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File: 2 KB, 500x333, flagge-europaeische-union-eu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25733271 No.25733271 [Reply] [Original]

I'm from central EU.
I'm from central EU.
I'm from central EU. With the recent rise of the big tech tyranny and socialism in US, I'm worried about what will happen to the ((EU)) which was always more cucked than Burgerland.

>shitskin immigration
>high taxes to finance the welfare and muh indoctrination camps called universities, muh free healthcare
>muh carbon emission tax
>high prices in land, real estate, lifestyle in general
>scornful attitude towards the wealth and financial freedom
>rise of leftism, liberalism, pro-LGBT and other degeneracy
>rewriting of our history to fit the narrative
>muh white man bad
>completely onions and bluepilled folk
>inability to defend yourself and own guns
>very hard to live off of crypto with all the tax laws and inability to borrow against your assets and live off off that in some jurisdictions

Have you been thinking about this?

I was considering moving to some cheaper and maybe even third world country where it would be easier to live a life that I want, with better taxes and weaker economy so my money could work for me better. Geoarbitraging basically.

SE Asia is a meme but a lot of expats live there and it seems nice there, although I don't know much in detail about those countries. Thailand, Philippines etc. Also not sure how I would fit in that culture.

Shithole European countries are also an option. Bosnia, Ukraine. The only worry is general unsafety, tensions and corruption (although the latter could be a good thing desu).

Any opinion on that? Have you been thinking about similar stuff? How to escape this upcoming Orwellian society?

>> No.25733290


Not sure why it posted "I'm from central EU" three times but alright..

>> No.25733320

dein land ist dafür verantwortlich

>> No.25733321

>wants to live in slavland
Are you retarded?

>> No.25733330

We're fucked anon. Everything is going according to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Just 5 years ago the world wasn't this insane. It's all moving at the speed of light. I just want to make it and never again have to leave the house. Maybe i'll go full Kaczynski and live in a cabin.

>> No.25733332

Invest in 3D printers when you make it

They are working on 3D printed bullets now.

>> No.25733360

You’re pretty fucked, I hope you have money to leave

>> No.25733370

If you are not at least Austria or west of it, you're from Eastern Europe. Deal with it.
Why is that only the shitholest of countries are red-pilled?

>> No.25733379

>I'm from central EU.
you wish, vlad

>> No.25733387

scared yuropoor here
unironically moving to philippines next year
duterte is based as fuck, he cleaned up a lot of shit in the past years

>> No.25733402

Invest in ‘clean meat’ companies. They will replace real meat when it’s made illegal

>> No.25733403

Central EU is Germany and Austria. You people are literally the reason why everything is so fucked.

>> No.25733404

Germany has zero tax for capitals gains from crypto if you hold for >1y. Just cash out, buy a couple of houses and stock. Outside a complete commie revolution, you're pretty safe.

>> No.25733418

Looks like the shithole propaganda worked on you

>> No.25733431

‘Central Europeans’ are the ones who have ruined the UK. Go back to Poland

>> No.25733457

>forgets the eternal anglo

>> No.25733469

Singapore or Switzerland. Literal heavens if you have money.

>> No.25733525
File: 178 KB, 600x501, 600px-Central_Europe_Regions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How are slavlands bad?


Yes, I'm getting more worried day by day. What's your plan? Staying in your country and living off off crypto? Or downgrading to a very simple life?


Leave where?


Have you researched the Philippines? Is it crypto friendly? How is the life there? Any resources to research more?


I likely won't have that much money.


Central Europe is pic related.

>> No.25733540
File: 699 KB, 1100x732, just go outside for a walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already live in a shithole eastern european country. I think you haven't experienced true corruption yet. It's just as depressing as the RGBTQ+ faggotry going on in the west.

>> No.25733624

I'm too much of a pussy to go live in a third world shithole that i can't even speak the language of. First plan is making it in crypto, then i'll probably go off grid or just stay "lowkey" as zoomers say.

>> No.25733643

You live in the Cod 4 All Ghilied Up map?

>> No.25733668

If you really have a lot of money.I’d go for Switzerland. If you have a bit less than go for Slovenia. It is the least shitty eastern bloc country there is. It’s still cheap though and you have the alps as well as the ocean close by. Also Slovenia is crypto friendly and has beautiful women who will definitely fuck you if you have money.

If you also want good weather all year round than maybe Australia is a better choice. Downside is it’s on the otherside of the planet if you have friends and family back home.

>> No.25733675

Idk, poor, corrupted, speak some weird language

>> No.25733696

How hard is it to move to New Zeeland or Australia? Both seems like great alternatives, but is it possible without any relatives there?

>> No.25733717

yeah kid you could have been worried six years ago, now the only thing you should care is how loose your anus is and the supply of lube you have at hand

>> No.25733719

My wife is from there, be sure you choose a nice area with nice beaches and fresh fish, avoid metro cities and stay away from slums.
I own my btc private keys so idgaf anyway, nobody can take it (and I have probably enough btc to retire there)

>> No.25733734

Lol thanks anon. This makes me feel better about my shitty neighborhood.

>> No.25733761

>50000 people used to live here... now it's a shithole.

>> No.25733764

Very easy if you have money. I think NZ will give you a visa if you are worth more than 500k

>> No.25733770

You are probably from eastern block like I am since we fuckers like to associate ourselves with muh central Europe, especially with Germany but they wouldn't.

Anw, Germany will probably stay the best place to live for some time to come, had I known the languge, I would leave already. Other than that your best bet are slavshitholes capitals i.e. in this particular order: Prague>Warsaw>Bratislava>Budapest.

>> No.25733773

filipino here. the philippines is crypto friendly / apathetic toward it. life is great if you're a white foreigner. the girls will want to fuck you even if you're a 5/10 or something, maybe even if you're ugly but white and/or tall. average cost of living is $300 per month, median salary is $600 per month. you're a millionaire in philippine pesos if you have $20,000

>> No.25733784

Poland is absolutely not Central Europe. Poland is THE Eastern Europe country.

>> No.25733823

Wait, you mean you just have to make 500k and you are set? Any sources on that? I don't want much in life except a safe place to raise a family, nature and peace. Sweden is going straight down the gutter and I am quite tired of it to be honest.

>> No.25733865

EU is cuck of the world leader. Always will be. All the governments are simping for someone to take control.

>> No.25733881

Im from Poland. It happens to be in the EU but I am not FROM the EU. It is not a country with an identity. I cant wait for it to collapse desu.

>> No.25733930

Fellow Central European Cuck here as well.
I am worried anon. I don't have money to move. My family owns some land though, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Shit gets worse and it definetly will be helpful to be out of the city and grow your own stuff. But at the same time, I still want to leave and fuck off to some Eastern European shithole or so. Situation here really gets worse by the day. And I don't think I want to live here anymore in 10 years. That's why I said it's also a curse to own the land. Should not be abandoned. But again, shit will get a lot worse

>> No.25733942

yeah you're not from central EU even tho you wrote it three times
>inability to defend yourself and own guns
NO european ever thinks like this. only fucking retarded burgers think it's a good idea that anyone can own a gun because if EVERYONE has a gun, it's safe right? xDDDDD

>> No.25733985
File: 144 KB, 988x1059, A6654DB0-A00F-43AB-89B6-45FB6ECC889B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NO european ever thinks like this. only fucking retarded burgers think it's a good idea that anyone can own a gun because if EVERYONE has a gun, it's safe right? xDDDDD

>> No.25733996

its game over, im moving to japan . japan only needs babies everything else is very good.

>> No.25734008

Not any better than US/UK/Europe

>> No.25734032

Then again, instead of shootings, we get knivings. IF people want to kill other people, they will find a way.
At least for kniving they have to get close, so it's enough to learn to run very fast.

>> No.25734045

then just go to slovenia if u live in the EU. It's modern, green and no niggers

Hmm just check the visa requirements for NZ. I thought it was 500k last time I checked.

>> No.25734077

Some things in japan are extremely totalitarian and depressing. I've played with the thought of living there, but if you look into it, it's just a different kind of hell.

Slovenia is actually pretty great, but it's also kind of expensive.

>> No.25734084

so if you aren't pro gun as an EUROPEAN? you're automatically pro left wing? the absolute state of burgerland

>> No.25734101

everywhere will be hell on earth, the days are coming anons, enjoy while it still lasts, you can't escape it

>> No.25734110

Fuck off, the judiciary system have failed and now every criminal who wants a gun gets a gun and the police are powerless to do anything against the rampant increase in crime. Every law abiding citizen should be able to carry or at least own firearms at this point.

>> No.25734115

Don’t forget Eastern European immigrants

>> No.25734136

I'm western europoor and have a lot of legal guns. Not talking about some old hunting rifle either... I have 4 modern assault rifles. I prefer a country with strict gun laws. This way I know most people don't have any when shit goes wrong

>> No.25734139

I want to pet kiwis REEEEEEEE

>> No.25734145


I am from Slovenia and the things are not that bright here. I'm actually considering leaving the country. It's a beautiful country, yes, but the people are cucked. Lots of immigrants from ex-yugo who don't want to work and live on welfare, lots of liberals in the young population. Slovenians are getting extinct and replaced. There is big influence of old communist elites still and the taxes are sky high while wages are low. Even this crypto friendly thing is a meme, they changed the law and nobody knows how crypto is actually taxed now. It's left to the tax office's interpretation now, because they classify trading as an income but they don't say what's the threshold for trading.

>> No.25734178

i'm starting to think it's inevitable

>> No.25734207

I'm a police officer and I approve this message.

>> No.25734210


check this, I'm from Slovenia

fuck off cuck

>> No.25734237

Pls leave our white women alone ivan

>> No.25734267

Good luck with that in a few years when white genocide reaches phase two and goes from importing niggers into pervasive white executions in the streets lol.

>> No.25734277

>Pls leave our white women alone ivan
White women are trash

>> No.25734281

god fuckin dammit... I was really getting hyped about Slovenia...
I thought the only real drawback would be that I don't speak the language and that you guys don't really like foreigners...

>> No.25734284


they will likely write off the debts in exchange for taking your property to their ownership

if you already have your house, land or anything paid off, they'll introduce a high tax on it and other salty fags will celebrate this, this shit will escalate beyond what you can imagine

stay strong krautbro

>> No.25734285

That's reason enough to move somewhere, nocap.

Shame. Last time I was there I loved the athmosphere and the people. Then again, corruption, cuckery and lazy fags are in every EU country, only in different ratios.

>> No.25734302

>Slovenia is actually pretty great, but it's also kind of expensive.
wtf are you talking about. living costs in slovenia are so low, it's hilarious.

in the end it doesn't matter - almost all countries in europe have the same issues. too much welfare and welfare tourism, not enough incentives to work and an indoctrinated population. entrepreneurship is dead, taxation is through the roof and the long term goal for most people here is to be employed by the government or unemployed for life. my best guess is that the us still has 5-10 years until socialists re-construct the state after the european model. tldr: it's going to be shit everywhere.

>> No.25734303

Don't come to Slovenia pls

>> No.25734356

Honestly that looks comfy

>> No.25734360

Do slavs really think they are white? I guess they rode the you-aren’t-black-so-you’re-white train long enough. Just look at racist white people in the UK and what they did to slavs

>> No.25734414

Agree on everything you've said, good summary, what would be your solution?

Yeah, it's definitely not sunshine and rainbow here. People are quite cucked/apathetic and there's a big influence of old ((communist)) elites. Also the youth are adopting degenerate views and are mostly pro-LGBT, pro-immigration, pro-EU etc.

Slovenec? Se strinjaš s tem kar sem napisal v OP?

>> No.25734653

>NO european ever thinks like this. only fucking retarded burgers think it's a good idea that anyone can own a gun because if EVERYONE has a gun, it's safe right? xDDDDD
That's about the only and biggest thing the mutts got right you flaming faggot.
Mutts are wrong about enlightment, giving everyone rights, pushing democracy etc, but they are 100% right (or rather even too strict in some states) about gun control.

>> No.25734694

Same here in Romania, last time I went to foreign languages college it was nothing but indoctrination by literal fat ugly SJW gypsy-jew women, it's like they were straight out of Tumblr. It's like Tumblr infected the minds of old people too, not only generation zombie. I couldn't believe the way they talked like a bunch of DeviantArt-posting tumblrinas, they talked like a bunch of edgy 15 year old girls with muh feminism bullshit. It still wasn't as bad as American universities, they didn't have the whole menu, but it was enough. I'm scared of the vaccination, I was thinking of going off-shores for a while then coming back.

Bucharest was always a gypsy-ridden hellhole with a communist government so living in the Phillipines or Thailand or even fucking Cambodia, Argentina, Peru shouldn't be too different.
It's just the language barrier I have to get over.

>> No.25734781

>Why is that only the shitholest of countries are red-pilled?
Because we never experienced heaven to go so low underground. We never had a hippy movement where all we gave a fuck about was to live a life of hedonism and force everyone(even the gypsies) to live a life of hedonism and debauchery together with us.

>> No.25734799

people don't realize the amount of corruption the 3rd world has

>> No.25734820

Low IQ and insecurity about heritage

>> No.25734986


>> No.25735079

dubs of truth

>> No.25735194


>> No.25735237

oof the average eurocuck thinks like this

>> No.25735350
File: 543 KB, 1920x1080, countryside-and-natural-scenary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can avoid the tax authorities Sweden can be pretty based, especially in the countryside or in central Stockholm. Despite the memes the country is still majority white and people are slowly waking up to the globohomo. Mass deportations of niggers and other undesirables is a common conversation topic at dinner parties nowadays and it is considered socially acceptable to advocate for it now, even in rich liberal circles.

Don't know if you know the Swedish mentality but we are like the borg and if something is considered socially acceptable literally half the country will flip overnight and advocate for it without fail. More importantly, we always finish the job with classic Swedish precision and efficiency.

Screencap this post, Sweden will unironically be the first country to wake up and kick out the globohomo. Better get in on the ground floor.

>t. (possibly) delusional swede, but I have hope

>> No.25735441

This sounds pretty based. I hope it's real.

I was thinking of moving to Finland too, because I'm used to crippling depression, and people seem like the types I like at home too, but with nordic quality of life. But Sweden could be back on the menu, should they deport all the fucking boatniggers and stop being such queers.

>> No.25735452

Not sure why it posted "I'm from central EU" three times but alright..

>> No.25735465

I will move to sweden if this happens. I'm white btw

>> No.25735508

lmao, look at this faggot

>> No.25735535
File: 138 KB, 785x600, 319F4712-D371-499C-8E2C-EFEC5EC797C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question: why are you slavs complaining about immigration but then want to migrate to a white country? The british racists tried to get you out of their country and everywhere else they don’t see you as their own people.

>> No.25735613
File: 726 KB, 900x900, burgers question mark.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are like the borg and if something is considered socially acceptable literally half the country will flip overnight and advocate for it without fail
What is considered socially acceptable is under complete control of the jewish media.

>> No.25735644

Not sure why I posted "Not sure why it posted "I'm from central EU" three times but alright.." two times, but alright

>> No.25735696


It really is very nice to live here. I don't know where you are from but living in a high-trust society is such a pleasure and I can count on one hand the number of fights or otherwise confrontations I've seen between ethnic/native Swedes. Everyone is very nice and kind to you and the entitlement culture that exists in the US does not exist here, despite our leftist tendencies.

Also, property in the countryside is EXTREMELY cheap.

>> No.25735721
File: 303 KB, 500x440, 1609885540068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25735761

You say that and normally I would agree with you but Swedes no longer believe the MSM anymore after the lies about immigrants and crime that they peddled for decades now. Most people get their news of what's going on from friends of friends (still a small country) and 4chan-equivalents online (yes, even normies).

Ironically the suppression of alternative views in this country has spurred the creation of probably the most vibrant alt-media environment in the world.

>> No.25735771

itt we discuss how to profit off of Bill A416 which is currently sitting in the house of the New York State Legislature
>what's in it you may ask?
-allows gov of NY to legally forcefully vaccinate
-can detain whoever he wants in "detention premises" )definitely not concentration camps goy!)
-only way you can leave "detention premise" is by vaccination
-gov can hold you indefinitely
-can legally detain you even if you don't have COVID
-can legally detain you if you only were in contact with someone who had it

>> No.25735805

I'm pretty sure the entitlement issue is not a left-right thing but a spoiled generation growing up where parents never said no to anything.
I've heard great things about swedish schools and parenting.

I'm not sure about high-trust though. Sounds like "easily subvertible" to me.

>> No.25735810

Good, I wish you all the luck in the world.

>> No.25735818

Parts of asia lay in Europe in the past and russia is asian. What’s your point? Slavs have different genetics than germanics and celts

>> No.25735889

Halt die Fresse du schwuler Globohomoschwanzlutscher.

>> No.25735955
File: 73 KB, 1029x1040, 1584788506550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NO european ever thinks like this. only fucking retarded burgers think it's a good idea that anyone can own a gun because if EVERYONE has a gun, it's safe right? xDDDDD

>> No.25735977

enjoy getting wrenched by some poorfag

>> No.25735980

>Same here in Romania
I've been to like over a dozen countries. Mostly European ones. The only place that didn't seem to be absolute shit was Lithuania. I mean the people there are anything but rich and the Economy is anything but great. But I talked to so many great people there who were from Lithuania. It didn't seem to be like they were falling for the globo homo refugee Propaganda at all. I remember a girl telling me, that some refugee was in TV complaining about the fact that he gets to little gibs from the government. Meanwhile it was as much as some full time worker makes in Lithuania. A few days later he was beaten to death.
Not supporting murder here, but just saying that Lithuanians from what I have seen are not falling for the agenda (yet).
Really a great country. Miss it.
Polish people are pretty alright as well, even though the women are mostly shit, fucking foreigners and blacks, etc like nowhere else. Hungary was nice as well, but just as Poland it got flooded with cheap airtravel and the place went to shit.

>> No.25736033

This discussion is going right to hell so I will check how you will lose with your fucking shitcoins, lol
>base is already on my wallet so I just launching on you

>> No.25736066

>Don't know if you know the Swedish mentality but we are like the borg and if something is considered socially acceptable literally half the country will flip overnight and advocate for it without fail
Kek, that's unironically the impression I had when I was there in 2016.
Met a few Swedes back then who spoke up against the globalist agenda already, when I was completly ignorant to it. Like they are sick of where the country is heading. I hope it works out for you anon

>> No.25736096

All the shit you've mentioned is already there in western Europe, and it's arriving to central and eastern EU. Hello.

>> No.25736146

You are too much of a nobody if you think corruption doesn’t run rampant in the west, just look at the states. The only difference in eastern and some central european countries is that you don’t see any niggers around and don’t get put in jail for hating kikes
t. lived and worked in most of these countries

>> No.25736156

this its literally over
all I want is a house paid off with no fucking neighbours and then Ill never go anywhere again, just sit at home and play vidya or whatever
fuck this planet it can all go to hell but I need that comfy paid off house with a big garden

>> No.25736227

Too little too late.

>> No.25736244

Free speech is over. We're going full Chyna mode. Except it's going to be even worse than Chyna, because they are at least now SJWs and anti-white racists.

Only libertarians/classical liberals ever really cared about free speech. All other political affiliations are for subhumans.

>> No.25736275

>lived and worked in most of these countries
How many languages do you speak?

>> No.25736287


>> No.25736342

>You are too much of a nobody if you think corruption doesn’t run rampant in the west
That's what I always said as well. A lot of 4chaners or rather the newfags that come here still believe the mainstream narrative in so many ways. Just look at /pol/. You have to be retarded to even discuss politics anymore at this point.
Anyway, what you said is correct.
The only difference between the Western World and some shithole is the level of corruption. The poorer the people, the higher the level of corruption on a vertical scale. Or in other words, more low level corruption. But in places where it really matters the most (high level corruption), there is not much difference between Germany/USA or some 3rd world country.
As a matter of fact, I would even prefer the possibility of bribing a policeman for example. However it becomes dangerous, if if turns into a habit that the authorities fuck you over on purpose and you have to pay to get out of it.

>> No.25736844

I'm thinking about Estonia rn

>> No.25737003

Turned to absolute shit a few years ago. But good luck

>> No.25737021

really? why?

>> No.25737089

There probably won’t be a single good place left to go. If Mexico can get its narcostate situation handled I’d probably head down there

>> No.25737385

pls reply

>> No.25737588

Western Propaganda obviously. Also Tallinn is considered to be the silicon valley of Europe. A lot of tech Start-ups, which attracts people from all over the world. I mean you can have fun there, and Estonians are alright. But it is not some wonderworld like it was 5 years or 10 years ago. Been there twice with a few years in between. So that was my impression at least. It just becomes more and more westernized. That's basically what I am saying. However still better than most places in Western Europe I would argue.
I don't know if living outside of the capital would be an option. Things could be completly different there. However learning Estonian takes a lot of time and is extremly hard to do.

>> No.25737902

I've come to terms that there is no escape from globohomo besides living in some shithole or forest and that's not my thing. Buying a farm in Iceland sounds cool but it's not a very realistic endeavour to me. EE seems like they do value tradition still, taxes are not a complete facerape, and living conditions are alright, but I could have the wrong impression of course. With their e-residency shit I can probably do freelance work there while still cashing in on the German neetbux kek.

I'll prob just have to visit in the Summer and decide.

>> No.25737909

There is no escape from globo homo in any country at all. All there is, are places in specific countries. But at the end of the day, it's all controlled by the same people more or less just with a different flavour to it.
Or in other words: It is shit everywhere. Just try to /make it/ and then go to places where you enjoy the people. Maybe that is Estonia for you, who knows. Your /make it/ status allows you to not worry about work or some retarded tax laws and you can focus on other things. That's at least my plan.
I heared Belarus should be interesting by the way. Friend of mine is living in Minsk for years and very much enjoys it. But again, only with the /make it/ status. The salaries there are an absolute joke

>> No.25738172

>I'll prob just have to visit in the Summer and decide.
You should go outside of the main season, in other words: winter.
Summer in Estonia is like 6 weeks long. Kek. And it is extremly crowded from all the tourists. However this scamdemic will go on for much longer, so it should be quiet there. I am currently stuck in Germany. Not going anywhere soon with this Corona bullshit, as you can't do much. I have a black friend living in Nigeria I believe? He left Europe after they enforced the masks on everybody and is currently having a great time in Africa. Ivory Coast I believe. Don't talk much to him. Only see his Instagram stories about how he is going out, drinking with his Buddies in public and not wearing a mask.
Verschissenes Deutschland während dessen will einem verbieten mehr als 15km vom Wohnort weg zu gehen.
So maybe I'll do the thing I never wanted to do and actually book a trip to Africa some time

>> No.25738513

why tf do you look at an African's instagram

>> No.25738680

Yea I'm with you. I'm not too worried about the winters. I enjoy the cold and hate summers, so 20°C July temp sounds awesome to me. Don't want to go too far either, I'll prob have to care for my family at some point. I'll have enough cash to not have to work again in 10 years tops, and that's not even including my crypto stack, but I'd rather do a couple jobs for fun here and there, the NEET life gets really boring otherwise.
Dem deutschen Sozialsystem werd ich aber jeden scheiss Cent abziehen den ich kriegen kann. Dieses Drecksland.

>> No.25738784

"classic liberals" are what allowed this to happen

>> No.25738973


>> No.25738992

>I'll have enough cash to not have to work again in 10 years tops, and that's not even including my crypto stack
Happy for you anon. I hope you make it.
I only have a pathetic stack of 5k LINKies and am currently in the process of reeducating myself/studying. But as time goes on more and more I ask myself if it (university) is the right thing. It only gives you another license to be a slave and to buy into their system.
Time focsuing on building something myself would propaply be a better investment. Anyway, I hope the 5k LINK will be enough for me to fuck off in like maximum 8 years or so

>> No.25739201

We're all going to make it

>> No.25739560

It is literally written in Hungary's constitution that there are only two genders and you don't get to choose. This won't change any time soon.
Similar things in Poland.
Not that I suggest living in these countries.

>> No.25739578

your link stack will be enough don't worry anon

>> No.25739627

this appeal to tradition is fucking absurd
these EE retarded politicians go a long and absurd way only to keep them at the top
What is more hilarious is that people get totally baited.

>> No.25739733

>What is more hilarious is that people get totally baited.
It's more sad, really.
DESU I'm okay with banning queer shit, but they also ban abortion, drugs, make "christian education" mandatory, want to secede from the EU...
You just cannot win.

>> No.25739838
File: 144 KB, 639x676, Project_of_the_Large_coat_of_arms_of_Ukraine_(color).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from Ukraine, immigrated to Germany a while ago. if you think it could be better there, go on, try to move there. A house is relatively cheap, around 1/10 of what you pay in Germany. I predict you will not like it though.

You have no family there. When you meet a wife, they will grow up solely with the bride's family.

You will always be an outsider and have problems making friends; people will be with you just for your money.

Food from the supermarket will always be shit and expensive. You will pay a lot for the security of your house and will need to bring kids to school personally, so they don't get kidnapped. You think corruption might be a good thing? Think again, corruption always exploits people who have no connections, just like newcomers like you. There is always a chance your house might burn down so some investor builds a hotel in the same spot and the cops will not even investigate.

>> No.25739860

Honestly I don't care about anything from that bracket at all nor does it make me emotional and I don't support it either its just hilarious how ppl get emotional about this banal stuff but then again, thats what plebs are made to do. Ideology will blur your vision to riches, look on fundamentals.
Since making some money in crypto and stocks I find it harder and harder to speak to ppl since every convo is driven around some form of consumption, be it entertainment, politics, LGBT shit or even more banal stuff.

>> No.25739873

*the children will grow up

>> No.25739909

Well, want it or not, it does affect your life too.

>> No.25739912

How are you enjoying Germany? I consider moving there once I get to million plus liquid and finishing some work specialization here.
Living in slavland is depression

>> No.25739953

Agree. Yeah it does, thats why getting rich is important

>> No.25740177

I would never work for a German company with a german boss. They have zero chill.

>> No.25740346

Life quality sure is better in the west. Food is safe and cheap in the EU. Government takes care of you if you fuck up. But do expect to be milked like a cashcow. And you do need some legal work permission here. Just doing side-gigs is not possible, you will go to jail. If you are considering Europe, look into Netherlands and how to move there legally. Getting married for money is not as easy as it once was too, in Denmark they do thorough background checks nowadays. So if you can go through the paperwork, it will be worth coming here. Just don't forget about your family. If my parents were not here with me, I am not sure I could stay on my own.

>> No.25740530

I have a highly specialized top tier job that unfortunately requires to speak the language so I was thinking about just sticking around for half a year or so living off my own money but who knows if thats even possible.

>> No.25740990


>>25733271 (OP)
You think you are smart but you are such a degenerate retard. Appreciate for once that you didn't grew up in a corrupt shithole country instead of bitching about everything, enjoying all the benefits of our society while refusing to pay your part. I am honestly sad to see how people turn out to be such egoistic little bitches after growing up in easy mode. You roll the best spawn ever but decide to bitch about things you don't understand. Without universities crypto wouldn't even exist. You oppose Liberalism but yet you want lower taxes. You must be a US trumptard because otherwise you would understand that european liberalism always was pro low taxes and anti government.

Anyways, you are hopeless. Move to Thailand and get raped by trannies

>> No.25740996

>It is literally written in Hungary's constitution that there are only two genders and you don't get to choose
Funny thing is, the Hungarian language has no grammatical gender anyway. They are only recognized by their name. Like either male for female name.
Thank you anon.

>> No.25741115

Yeah, we don't have to deal that kind of shit, and also with amen and awomen either, it would be super weird in this language.
Trans stuff started to seep in tho, and that's what got outlawed pretty quickly. You can still be gay as shit and stuff, but no hormone therapies for kids.

>> No.25741364
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You anons are clueless

>> No.25741757

>want to secede from the EU
based tho

>> No.25741832

Not really. It's all posturing. We get a shitton of money from the EU for not as much "control" and "muh refugees" as these right-wing faggots lead you to believe.

>> No.25741902

Didn't know that. Good for you Swedes. There's always hope!

>> No.25741957

they don't really want to they only use it as an angle to get to the plebs

>> No.25742179

what made your country rich was free trade and a robust legal system, not the measly gibs from Brussels.

>> No.25742255

not /biz/

>> No.25742403

>robust legal system
Choose 0. 15% of the total income of the government is from the EU. It's more than all taxes paid by individuals.

>> No.25742502
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>> No.25742593

Are you from central EU?

>> No.25742626

by rich I mean rich enough to produce fat neets sitting on their ass and posting on biz (this is you). Croatia enjoys basically the same living standard as Hungary even though they didn't receive EU subsidies until 2013, why is that? because they also had various free trade channels with the EU plus Croatian have a high enough IQ to maintain a robust enough legal system (as opposed to, say, Moldova)

>> No.25743408
File: 41 KB, 480x286, 1544536221209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't see much discussion about MED countries ITT, are they any good to live? The pros that I've heard of are great weather, beautiful nature, excellent food, extremely friendly and fun people

>> No.25743784

Če bi naredu due diligence bi vedu, da davka na kripto ni, če narediš okoli 100 trading transakcij na leto (ali manj). In četudi jih narediš več, je davka 12%

>> No.25743928
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>> No.25744197

they are great if you are a multi millionaire and you don't need to wagecuck nor pay taxes

>> No.25744236

i don't know i live comfy in my own house mortgage free in the EU, trading some shitcoins for food.

Life is good