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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25735166 No.25735166 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>25727512

>Obligatory Flare/Spark Tutorial


>SEC lawsuit

>Staggered Spark token distribution

>XRP Ledger

>Flare Finance source code

>XRP/Flare Decentralized Finance

>XRP Richlist Stats

>Past /XSG/ threads:

>Insiders threads:

>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon threads:

>The Myth of Market Cap:


https://twitter.com/PRX0202 [Mr. Pool archives]

>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet
Do not use Droplet wallet, it is a scam.
>How to send XRP to your wallet

-If using an exchange you need a destination tag
-If sending to your own wallet you can use the tag: 0

>> No.25735191
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I'm comfy guys but holyfuck I just want to make it why is this taking forever REEE RRRREEEEE

>> No.25735222
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Good morning, boyz
Because if it was easy, then everyone would be rich which would make no one rich. or something

>> No.25735225
File: 48 KB, 800x450, JosephDucraux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard meme date, acquire XRP

>> No.25735245

Pee pee po po fourth post best post

Post wrists

>> No.25735251
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also I'm not comfy with this whole Trump saga coming to a close. How can I be expected to enjoy wealth is the world is a smoking ruin and I'm noscoping arabs in iran for no reason in particular?

>> No.25735309

I plan on running away to an asian beach town and giving creampies to different hookers each day

>> No.25735335

a man of culture. God I wish asian girls could give me Which children. I'd never talk to one of our girls again

>> No.25735345
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All of Insider/UHNWI/Mellon references to Jesus and scripture:

You have to ask yourself why the elite of this world, the richest, most connected people give praise to lucifer.
Everyone who isn't saved is already damned yes. Until they get saved. There is no sin God has not paid for, there is no sin He is not willing to forgive.
If you truly loved your family, you would get saved and then tell them how to get saved. That is what I did. There is nothing more important. -UHNWI

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

>> No.25735367
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>ledger wrapped in foil in a faraday bag wrapped in foil in a microwave wrapped in foil buried in an undisclosed location
am i doing it right?

>> No.25735374

It will make you happy for a while, anon, but then you will feel more empty than you ever have.

>> No.25735395
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take the castizapill

>> No.25735409

checked and truthpilled

>> No.25735426
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if all it takes is patience to earn money then i've got the potential for all the money in the fucking world.

>> No.25735446
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>not making dummy bags with fake ledgers wrapped in foil in a faraday bag wrapped in foil in a microwave wrapped in foil buried in undisclosed locations

>> No.25735455

Before you wrap the ledger in foil, put it in a few zip-lock bags.

>> No.25735476
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>> No.25735506

Well, America is moving to the Brazil way of things

>> No.25735596
File: 290 KB, 700x500, EqZ0FtSXcAMtqtE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye I might start stop accumulating for a while. Gonna hold 10k for the memes.
If it will really reach 2k I should have plenty. For now I'm done.

/xsg/ is based but xrp community are spineless c*ckolds. Even if they believe it's all scripted and staged, why do they let their slavemasters threat them that way?
>Haha enjoy the show and be silent when getting cucked and being dumped on
Or are these jews waiting for more niggers to buy in so they can make them rich? Unbank the bank, goy.

>> No.25735597

Soon we'll have Basedonaro?

>> No.25735603

My Blockfolio is showing a glitched XRP price of like $0.00000796. Fellas?

>> No.25735649

That logo is breaking my schizzybrain

>> No.25735658

Reminder that people claiming a pro btc position = pro China are absolutely retarded boomers who don't understand the chunks running btc because of the electricity has got nothing to do with the ccp, and it's just a source of their funds

China is a globalist machine and power made from Americans and American investment and so is Ripple

>> No.25735680

I am willing to take this pill.

>> No.25735681

Retarded Trump boomer

>> No.25735712

Why does Jay look more and more like BG123 each time I see him?

>> No.25735718

Oh no the stinky chinkys found /xsg/
Someone post the anti CCP pasta

>> No.25735723

I like the latin women, but was always put off by the crime rates in those countries. My asian whoring spots are quite safe

>> No.25735760

what are your thoughts on the following? I've posted it this morning but got no answer.

Trump signed executive order 13959 about securities and china, and another one about China on Jan 5th. The first EO goes into effect on Jan 11.
At the same time we have china buying XRP (at least having it and using it according to dex XRP labs) as well as exchanges delisting because of the SEC securities case.
WHAT IF this is either a ploy to "kill" ripple as a really concerning shakeout or Trump trying to fuck up some great reset plans. We all now Ripple and Brad is more fond of the Biden administration.
Either way I really dislike the executive orders combined with china buying it and the ongoing SEC case. I still will never sell but we might face real scary shit next week when the EO gets active.

>> No.25735782

All those executive orders will be hastily reversed when Biden takes office

>> No.25735783

Well let's see what the next 11 days brings.

The passion that's so attractive also leads to crime and the fall of nations on a regular basis.

>> No.25735804

won't happen. he will never be president.

>> No.25735809
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True, but as a pasty bong I would attract the thieves and murderers like flies on shit. I suppose I could hire bodyguards after I make it

>> No.25735821

Its like hes about to sprout fangs

>> No.25735822

Yes, but maybe that's the shakeout. From Jan 11 to Jan 21? Executive order + xrp as 'security' + china being invested or whatever they pull out of their asses. Then Biden reverses it and it will become the standard

>> No.25735823

Spaniards (a Celtic group who cucked themselves by speaking a latin-derived language) associating themselves with Rome is one thing, but actual native Amerimutts calling themselves Latin is the biggest 'we wuz' in all of history.

>> No.25735838

Reserve currency cannot be tied to the currency of a banana republic, and ripple is the best candidate for that right now

>> No.25735869

I really like the look of latin women but most of them have black or brown eyes and I want my kids to have my green eyes. Blue would be ok as well but nothing that drowns it out.

>> No.25735871
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>Getting along with 10/10 columbian who worked in the kitchen at my old job
>Things looking good, wondering how I'm doing it
>She gets deported
>mfw they let millions of Islams in but deport the hot latin women

>> No.25735876
File: 243 KB, 609x629, edd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just mad mainly that biden wants to tax us FORTY fucking percent if we make more than 1 million. Fucking horrendous old faggot

>> No.25735893

The schizo shit is true with latino girls. Like hot as fuck loco, but only if they love you or 'passionate' then theyll cut your dick off if you cheat, shoot you if you try to leave or skitz out of you if youre not fawning them 24/7.

>> No.25735902

The saddest part is these Trump Q boomers holding ripple like it's an anti China, anti globalist coin, when China is pro globalism and pro great reset and so is ripple.

Talk about idiots failing upwards.

>> No.25735906
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<repostan for frenship>

This is true. One of my virtues and admittedly narcissistic vices is an almost pathological need to be liked by other people. Often, I care too much about what others think of me, to the detriment sometimes of what I think of myself. This is good for making friends and easily meshing with any team environment (I enjoy knowing things so there has never been a topic that I haven't heard about that I can't connect with someone conversationally), but bad because I often don't say "no" when I should. It gets me walked on and taken advantage of, because I really want the best for most people I meet. It's also bad because while I have many friends, I have few "true" friends. Still, I've been working on it and my cynicism has skyrocketed from being redpilled these last few years so I can stand up for myself better, but still am generally non-confrontational. I'm empathetic to a fault sometimes but it makes me pretty genuine as I really do enjoy making others happy. Ironically, I'm too picky with women and often quite lazy; I have had many friends with benefits and even escorts, but never a proper relationship. Still, when I do find a good girl to get married to I think I will be a very devoted husband. Any other INFP-A anons know what I'm saying? Sorry for the blog, since Trump has revealed himself to either be dead, controlled op, or a cuck, I've been a bit glum knowing our Republic is well and truly dead.

>> No.25735922

>I'm just mad mainly that biden wants to tax us FORTY fucking percent if we make more than 1 million
Isn't that only if you make 1 million annually? As I understand it cashing out a large sum once wouldn't fall under that.
I'm also a US/German dual citizen and will get tax raped twice that's why I'll only cash out the minimum to wait at least 365 days to not pay taxes in Germany... Fuck taxes man

>> No.25735923



>> No.25735925

Go back

>> No.25735929

obumer imported thousands of Somalians.

>> No.25735931

You could just breed the high tech way. I knew of a clinic in bangkok that will find you a host, you provide the egg donor. So get eggs from a white woman, pay a thai to carry the baby to birth = profit? If I recall correctly cost was around $40k US

>> No.25735949


I have to pay 45% if I make over $203,000 (converted into USD)

>> No.25735951

except you are totally wrong.

>> No.25735966

I'm not into chinks though

>> No.25735968

Wrong on all counts. Sorry you are having a bad day, anon.

>> No.25735976


>> No.25736000

yeah but you can have the baby of your choice, and the wife of your choice. The thai woman does not provide the eggs, she just carries the baby to term for you. So you can have a white baby and latin wife

>> No.25736011

Most people who die after winning the lottery are killed by those closest to them.

>> No.25736015

Trump has already won, you don't seem to understand this my liberal retard friend.

>> No.25736018
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Hit the weights and start eating real food, I had very similar problems to you, I'm INTP-T, you give a lot less of a shit what people think when you're in good shape and have a decent pool of knowledge to draw from when talking to people.

>> No.25736034

>Isn't that only if you make 1 million annually
God I hope so, that's whitepilling atleast. Taxes truly are fucking ridiculous though. Government denies me medicare so I can't get dental work and then they have the balls to take 20 to 40 percent of my money when I make it? So they can give it to niggers for THEIR medicare? I'm steamed. Wish I was single so I could run away from this country and go to Thailand or some shit and build up a nice neighborhood

>> No.25736040

checked. I did not get what you were saying at first, I thought I should stay with the thai woman.

>> No.25736042

They have to keep you down.
Take it as a compliment.

>> No.25736063

According to reuters, what will happen when he is in office may be something different.

>> No.25736064

And how is that, you retarded idiot?

>> No.25736068

>literally 80+million people see the elections are totally fraudulent
>Trump lost
He wrecked the biggest and most valuable scam they have in the entire world.

>> No.25736093

Nope, its great for men as you can have as many children as you can afford with whatever genetic makeup you desire. They also select the strongest sperm and can guarantee twins, certain traits etc... you could essentially breed as many superhuman offspring as you can afford while at the same time fucking whatever women you like. It is very popular amongst rich asians

>> No.25736099

>you give a lot less of a shit what people think when
I read so much and am so highly informed that I give no shits what someone else thinks unless they show very clearly they are up to speed.
I have no problem telling people anything straight up.

Also, it's not usually what they THINK about you, it's how the FEEL. They aren't capable of thinking much usually.

>> No.25736105

Military Tribunals

You will see, Don't rope yourself until after and remember those you defend are pedophiles.

>> No.25736108

I've been "supporting" Trump insofar as he's not blatantly the neo-lib/con establishment and has forced much of (((them))) to reveal their hand and take off the mask. He's still an Israeli shill, but he was still better than the uniparty we had for the last 40 years. Of course, many normies are still completely brainwashed and Trump has completely cucked so we'll see what happens. One thing I will enjoy is not having to worry about politics anymore since voting officially doesn't matter.

All that being said, much of the Qtard hopium "Great Awakening" was tied to Trump in later threads after the fact. The original reason many people got into this project is because it was and is (rightly) seen as the (((elites'))) coin. Regardless of who is the puppet in office, the fundamentals of XRP are such that it can be nothing but the standard, even with China kvetching about it. It makes everything too efficient to not be adopted by the elites.

>> No.25736123

>muh optics
>muh the people will rise up
>muh righteousness

>> No.25736153

>being this delusional
Your Christian children will be born out of crops to feed them. You stupid idiot.

>> No.25736161

I'm still sceptical about the bond that cannot really develop between mother and child if some random woman carried the child that is not even genetically hers. I want a healthy family, not a psychopath army lol

>> No.25736181

Thanks anons. I'm working on bettering myself this year since the world is rapidly going to shit. I want to be strong so I can protect myself and the ones I love and perhaps many others along the way. Also, I too am an INFP-T, not -A. I just re-read the parameters and I'm definitely more honest with myself about my laziness and faults, thus making me a -T.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.25736187
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>> No.25736204

bruh they stormed the capitol. you think they're gonna start playing nice after Biden gets in office?

>> No.25736205


>> No.25736210

go to thread #1 and before and you will see how wrong you are.

>> No.25736217

He STILL thinks Trump will mobilize massive arrests and further destabilize the country that owns the reserve currency and fuck with the whole world. Oh AM I LAUGHING

>> No.25736246

This was already predicted. Chris Wray has addressed your threat of white nationalist terrorism and all is prepared for when it comes

>> No.25736254

Trump will hand his presidency to the military, the military will begin military tribunals. Trump is about to unleash something that shakes the enemy to the core. this is why they have banned him and 30% of all of his top followers.
after the tribunals he will rightfully be president again for the next 4 years.

>> No.25736262


>> No.25736269

bruh its been four years now, its not fucking happening.

>> No.25736277

Save this thread and come back to it.

>> No.25736279


>> No.25736340

Never forget what they took from you

>> No.25736350

/ptg/ has a massive amount of archived threads if you're actually interested in reading up on how many times people have predicted that Trump is gonna do something. Guess what, Trump has no actual power to do that shit. as soon as he tells anyone to arrest someone, they just call someone, tell them that the president is fucking nuts and then they don't do it and Trump forgets it by tomorrow.

>> No.25736389

I wish man, and there's always a chance I suppose, but I'm done with focusing on external factors I have no agency or power in. I'm focusing on myself and the ones I hold dear. Maybe then I'll be strong enough to unfuck the world with like-minded people. But for now, all I can do is make me a better version of me than the previous day.

>> No.25736433

Nigger Trump gave away his daughter to a chabad lubavitch jew.. You really think he cares for you lmao.

>> No.25736457
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I know he isn't guna do shit but it would be nice if he did.

>> No.25736479

Been here since thread 30ish in September. It's pretty nuts we're already past 500. I still believe XRP will moon eventually and am patient (the meme dates are fun but ultimately I don't get too hung up on them). If a $5k investment eventually makes me a multimillionaire then it was 100% worth waiting with iron hands. Still, I'll go back to the earlier threads and re-remember why I invested in this coin in the first place. Cheers, anon.

>> No.25736499

>after the fact
Trump was elected BEFORE Q.
You are dealing with an idiot, a shill, or just a disingenuous asshole when they attempt to automatically correlate the two and bring the conversations back to Q or a plan or all that.

This said. I believe the last two months woke up more people in the USA than the entire 20 years following 9/11.
We are going to make it.

>> No.25736523

People rise up throughout history.
The implication they can't and won't is factually and historically bogus.
It doesn't happen until it happens.

>> No.25736533

you mad lol
stay mad that trump keeps winning

>> No.25736545

archive this thread come back to it.

>> No.25736570

Wait, so is Roy Cohn a self-hating based Jew like Fischer and Kubrick? And Trump's his disciple? If so, seems we're still fucked barring some miraculous 180 Trump does between now and Jan 20th.

>> No.25736603

All the liberals on my normiebook are laughing and demanding all republicans be banned. They’re laughing about that AF vet that got killed at the capital. They’re demanding free speech be taken away from anyone who disagrees with them. This is fucking nuts. SOMETHING is happening. I seriously believe we’re gonna make it soon. XRP being delisted (by Trump administration) along with Trump being silenced by liberals, it’s all fucking connected.

>> No.25736624

mmm nice tiny candles at low volume. safe and stable.

>> No.25736630


I'm skeptical of Cohn because Rockwell talks about him in this time the world or white power, can't recall which one, and I seem to remember recognizing his name, Rockwell seemed to imply he was working with the Jews against the US. Requires further info. Wouldn't be the first time they played Jew gone Goy.

>> No.25736636

Ye it would be nice IF he did. But he won't.
He's just controlled opposition. A judas goat. Only Americans believe in this Qew shit. Everything has to be entertainment for them.
>Sit back and don't do anything, trust the plan
>You only have to spend hours of your lifetime trying to figure out the plan, goy.

>> No.25736666

Teeniebopper confirmed.
Listen to this guy >>25736389

>> No.25736739
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We gonna pump today?

>> No.25736747

>go out in the streets and commit murder
>get gunned down while the media labels you an extremist organization and builds up sentiment to remove the 2nd amendment and exterminate its opposition

you people are truly stupid beyond belief. This is the 21st century not the 17th. War has changed.

>> No.25736782
File: 7 KB, 215x235, 99d0e7db56f9729730e210770f890f1430024b0dca655bc988073df9035c4708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think they'll have any chance in non DC? or hell even if they were in dc armed

>> No.25736802

Learn to read, pOOp.

>> No.25736833

Never stop posting this

>> No.25736902

once xrp moons and people will dig through these threads in the future there will be some really funny moments for those who read the posts.

>> No.25736945
File: 142 KB, 1242x951, D4uC6bRUcAAKEie.jpeg - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello future me looking through old XSG threads as XRP approaches 2k.

you did good

>> No.25736965


>> No.25736998

Lol, same as every other day. Meaning there's always a chance, but likely not. There's no magical prophecy for today if that's what you're asking.

>> No.25737024


>> No.25737049

Haha that dog gotta pizza

>> No.25737056
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>> No.25737061

but anon, its illegal to carry in DC!

>> No.25737066
File: 1.99 MB, 2758x2758, Gessen-Religious-Freedom-Laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one talks about gunning down people.
Anyways I don't care. Have fun simping for your american LGBT führer lmao.

>> No.25737082
File: 97 KB, 500x733, 1604890324297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cant wait for the normie talking points and how theyre so smart buying in at 2000 if thats even possible. Or we look back and say fuck that sucked etc but with Rothschilds backing it and all the hints to erase their karmic debt? How could it not be more obvious?

>> No.25737124

Link please?
I can never seem to find it.

>> No.25737128
File: 385 KB, 450x450, Screen_Shot_2020-06-18_at_1.58.29_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Qew said they would be executing satanists in the streets by now and Obama and Hillary would go to jail lmao

>> No.25737145

Some of us would have that much that spending 999,999 for the next 40 years might not cut it

>> No.25737148

>can't call him a homophobe or a bigot because he supports lgbt
>can't call him an anti-Semite because his son in law is jewish
how stupid are you?

>> No.25737210

War. War never changes.

>> No.25737271

If you can't figure something out in 40 years (implying the laws stay the same) it's your own fault I'd say. And why even cash out? I have 15k (at the moment, still plan to get to 20k) and I never want to go below 10k XRP. Only what I really need will be converted to fiat.

>> No.25737274

So he has no honor? He's just a whore then? Call me a bigot or homophobic all you want. Homosexuality is a sin.
Did he really sacrificied his daughter to the tribe to save the average American? Just so they won't call him things that have no meaning whatsoever. Wow what a hero.

>> No.25737282

Hands of Unobtainium discord just spoke about XRP being an easy target. These guys are a newer PnD group but it looks like they’re teaming up with a few existing Bitcoin maxi PnD groups judging by who’s joined the discord. They are calling January 14 to pump XRP, but judging by the people involved, it might be BTC ~> XRP.

>> No.25737333

>redemption response

>> No.25737358

>Just like the pump yesterday
Thanks I'm gonna short xrp.
>Alwaya do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.25737380
File: 25 KB, 598x598, 0_j1Tz8Z1TCFRaGuiY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello future historians reading this thread.. include me in the book please

>> No.25737386

Why even bother?
I don't follow Q ever, obviously I see the shit, but at no point can you show me Q saying satanists would be executed in the street I guarantee.
So why bother?
If it's so ridiculous? Why make up shit and strawman the entire thing?
This has perplexed me the entire time.
It's either massively triggering and therefore the greatest troll ever, or it's real and there are shills against it.

>> No.25737426

you are the single most moronic poster i have ever witnessed besides namefags.

>> No.25737431

so it will dump, thanks got it

>> No.25737519

But you’re also /biz/

>> No.25737523

nice picture. just a girl and her snurfle, under a clear blue sky, with Jarlax 2e waning beautifully overhead.

I hope in 20 or 30 years my XRP will allow me to travel to other planets

>> No.25737546

Of course, but they’re called “pump and dumps” not “dump and dumps”

>> No.25737551


>> No.25737560

there is literally no reason to think that Q is real. Its literally just some guy writing weird shit that doesn't make any sense and posting it to Mongolian basket weaving forums. Even if Trump is waging some secret war, why would some random asshat on 4chan talk about it? Why would he reveal secrets to the public that could only damage the plan.

Nothing about it makes any sense. Its literally just a soap opera for retarded boomers.

>> No.25737566
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Oh wow so edgy
Keep trusting the plan goy
Patriots in control lmao
I'm gonna qOOm

>> No.25737582
File: 16 KB, 500x322, err.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying discord trannies have any influence over the price of xrp

>> No.25737627

If i had the ability to make people who are normally mocked as schizo validated, i sure as hell would

>> No.25737652
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>> No.25737664

Q literally invented the schizo meme on 4chan.

>> No.25737726
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INFP represent! it was eery reading your post because it describes me so accurately. except i have had relationships. you seem very self-aware, anon, i can imagine that you will be served well by that trait in the years to come. do you mind if i ask what you do for a living?

>> No.25737831

protip: Trump doesn't like crypto and the XRP lawsuit was officially filed right as people were leaving their positions and basically knew they wouldn't actually have to deal with the consequences of filing a bullshit lawsuit at the behest of the president

Ripple is going to win because the entire thing is retarded and nobody takes it seriously.

>> No.25737912

strange that infp's are like 5% of the population or less but are well represented in this thread. i would have guessed intp's or intjs. huh.

wonder what Mnuchin's meetings were about the other day.

>> No.25737995

>at the behest of the president
You dum

>> No.25737999

you should read this series.

Whitney Webb is one of the best researchers on this stuff.

>> No.25738127

yeah you have it all figured out, everyone but you is dumb. Only you have escaped the jewish plan because you are so awake.

You arn't a schizo and you are never going to make it. gtfo

>> No.25738139
File: 330 KB, 1280x800, ErC-17NW4AEMfOa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might want to let them know that they are dealing with the fabled bots of David Schwartz the UberJew and therefore playing with fire

me too

>> No.25738158

Trump never said he doesn't like crypto, he said he doesn't like bitcoin as its controlled by the CCP.

the Trump administration have been in contacts with ripple for over 4 years.

>> No.25738212
File: 586 KB, 1170x545, 1609476119692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it wasn't just Clayton who left, a bunch of SEC people left that week and the week before. Cleaning house? (pic related)

>> No.25738325

>you seem very self-aware
Thanks fren. I try to be honest with myself. My problem has always been the "-T" part of INFP-T, because I am very lazy and lack willpower. Thus, I can recognize what's wrong but rarely have the will to act and fix it. Had I proper discipline instilled in me at an earlier age, I probably would be in an excellent position right now in all aspects of my life. For now, I am merely "doing okay". I could always be doing better and I'm working on it as part of New Year's Resolutions. WAGMI.

>what do you do for a living?
Aircraft Dispatcher for a semi-major cargo airline. Most of the airline industry is hurting bad right now but because of the "unique" aspect of (((COVID))), our company is doing better than ever. We doubled the workforce in my department in a year, for example. I enjoy the profession overall as I've always been interested in the specific logistics of things (the devil is always in the details, after all), but it is a means to an end. We desperately need a union, and I say this as someone who despises unions generally, but they do have their uses. I wanted to be a doctor for 10 years and when I got to college, I was so burned out from high school (I did the IB Programme) that I kinda fell into a lazy slump and realized I didn't want to invest the next 10 years of my life to be a doctor before I started making any real money to pay off my gargantuan loan costs. It was quite the existential crisis, but my parents were very supportive, even if my mom is still disappointed that I never became a physician. From what I know now about how medicine is manipulated by (((them))) perhaps it's for the best that I'm not one. Regardless, I very much enjoy aviation and will stick with it until I make it. FedEx and UPS are the endgame goals, unless of course, I get disgustingly rich off my 20k zerps. How about you anon? What do you do?

>> No.25738342

>Q is real
This is the other line.
What do you mean by "is real"?
Are you implying it doesn't exist?
What are you implying?

I just really don't get it.
It clearly triggers people to the point they can't even have a rational conversation.
You are "anti Q" to the point where YOU are the one that brings up Q all the time.

>> No.25738426

INTP-T checking in and you described me perfectly with this
>cause I am very lazy and lack willpower. Thus, I can recognize what's wrong but rarely have the will to act and fix it

>> No.25738512
File: 1.61 MB, 1078x858, tumblr_o86m7mojpj1ri9hnio1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of INFPs in here
It makes sense to me, considering how much genuine goodwill and good vibes I feel from you all in these threads. Throughout the various fud, we've all helped each other hodl and are determined to help those closest to us after we make it.

I also found it funny when researching my personality type (which I initially thought was bullshit, but after reading how incredibly on the nose it was from how I thought and felt about people, I'm a believer) that one of my favorite authors is an INFP too: Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien.

"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo...and it's worth fighting for!"

>> No.25738568

Brad is being friendly with Joe Biden so that the new administration doesn't fuck it up and then when regulations pass and Joe steals "The Gold Standard Is Back" achievement from Trump, XRP will be worth so much that he'll dump china and take XRP. Then Ripple will lead the world and the swamp will become irrelevant, lose all their influence, political power and eventually die out. Not the best ending for the history books but at least a good one for humanity.

>> No.25738636
File: 119 KB, 710x706, 1607675494171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello to my future self reading through old /xsg/.
How is the wife? You do have a wife by now don't you? You're filthy rich, you better have.
How are the beautiful white children (All five of them)?
Have you successfully beaten aging yet? You are immortal by now a-aren't you, me?

>> No.25738883


KURT: Elaine said you would be the best person I could talk to.

GEORGE (examining Kurt's XRP Chart with a lamp): Yep. Classic horseshoe pattern. I've seen a lot of this.

KURT: Oh, God.

GEORGE: No, no, Kurt - wrong attitude. You should be happy now.

KURT: Happy? Why should I be happy?

GEORGE: You've still got pretty good support. Once the enemy advances beyond this perimeter - <points at XRP's 0.16c support with a pen> - then you won't be Kurt the Riddler anymore.

KURT: Who will I be?

<George points at himself. Kurt shudders.>

KURT: How long do I have?

GEORGE (solemnly): 14 days. Maybe 10.

KURT: Is there anything I can do?

GEORGE: Yes. Live, dammit. Live! Every precious moment as if this was the last year of your life. Because in many ways...it is. <There's a knock at the door.> Excuse me.

>> No.25738915
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after graduating with a bachelor's in history, i moved to SE Asia to teach ESL and ended up making a career of it, ending up teaching at a small Catholic college for a few years. i got fired for insubordination (and also because I caught a priest molesting a student) so I have been collecting neetbux while going back to school to become an addiction recovery counselor (i spent most of the time in SE Asia strung out on heroin). I also run a needle exchange in my city and train groups on how to use naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses. I am only alive because of a string of miracles, which has given me purpose in life- something to be grateful for.

Definitely identify with the lazy-and-lack-willpower thing. I too wonder how my life might have been different if I hadn't been raised by a mentally ill person. Then again, I recognize how that particular line of thinking isn't productive, because it represents the continuation of a pattern of making excuses for underperformance, instead of re-orientation in order to address the issue. Sure, my mom is mentally ill- doesn't mean that's an excuse for me, a 30+ year old man, to continue to half-ass my life and feel sorry for myself.

Wow! That got deep. Sorry for treating /xsg/ as my blog- but, I figure, it's good to get the stuff out. Seems like articulating the machinery of our consciousness is healthy- cathartic, somehow.

>> No.25738947

if ripple goes to .16 again i might sell my car to buy more.

>> No.25739027
File: 389 KB, 1423x1296, 1608381654997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go deeper, brobot

>> No.25739067
File: 39 KB, 480x286, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God gave freewill to humans, I believe that Adam and Eve were the primates that eat some mushrooms and evolved to what we are today. The first sin was eating the mushroom because it lead to evolution and us manipulating our environment and having complete control to the point where we want to have complete control over our self's so that created this surveillance and privacy crisis. We could've been simple beings in Gods garden but gifted us free will and intelligence. Is it wrong to become immortal and avoid Gods Kingdom in this near technological boom?

>> No.25739069
File: 497 KB, 556x1096, thumbnail_3CB9C59B02D244B0BF6FA2DF51EC7130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh sure anon.
Bible shows you the plan.

>> No.25739139

We were made in gods image not monkey.

>> No.25739186
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hahah, ouch. This struck raw
Where do we belong? Will we ever find out?

>> No.25739193
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>> No.25739309

God created this universe and many different universes with different physical laws. Dinosaurs were a sign that different life existed before us and that we are special because of the fact that we discovered life that was way different before. Christ is king and is the true son of god. Everything is made in gods image.

>> No.25739311

Can you shut the fuck up pro Trump nigga? I feel its going to be March with Biden already signing the bill to legalize all immigrants and you're gonna be all like "it's all part of the plan, Trump is gonna show up with jfk Jr and take back the presidency v while holding Jesus hands", I mean for real, who is every going to take anything you say seriously? BTC is bad not because it's pro China, it's not pro China, although the chinks do take advantage of cheap electricity, btc will be banned because of other issues you are completely clueless about.

But keep trucking about Q conspiracies you absolute retard.

>> No.25739406

i read every post so please share your thoughts whenever

>> No.25739413

People are going to start using ripple because no one wants to use the currency of a world wide embarrassment, an unstable banana republic, to do international business.

>> No.25739538

If God did not want us to become immortal, he would not have given us the tools to make it possible.

>> No.25739609

Just wait until the faggots pass a wealth tax

>> No.25739652

Relinquish your us citizenship is you have brains

>> No.25739702

>give up your right to own guns and not get arrested for saying nigger
No. But if those go away then might as well

>> No.25739753

>relinquishing your citizenship without being a citizen of another country as well
Yeah, have fun with that. DYOR on what happens.

>> No.25739808

GOD you people are absolutely retarded.

>> No.25739864

dinosaurs that you were taught about as kids didn't exist, they were fictional.an entire skeleton structure would be created out of a single bone. pure imagination.

>> No.25739895

seeth more nigger, there is no biden presidency and never will

>> No.25739898
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I too have a BA in history, as well as linguistics (Go Gators). I can't say that I've used drugs before, but I can freely admit that I'm addicted to food and (to a lesser degree) sex. I've definitely paid too many AMPs and escorts to make my pee pee feel nice and this has affected my relationship life the most since I found a nice shortstack virgin girl on OKCupid a few years back. She had big tits and a fat ass and literally looked like a slightly Hispanic Velma Dinkley, but I fucked it up by cheating on her the day after our first date due to already planning on cooming to an escort the following day. I felt so guilty about it that when she texted me, I told her even though we had maybe 3 hours of physical interaction up until that point. She was obviously upset and broke up with me but I kind of put the onus on her to do the breakup because I was too much of a coward to do it myself. It's one of the few things I genuinely regret doing, as I can almost guarantee we would've fallen in love once we got to know each other better and a virgin in this day and age is a unicorn. But as you say
>I recognize how that particular line of thinking isn't productive, because it represents the continuation of a pattern of making excuses for underperformance, instead of re-orientation
...I simply have to accept it and move on and make sure I don't fuck up that hard again in retrospect.

As far as you having a mentally ill mother, I am very sorry. I am luck that I have two incredible parents who love me and my little sister unconditionally, although my mom can be nagging and overbearing and my dad shares my laziness and lack of drive, although he is REALLY bad with that. He avoids anything and everything that isn't TV watching nowadays and it makes me sad.

And yeah having a psychosocial epistemilogical therapy session about who we are on this speculative fake internet money esoteric appreciation forum is indeed cathartic. I love you all, frens.

>> No.25739944

Go back

>> No.25739956

I hope you don't overdose on meth when it happens, trash

>> No.25739967
File: 9 KB, 238x192, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is literally everyone I know who was raised by a single mom in my social circle objectively worse off than everyone I know who had both parents, regardless of how dysfunctional they were?

>> No.25740022

Get your fucking boomer parents into cryptocurrency.

>tell dad about XRP
>gives me £1,000 to put in
>chat about crypto on occasion
>he knows fuck all about it but he sometimes says shit that sounds intelligent and he's my dad so I obviously humour him
>this has been going on for weeks

So fast forward to today.
>in my bed /comfy/ as fuck off work due to my boss totally having covid
>dad sends me a text
>word for word I shit you not
>"It's moved higher than Litecoin (LTC)"
So obviously knowing LTC is worth around the £125 range I promptly (figuratively) shit my pants and use the fecal force to dive me out of bed and on to my computer
>load up BitStamp
>check LTC
>check XRP
>phone him
>"D-dad, what do you mean that it's higher than Litecoin?"
>"XRP is green 2.4% and Litecoin is in the red 6%, so it's higher than LTC"
>"... Yep. It sure do be doesn't it? I have to go, I have uhhh work or something. Love you, bye bye."
>"Love you too son, this is gonna make us rich."

Dad I love you, but I might have to kill you before you cause me to stroke to death before making it.

>> No.25740060

This is not your blog faggots

>> No.25740183

Because the nuclear family unit is the backbone of any healthy functioning society and therefore civilization. Think about it: making a family (technically marriage) is the first kind of contract that ever existed. Two individuals coming together to create something better than themselves is the pure drive of our species and it starts with creating children. We're just more self-aware about it than all the other species. As such, because the family unit is so important, the Jew must weaken it by turning man against womam by making them hate each other and weaponzing the court system in favor of vengeful petty women who can break the marriage contract at will and benefit heavily from doing so. Add in the welfare benefits and you incentivize single mothers who are married to the state and take out their emotional frustrations by abusing their children. It's the "black experience" in a nutshell, but it's also largely eroded trust between the sexes in whites too, which is really what the Jews want.

>> No.25740230

Yeah this thread kinda went to dogshit

>> No.25740386

Interesting, considering what crazy animals we have today like crocodiles and blue whales, I'm not surprised that dinosaurs did exist but I have to do research on that unless you have proof that you could link.

>> No.25740448

Am I on Reddit here? What the fuck is this cancer?

>> No.25740451

uhhh who do you think appoints the SEC chairman? hello

>> No.25740483

Where’s that anon with the screenshot exposing that Larpfag saying something was happening yesterday? I want to laugh at him too, fuck larpfags

>> No.25740513

let me reword
who appointed the current SEC chairman who is pro-crypto and replaced that guy who desperately filed the garbage lawsuit immediately before being replaced?

>> No.25740550
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I thought you people couldn't use the internet until sundown today.

>> No.25740561

reminiscent of early XSG days, the comfiest times.

>> No.25740605

Seeing as how I've seen screencaps of XRP hodlers being attacked on R/crypto and ran off yeah probably. That mixed with an influx of /pol/

>> No.25740611
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>> No.25740636
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I also have a BA in history, minors in MGMT and CJUS. Sorry you lost that thicc bitch.

>> No.25740650


Issuing stablecoins on the xrp ledger

Flare Networks will integrate Litecoin into its network in the second quarter of 2021. The Ripple-backed network is set to hand out 45.8 billion FLR tokens after the airdrop of XRP addresses. The rest of the tokens will be distributed over two years. Further details about Litecoin's integration will be announced next week.

Also pic related, tradingview added XRP/crude oil/gold/silver etc... trading pairs!

and some say there wasnt any news on friday! wonder why we aren't pumping already..

>> No.25740692
File: 404 KB, 1536x2048, fsdsfdsfdfdsfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and here's the pic

tradingview added XRP/crude oil/gold/silver etc... trading pairs

>> No.25740707

seeth more nigger, libtards like you are the lowest of iq and traitors to this nation.
go suck off your corporate overlords and pretend you are fighting for the working class.

>> No.25740709

loled fren

>> No.25740717


>> No.25740785

I clearly didn't deserve or want her enough, otherwise I would've suppressed the coombrain and actually tried for a fulfilling relationship. Oh well, c'est la vie.

But yeah, we're definitely off topic here. Anyone have any predictions for when a possible moonening will happen? My money is on 01/13 or Feb 22nd, because I believe the latter is a deadline for the SEC lawsuit, unless I'm mistaken.

>> No.25740808

the dinosaurs that existed back then were actually birds.
back in the 18th-19th century many wealthy people would fund expeditions and create museums in order to get their name famous. they would plant evidence and make up dinosaurs that never existed for publicity.

>> No.25740876

God wants us to be immortal

If you believe in Jesus, you have eternal life

When Jesus comes back, for all over comers, our flesh body will change shape, just like Jesus

This is all Lord's words in the bible, nothing is hidden

>> No.25740892

Well, you sound like an alright guy. I am sure the next time, you won't fuck up. Also, I think we mooning when the lawsuit is won, dropped, or settled.

>> No.25740920

i just saw an add on snapchat for coinbase
the top is literally in

>> No.25741041
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Being INTP-T, well read and in shape is pretty comfy desu

>> No.25741049

There's ads for Bitcoin EVERYWHERE right now. Not a single Norman doesn't know it exists. Can't wait for them all to get dunkt on and never try crypto again because they went all in thinking they'd instantly get rich on boomercoin.

>> No.25741056

loled and checked

>> No.25741070
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>> No.25741093
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Mushroom is god.

>> No.25741237

is this real?
we truly don't deserve this man

>> No.25741255

I’m gonna buy a barrel of crude oil just for fun with .2 XRP

>> No.25741262

Feb 22nd is the current date for the pretrial hearing. So it’s not a deadline really - it’s pretty much the beginning as far as the suit is concerned.

That’s not to say that the judge can’t toss it out on the 22nd (but I highly doubt that), or that they won’t settle beforehand (which is my more realistic hope).

>> No.25741275
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>> No.25741354

We may see some upward price movement before the tether lawsuit. And once people realize what the fuck is going on, everyone else will crash while XRP rises from the ashes after SEC lawsuit is cleared.

>> No.25741368


>> No.25741422
File: 527 KB, 2800x2800, 38E450AA-0541-47FC-85DA-93EE70244E4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re here forever
It’s going to be so sad remembering that frase once 4chan goes offline

>> No.25741439
File: 79 KB, 653x653, vn052mmz39841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP halted on exchanges. The lawsuit is won or dropped. Banks start buying. Flies up in value. By the time XRP is available on exchanges again, normies will be priced out.

>> No.25741441
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>> No.25741519


>> No.25741523

why do christfags always such a know it all?

>> No.25741548
File: 141 KB, 596x594, countdown oovioo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25741576

why are athiestfags always so gay?

>> No.25741582
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>> No.25741610


>> No.25741629
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>> No.25741633

not all exchanges will drop it though

>> No.25741640

The rumors are true

>> No.25741654
File: 119 KB, 359x444, 1609186067521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean in 'murica or all around?

>> No.25741673

christ fags can only insult
disgusting cult

>> No.25741681

Don't need all of them dropped. Just some of the most common.

>> No.25741690
File: 190 KB, 1268x572, 1602582835950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not even a christian lmao

>> No.25741701
File: 269 KB, 1191x600, 1609736084126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not wrong sir. Caution though not to be to (((narrow))) minded. I'm sure you know there are lot of variables that effect a healthy family.

>> No.25741718

still disgusting know it all desu

>> No.25741734
File: 611 KB, 1288x1732, 1582086515077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe you just don't know enough?

>> No.25741758

Would it be worthwhile for the drop dates to be in the main post of each bread?

Binance US 1/13 10am EST
Coinbase 1/19 10am PST

Who else do we care about?

>> No.25741783

Those are probably the most important.

>> No.25741801

Why is this shitcoin not dropping in price?

>> No.25741802

that's what a know it all would say
stop posting wall text and think that's knowledge, that's what basement neets do, go outside and get pussy
(he will say he has wife or something yet spend his time here collecting 4chan screencaps)

>> No.25741856
File: 169 KB, 402x420, 1609893382850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone caption good
Pussy ugly
Grug sit cave

>> No.25741857

You are so boring.
Holding a grudge since I answered your last post (with dif id) and you couldn't counter what I said.
The only "know it all" on this thread atm is you, telling everyone how they should think.
Go back to /pol/ - none of your posts are even slightly original.

>> No.25741884

peak schizo lmao
i ain't your boogeyman
christ is king

>> No.25741891
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>> No.25741900
File: 883 KB, 680x1388, 1608694099872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4chan is a solid base to learn almost anything. Screencapped posts are bits of condensed knowledge written by people who understand subjects better than most. Someone with a large collection of these capped posts has enough information jumping off points to branch out into many many books. I've learned more on 4chan in the last year (been here since 08) than I learned in my entire educational career.

>> No.25741918

Say my name

>> No.25741988

Sorry, anon, meant that for the other guy. It's late here.

>> No.25741989

learn to not to give uninvited know it all irrelevant unproven advice, makes people sick

>> No.25742022

>You are so boring.
>Holding a grudge since I answered your last post (with dif id) and you couldn't counter what I said.
>The only "know it all" on this thread atm is you, telling everyone how they should think.
>Go back to /pol/ - none of your posts are even slightly original.

>> No.25742094

fucking cringe i dont' even know what he's talking about
jesus didn't taught you to cross others boundaries this is all your cringiness

>> No.25742099

u know realize that half of she came from ballsac

>> No.25742107
File: 97 KB, 602x1024, 1594446642248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't, you were calling someone else a know it all and deriding christianity in an immature manner so I responded. Don't insult things on a website full of highly autistic information gatherers if you don't want people defending them.

>> No.25742177


>> No.25742212

still cringe
it shows you have nothing going on in your life other than debating strangers
can we end it now please? jesus taught you to argue and makes other people uncomfortable?
winning an online debate by posting capped picture, what an accomplishment

>> No.25742244

Is XRP going to dip anytime soon? I want to buy in

>> No.25742259
File: 329 KB, 1913x964, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25742348


>> No.25742359

my chest hurts just typing a convo with these christ fags
are you christ followers are demon? how can your energy be this bad
now i have to do cleansing, fucking disgusting

>> No.25742402

it's at a dip rn fucktard. $2kEOY

>> No.25742419

Thank you. How many of these shitcoins are you sitting on, sir?

>> No.25742425
File: 71 KB, 1024x513, 1582723344187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why bother trying to further condense information that's already been pre condensed? Why alter something that already gets the message across? Why limit my response to 4chan's tiny character limit when I can post easily readable screencaps?

I already said I'm not a christian, I support christianity for the masses because most people are NPCs and will never be Fascists. I enjoy arguing against Christianity as much as for it, there are good arguments for both and arguing both doesn't make me a hypocrite because I believe Christianity is important and a positive thing for a country, but only old Christianity, not Jewish subverted Christianity. How do you know I have nothing in my life? What if I'm relaxing watching some old WWF with a beer and shitposting with XSG frens?

>> No.25742430

Weak bait unworthy of a (You)

>> No.25742452

I'm thinking about something below .2 you know

>> No.25742467

>I want to buy in
>these shitcoins

How is that bait? The fuck are you on about.

>> No.25742474

You're a sad loser

>> No.25742486

Hm isn't this a bullshit meme and it will never go up that much? Hmmm, really makes you think

>> No.25742496

Are you dyslexic?

>> No.25742511

right. ok mr mossad intern.

>> No.25742516

Atheists are the epitome of egotistical anti intellectualism

>> No.25742523

KEK. Yeah, I fucked that up.

>> No.25742530

bunch of fucking demons
guess all those teaching of love only makes you think you're better than other and give uninvited piece of cringe knowledge from saved capped

>> No.25742544
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Truly mitwits.

>> No.25742546

Then why are you here?
XSG was started because of information dropped by a "Christfag" - good luck with your 'cleansing' whatever that entails.
Read links in OP, maybe then you will understand why we are on this thread.

>> No.25742552

because they believe they are smarter than everyone else like a retard 12 year old.

>> No.25742563

do you even understand jesus teaching?

>> No.25742574
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Weak argument friend.

>> No.25742579
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I have just eaten 2 pounds of beef, feeling superhuman right now. Wagmi and bless you all frens

>> No.25742584

Is that a contradiction? I just want to buy some shitcoins, yes. 1000, maybe more, I'm still thinking about it. Don't have that much time though because it's going to be suspended from cuckbase, am I right?

>> No.25742596

>know it all
SHUT THE FUCK UP faggot, you are a moron who can't stand that people are more intelligent than you

>> No.25742604

i stopped quoting but these demons can't be satisfied unless they win an argument in an online basket weaving forum

>> No.25742613
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>> No.25742627

>Is that a contradiction?

>> No.25742637

first they're not and clearly you're not
second don't give uninvited suggestion
understand brainlet?

>> No.25742656
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>> No.25742662

look at how they chased me
the cleansing is detaching etheric chords attached from reading your low vibe posts

>> No.25742689
File: 811 KB, 2100x1500, Dbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bearableguy123 puts the Deutshe Bank logo in his latest riddle cartoon (24 december)

>today, the SEC set a lawsuit to Deutshe Bank

Possibly related

>> No.25742708
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>> No.25742720

>i'm know more than you look at these capped pic i saved
>i win
i seek comfy here

>> No.25742746
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>> No.25742761

look at it, he says i'm fucked up
any well content person would chase someone to tell him how fuck up they are to make himself feel better

>> No.25742802

stop searching for reaction image like ape for a second get off the screen and look at yourself in the mirror
how can you live with yourself man

>> No.25742814
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You seem upset

>> No.25742822

>look at how they chased me
Spend all night abusing people and then claim to be the victim. AKA Crybully. Get a hobby, anon.

>> No.25742828

>yes i won an argument online praise jesus

>> No.25742842

16 post by this id doing nothing but arguing about how bad christianity is like the dumb shit they are and making bs i am holier than thou arguments

>> No.25742859
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>Spend all night abusing people and then claim to be the victim

Oy vey antisemitism

>> No.25742883
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they cry out in pain as they strike you

>> No.25742888

>Get a hobby, anon.
saving capped and argue online? no thanks

>> No.25742914
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>> No.25742934
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>> No.25742941
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You mean typical "shitting your guts out" vegan bullshit?

>> No.25742960

What is that thing

>> No.25742971
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>> No.25742986
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>> No.25742997

Winning an argument with someone who has no principles is easy.
Speaking from personal experience, your atheism is light-weight. Open your mind for moment and read the Gospels.

>> No.25743004

christ fags are the epitome of non-schizos
sad to see this thread populated by them
mellon was never right
i'm here for true schizo like kendra hill

>> No.25743014
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XRP is an illegal security and you will be stiffed. I tried warning you.

>> No.25743036
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kek he doesn't realize he's so easy to argue with I post screencaps instead of thinking.

>> No.25743045
File: 210 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-6cb22943fecba21777c327d095ee0e58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kike you think the establish elites would let Bitcoin run a muck and take over their system? Quit Larping, they can end bitcoin easily with one policy regulation.

>> No.25743066

not an atheist
i'm a kundalini master and a spiritual adept, a 5th density wanderer from vega star system, 1 of the 144,000, serve under ashtar command ironically together with sananda your yeshua of nazareth

>> No.25743069

It's insane the amount of Christfags here.
You'd think it would be more like /x/ where you'd have people talking about ghosts, aliens, ways of magic and shit.
Instead it's only about Jesus all that crap fuck this.
Some folks had some actual good shit every once in awhile with some hermeticism or bloodline talk, but that's rare here.

>> No.25743095
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>christ fags are the epitome of non-schizos

I'm not a Christian I said that like three times. Imagine calling yourself a schizo and not carefully studying a book that appears to document what we're going through now.

>> No.25743123

so you are here for a fucking retard who promotes blackpills.

Kendrahill was never a schizo you fucking retard, she is a psycopath, the juxtaposition of everything we stand for.

>> No.25743138
File: 136 KB, 220x212, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren please hold me
i want comfy with schizo like you
winning an argument and telling others feeling they know better than everyone is the opposite of comfy
the christ fags don't know what true Love (comfy) is

>> No.25743148
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You better start believin' in biblical prophecies.

>> No.25743155
File: 507 KB, 1744x788, 1608337759577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your god has abandoned you anon. It's time to come home to Sophia and her divine wisdom. Ignite your divine spark so you will no longer be trapped in this world called Hell.

Also The spark Token is called Spark Token. The XRP logo is a variation of the mason compass. The compass represents the material world that we are trapped in. The spark token parallels with Sophia and her divine spark.

The flare spark token was the chose one.

>> No.25743195

anti-christ posters come here every few months and shit up the threads and pretend to be here since the beginning, they often attempt to gatekeep and are in the process of trying it now, they are the most retarded people you can come across other than namefags.

>> No.25743196
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You're in one.

>> No.25743228
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>> No.25743238

OK, mate. Hope everything works out for you.

>> No.25743249

God will never abandon His children. May you find Him.

>> No.25743251
File: 103 KB, 800x850, 1424933369558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how about the ball game last night? Was a hoot wasn't it buddy?

>> No.25743253

shit like this makes me miss even some of the namefags, at least they weren't all "JESUS BRO" on you and actually had interesting insights every once in awhile over duality and nature of reality/consciousness.

this is not a show of fondness to namefags, but the opposite in regards to the lack of intellectual diversity in a fucking schizo thread. gay general 99% of the time.

shut the fuck up

>> No.25743272
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And I'm a navy seal with over 300 confirmed kills....

>> No.25743283


>> No.25743284

so you are a satanist, everyone knows new age movement is a lucifarian one world government, one world order, one world religion movement.

>> No.25743289
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That's not satan you dumbass. It's Lucifer. The light Bringer. The chainbreaker, the brother to Adam and the true savior to humankind. He gave us knowledge of good and evil, just like God and the free will to deny his false material reality, so we can be free from his world called hell.

>> No.25743292
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>> No.25743322

here they come you triggered the Satanist into spilling the beans.

>> No.25743364
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>The people openly plotting to massacre all but 500,000,000 people who they plan to enslave for all eternity while owning all property in the world are light bringers who will be free from hell

Not buying it.

>> No.25743397

>Not using a 24k-gold vault
radiation still gonna get ya'

>> No.25743410

>but its for your own good goy i mean friend

>> No.25743411
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I don't see you denying material reality and becoming pure energy, curious

>> No.25743475

So young. ..

Ring ring...

>> No.25743495

XSG threads were started by information dropped by a "Christfag" - do you seriously not see the bigger picture and think this is all about making money?

>> No.25743512
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There is difference between being enslaved to the material world versus using the material world to gain financial freedom to pursue your passion of creativity.

This world is cruel, that is the main point of Gnosticism. The people who do ritual sacrifice are doing it in the name of the yaldabaoth.

>> No.25743533

What's the new thing on your clock

>> No.25743540

Why choose the losing side, anon?

>> No.25743544

this is schizos vs psychopaths the thread
psychos always try to control others and feel they're the know it all and should tell others what to do
judging and labeling whatever they dont understand as satanic, while the only thing satan do is controlling others the very thing they're doing

>> No.25743593

>Posting an image of Saturn and communism

>> No.25743608

....put your finger in the whole and spin... Sound till you hit the metal baby!

>> No.25743617

Yeah, good job at creating that schism.

>> No.25743699

typical shitstain projecting and trying to control the narrative and telling absolute lies.

I don't understand how you psychopaths can tell lies so naturally. All you leftist do it.
What else would i call it when you are mocking Christians and trying to promote your lucifarian religion.
now you want namefags back, Fuck out of here

>> No.25743735
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>When you don't even know anything about schizophrenia

>> No.25743786

control is the opposite of Love (comfy)
that's why i felt painful contraction on my chest, my heart chakra hurts reading all these christ fags posts

>> No.25743798

The Satanist always believe they are marginalized and looked down on by society, kvetching why they aren't allowed to rape children and promote degeneracy across society without being called out.

If God didn't exist why are they promoting Satanism and anything to mock it?

>> No.25743801
File: 38 KB, 480x360, __vi__5IDZcpoZsZ8__hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a left or right faggot. I am whole. I unify the opposites so I can stop being trapped in this dualistic nature of Red Vs Blue, Black vs White LEFT VS RIGHT...

>> No.25743805

namefags have contributed to this thread vastly more than your ass ever will
fuck back out of here you retard

>> No.25743817
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>> No.25743825

You are using reverse psychology no one is as retarded as you.

we were having a great thread until you cunts showed up. stop coming here you could be in any other thread but you come here every other month.

>> No.25743831
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the Capitol was a catalyst, massive chaos on both-sides
>why are they this afraid?
sensitive date has been lost Wednesday
and they're pushing the treason narrative so that whomever got that intel, will not release it.
>Capital punishment for high treason after all...
as GJC is struck down and betrayed upon expect an mark anthony at his eulogy,
and an Octavian to clean up the mess.
>reforming the US back to a state where the US pres. is indeed the Supreme commander and chief, 5-star general.
>and a clean slate for intel-agencies / senate / house of representatives
Their biggest problem. the Central-bank "Priests" who are the oracles of the money-god
>But something about the key and system to under-cut that, iykyk
well, it's a bonus who ever will be president next months, the dollar is already falling of the cliff forcing the hands of those in power to act

>> No.25743838

children of christian bloodlines will be farmed in the backyard of people in the future
just feel sorry for them bro, they cannot save themselves

they are completely clueless.

>> No.25743868

Only thing namefags have done is shit up the thread until the bumplimit was reached. if you want to talk about horeshit go to another board.

>> No.25743903



>> No.25743910
File: 85 KB, 860x499, 411-4118058_apu-apustaja-hug-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's physically painful to read their posts
hold me fren, let's connect our heart chakras aka hugging
so glad you schizos are still here, i thought i was alone for quite a while

>> No.25743916

Everyone will receive the divine revelation at some point. But those who know the truth and willingly choose to follow the demiurge will not be saved.

>> No.25743924

now why would any one with a brain listen to your drivel when you unironically believe Trump has "already won" and is keeping the presidency?

you see, this is what im talking about, it's not that namefags are good, it's just that you suck so hard their mere basic contribution of the esoteric and science makes it vastly, vastly superior to your mindless, retarded drivel

>> No.25743931

Only thing that will happen is you swinging on the end of rope and your tunnels will be nuked

>> No.25743966

the opposite, your grandchildren will be there when you're gone, probably
and obviously it will be your fault because you cannot profess wisdom

>> No.25743970

You will see you parasitic trash, Trump has won.

>> No.25744016

>You'd think it would be more like /x/ where you'd have people talking about ghosts, aliens, ways of magic and shit.
You are absolutely why the term """schizo""" should never have been used. Go the fuck back to your containment board.

>> No.25744018

just two more weeks bro

>> No.25744059

how about XCG? XRP Christian General.
At least make it clear other types of schizos aren't welcome, you retarded pricks.