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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 123x65, jakarta_club_member.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25718350 No.25718350 [Reply] [Original]

So guys, did you get the invite to the super secret tranny club or are you just not hip with the youngsters?


>> No.25718431
File: 142 KB, 595x473, secret_club_psssst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that ID. Green JeW


>> No.25718575

are they gonna put out any demos other than a half baked email sender that hardly works? I want to unload these monstrous bags I'm holding. I thought we were supposed to pump in Jan before the eRLC Launch

>> No.25718697
File: 157 KB, 741x674, fuck_no_oilers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that the email demo is more than an "EMAIL" demo but can be used for multiple cases which fuck you I won't explain to you. It can be used for other reasons than secret emails.

>> No.25718777

dont explain it to them let them stay poor kek i literally will not sell a single rlc even if it pumps to 25$ it is going much higher this ist he next eth btc etc type technology

>> No.25718785

you do realize the confidential computing is nothing new, right? You could literally do that years ago on comerical services

>> No.25718813

fuck off retard you literally cannot do what iexec did with any centralized service, not going to spoonfeed, just fuck off and die already

>> No.25718842
File: 655 KB, 640x480, rlc_matrix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but are the decentralized? That is a VERY VERY important aspect + they aren't just that. They have multiple other aspects which make THE PACKAGE COMPLETE. It's about the WHOLE PACKAGE, not just 1 part

>> No.25718995

wrong, they even use TEE
most companies wont care. Being able to buy services from some huge company is seen as a significant advantage desu. I work in tech for a massive health care company and I know they would never use something iexec because it would be seen as way to risky for boomer enterprise

>> No.25719307

>most companies won't care
im a Dev and service various pharma companies through an agency
still have to make shit work for IE when I make shitty weeb Dev projects
maybe it'll get adopted in 2035

>> No.25719313
File: 341 KB, 340x255, smug_rlc_pepe_chased.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cheaper, they will care... Boomers are all about money. Only 1 company needs to use it in order for everyone to use it. I don't give 2 fucks where you work, please don't come out with shit like that. Your firm is probably lagging 20 years behind, Intel, IBM, Nvidia and other big firms like that aren't that's why they're partnered/collabed with iExec, just because your shitskin firm is filled with hopeless depressed boomers doesn't mean others are and let me tell you buddy, they aren't. I'm also in IT and people I know are all about change and the future.

>> No.25719346

youre too emotional you'll never make it

>> No.25719502
File: 871 KB, 380x214, richfagg_iexec_laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making shit work for IE... Yea man, your company is behind 50 years, not 20... That's the truth, you're probably just an average programmer pleb with an average programmer pleb salary who listens to his dumb little bitch of a boss who is dumb. Making BIG money means being ahead, you're not it. Sorry bro, you got left behind years ago and SETTLED. Most people do this because of lack of ambition. You're the worst kind of worker usually, no inspiration, no desired to go up, just a steady easy same shit all year job. I know people like you, you make me sick to my stomach.

>> No.25719667

You're going to be priced out soon and I will live every moment of it

>> No.25719718

>50+ $ end bullrun (signed) JeW

>> No.25719737
File: 737 KB, 3028x1016, already_made_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already made it... pic related. And that's not even half of my gold stack you little fuck. And I'm 26. Yes, I own gold and crypto and stocks and real estate and a firm and have a degree in computer science, EVEN IF RLC doesn't do anything I've already made it. Damn you guys are really actually fucking pathetic

>> No.25719772

RLC $50+ endof businessyear

>> No.25719823

It's dumping brossssss

>> No.25720052
File: 242 KB, 1200x800, 1593910153697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill the Juice! We sheikh now

>> No.25720310

These retarded fudsters are underestimating the work Iexec put towards launching eRLC, the enterprise version of the token.

The reason why they went with that it's probably related to the demand that they're seeing from the enterprise sector, otherwise they wouldn't have gone through all the hurdles of registering to French SEC (AMF)

You will be blown the fuck out on February

>> No.25720344

If February-March Iexec becomes a 10-20 USD stablecoin

>> No.25720374
File: 18 KB, 422x188, 2021-01-09 00-28 1.1571 RLCUSDT Binance Spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

log chart

>> No.25720470
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>> No.25721009

We are all making it

>> No.25721114

I work for the biggest private health care company in my country (G8), not a pajeet techshop. You seriously over estimate how slow these companies are. We have over 20k staff/volunteers (non-profit)
like >>25719307 said, most places are so far behind because of the big enterprise boomer mindset. Half our shit is running trash enterprise oracle and SAP. We just had a demo from a local startup offering a chatbot for $25/mo. Because they weren't an enterprise-approved provider they were rejected and now we are paying over 1 million / yr for a WORSE product.
It's probably different in a startup or a tech focus company but most of the world doesn't operate in the mindset. Be realistic instead of so emotionally invested high on hopium. This is coming from someone with ~10k tokens as well

>> No.25721137
File: 38 KB, 533x497, E31CE82E-3722-4E35-B2E6-0EE0D0E4EE56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25721178

that's dope, OC?

>> No.25721427
File: 247 KB, 445x485, pssssttttt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get you, but look at firms like Amazon, Intel, ... They are ahead because they invest in everything that is new, just because your firm is big doesn't mean they're good. It just means they were good and are now falling apart... And also... boomers are dying, they're getting replaced and fucked over on every single step. We're the boomers now, everyone I know is far far ahead of everyone else and most of them run rather big firm (100-1000 people). They're growing much faster than firms that been around 100 years. If your firm is old it probably means you're behind, because people like me literally stop you purely on costs alone. We're outperforming and outteching you by a margin you can not imagine. Look at fucking china man, if you aren't beating china you're behind and that's the reality. Before your firm realizes it you'll be dead in the water and fucked. That's how you fail, that mind set. Stop supporting an old dying mind set and join the new let's keep moving mind set. Your firm will fail in a few 10 years and get destroyed because of it. And people who sought out innovation in order to optimize and reduce costs will win. That IS the reality of thing currently. Why do you think Elon Musk is so successful ? Because he is balls deep in innovation. Look, do what you want, but you'll get fucked in the end because of your primitive boomer mind set. Look at who's making it RIGHT NOW and you'll notice that they're all young innovative people who push for big innovative things, not boomers like you mention. OPEN YOUR EYES

>> No.25721459
File: 788 KB, 397x400, oil_barron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, sadly not

>> No.25721937

iexec isnt just about companies using it though too you cant forget that

>> No.25721967

and yes this

>> No.25722085

Why is there one stupid damp on marketplace after four years and why is the network dead?

>> No.25722125
File: 196 KB, 588x684, 2021-01-09 04-59 iExec Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2300 tasks.... he calls the marketplace dead

>> No.25722213

Someone make a fucking dApp idea then and some genius anon should make it.
Gambling dApp
Secret Email dApp
viewbot dApp
bizposter bot dApp
idk im not smart enough to think of real shit