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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 889x542, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25755004 No.25755004 [Reply] [Original]

50x london fag here. (gf who was at festival a week ago in new zealand)

i dont feel good and i'm literally about to ape into an eth long.

should i?

>> No.25755065

yeah me and a bunch of /biz/ smashed your gf at that festival in south island nz. you failed to mention that she had a penis.

>> No.25755066


>> No.25755074


>> No.25755141

>Let's gf go to festival
She was having fun in some tents in the after party.

>> No.25755174

nah she went to bed
>inb4 no she didnt

>> No.25755235

i think OP enioys when other men fuck his gf

>> No.25755269

Lol imagine bragging your girlfriend going to a festival by herself. If you have so much money and time why the fuck wouldnt you go?

Totally fucking other dudes, maybe even just to spite you.

>> No.25755291
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Yeah she went to bed after being railed in every hole out on the grass while high af.

>> No.25755299

>nah she went to bed
Yeah. In some tents.

>> No.25755317

because im stuck in london and i cant get back into new zealand?

all of the quarantine spots are full for the next 3 months.

>> No.25755327

Some women let their partners play nintendo while they get ploughed. OPs woman let's him trade crypto

>> No.25755328

>should i?
no, throw your btc on a stablecoin in a private wallet and retire you made it

>> No.25755349

Oh fuck I remember that, any updates anon?

>> No.25755361

Yeah dude if she doesn't go with him she's having fun. She probably popped an E and went wild all night. Not being rude but people who go to festivals aren't the traditional types.

>> No.25755374


OP your gf fucked other guys

she went to a festival by herself you cuckold

>> No.25755382

And then she takes half his gains when she's bored

>> No.25755408

Pressure your GF. You can't allow her to be a degen.

>> No.25755412

I usually get shit results by trading not feeling good
Your call

>> No.25755419

status report. she didnt fuck anyone. she likes festivals and shit but she's not a 20iq whore who will lower her pants for anyone.

>no one is commenting about the eth long

>> No.25755437

smart idea

>> No.25755502

log into cloud
dump proceeds here
regardless of what you see in her messages and pictures your next step is as follows
50% eth 75x suicide long
50% ethdown 3x token suicide

>> No.25755508

yeah trading in a bad state will make you lose money
how did you get this money if you can't make simple trading decisions as this
you will never get a decent answer here

>> No.25755518

honestly you fucking incels not every woman plays into your cuckold fantasies. Girls can actually go have fun on their own without fucking other guys, you are all just degenerate coomers who got brainwashed into thinking every woman is hypergamous and oversexualized.

>> No.25755538

You're so naive anon, I pity you.

>> No.25755554

i have been in crypto since 2016 and i tend to degen ape into btc

>> No.25755563
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How did you make this much money if you can't even tell when a bitch is lying to you?

>> No.25755572

>all women are the same

>> No.25755603
File: 31 KB, 300x285, biz fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Festivals exist solely to get high and fuck and get fucked. "Liking festivals" is code for being a drugged up whore.

>> No.25755607


>> No.25755608
File: 106 KB, 635x422, 15249088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not 20 iq
>likes to go to degenrate places
>will not lower her pants for anyone

>> No.25755637

i hope you can keep the money anon best wishes

>> No.25755652

learn how to buy bitcoin calls (i think eth calls are possible too, although not where i live in burger land).

calls are just as profitable as longs, except you cant get liquidated by a scamwick. the slight difficulty in learning how they work is just a way for god to punish stupid people by keeping them poor.

(the platform i use is only for burgers with a ssn, so you need to find a different one.)

>> No.25755656

Love when basedboys act like they know about the world

>> No.25755659
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Yes, all people are the same. Fundamentally there's nothing special about anyone. If someone goes to a bar and says they didn't drink any alcohol they're probably lying. If someone goes to a festival and says they didn't have sex and do drugs they're probably lying.

>> No.25755676
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>nah she went to bed

>> No.25755713

Mate, sorry to tell you but your being cucked, I used to almost always get with a taken chick at festivals

>> No.25755715

been considering doing this on derebit. any success?

>> No.25755719

Why would she go without you

>> No.25755723

Truly the best financial decisions are done when you are mentally distressed.

>> No.25755740

I remember your thread anon, what happened, how are things with your gf?

>> No.25755750

agree anon. how hard is it to understand?

>> No.25755836

The trinity of festivals is music, drugs, sex. Wake up anon.

>> No.25755849
File: 114 KB, 1028x720, satania-heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw you know when you tell 4chan your gf is at a festival alone youre just asking for cuckposts

>> No.25755921

I think he furiously masturbates as he reads these threads. I seriously think that OP is an unironic cuckold who masturbates to the thought of his gf getting fucked in every hole while high.

>> No.25755926
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it's meh. i've been eating better and working out. dont think things are any better while still being apart.

ironic thing is that I told her about crypto years ago, and now that I mention it, she's like 'that's nice, good on you'

sounds good at face value, but it's super passive aggressive. it's like she doesn't care even when i was shilling it years ago

grinds my gears

>> No.25755940

Which platform? Any advice on learning calls?

>> No.25755941

no, i'm not a faggot.

>> No.25755966

>she's like 'that's nice, good on you'
She has zero emotional investment in you, she already has a new bf. It's obvious.

>> No.25755985

Cash out 14 BTC and ape into an eth long if you want.

>> No.25755993

nah she doesn't. just pisses me off when i'm right and i cant get any sort of praise for it.

>> No.25756023

no not all womens cheat, but all women who cheat use festivals as an excuse..

the other thing is every guy who was ever cheated on and most who never found out thought in their heart of hearts "not my girl"

maybe, maybe not. it doesn't matter what i say here and it clearly doesn't matter to you if she did or not at least thats being emotionally resolved at least..

>> No.25756046
File: 3.34 MB, 450x506, i feel fine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please update us with a thread when she tells you that the relationship is over. I want a final update before you kill yourself.

>> No.25756055

After reading the thread it actually does sound like she’s cheated on you, especially considering her lack of interest. Sorry anon, maybe talk to her about the festival and see how she tells the story.

>> No.25756062

did the maccas thread get boring?

>> No.25756064

Dont reply to this jealous.

I’m interested to know how much you put and for buying how many btc.
And what did you use to make x50? Is it the cross margin trading or futures?

>> No.25756072

Your gf wet holes are getting ploughed as we speak by 9/10 chads who will have ten other girls like this just in one week.

Look up “sexy sons hypothesis” on Wikipedia.

As for the topic at hand, I think at this point it’s a good idea to try and outpace inflation rather than go into leveraged positions.

>> No.25756094

I did talk to her about it, in depth. she literally she she just went to sleep. it was an average festival.

i fucked up and cheated on her before - and hooked up with hookers while i was in south africa for work. so i can't really say anything. kek.

>> No.25756103

Hats to say it op, but if she's being passive aggressive while half way across the world, >>25755966 is unironically on to something. Like really, you should probably get used to the idea of her no longer being your gf

>> No.25756113

>seeking validation from women
She totally sucked off a few dudes at that festival you fucking faggot

>> No.25756115
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>> No.25756143

i cant adequately explain how bad of an idea youre contemplating is right now..

>> No.25756146

Well then think about it, logically. Why would she go to such a place other then to take drugs and get abused? She can listen to music at home right?

My bet is she was dancing in ways you have never seen her before. Finally she could let loose from stale old boring grey guy and be an ANIMAL. Then some roidhead cuteboy invited her to his tent.

I'm not trying to be rude. I am just saying. Find yourself a traditional girl anon.

>> No.25756166

>i fucked up and cheated on her before - and hooked up with hookers while i was in south africa for work. so i can't really say anything. kek.
Well then she 100% cheated on you and has a new bf. She's just leading you along now because she knows you have money so she doesn't want to lose the chance of milking you for them sweet BTC gains.

>> No.25756208

Yeah that answer is way to logical. It's like a mom giving her kid credit after a fotball game. Only reason she would go to a festival is because she's bored (And whoreish).

>> No.25756235

in OPs defence here..
if you can't trust your girl to go out..
you don't have a girl, you have a pet.
clearly not an animal of any pedigree worth owning.

>> No.25756254

a christmas/new years trip and her friends shit were going so she tagged along. dont blame her, i would have gone if i was there

i agree, she prob did - no going to lie to myself. and i dont really care, if she had fun, that's all good

if i find out she did anything, i'm not letting her back in the house.

>> No.25756258

No don't suicide pls. Women come and go.

>> No.25756292

Also, I no longer do gf or women really because you never really get them, it’s just your turn.

Think of it this way:
>anon team
>no liq lock
>no coingecko

It’s a pajeet scam, she will steal your btc and fuck chads

>> No.25756311

fuck give me the icloud then and ill open it ffs.
keep it coming OP

>> No.25756320
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only trust people to act as is in their nature. Trust nothing, not even yourself.

>> No.25756335

This 100% m8: >>25756166

You need to pressure her women can't lie under pressure.

>> No.25756405

>when the rain washes you clean you'll know?

>> No.25756429

Kek fpbp

>> No.25756448
File: 120 KB, 1362x753, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.25756472

i either do spot or i just degen 10x


>> No.25756523
File: 14 KB, 299x168, 213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you tryna say drake killed xxx?
epstein did kill himself?
what are you trying to tell me here man?

>> No.25756529

Ok anon. I wish you the best. If you want the right kind of girl she shouldn't have a big social circle. Her friends literally controll her. As little social media as possible too (No whoreish pictures).

>> No.25756540
File: 213 KB, 283x427, dvT2lc9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf who was at festival a week ago in new zealand
Imagine a 6'5 Māori having his way with your gf. You just know she loved every second of it, getting satisfied by a real man in a way you never could. And the best part is that after getting stretched out by half of the local rugby team she gets to come home, give you a quick kiss on the cheek and tell you that she had fun, then proceed to enjoy your crypto gains for the rest of her days. Unless you become poor, in that case she'll drop your ass in a blink of an eye.
A cuck like you is never gonna make it.

>> No.25756549

The truth doesn't matter. All that matters is whether the line on your portfolio goes up or down. Believe only in that.

>> No.25756573

she doesnt do social media other than posting travel pics. (no face)

she's a good girl, she just had wild friends i guess

>> No.25756581

holy shit this is cuck fantasies the thread

>> No.25756598

>good girl
>having friends
Good girls are literally controlled by their father and worship him.

>> No.25756606

lol fuck you anon, well said though

>> No.25756607

long shot here, but did you ever get TUNA/spotify working? its giving me hella shit lately
i assume thats your setup..

>> No.25756608

jesus christ don't gamble everything.
cash out 6 bitcoin and 200 ETH and gamble the rest on a 10x long.

>> No.25756623

Larping faggot

>> No.25756651

stay poor, fag

>> No.25756797
File: 312 KB, 1125x2436, D1295103-83B9-46FE-B3F3-0FF361A76F49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im with you op. Just smaller stack...

>> No.25756811

so like, youre down 10k already or?

>> No.25756899

>she just had wild friends i guess
That's the problem. She will cave to her wild friends. "It'll be fun come on :)" "You gotta have fun right?".
I agree and disagree. You have to know that the father is good also. You have to meet him. I know hardcore feminist types that love their dad because he's a beta male.

>> No.25756910
File: 9 KB, 350x251, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite

>> No.25756983

her father is a good man. she was bought up right, she's not the typical 'fuck anything that moves and have fun at parties' type.

>> No.25756985

dont do it dude.
hedge it. its not worth it to lose.
striking out will only hurt you. do not choose to do something you will regret later, that shit i hard to live with.

>> No.25757042

Anon remember the trinity... Don't let your emotions controll your thinking.

>> No.25757053

haha i remember you. i was the one telling you not to sweat it over some dumb whore and not to kill yourself. I don't know how you do it man

>> No.25757067

imagine restricting your gf's freedom of movement because you’re afraid of being called a cuck on an imageboard

>> No.25757123

i'll realise the loss if we cross 1270 or so. i got mad when i missed the push a couple of hours ago.

emotional trading is bad, do not recommend

>> No.25757199
File: 125 KB, 1100x596, 99acdbe4-audi-r8-v10-brixton-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realised wanting to kill yourself is a pretty gay thing to do, i decided to just eat better and work out instead


>> No.25757240

grats on the gains dude. glad you're doing well. but seriously, you need to consider the fact that wealthy men should not waste their time on lower class women. make your money and find a girl similar to your own financial stature.

>> No.25757313

Ok side dude. Women don't know what's best for them. They don't deserve freedom. Women love guys who think like this and make the decisions for her. If she wants to make her own decisions she's already corrupted and had no father or a beta male father.

Most women want a guy to just take charge and then put her in the kitchen. Nerds like you enabeld these whores to begin with. "Muh freedom of movement". She'll thank you for it.

"Thank you baby for doing what's best for me".

>> No.25757403

goodluck with that anon

thanks mate, it's more so just the emotional side of things - we'll see what happens.

wish you the best

>> No.25757452

Thanks bro. Gl with your festival slut.

>> No.25757509

why do you say that she's corrupted if she wants to make her own decisions? what if she comes from a good family?

>> No.25757686

Volkswagens are shit cars

>> No.25757704

Because she fell for the independent strong woman meme. As far as I'm concerned. She should ask you when she wants to go for a walk. You have been brainwashed by media.

Womens brains work differently. There's a certain look she has towards you when she knows that you know what needs to be done.

>> No.25757735

That's the natrual order of nature.

>> No.25757761

Cool way to take financial advice from /biz/, OP. Make a thread about both a specific trade you are planning to make AND some bait retards can't ignore. Incels keep the thread bumped, some autists discuss your actual consideration with them, everybody wins. Genious, actually.
Eth is certainly going up in the next week, but beware of scam wicks, It doesn't currently look primed to explode straight up, in fact looks like it's gonna do some liquidation hunting in both directions soon. Big margin is super risky, not to mention you're on binance which is known for crazy wicks even on high volume pairs.

>> No.25757783

Which God set

>> No.25757822

Wait until it breaks ATH then long it, once its in price discovery mode

>> No.25757903

where the fuck is a festival during corona-chan??

>> No.25757926

new zealand is covid free anon

>> No.25757985

come hang out with me, im north of the river

>> No.25758006

so am i, anon

>> No.25758112
File: 55 KB, 600x378, 1605534966978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it feels like I'm in a mental asylum when I take into account all these movements and causes/effects.
One day we'll have the big bobo reckoning and get dicked back sub 1k, or we might have the big golden eternal one where everyone gets the fucking barcode tattoo and we'll all have superspaceyachts on pluto. How the fuck do you even tell if it's setting up for a gigawick upwards, or a normie fomo-dump downwards, god fucking dammit

>> No.25758151

Yes long eth because you'll probably be in good profit in an hour or so.

You're in London and you're having a long distance thing with some cunt from NZ?

Hire me as part of your "guys" and we'll find some coke and talk shit about our ex's

>> No.25758179

Wood Green here. You?

>> No.25758210
File: 251 KB, 600x600, grim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were cool the first thread, now you're just an attention seeker

>> No.25758216

Fuck off normie.

>> No.25758247

For a bitcoin I’ll tell you what happened to your girl

>> No.25758291

long story anon but i'll summarise, and i will indeed love to partake in the coke

>high school friends etc whatever, always had a close relationship
>2015, become official, i move to alaska for work
>i do dumb shit
>back in nz
>she wants to go to uk to travel cause thats where she was born
>i partake, we leave for london
>travel hawaii, usa, iceland etc before usa. drop around 30k on the travels. good fun.
>been in london since with her until covid

we both went back to nz in march last year, i had to come back to london due to my company, she's still in nz

queens park mate, literally haven't left my apartment since i arrived back in london in oct kek

>> No.25758296

honestly im concerned. are you alright OP, what do you need?
i cant imagine letting all my work sit and simmer like that. is it still on or did you wind up pulling it? i hope to god you did

but if it means nothing to you here;
i can help it dissapear, im great at that trick

>> No.25758353

i try and visualise the order flow with tensorcharts but that only helps so much..
and honestly this stuff doesnt follow FA or QA it's basically pure volatility with a rough trend

>> No.25758360

Astonishing naivety. Men have kept "pets", as you call them, since the beginning of time (whether by way of being chad or through patriarchal societal norms). The concept of rabid whores flying all over the world to get strange dick is only about three decades old and it's going fucking horribly (for everyone). I trust my girl to go out with her friends and enjoy herself, but she is always keen to let me know how she's got along because I don't give her enough attention generally - that's what keeps her interested. If she wanted to go to a festival without me, it's a cue card for I want strange dick and I'd probably start winding up the show!!

>> No.25758452

Quite a story.

I've received your job offer and I accept, I can start tomorrow.

>> No.25758503

you can start tomorrow

send gf

>> No.25758525

It's a schizo thing, you wouldn't understand.
You just feel it.
And then 50% of the time you're wrong and number go down, but it's alright because the market is manipulated.
The one indicator you can trust is that your emotions are wrong, and looking at ETH my emotions right now are pure FOMO. Therefore it will wick down soon.

>> No.25758549

Your worldview irreparably ruined women and led to the downfall of Western society. Congratulations.

>> No.25758612

ngmi, neet.

>> No.25758622
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>You just feel it.
>And then 50% of the time you're wrong and number go down

>> No.25758682

No-one has lol. I used to use a 24/h bitcoin ATM on Kilburn High Road a few years ago. Idk if it's still there but hope the info helps. Getting hard af to find a working one these days.

>> No.25758702

my main point was you should know her intentions fairly well if you consider her your partner.
not all festivals are edm love pits. most are fuck fests. but you made my point in your post.
>I trust my girl to go out with her friends and enjoy herself.
if you cant trust her then why bother at all..
but if youre having a go at OP, how come your girl isnt taking tent dick when she goes out? would you know? youre the same as OP and he's here to bait.. at least he's purely conscious about what hes posting

>> No.25758730

lol you're the one who spent 30k on travels and is actively being cucked anon - who's not making it here kek?

>> No.25758765

BTMs are pretty based business opportunity, i've ordered 3 machines to place in my hometown.

The margins are incredible.

>> No.25758780

I'll be on a train tomorrow, can I claim expenses for the journey pre travel or do you need the receipts?

>> No.25758790
File: 209 KB, 2243x1559, Screenshot (868).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pump my bags plz

>> No.25758797

to be fair, i spent like 4-5k and she spent 20k. she's a good woman.

>> No.25758823
File: 75 KB, 250x250, 250px-Pajeet_Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will provide you with an oyster card, anon.

>> No.25758854

lol. set a sl faggot.

>> No.25758920

How much do they cost? Where do you buy them from? Who collects the money?

>> No.25758989

free, you top it up, transport for londistan.

>> No.25758997

Looks like you are made for each other

>> No.25759095

>tfw had a dream last night that I still had a zip card
>woke up

>> No.25759138

not the oyster you dummy the bitcoin ATM

>> No.25759242


they're around 3k eur each, company name is lamassu.

in terms of cash deposits into the atm, someone needs to collect the money. I'm organising an armoured cash collection service to do it on my behalf.

if the machines are in high foot traffic areas, you can get on average, around 10-15k per month in transactions. netting around 1-2k

>> No.25759612

Damn bro I have some bad news for you, Frodo and Sam were clapping your girl's cheeks right next to the Bucklebury ferry