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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25716253 No.25716253 [Reply] [Original]

I have come up with a foolproof way to figure out just how many pajeets are on /biz/.
Trust me frens, this will once and for all settle the matter.
All you have to do is answer this poll.

>> No.25716279

Is polka moon sir? I think that polka is best currency than Bitcoin sir ok

>> No.25716349

Java is bad.

>> No.25716371

hello my name is adam jackson from texas, california. pleasure to meet you sirs, please buy GRT it is a mooning invesntment for the ned

>> No.25716408

Nice, man. How did you come up with that?

>> No.25716419
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Keep the answers coming.
We will finally get the bottom of this.
The results will surprise you!

>> No.25716566
File: 121 KB, 280x267, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took many years of deep thinking to come up with this answer.
It's decisively the most ingenious idea I've ever had.
We will all finally know the truth.

>> No.25716643

I voted yes but I'm not

>> No.25716669

no motherfuck

>> No.25716685
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Seriously, I have a big surprise in store for all of you, so stay with me here.
This will be good, I promise you.


>> No.25716687
File: 863 KB, 770x698, Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 00.56.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sirs

>> No.25716896
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There will be a big reveal when we got enough answers.
So keep this thread alive!

>> No.25716921
File: 71 KB, 356x512, ind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant. You have a bright future, /biz/anon.

>> No.25717114
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We need a bigger data sample, so help spread the word.
Link this thread or poll in other threads, and help to keep it alive if you want to hear the big reveal.
The more this gets bumped, the more exposure it gets.

>> No.25717323

Fuck it then, I'll just create a part 2 thread to continue the poll and make the big reveal once this one dies.

>> No.25717593

hello sirs pls no expose India very make money business sir buy poocoin right now sir it moon

>> No.25717788

I will make the reveal once we pass ~100 answers.
If this thread dies before then, I will make a part 2 thread of the same title, so search for that if you are interested.

>> No.25717842
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SIRS. I have voted in your polls. Now you poo in my loos.

>> No.25717896

obvious pajeet larping as non-pajeet.

>> No.25717929

omg, we are overpajeeted, hold your noses

>> No.25718031

We need a bigger data sample to make a true scientific evaluation, but based on current numbers I can definitely say it's not looking good.

>> No.25718051

I said yes, but in reality I'm a larping nigger.

>> No.25718055

Sir, we are 146 pajeet. Our village could only afford 1computer so far, sir.

>> No.25718071

sir I have needfully submitted the forum

>> No.25718113
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Oh really?

>> No.25718171

they look so dirty even if they are not (but they actually are)

>> No.25718174

>I voted yes but I'm not
that is okay
i voted no
the universe remains in balance

>> No.25718248

Just 24 more answers to go for the big reveal.
Keep it up guys!
A ton of lurkers around here.

>> No.25718259

Yes, sir. Poor village sir, we are in the southern jungle, far from rich Mumbai.

>> No.25718274

imagine the smell...

>> No.25718344
File: 207 KB, 1099x767, India population density.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, sir. Poor village sir, we are in the southern jungle, far from rich Mumbai.
There is virtually no part of India that isn't city-like in its density.

>> No.25718461


>Indian guy raised in America and equally hate scamming pajeets.

How answer?

>> No.25718588
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Just 14 more answers to go before I present a deeply accurate scientific conclusion of the result answers.
There will also be something else to profit on!

>> No.25718682

How do you browse a website all day everyday and read what people say and how they type and still just constantly type like an obvious retard

>> No.25718839

Sirs, please to be no discrimination against Indians, sir. Also, my name is Rajeesh; Pajeet is my cousin.

>> No.25718960
File: 20 KB, 685x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great work guys, we reached 100 answers!
Here is the scientific breakdown of the results:
>Only true /biz/ anons would ironically answer yes
>A pajeet would obviously never answer no
>There will be a small percentage of newfags mixed in with the pajeets who answered no
>We can thus safely conclude that only the 42% of /biz/ that answered yes are real people
>While the other 58% are pajeets and newfags
>This scientific analysis is true and accurate and shows the real state of /biz/
>Anyone who dispute these results are actual pajeets
Sirs, please buy Fantom (FTM) the best coin ever made!
You will gain many profits, sirs.

>> No.25719039

This poll is not needful and of many insults. Please delete this.

>> No.25719212

I see some sneaky people answered yes after the poll results were concluded here.