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File: 27 KB, 200x200, theGraphGRT4298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25750911 No.25750911 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, is this GRT shitcoin really the next LINK?
I don't wanna miss out, again

>> No.25750977

I'll dumb it down for you.
No, it isn't.

>> No.25750997
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>> No.25751054

unironically yes anon.

not in it's utility, but for it's necessity in the ecosystem.

>> No.25751058

Already used by the entire DeFi space with hundreds of millions of queries.

It will trump Chainlink

>> No.25751141

You can have a successful altcoin without a chainlink integration, but the moment you decide not to use the Graph, then your alt becomes a dogshit scamcoin

>> No.25751244

Anyone who says it’s not going to surpass link is coping.

>> No.25751323

Possibly, but it’ll go to 4-6b undiluted

>> No.25751379


>> No.25751421

Don't make The Gaffe.

>> No.25751423

oh fuck I just sold

>> No.25751449

>hundreds of millions of queries.

>> No.25751450

market go up, marketcap go up, coin go up. unga bunga rock good

>> No.25751517

No, it’s unironcially NU
>Privacy medium
>Completely fucking ignored
>Pumps and dumps 30%+ while no one gives a shit
>Still a $0.20 stablecoin

>> No.25751534

Link is the next link

>> No.25751558

this coin is going to 3x while linkies get hyped about it being a 17$ stable coin

>> No.25751562

>applying technical analysis to crypto

lol ngmi

>> No.25751596

>1 day
ngmi retard
hold to december and we'll see :)

>> No.25751638
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>> No.25751652


"Currently, The Graph’s hosted service is processing over 4 billion monthly queries for applications like Uniswap, CoinGecko and Synthetix, for data like token prices, past trade volumes, and liquidity."

>> No.25751744

I think its a good coin. I will look at it after the 6 billion tokens will be released in the circulating supply, but before that happenend, I will not touch this coin.

>> No.25751810
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>> No.25752048
File: 1.27 MB, 626x1280, Graph 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>token not needed

To participate in the network, Indexers will need to stake GRT to provide services in the query market

Delegators will need to delegate GRT to Indexers

Curators will need to signal GRT on subgraphs to indicate which subgraphs should be indexed

The Graph has become such a important public infrastructure, when The Graph goes down, DeFi and Web3 go down. Think about that for a second.

>> No.25752248

Hopium maximus, thanks anon needed that

>> No.25752290

literal stablecoin, it’s written in the whitepaper

>> No.25752343

Doesn't matter how important it is, did we miss it like we missed link?
3.5 billion diluted MCAP which is a lot. Looks like we missed it.

>> No.25752426

if it actually is the next LINK, we haven't missed anything yet, the bottom was 0.30 and it's probably gonna dip back close to that price at some point

>> No.25752651

Graphites, is here comes?

>> No.25752798

I think this coin has a LOT of potential, but it's obvious pajeet niggers like this >>25752651 that keep me from buying, I'll get in at .33 though, I don't wanna miss out

>> No.25752847
File: 3.76 MB, 2600x3000, 1603347704241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be like that guy >>25751112

>> No.25752881
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>> No.25752932
File: 45 KB, 1447x526, 1608309604337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny you show this picture because the price does the exact opposite lmfao

>> No.25752938 [DELETED] 

or buy and sell before they release like me. it’ll do a sweet 2x before then

>> No.25753103

When do you think it will start exploding?

>> No.25753113

That’s not even current info

>> No.25753122

You are retarded

>> No.25753149
File: 243 KB, 680x709, 1594746317721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> is this really the next link

>> No.25753271

september what?
this is the actual chart faggot

>> No.25753313

query chart ends in september

>> No.25753322

After the volatility dies right the fucking way down and it trades at a constant price +- 1c for like 1 week straight, and then out of fucking nowhere its gona moon like crazy.

>> No.25753331

When is this going to happen? Sauce?

>> No.25753399
File: 514 KB, 1361x925, 400million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry frens, this is a more up to date chart on query volume, from november.

>> No.25753428

when will this happen?

>> No.25753429

and the price is still going the opposite way kek

>> No.25753481

Pretty much, good luck holding this as billions of tokens get released in the coming months

>> No.25753498
File: 71 KB, 1000x581, 1586962798444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think all you faggots are just too proud to admit you fell for a pnd discord scheme

>> No.25753518

No, not memes aside. I only invest in coins with the best memes.
t. 80 IQ brainlet who will make it because he's a retard

>> No.25753536

its "crashing" to 10X of presale price. Okay bro.

>> No.25753581

did you get in on presales?
i don't think so
neither did most of the bagholders who make those threads

>> No.25753616



in 6 months there will be massive inflation.

>> No.25753670

it's six months from the date of the public sale
meaning it's in 1-2 month max now

>> No.25753747

Sold my whole stack like a week ago. Never coming back

>> No.25753761


Your math is retarded, son! It's 4 months from now

>> No.25753765


Oow really? Thats great actually. As I rather do not want to wait 6 months before buying the graph.

>> No.25753781


In 4 months we're already going to be at 10 billion or something in market cap

>> No.25753800

presale was in august or something like that faggot nigger

>> No.25753944

chainlink inflation is now ~10% whereas the graph will inflate by 500% this year, and 50% next year.

>> No.25754115

this has to be FUD, if it had that much inflation no one would buy

>> No.25754258
File: 14 KB, 307x182, 1588408517605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those tokens waiting to be dumped on you faggots
those bags are going to become very very heavy lmfao

>> No.25754481

those tokens are already accounted for in the price you retard.

>> No.25754502


>> No.25754570

there's roughly only 12% of the total supply in circulation right now
they will dump the rest soon
this will drop the price

>> No.25754779

the current price reflects the total supply. the release of new tokens will not have any impact on the price.

>> No.25754886

nevermind. i was wrong.

>> No.25754914
File: 9 KB, 219x230, 1608743085445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> muh muh billion tokens.
Listen up you little limpdick weak handed impatient bitch bois.

The only "fud" on the graph right now is "6 billion tokens about to drop, 10 billion tokens total herrr derrr tokenomics bad".
That's it. That's the only fud.
So lets put this shit to bed right fucking now, because you couldn't be any more wrong.
Because The tokenomics are actually fucking genius.

We are about to witness a massive migration
and tremdous demand for decentralized censorship-resistant apps.
DeFi, and crypto was already catching on like wildfire. But since the libtards just decided to silence the president of the united states we are about to see that happen much sooner than before.
People are fucking angry and the demand for these products is going to go through the fucking roof, far quicker than ever before.

The graph is already the backbone of defi.
It is about to become the backbone of web 3.0.
We're talking about MILLIONS of Dapps running on the graph, and Trillions in Daily query volume.

>> No.25754958

>let's put this to bed
can't put it to bed

>> No.25754967
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 1603383276344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and Demand dictates price. That's simple economics.
So lets do a simple calculation.
With MILLIONS of Dapps Needing GRT to pay query fees, and they will need GRT because the graph has no competition and querying blockchain data is absolutely essential to dapp devs, the demand for GRT is going to skyrocket.
The competition between dapp devs needing GRT tokens to run their dapps is going to cause a demand for the GRT token like a pack of condoms in a whorehouse being visited by a fleet of sailors.
10 billion tokens is fucking nothing when the graph is doing trillions of queries a day.
Dapp devs are going to rip each other apart trying to get ahold of these tokens.
Because they need the GRT token for their dapps to function properly.
Read that again but slower.
Dapps NEED the Graph to function. They are reliant upon it.
Yaniv Tal was an absolute genius in this regard.
He got everyone hooked on his product for free.
Now he's flipping the switch on decentralization and if they wanna keep running and using their product they will have to pay a fee.
And they will because their dapps are reliant upon the graph to function.
Fucking genius.
Demand simply will not be able to keep up.
And price will go face meltingly parabolic.

>> No.25755023
File: 8 KB, 249x249, pepe-tuxedo-cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In closing, this is one of the biggest projects in crypto.
The graph has no competition.
The graph has a complete monopoly on querying blockchain data.
The graph is blockchain agnostic and will integrate into all layer 1 blockchains.
And the graph has an army of a community of over 6000 fucking devs creating subgraphs.
The graph is already the backbone of defi, and it's about to become the backbone of web 3.0.
This is a top 5 token.
Within 6 months all 3400+ subgraphs will be on mainnet.
That's when the bloodbattle for GRT tokens will begin in full.
That is also when the tokens start releasing.
You think that was a fucking coincidence?
Those tokens are going to be eaten alive.
Faces will be melted.
10 billion tokens is nothing.
Buy now or stay poor.
$20 GRT EOY.

>> No.25755822

does staking move ur tokens from your wallet? if not where do you hold GRT? ledger for example doesnt have the app

>> No.25756509


All this shilling is based on the assumption that people are going to use dapps, there is no guarantee people will use shitty dapps as long as there are alternatives to social media and other censored websites

>> No.25756738

Uniswap. Aave. Snx. Compound. Maker. Popular dapps that already use the graph.

>> No.25756831


>> No.25756851

Yes. The kind of FUD you see for GRT is the kind you saw for LINK. Keep in mind LINK took years to get to this point and still has a long way to go. You're not late on either one of them.

>> No.25756876

Not nearly popular enough to make this coin moon

>> No.25756955
File: 2.59 MB, 1025x1269, KNEEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bagholder cope
Didn't read lol

>> No.25757163

You be a Bag o Wire! I'm from Jamaica man, we be passing the dubbie on da' left ya bumbaclot. Rastafari, one love! One Jah! Bit ups to da' nation! Burn one for Babylon. Skert da Shitstem Politricks. Jah Guid!

>> No.25757191

There are no centralized alternatives to censored websites. They would have to be decentralized.

>> No.25757281

What about that graph looks bad to you?

>coin listed on coinbase
>lots of buyers
>obviously normal people sell when its high
>price stabilizes after people swing it
>retards start selling low and FUD the project

Guess who you are

>> No.25757345

>muh pnd discord scam
>what do you mean of course I bought high and sold low
>join my discord to be scammed like me

we get it retard

>> No.25757400

its not crashing you idiot its just crabbing...

I am not losing or making money right now and thats fine I'll gain more and more until its in full production mode and we see more progress in crypto. As crypto grows GRT will grow with it as its backbone.

>> No.25757602


Listen here idiot, unless you have a way to prove this dude is wrong it seems like GRT is a great investment. All of my personal research has given me similar conclusions. Can you provide counter research?

>> No.25757626

only thing i don't like is that indexers are monkeys doing manual indexing of blockchains by hand which is slow and entirely different than google's automatic process.
but being that its the first of its kind out the gate with no competitors yet it might not matter, like how btc and eth are inferior to other coins but they came out first and people don't like having to change/adapt.

>> No.25757757


I like this scenario of making profit off monkeys doing manual labor

>> No.25757760

I think that the graph will be a good project, especially considering the need for the graph. Im stocking up now desu not afraid of losing bc its cheap atm.

>> No.25758150


>> No.25758163

You mean curators you fucking mung.

It’s decentralized so the curators help weed out the garbage that could pop up.

>> No.25758323

I think grt will hit $2 in 2021.

Way more upside than link.

>> No.25758787

its not even pumping in a bull run. dump this piece of shit and just buy link

>> No.25758882

Cope bagholder

>> No.25759065

It no be opposite day ball head. Jah Bless!

>> No.25759771



>> No.25759818

>buy the coins that have already pumped
>dump the coins that havent been pumped yet
stellar investment advice here