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File: 71 KB, 899x360, wt34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25724780 No.25724780 [Reply] [Original]

The whole crypto market is being inflated by Tether, in other words, FAKE NON-EXISTENT USD.

Once Tether gets exposed in court, what do you think will happen?

>> No.25724867

bitcoin pumps to 80k

>> No.25724911

and tether fud posters finally rope

>> No.25724946

the funniest part is that none of us will sell at 40k ATH and they laugh at how much we will lose, but they don't own a single fucking coin and didnt even buy in sub 15k. they're literally just seething that we're making money and they're too pussy to get in on it.

>> No.25724968
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Blah blah blah. Don't care about your mumbo jumbo grandpa. usd does the same thing so shut up the future is now old man

>> No.25724997

Can't wait. Finally a chance to buy in below 30k again

>> No.25725002
File: 304 KB, 750x571, greenpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone will sell their Tether for BTC. BTC will moon harder than it's ever mooned before and tether holders will lose everything.

>> No.25725007
File: 20 KB, 231x218, 5400C9CE-5DF6-4D4F-BD5C-C5D99CCB109E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tether are actually the ones fudding tether
>the books aren’t cooked yet
>but they’re about to be

>> No.25725011
File: 26 KB, 656x465, Are you kidding me Pepe is perhaps the least rare Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize we went through all this in 2017, right?

Look, suppose it's not legit. Suppose they really did print fake money, exchanged it for real Bitcoin, and cashed out the Bitcoin later on for real money. Then they should've exit scammed in 2017. Tether should've collapsed and been abandoned waaay back then.

But it didn't. And tether's still here.

So either one of three things; it *is* legitimately backed from the start, the people behind Tether play for the long game (meaning they probably wouldn't even exit scam this cycle), or the $x billion in fake money turned into $x+y billion during the previous bull run and *those $x billion in Tether are now legitimately backed* (with the people running it having $y billion left over for yachts and legal defense funds).

>> No.25725046

>Reddit spaced tranny post
>Cock's Chop ID
Didn't read

>> No.25725104
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>> No.25725112

> finally
Wtf was wrong with the last 12 years? Did you only learn about bitcoin last week?

>> No.25725369

based. fuck redditrannies

>> No.25725414
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>cocks chop

>> No.25725442
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>> No.25725482

shit I put 2K1.5k in it I hope this works out I’ll at least try to hope so I can finally sleep well at night. Would make all my dreams come true. I’m trying to put 5k more on Alts but this is so fucking hard to do. My friend use new poolz finance and seems like he has sweet dreams while I try to stay alive. Does someone use it? Top or not?

>> No.25725488

dude sick id

>> No.25725528

you will never be a real woman

>> No.25725710

In other words, you're a retard who doesn't actually understand what's happening.

>> No.25725719

Jesus how are you all this stupid? The issue isn't that tether is printing money. Hell the US government does that constantly. The issue is that tether is unregulated and is operating in a gray area.

Typically financial services operating within the US have to do KYC. Tether skirts that because they aren't using USD. Tether could be completely backed by other currencies that they then convert to the USD equivalent.

Obviously tether has real value otherwise the markets would reflect this. Say it with me now

>printing Tether does not cause cryptos to rise.

You dumb fucks

>> No.25725754

haha gash-poster kys

>> No.25725780

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.25726322

is this 2017 again? tether fud so 3 years ago

>> No.25726408
File: 330 KB, 3137x2554, CE5CD7CA-F669-446A-A9EF-130C9AB9EE39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not retard. Grayscale BTC trust has gone up 5.5 billion in 7 days. That’s more than tether.

>> No.25726439

>what do you think will happen?
Hard-fork of BTC to pre-Tether times.

>> No.25726878

Thats not a reddit spaced post retard

>> No.25727795
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>> No.25727890


>> No.25727930

>the USD is there, it's just 25% of it is loaned and borrowed atm
>wait, this sounds like fiat

>> No.25728386

The fact there are coins out there that are literally based on nothing and are still worth more than a dollar is reason enough to know its all monopoly money.

>> No.25728428

Fun fact: Just before Tether is exposed as a scam, the 4 main guys plan to jet off to Israel.
They have this special law for Jews over there that says essentially they're immune from extradition.

>> No.25728452
File: 66 KB, 1024x935, 1874D8F1-9FF0-43ED-860C-94DF46822011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25728454

Bro. Im gonna give you an advice. Use the tether info at your own good. We are going to 100k thanks to the fake usdt. Buy some alts and enjoy the ride, simple as that.

Why wasting your time whining about it

>> No.25728465

Here’s something to consider, and something to always keep in mind while browsing /biz/ - who benefits? if the tether fud was real why would so many anons dedicate so much time and effort to warn people about it? What purpose does it serve? If these people actually had bitcoin wouldn’t the smarter thing be to... let the bull market run its course until the 15th and then sell at a much higher price? Who benefits by trying to get anons to sell their BTC now? Hmmm.

When has biz ever been altruistic? This place only tries to shill you shitcoins, brag about being rich, or commiserate with loss porn.

Again, who benefits anon? Something to think about. GL

>> No.25728973


Kek I killed the thread

>> No.25729003

Just sell your coins and do not ask questions

>> No.25729248

the hot air balloon pops, alt slaughter
the few alts which have genuine corporate interest because they have a use case( and are currently undervalued in a speculative pump chasing market) go to the moon

>> No.25729353

BTC/USDT and BTC/USD decouple.
The former may go to $100k.
The latter may go to 0.

>> No.25729416

Load ze Tether fud

>> No.25729862

I'm a newfag to crypto and /biz/. I mean I knew about bitcoin ever since it popped up on /b/ a decade ago, but I only bought some btc and eth yesterday. yeah, I know I missed out. it's even sadder if you knew why.

where can I learn or how do I know which coins will rise next? I've seen anons mention chainlink and monero.
how do I learn to see the signs or what kind of factors do I need to lmpw so I can make an educated guess on what to buy?

>> No.25729954

Because what do you think happens when that fake USD bubble gets exposed?

>> No.25730360

Nigger everyone will sell Tether worth of 10 cents each, you are right

>> No.25730653

>Everyone will sell their Tether
If everyone sells who's the buyer? QED monkey brain.

>> No.25730697

people trade currency for USDT, then trade USDT to BTC. USDT "prints" coins to keep pace with USD because their whole purpose is staying 1:1
am i missing something or are the people who make these threads retarded faggots

>> No.25730737

I'll make it simple for you: they can print as many usdt as they want

>> No.25730758


>> No.25730777
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Do your research next time.


>> No.25730930


>> No.25730942

it wouldn't be 1:1 then

>> No.25730993

i like how you have random piles of money and other obfuscating but otherwise useless images in your infographic, as well as claims with nothing to support them

>> No.25731027

Don't worry you still have a chance and today is a good day to buy while most altcoins are cheap. Buy polkadot or cardano, that is if you want to make it

>> No.25731056


>> No.25731068

Read the twitter thread you utter idiot.

>> No.25731162
File: 67 KB, 1243x719, eth balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchanges are getting ready to exitscam. Binance dumped 400K ETH yesterday, their holdings were at an ATH on January 5th. Bitfinex is getting rid of small batches of ETH of 50K a day.


The day of the bull rope is getting close.

>> No.25731207
File: 12 KB, 258x544, pepe_laugh_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The day of the bull rope

>> No.25731217


>> No.25731269
File: 101 KB, 1280x897, FLQYACUUUJEE3HPKBBNPFSEKGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes me so happy you guys are wasting so much of your own time trying to convince people of this nothingburger, please continue

>> No.25731282
File: 104 KB, 1600x900, BA9A8684-03C2-4BBE-913D-F0DDC56B4E86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s my evidence - op

>> No.25731295

Sir, it's not about the fed vs tether.

>> No.25731314

"It is I, Mistr c0K5choP, here to convince you that Tether is legit."

>> No.25731379

Fucking obliterated. kek

>> No.25732108
File: 3.18 MB, 2092x1180, 1609655352811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bailouts for you anymore dubs boi

>> No.25732546

What are they dumping for? And where?

It's more likely whales moving their shit off of exchanges for when the exchanges go down because Tether is fraudulent.

The price of Bitcoin and ETH won't crash because the currency used to pump them isn't real. This is where arbitrage makes these scam pumps possible, but I don't see the mechanism that causes them to deflate due to any of this.

>> No.25733011
File: 14 KB, 228x221, f75629bb15acfa1165e9ff08f98315cf64caccbb373274599ff5aab11536dd58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first laugh of the day

>> No.25733781
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