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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25739355 No.25739355 [Reply] [Original]

The Absolute ETH Killer Edition
>Feeless + Scalable
>anyone can create any coin for literally nothing
>Draining 30% of bitcoin mining protocols
Merged mining pools are
>30% of BCH
>47% of BSV
>78% of DGB

this completely fixes the DEFI, GAS, Scalability, and security issues completely.


>Whitepaper: https://s3.amazonaws.com/hathor-public-files/hathor-white-paper.pdf

>> No.25739584

I dont really beleive in this coin, I think theres no way it has any chance of killing eth, theres no chance it even becomes a payment network and scrapes anything away from IOTA, NANO etc.

But it is a DAG, it is it's own chain, and is giving me early raiblocks vibes, very much under the radar and could pump to the heavens, as the digiyte/Raiblocks of 2020

>> No.25739725
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given how much gas fees are shaving people as ETH rises, a replacement is required.

NANO is only a parallel insofar as both are DAGS and lowcap at the start of the bull run, but the better allegory is NEO(antshares then) based on its positioning.

The fact that miner are taking is seriously is sign enough for me that its gonna be fucking massive. Fast + Feeless + Free + braindead tokenization makes this the most user friendly and versatile coin out there is being completely slept on.

>> No.25740061

My biggest bag besides LINK. The mining percentage is the red herring. This shit is gonna blow up and when normies can make their own "craigcoins" and "jamalcoins" with 3 clicks, despite not understanding the meaning, it will explode with the bull run FOMO later in the year.

There is gonna be some dude at Starbucks using this boasting about how "he has his own crypto" now. Just watch.

>> No.25740559

based. That bag will help you make it.

>> No.25741011

Supply has been halved so we will see price rise even if demand stays the same. Big brain anons know it will increase

>> No.25741221

can you not just flat out buy this shit? where?
checked and based, where to buy sirs

>> No.25741377

I like HTR

Only problem with the recent Kucoin listing is the miners can now sell plenty, so this won't do a x10 anytime soon.
Very good long term hold though (6+ months)

>> No.25741566

this man gets it.

It just got listed on Kucoin

yeah but the miner interest is part of what is giving it credence. Also see: >>25741011

>> No.25741858

also checked goddamn
and many thanks sirs!

>> No.25742661

same. the hype is crazy and its on weird exchanges. it has a lot of believers. it is really worth having a bag of this.

>> No.25742959

i guess to reiterate. it has the cool tech, hype, relatively-unknown, and only being on weird/not commonly used exchanges raiblocks had. so i think the fans behind this and the memeable tech will push it way up, even if i only believe in it so much. i think its smart to have a bag, if only if its a suicide one

>> No.25743376

Another premined shitcoin shilled by Satsgangs.

No thanks.

>> No.25744296

How much to make it?

>> No.25744372

Literally any decent exchange listing this goes 4-5x

>> No.25745368

we gonna make it kings

>> No.25745432

Hello sirs, plz buy satsgang bags, pleas sirs.

>> No.25746233

Honestly not good.