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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25728266 No.25728266 [Reply] [Original]

I wasted half of my 20s on a finance forum on an anime image board. 2hrs+ a day just gone. I could have gotten a second job or hobby or done anything else would have been better than this, including normiebook. I want to get my life on track and provide value to myself and my community instead of obsessing over coingecko numbers. I am so numb to this direction my life has gone.

>> No.25728552

im in the same boat brah

>> No.25728580

I wish I could say the same but I can't.

>> No.25728766

so what

>> No.25728792

I spend 12 hours a day here.
I turned $500k into $5 gambling on stocks and crypto.
It's over.

>> No.25728902

Normalfags need to leave

>> No.25728912

>mental disorders are real
>((((i)))) need therapy!!
>and some lithium!
>my jewcologist saved me from ((((depression))))

>> No.25729027

I want my *real life* to begin. Should I build a house and move in at 27 yrs with 0 money or build later to move in at 28 yrs with 50k investments left?
Currently I’m living with parents, virgin, wagecucking.

>> No.25729060

Give me the blue pills, I would gladly trade my shitcoins and joo hate for a gf and social life
Fuck, ignorance is bliss
4chan is a prison

>> No.25729074


>> No.25729110

Should have waited til your thirties. It all ends around 32 anyways. All of your friends get married and have kids or else just get sucked into wagecucking full time. No one hangs out or parties at all, they just do faggot trendy shit like get cocktails at 6pm and call it a night.

I’ve wasted 4-5 years of my thirties on here and loved every second of it. But I lived it up in my twenties and didn’t waste a second of it on fucking internet boards.

You fuckers are finally gonna get rich at 30 only to realize it is immensely lonely and immensely boring unless you set everything up the right way in your twenties. bad move

>> No.25729121


>> No.25729124
File: 158 KB, 480x482, corgis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried nofap?

>> No.25729158

Shit, my gf can't know how lonely I'll be without her, better keep pretending like I sort of care about her, but would also be fine without her.

>> No.25729168

>pretending like I sort of care about her, but would also be fine without her.
Exactly how you should act desu

>> No.25729205

How to set up everything right in my 20s?

>> No.25729239

same lol

>> No.25729290

Also interested in this

>> No.25729311


>> No.25729324

I didn't live my 20s to the fullest, but I got into trouble, tried out a lot of drugs and hobbies, made friends, made enemies. If I had someone to suggest me a book, I would recommend "How to win friends and influence people", you learn criticizing people is stupid, it really only makes you there enemy as they become more entrenched in their position, there are much more efficient ways of influencing people without directly pointing out their flaws like asking questions. Asking questions is easiest way to meet friends, lovers, and business associates.

>> No.25729342

>Because certain conditions may be over diagnosed, they do not exist at all
Brainlet take

>> No.25729389

Are you rich at least?

>> No.25729417

I would also recommend to continue investing, at least 10% of your income, the rest blow it on analog synthesizers, music production equipment, graphic design shit, start a small media company, do whatever sounds interesting to you, hobbies become extremely valuable later in life, I was blessed to find my passion in music and art early on, right now convincing my Dad to pick up woodworking after he retires, he loves his job.

>> No.25729424

Based, already know that one

I am 22 with 20k net worth wageslaving and browsing biz, that’s how my time gets wasted

Sometimes I think of getting a degree and move to big city.. but then I realize friends and sex are not worth the lack of money

>> No.25729426


I should really consider just starting an investment firm and guaranteeing a 11% annual return paid in cash every year. I pocket anything above 11%. Using my strategy if I could raise $10m. Id be handing out $1.1m in returns and pocketing $990k a year.

Alright lads how do I legally set this up?

>> No.25729430

>diagnosing mental conditions by syndromes was a mistake. A set of symptoms does not equate to a cause or even an issue, especially one universally cured by adding a chemical rather than say fixing a diet, examples: add, ocd, depression, anxiety. Boohoo why am i a human and have feelings

>> No.25729448

All u had to do was
Buy bitcoin
And not sell it

>> No.25729473

Are you me?

>> No.25729479

Too bad SSRIs/Ritalin and shit don't just universally cure these conditions.

>> No.25729484

How old are you? I lost everything in the 2017 cycle margin trading in my mid twenties, glad I learned that lesson before this cycle.

>> No.25729490

I refuse to go to sleep until 12 on week days and 3 or 4 on weekends and im almost 30.

Wtf is wrong with me.

>> No.25729492

>2 hours
Rookie numbers
>12 hours
That's the spice

>> No.25729504

based, my dad does woodworking nd I often jump in too but my main hobbies are Ableton and Synths haha. Crazy how so often people who browse here are alike

>> No.25729520

More like never help at all and should be banned from a non usury based society that quivers to make the pharma jew happy. Doctors today are idiots who couldnt tell you what leeches, tumeric, exercise, cutting sugar, reducing alcohol intake could do for average people, let alone what a maggot is used for medically, meaning theyre clueless as anyone knows maggots only eat decaying flesh so theyre good at cleaning wounds.

>> No.25729531

due I lost 5 mill don't sweat it.

at least I have been in a position in my life to lose 5 mil.

It makes everything seem more lutz.

>> No.25729591

>/pol/tard who blames Jews for all of societies ails
>All doctors are idiots, I know better than them
I think you've got a serious case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Have fun continuing to be miserable while the rest of the world leaves you behind ;^)

>> No.25729620

How did you reach such an amount?

>> No.25729658


>> No.25729670

I assure you dipshit youre the low iq one. Ive worked in pharma for 10+ years plus a degree in psychology and if theres one thing i know its that the drugs you take were invented independently from a psychologist opinion and later ascribed to "help" for various invented mental conditions based on a pseudo religion invented by jewish men in the 1860s (may be off by a few years). The basis of them "helping" your "syndrome" (again which means just a series of symptoms) is surveys asking people if they felt better and running paid statistics (meaning the idiots running studies for zoloft WORKED for pharma). Enjoy your pills faggot dont talk to me zombie boy

>> No.25729673

from about 5K base.

>> No.25729699

Not to mention the foundation of psychology is human experimentation. Check out bedlam for a redpill.

>> No.25729747

Oh fuck...im 28 and I feel this is already how my life is going. Tbh though I'm alright with it.

>> No.25729795

yeah this, but rich means something different.

wife 2 kids both working

you can spend $1000 and not even think about it.

>> No.25729811

>Psychology degree
I think SSRIs are a meme, just like your degree, and are completely overprescribed by doctors. I would personally never take them. Depression and ADHD are also very over diagnosed. This doesn't mean that there aren't legitimate cases of these conditions where the drugs, coupled with CBT and other non-medicinal forms of treatment have led to noticeable improvements in the patient's performance and mental wellbeing. Continue being some midwit 30 something year old loser on 4chan.

>> No.25729849

>Ive worked in pharma for 10+ years plus a degree in psychology
Thank you Larpy McLarpson

>> No.25729896

Again i assure you youre the midwit, im easily in the 140+ range. You can laugh at my undergrad, i also have a masters in biotech and a successful career as i said. You are clearly a mainstream doctor type and will believe the blue pill. If you arent on meds, dont worry your stacey cheating wife will force you soon enough (remember dont raise your voice thats anger issues or change how you feel thats bipolar). Here's your real issue, you think youre improving their well being but what you measure it by is singular mostly "were the number of outbursts reduced?" Yes? Great its successful. Who cares the patient lost their job in a lithium haze and committed suicide from zoloft side effects as long as they answered yes to feeling better a week before

>> No.25729912
File: 155 KB, 634x872, 23C54918-291B-448F-937E-4728AA4FBD9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s another thread about a young man wanting to see a prostitute to lose his virginity.

That’s probably a better thing to spend your money on then therapy. At least then you know you’re paying a stranger for validation.

Go research whatever is wrong with you instead. If you have emotional baggage and it has become scars, you might still want to try to unpack it. Even if you have to do it alone.

Hey have you ever met an emotionally warm person that genuinely cared about you? Me neither. Maybe it’s not possible.

Yeah I’m fucked

>> No.25730063

I think he will do it anon

>> No.25730104

Do what?

>> No.25730113

That guy will go fuck prostitute

>> No.25730170

>Projecting getting cheated on by some whore and going off on a random tangent that has nothing to do with what I said
>Speaking in stupid redpill bluepill rhetoric from tranny movie
>140+ IQ bro, just trust me
Yes, yes. You are very smart and everyone else is dumb.

>> No.25730203

>only actual point is to knock another male down
Fuck off jewrat

>> No.25730231

My point about the wifey is in YOUR society aka the one we live in now, people close to you can institutionalize you and they can force meds. Ive seen it happen a man put in by his mother.

>> No.25730288

So you actually did get played by some roastie? Struck a nerve there? Hilarious. She probably fed up with your autistic /pol/ ramblings and complete lack of EQ. I'm done here. Just remember that even if you actually are some 140 IQ Genius, there's still nothing you can do to stop society from continuing to alienate people such as yourself. You're a small fish in a big sea, who will never effect any sort of meaningful change ;^)

>> No.25730319

Are you braindead?

>> No.25730369

lmao called it, I went to theraphy while lurking. Three months of antidepresives before my first reply

>> No.25730397

No you didnt strike a chord i didnt even read that right the first time you libshits and your YOU MUST BE PROJECTING bullshit. I was getting mad with you because youre a faggot manlet with either a little dick or youre a female because you made it your goal to tear me down and my fellow big dick men dont do that we kangs let others be not run around and doubt their word we have no reason to doubt or push their nose in mud but claiming their stupid the whole fight and making them reveal their iq in the first place. No im not a small fish. My way of thinking will win out faggot im going to make sure of it. Youre on biz, not /peeweeplayhouse/

>> No.25730475

I hope he does, even if he’s not a virgin
I don’t know how it worked before and I don’t know how it works now, with Covid and the internet

Who’s going to make the first sugardaddy app to take advantage of 5g?

>> No.25730491

>140 IQ Genius

more like 140 iq midwit

>> No.25730494

>you libshits
Identity politics
Stopped reading

>> No.25730541

I said over 140. Measured at 142-151. Literally not a midwit. Whats with all these angry manlet attacks or is it just because europeans are assholes?

>> No.25730559

Im libertarian. I dont see libertarians pushing drugs. I dont see republishits pushing drugs. Its only libshits.

>> No.25730578

Look at how much im being attacked for challenging the pharma jew. Wow eurocucks get DEFENSIVE over this stuff. I guess it makes sense seeing as youre all so progressive (read: 90% per capita hooked on scripts)

>> No.25730579

lurk more faggot

>> No.25730670

Yeah the more that guy keeps talking the more retarded he sounds. He should have just stopped at the first post and left on a high note instead of revealing himself to be a faggot. Using the term ‘libshit’ as an insult is all I need to know about him being low IQ larping as high IQ

>> No.25730671

Yourv thirties are literally the best time particularly if you're well off financially. If you want to party you can still do it, just hang out with a younger crowd. If youb enjoy finer things like good restaurants and high end hotels you can actually afford them. You can also drive a nicer car and live in a nicer place. Literally everything is better than your twenties and you can still party. Drop your married friends until you're ready to settle yourself, if ever.

>> No.25730709

>i judge what people say by how they say it
>t. woman

>> No.25730753

>brought politics into it like a faggot
>assumes life is black and white and that everyone must fall onto one side
>what are gray areas of life

Yeah, you sound like a low IQ retard now. Everything else you said prior to this is now obsolete. Keep thinking you’re smart though, anon. Your schizophrenic rambling with piss poor grammar and punctuation surely gives merit to that notion.

>> No.25730856

jesus thats me
I want to leave her but then again what would I even do without her so might as well stick to it for some time
Jesus I don't want to settle and have kids and spend money on them, I think I will just leave country in 2 years once I turn 30. Oh wait thats in one year ffs

>> No.25730859

exactly what a low iq retard would say. Now you call me a schizo, not surprised. I hope people are taking note of whats happening here and generally to biz being overrun by these drugged out trannies. Honestly this board went to shit with the btc run and im dipping. Later shitchan

>> No.25730889

This. That guy just sounds like a bitter 30 year old. People who say "it only gets worse from here" are usually bitter faggots who have already lost their looks and energy from shit habits they did in their 20s.

>> No.25730890 [DELETED] 

newsflash anon
this is your real life

>> No.25730899

Don't be a retard if you're tired of your gf leave her. I wasted 5 years of my twenties with some roastie I didn't really care about and now I have to play catch up with everything. Dump her and go wild once the pandemic ends, hopefully financed by your crypto gains.

>> No.25730929

Leave cheap shitcoins, don’t be an retard! Go BASE and make profit while they are making rebase!

>> No.25730980

yea I wanted to leave her but then pandemic came and we are sort of stuck together now since noone can do anything anw right now.
Fuck I know, this is third long term rs I am in and I only cared about the first one in high school but I was romantic teenage idiot.
I don't think I will ever form a connection to someone honestly, to me it feels like its fake it till you make it relationship wise and you end up like: "huh I am at this point in my life with wife and kids I guess its okay after all my parents are happy, she seems happy and I have to look after those kids right this is how ppl live" or you end up being obnoxious bachelor and I think I would rather be that.