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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 432 KB, 1080x1746, IMG_20210109_124043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25734750 No.25734750 [Reply] [Original]

Can't have the plebs getting rich now can we

>> No.25734792

This is exactly why crypto is booming and will continue to do so.

>> No.25734826

yes warn the cattle instead of just seizing their money... thanks for the heads up retards

>> No.25734851

I'm pretty sure certain banks do that here in the states. We're all ruled by gangsters.

>> No.25734852

Where we going you wont need that kike fiat.

>> No.25734871
File: 157 KB, 786x792, 737377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im never going to be able to leave this hell island

>> No.25734887

How can people read this and not see what clown world we live in

>> No.25734894
File: 156 KB, 1242x1394, 66f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cashing out to fiat
retard tier, i'm cashing out to USDC and farming it

>> No.25734912

UK anons what what are our options for cashing out? Binance doesn't do PayPal as far as I know

>> No.25734944

I'm with HSBC but I'll be using Monzo until this idea inevitably spreads

>> No.25734952

One of my banks won't let me do an ACH to crypto.com and charges an international fee if I do a debit card transfer (plus crypto.com charges a free now too). Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Luckily I have 5 different bank accounts and there's so many rent seeking usury companies here that I'll just move banks whenever one stops letting me access my own fucking money

>> No.25734961

Bullish for exchanges like Kraken that are securing the licenses to become banks as well. Greedy old money bankers are going to get left behind in the dust and hopefully left to rot in retirement homes when fiat crashes with no survivors.

>> No.25734964
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another bong got v& after he cashed out, his bank (Natwest) filed an AML report to the NCA

>> No.25734970

literally cartel money launderers

>> No.25734972

I used localbitcoins in 2017, worked well for me

>> No.25734974



>> No.25734977


>> No.25734979
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine depositing your profits in some fucking bank lmao

>> No.25734995

Imagine using a bank that doesn't let you spend your money however you want. that is so fucking cucked. I would immediately close my account if my bank ever tried that.

>> No.25735002

Use crypto credit card like wirex or mco i guess, tax free ;)

>> No.25735031


I'm assuming they justified it under "potential money laundering".
Lucky for me, I'm only dealing in small amounts so far so probably won't trigger any alarm bells just yet.

>> No.25735042


original thread from 2017

>> No.25735136

How long till fiat collapse bros? How much time do we have to prepare?

>> No.25735140

I am in the UK and recently brought crypto using my HSBC card.

>> No.25735152
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They're just mad money launderers have options now

>> No.25735168
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>5/7 banks are from the UK

>> No.25735176

Is there a more cucked country in the entire world then the fucking UK? Wish Hitler sank that shit when he had the chance

>> No.25735196

Bullish for defi

>> No.25735220

The irony if those guys report me for possible laundering.

>> No.25735224

But not cashed out

>> No.25735230

This is price that Americans pay for their freedom

>> No.25735236

This is a huge buy signal. When Mr. Sheckelberg that runs the bank wants to keep normies out of crypto so they can profit instead, it's time to go all in!

>> No.25735250

The USA double taxes its citizens abroad

>> No.25735260

Alternatives? Crypto visa?
I don't want poppa CZ to see muh stack

>> No.25735266

All banks have fine print saying your money deposited is basically theirs on loan to you.

>> No.25735271

cos ur a man with a penis

>> No.25735296

cash out to usdc, farm it and use something like swipe for spending

>> No.25735308

>tax free
how so

>> No.25735312

Fuck banks

>> No.25735334



>> No.25735339

Bongs look into Wirex, it’s a mobile bank like Revolut with FIAT and crypto wallets/cards and lets you hold, withdraw and exchange actual crypto. Plus the cucked banks let you receive from and send GBP there

>> No.25735342

HSBC has been on a downtrend since 2007 lol https://www.yourmoney.com/saving-banking/hsbc-to-shut-27-branches-heres-the-full-list/#:~:text=HSBC%20is%20to%20close%2027,bank%20network%20reduce%20to%20594. Also check this stock price https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sxsrf=ALeKk00a-pdBgX1ueh5YeyG0qT0evxGuwg%3A1610197546575&ei=Kqr5X7_ZIsqG5wKryaroBg&q=hsbc+stock&oq=hsbc+stock&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyEAgAELEDEIMBEJECEEYQ-gEyCAgAELEDEIMBMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAOgQIABBHOgoIABCxAxCDARAKOgQIABAKUPrOBViu0gVgr9gFaABwAXgAgAFuiAG-AZIBAzEuMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp

>> No.25735357

shady as fuck, I remember people getting fucked by them during the last bullrun cashout

>> No.25735358

the problem is that banks know that it means more work for them. tax agencies will send inquiries and so on.

>> No.25735365

Switch to LLoyds Bank you can cash out directly from binance and fast payment takes like 30 seconds. £1.50 flat fee, no other fees.

>> No.25735373

And that's a good thing

>> No.25735390


>> No.25735396

there is also Monolith that has a crypto card where you literally hold crypto in an ERC-20 wallet and they exchange it into FIAT at the point of sale. And you get the recovery seed for that wallet

>> No.25735414

They are too stupid to see it is lack of faith in current financial institutions and practices that is driving the flock towards crypto. My God how fucking stupid can they be?

>> No.25735415

what the fuck is this real?

>> No.25735430

Really? I thought they were based. Did anyone on biz get fucked by them?

>> No.25735440

Whats the reason given?

>> No.25735501

Rest of the article is behind a paywall

>> No.25735518

e.g.: https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/9rkm68/psa_do_not_use_revolut_if_youre_dealing_with/

also keep in mind they're still trying to get a UK banking licence so I would not try and use it to move a lot of fiat, your deposit might not be insured: https://www.fintechfutures.com/2020/03/revolut-seeking-uk-banking-licence-before-year-end/

>> No.25735530

it's not tax free. you should be tax on the profits. when you buy something using crypto gains, it's converted into gbp/eur/usd or whatever you buy in.

you just did a crypto to currency exchange, and will have to pay tax on that transaction and all of the others, at the end of the financial year. now, you could simply not pay it, but you'll get caught eventually. to use the VISA/MASTERCARD services you'll need to undergo KYC. so they already have your details on hand and probably send those to the govt anyway.

if you have a serious amount to cash out like over a million. set up and otc trade and then pay the tax due.

or cash out with local bitcoins and hope the dude carrying a million to the pick up point won't stab you.

>> No.25735544

normies will never accept bitcoin

>> No.25735578

>but you'll get caught eventually.
what will happen then, will they just ask me to pay and I can just say
"ah yes i forgot"

>> No.25735580

Got a friend right now telling me no ones getting rich from bitcoin and that it's "dead" kek

>> No.25735615

when you say otc, do you mean like binance p2p? and someone paying cash into your bank account - then you just ring up the taxman and say that the payment received is crypto profits and you will pay the tax?

>> No.25735638


>> No.25735648

doesnt swipe require kyc for any non-negligible amount?

>> No.25735655

lmao this

>> No.25735691

Wait shit really? I'm with Lloyd's and never even knew this

>> No.25735702
File: 9 KB, 215x215, hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'That's not true...keep putting your shek...er, um DOLLARS into the account!'

>> No.25735709

How would you guys react in such a case? I think I'd buy a brand new laptop and tell I ditched the old one. Maybe change my internet provider. Obviously, hide/conceal all the papers, cold storage, any object related to crypto.

>> No.25735713

>doesnt swipe require kyc for any non-negligible amount?
frankly I've given up on the KYC problem, kikebase has already submitted my details to HMRC so I'm going to cough up the CGT goy tax anyway, so using another KYC service isn't too much of a bother for me.

it's more not to get fucked by pozzed bong banks like the 2017 anon who got v& after natwest filed an AML report on him

>> No.25735722

>How would you guys react in such a case?
I'd gtfo of the country

>> No.25735732

What about Santander, do you guys know? I have an account I barely use there

>> No.25735736

Precious metals

>> No.25735759

enough if 1 bank accepts it takes about 5 minutes to open an account

>> No.25735780

and if no bank accepts it there is still usdc (and tether for the truly dauntless)

>> No.25735794

I think they search your house for any electronics rather than you voluntarily handing them over.

>> No.25735799
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 1610022440006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm near the Swiss border, can I just go there and cash out my crypto gains? Can I even open a Swiss bank account anymore?

>> No.25735806

speaking from experience, they initially blocked my FPS transfers to coinbase, had to call up to unblock them but haven't tried cashing out yet

let's say you try and cash out 250k to your bank, they block it and close down the account for high risk - afaik there's an industry wide list for high risk customers so you might find it hard to open a new account. just something to keep in mind.

>> No.25735824

itt we discuss how to profit off of Bill A416 which is currently sitting in the house of the New York State Legislature
>what's in it you may ask?
-allows gov of NY to legally forcefully vaccinate
-can detain whoever he wants in "detention premises" )definitely not concentration camps goy!)
-only way you can leave "detention premise" is by vaccination
-gov can hold you indefinitely
-can legally detain you even if you don't have COVID
-can legally detain you if you only were in contact with someone who had it

>> No.25735830

Did you even read what you linked?

>> No.25735831

I thought coinbase had a debit card for you bongs - if they have a debit card why not just use them like a bank?

>> No.25735875

i have everything encrypted and multiple copies
but i would be pissed as all demons from nine hells if some rando fucktards tossed my place and touched my shit.
i would fucking kill each and every one of them and the judge that authorized it.

>> No.25735877

even if it's FUD I would not seriously consider using them as a large fiat off ramp until they get their UK banking licence

>> No.25735879

you need to do KYC on Binance though. But honestly at this point I'll take it over cuckbase.

>> No.25735897

So then lets say BTC moons to $200k and you have 1 BTC.

Your crypto is held in cuckbase, but you then withdraw to your ledger. The funds are now gone from KYC cuckbase.

Example, I move from UK to NZ and keep all my crypto on a ledger - and cashout using an exchange in NZ. I'd be responsible for tax in NZ, correct? and the 'unrealised' gains while holding btc in cuckbase, in the UK wouldnt apply?

>> No.25735921

Bong here. Been using a non-custodial crypto debit card since 2 years now. Lmao, imagine putting money into (((banks))). I'll be my own bank until I die.

>> No.25735935
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Citizen, your post has been recorded for the purposes of law enforcement and counter-terrorism

>> No.25735940

Nice, so they started releasing FUD?

>> No.25735943
File: 2.02 MB, 3386x1706, Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 7.33.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's even funnier? HSBC was the most fined bank ever with direct ties to laundering money for drug kingpins and assisting in funding literal ponzi schemes.

This is TRULY a clown world where the serfs cannot be allowed to win. How people don't see this and precipitate the demise of this system by transitioning to crypto is beyond me.

>> No.25735947

That's fine, unfortunately I've already cucked out to binance. I'll take it for the ease of cashing out, in any case

>> No.25735962

i have problems sending money out but never sending money in

>> No.25735982

They repent for their sins by grassing up anyone else

>> No.25736006

buy gold with it

>> No.25736012

make sure you circulate it to the judges

>> No.25736017


Imagine living in that gay ass dreary rainy hell hole every day hahahaha. You guys can talk shit about the US all you want, but id much rather be in sunny south Florida on the beach or any where out on our beautiful west coast than the effin shitty UK. Have a good day.....mates. Hahahaha. Fucking british faggots.

>> No.25736027

also this is bullish for platforms like swipe and cdc

>> No.25736045

>bank A is a giant in your area and bans deposits that originated from crypto
>Open account with bank B that accepts deposits from crypto origin. Maybe bank B is in your country maybe not
>transfer crypto into cash deposit at bank B
>transfer funds from bank B to bank A
>go about life as before with plenty of funds to be used in your area
>tell bank A to lick your sweaty grundle

>> No.25736051

Well, fuck them. BTC > GBP either way.

>> No.25736055

rent free mate

>> No.25736082

Imagine colonizing an entire continent to just fuck off back to your small ass bong Island

>> No.25736086


Anyone who says the word mate is gay bedefaukt. Including those faggy cucked Aussies as well. Brits and Aussies are the worst piles of shit by default. Wish Trump would nuke both of your little shitholes before that puppet Biden takes office.

>> No.25736127


>> No.25736140

whats wrong with Australians you fggot

>> No.25736147


>> No.25736182
File: 372 KB, 1024x683, 1610019611179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brits and Aussies steal your women with their accents, is that why you're so mad cunt?
I bet you're obese

>> No.25736193

The Swiss fucked up bigly when they kowtowed to American demands regarding banking.

>> No.25736223


They are gay as fuck you fucking pussy. Hate their annoying little accents too. They come over the the US with an arrogant entitled attitude and to Asia as well.

Fun fact: Brits and Aussies make up for the largest percentage of faggot sex tourists in southeast Asia and always drunk out of their minds. UK are a bunch of snotty nosed boring losers while Aussies literally descended from a group of convicts. US chads should put both you pussies out of your misery.

>> No.25736233

>buying gold with crypto gains made with fiat
Not sure if based or retarded. Gold market is 101% compromised and fully controlled, but then again, gold is more than any fiat will ever be.
It's literally just HSBC, they're bankrupting anyway.

>> No.25736245

You know, with Democrats in charge they could just fuck bitcoin over completely and make it illegal for anyone to accept it right?

>> No.25736258

banks that will block this progress will just die out.

>> No.25736280

do you understand that it's backwards? do you know the story of Esau? mid to high IQ techminded people (us) are being bribed into accepting a permanent ledger of all transactions ever. normies Would accept bitcoin when it's commonplace. just as they accepted masks and everything else.
It's You that needs to be cajoled first.

>> No.25736307

If the times comes and they refuse my deposit with supporting trade history then I will go to another bank. Not a big deal.

>> No.25736338

Which card?

>> No.25736357


>> No.25736364

Simple as, customer is always right. If they want to accelerate bankruptcy it's their choice.

>> No.25736395

What would you use then?

>> No.25736418
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Oh so Im just gonna convert to nano or someshit and buy with crypto instead. bye bye banks lmao

>> No.25736427

Just found out uk is allowing only lcx to cash out

>> No.25736454

>they could
They obviously are

>> No.25736510

Send me the bitcoins, leave the island, I'll be waiting here with them for you.

Problem solved

>> No.25736539

avoid cashing out to fiat as much as possible.
usdc + farm, swipe for any spending (I'm fine with the KYC).

in the unlikely event I need to cash out large amounts of fiat I would call up the banks I use and let them know in advance to expect 6 figure deposits from coinbase as I've liquidated my crypto investment portfolio

>> No.25736553

Thanks going to check it out. What's your experience been like? Anything I should look out for?

>> No.25736584
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>> No.25736597

That's because all the banks in the world are about to crack all crypto money laundering cartels. It's over for you cryptofags

>> No.25736619

use coinmetro

>> No.25736654

Crypto ATM

>> No.25736684

>does not allow customers to bank money from digital wallets

Does a fiat onramp like Coinbase or Kraken count as a "digital wallet"?

>> No.25736727

Should I get a coinbase debit card now then or what? What are the drawbacks?

>> No.25736733

you're implying that those who control the public opinion will ever tell them it's time to start using it

>> No.25737040

It won't erase the existence of coins. Look at history. The dollar is done for and eventually will be used to stoke fires
They will have to accept coins in the future

>> No.25737100

Kraken has a bank license and is using FIAT directly. I usually transfer between Kraken and my bank account there because they are very reliable. It's the only method I ever used to cash in gains.

>> No.25737141

Crypto is booming because it's a get rich quick scheme.
No one except very few people give the faintest amount of fucks about it's fundamentals.

>> No.25737171

So HSBC wouldn't stop you from transferring your fiat from Kraken to an HSBC account, right?

>> No.25737254


>> No.25737307 [DELETED] 

It's only hsbc and it's nothing new. Also you can just cash or from an exchange and the bank is non the wiser. UK media was full of crypto fud this morning after like 2 weeks of fomo. Dunno why.

>> No.25737310


>> No.25737331

>you can just cash or from an exchange and the bank is non the wiser

So what the fuck is the article even about?

>> No.25737348

No, fiat is a get poor scheme.
Surely you jest.

>> No.25737369

i guess this is solely because they don't get their usual 10% money laundering fee
i'd bet my right nutsack you can still do it but gotta give them a cut :-)

>> No.25737382

90% of shitposters are Aussies. They are destroying the site.

I hate Australians so goddamn much.

>> No.25737404

Underrated comment right here. The fuckers were caught red handed laundering for drug cartels. Right around that time journalists in Europe were being assassinated for exposing related issues.

>> No.25737416

Australia needs to be invaded by USA

>> No.25737424

>UK media was full of crypto fud this morning after like 2 weeks of fomo. Dunno why.
>2 weeks later when the crash doesn't come after all

>> No.25737492

Westpac, Australian big bank caught laundering money for child pedo trafficking, meanwhile, ANZ bank ,also big Oz bank, gets all virtuous and debanks CO2 emitters.

>> No.25737498


>Literal money laundering bank for cartels

Fucking hilarious.

>> No.25737678

this I don't know, just open a bank account in another bank and fuck those dimwits? there's lots of banks who don't cause any trouble.

>> No.25737709

I pit 5k in ethereum last night and I've already made 100+!!!

>> No.25737737

Yeah sometimes it gets pretty gay with banks blocking shit. We are definitely at the threshold of no return

>> No.25737762 [DELETED] 

Directly from a wallet.

>> No.25737793

They launder a lot of the chicom psyop money too

>> No.25737816

But all you can transfer directly from a wallet is crypto; be it coins, tokens, or stablecoins.

>> No.25737834

Most of the retards on this board even shitcoin holders in general believe that they will get rich but the banks and "the man in charge" will never let you do that :))

>> No.25738008

actually it's the opposite. by not allowing anyone to sell the price will just keep climbing.

>> No.25738144

How do I buy a house with my gains?
CZs visa card can't buy houses

>> No.25738221


The US just connected its banks to stable coins. Cope garder you british cucked fag. People have been cashing put their crypto riches for over 8 years now. You are never gmi.

>> No.25738293
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Nationwide chad here. Who the fuck uses a bank over a building society? Smh.

>> No.25738309

During bull markets bad news is ignored. During bear markets good news is ignored.

>> No.25738351

fuck them

>> No.25738395

where do you even want to go

>> No.25738427

for U.S. bizraelis, building societies are like credit unions

>> No.25738435


>> No.25738499

>be biggest money laundering bank in the world
>exclude private clients from money laundering


>> No.25738555
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What do anons think about Binance stablecoin BUSD?
I don't use Coinbase so can't buy USDC

>> No.25739225

>and I can just say
>"ah yes i forgot"

Lol imagine thinking this.

Then they give you a backdated bill - with interest and fines. And seize assets if you don't pay.

>> No.25739262

lmao well i guess HSBC is intent on becoming history

>> No.25739285

Spending on a debit card = realising crypto gains = you still need to pay tax.

>> No.25739423


>> No.25740294

I want to know too

>> No.25740390

I hardly trust Binance as it is - Chink shit.

So I wouldn't hold it.

USDC only.

>> No.25740433


You have to pay taxes even after you die so that's a necessary evil.