 dollar. nothing you say can be trusted.
I strongly disagree but i'm curious why you think that is.

>> No.25768844

I got a 10x out of LINK after the first pump. The Chinese involvement made me quit.

>> No.25768849

lucky anon, I bought at 19.2 and had to sell at 7.5 to cut my losses

>> No.25768867


at least admit you did what you wanted

>> No.25768890

>he has no idea

>> No.25768907

Lol. My friend bought in last night and he got in lower than you. kekt nd rekt

>> No.25768917

I already sold, the sats are gone nothing I can do about it anymore but at least I have the usd value back. I'm gonna do my own research on what to buy now, think I'm gonna go with LTC

>but i'm curious why you think that is.

according to anons, all the big companies were supposed to use LINK by now but all we have to show for is some shitty defi projects and that's it. Sergey dumping every week also doesn't help

>> No.25768943

BSN China is pure poison, will get Chainlink in hot water with the US govt

Sub 1 dollar KEK, I bought antshares for pennies and sold at $140. LINK is a pathetic crypto

>> No.25768958

I sold 3.25 btc to buy link at fucking 85k sats. I want to kill myself every single day. It's impossible to get the sats back

>> No.25768987

buy high sell low

>> No.25768989
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And WALLAH, because OP sold his link stack, Link will now do a giga pump to 100 dollars by the end of february, OP will then fomo in at the top like a retard after a 6x pump.

>> No.25768993

Bout time faggot
Now fuck off

>> No.25769007

You just got tricked again. Sigh. Link is about to skyrocket

>> No.25769050

This can't be real.

>> No.25769056

LINK needs to get to $80 to get it's sats back, almost impossible.

I'd rather take my chances somewhere else, at least I got my usd back

>> No.25769082
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>> No.25769127
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Have a little faith in the project you hold instead of screeching about how you should have bought BTC, retard. If you had bought link at 1 dollar a year ago you'd be 18x vs. btc's 8x, which is always a superior metric.

>> No.25769165

>almost impossible
it is an absolute certainty. there is literally zero percent chance that link doesn't hit a new high in sats, you are a retard

>> No.25769176

You're trusting anons on 4chan to give you investment advice. DYOR or you'll fall prey to garbage shills and coordinated fud like this tripfag is pulling right now in other threads.
No one cares about your neo trade faggot, everyone made bank last run. I see through your fud campaign, keep your short open or not but def kys.

>> No.25769178

Be honest, what do you do for a living and what is your iq? I'm really interested in what kind of fucked up retard comes so close, but makes stupid ass fucking decisions over and over.

>> No.25769189
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Imagine how hard you will be seething when you buy the top at $300

>> No.25769218
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>upper right

Based 'unknower'.

>> No.25769230

>BSN China is pure poison, will get Chainlink in hot water with the US govt
HAHA how retarded are you anon? USA is run by China now. Trump is gone faggot. Time is now for Chainlink to control the world with China

>> No.25769245

>If you had bought link at 1 dollar a year ago

yeah but I bought at $18 because that's when I found out about it.

you people are worse than kikes, you shill when the price is up and fud when the price is down.

I did my own research, that's why I decided to sell LINK and go with LTC

>> No.25769314

>Didn't know about link or crypto until $18


>> No.25769322
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Chainlink cryptocurrency tokens are a known scam

>> No.25769336

mind if I yoink this one?

>> No.25769343
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Good job Opie.

>> No.25769357

f in the chat goodluck with your btc fork i guess

>> No.25769448
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Then when it went to 8 dollars you should have averaged down by buying more and then you'd be up, you dumb fuck.

>> No.25769522

Plz provide some sort of proof your claim is real. I prefer my screenshots of people getting assblasted not be larps

>> No.25769687

But buying link years ago was a better deal than buying BTC

>> No.25769689

Looking at all your replies you blame everyone else for your own mistakes and have no accountability. You are never going to making money from investing or trading if all you do is follow anonymous recommendations and have no strategy or plan. You are like a moth to a flame with no idea why you invested in the first place only paying attention to price action. If you think you are just going to invest in something and are never going to be down on that investment you are >ngmi. Who the fuck buys something holds it all the way down then sells at their entry price when it is starting to come good. This is a volatile asset class high risk high return. Stop hindsight trading you child.

>duh duh duh I could've done this
>why didn't I buy buttcorn
>duh mum the 4chan said to buy link

Should've would've could've cunt fuck off

>> No.25769703

you got it all wrong
now is the time to buy or hold
own many time do we have to tell you newbies

>> No.25770038

>you people are worse than kikes, you shill when the price is up and fud when the price is down.
You're starting to get it my fren

>> No.25770304

>unironically, LINK

>> No.25770949

I bought link for 15 cents on etherdelta
I lost access to one of the wallets so 800 are gone forever
Have me other 3500 though
Not selling

>> No.25770997
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>he sould?

>> No.25771069

LINK will never go big because its full of retards who only want to hold it forever and dont give a shit about actually spending it or using it as a currency.

>> No.25771131

>link already dropping like a rock ever since I made this thread
>LTC pumping

yeah, I sure have fucked up

>> No.25771243

this will be the new suicidal ethbro pasta

>> No.25771273

Hehe I know you're a linker too. >Unironically, Link.

>> No.25771306
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cheap bait

>> No.25771324

youre going to regret this

>> No.25771361

lol and how much profit have you actually even made?

>> No.25771483

>pretending to be this retarded
you need to learn subtlety anon.

>> No.25771725

actual retard feel bad for him.
How can you be this fucking dumb? HAHAHA

>> No.25771785

i bought it at like 50c

>> No.25771805

Who cares about your shit thread

>> No.25771816

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.25771820

>buy high
>now it's bear market for link
>when it starts to be bullish again sell

Why are anons like this?

>> No.25771849

This post is all i'll ever need to know you will never make it.

>> No.25771884

Oh, look who's back to fud Link again? Now I know its moon mission time, the circus is back in town.

>> No.25771961
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>> No.25772437


>> No.25772528


>> No.25772587

are you retarded
you had many opportunities to buy sub 10 dollars...

>> No.25772599


>> No.25772633
File: 6 KB, 250x239, 3B3B1A35-ABEC-4A5F-817E-554895F86056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally out without losing money
LinkOGs laugh at you

>> No.25772662
File: 129 KB, 344x342, 1604661160867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link isn't a currency, smooth brain