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25694234 No.25694234 [Reply] [Original]

Predictions on target before imminent crash?

>> No.25694273

100k then crash down to 50k
then moon to $1 milli

>> No.25694572

I think were going to 60-75k, pulling back to 35k, then thrusting to 120-140k.

I used to have more conservative targets but the fact that its only january 8th and were past 40k has made me adjust my outlook

>> No.25694672

December 2021
100k to 80k unironically

>> No.25694715

45k to like 28k then up to 70-80k then crash. I don’t see it hitting 100k this run or ever

>> No.25694727

It's sinple, 300k, 50k,1 million, 100k

>> No.25694772

At this rate? 100k march.

>> No.25694810

6 more days of 10% pumps leading us to 55-60k then flash crash to 5k

>> No.25694878


>> No.25694926
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This is it, bitfinex will print until it gets ridiculous and exitscam

>> No.25694981

this of all the answers posted. May go a tad higher if you ask me, but Id sign with this goym.

>> No.25695006

This is a cope. It's crashing any moment now to 25K.

>> No.25695119

We passed "ridiculous" 6 months ago. We're now in "who the fuck cares now it's making me money" territory.

>> No.25695152

tomorrow. two old idiotic boomer colleagues bothered me today in the morning on my first day after vacation while i was trying to make me a coffee. Their qestions were how can they buy this bitcoin. The more retarded of them asked if one can also buy parts of this stock.
>if this isn't the top what then?

>> No.25695158

there is literally no way but i will probably set a buy order at like 10k.... ya know..just in case.......

>> No.25695160

200k then crash to 130k, then resume the pump

>> No.25695170

Been hearing that since 27k. It's now well beyond any rational thinking. I'm thinking $1,000,000 is the target unironically, which is possible if everyone is euphoric and nobody cashes out til then.

>> No.25695179

Ive been watching this thing like a hawk for the past several days. I only noticed it really start to slow down at 40k.

The dip back to 28k was truly the only shakeout this far imo. I think we hit 50k here and dip again but I just dont see a full on crash happening even then.

Anyone got normie news?

>> No.25695194

nah its going to 98k at minimum lel may just stop before 100k as people panic sell like mad and then hover around 40-50k again all year

>> No.25695240
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>imminent crash

>> No.25695241

If this were natural growth I'd say there would be a 10-20k retrace, but any retrace just gets bought up by Tether funny money. When it crashes from the ATH I dont think it will go back up judt because the price is already so unnaturally high. I think Tether is going to keep pushing it trying to get normie attention like 2018 but it won't happen and eventually it will judt crash.

>> No.25695273

550k EOY with 10-20% dips. This is the new norm. the new paradigm. Suck it bearfags.

>> No.25695319

Nah we're in the "ridiculous" phase
Everyone knows this isnt substainable, everyone but deluded moonboys

>> No.25695350

and even then it won't crash but just cease to bullfuck everyone and slow down for a bit.

>> No.25695360

Fifty Thousand United States Dollars

>> No.25695362

sounds like its still the bottom desu, just watch til every fucking boomer on planet earth wants in. you think thats the top? boomer fever will only be fueled by this biden admin. its going 100K EOY ish

>> No.25695382

good day sirs please what is target for this good coin?
when hardfork? when airdrop?
sirs please I can translate for you good and fast

target, fucking pajeet speak

>> No.25695496

i'm not sure. took 2/3s profits now. These two guys from work really made me think. They belong to the most retarded and slowest colleages i have. Guys like them are really always the last to get into something you can make money. I know a thing or two about their private finance and they are dumb without saying.

>> No.25695928
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Someone helped feed a pajeet village. Seethe brainlet.

>> No.25696142

shut up you racist little motherfucker, we embrace indian culture in this forum. Most of us like currys as their favorite food and do what nature demands out on our designated shitting streets. Away with you.

>> No.25696280
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>> No.25696366

What the flipping fuck

>> No.25696394

>until it gets ridiculous
This is a clown world where basement dwellers get multimillionaires by clicking a button. It got ridiculous a long time ago
Adjust or stay poor brainlet

>> No.25696618
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50k. Will crash to 5k.

>> No.25696640

Concentrated COPE. You'll fomo in at 50k.

>> No.25696861

We will crab at 40k for 4 months. Alts will catch up. In may we will see a never before seen run on cc with colapsing house buble.

>> No.25696888

Le grande domp is habbening right now boys
Get out now

>> No.25697051

Agreed, although I think it will have higher support and may only go down somewhat below 10k.

>> No.25697163

Sounds a lot like a new paradigm

>> No.25697193

1. January-February, gradually scale out between 60k and 120k
2. March-April, buy the dip and accumulate
3. October-November, gradually scale out between 120k and 240k

>> No.25697198

You aren't a multimillionaire until you've cashed out. Good luck with that.

>> No.25697288

Do you have any charts or analysis? A lot of really smart rich people and institutions are seeing it different. Want to make sure I don’t get caught holding the bag.

>> No.25697329

bitcoin will NEVER go below 15k ever again, likely never below 20k.

>> No.25697423


>> No.25697521

When people get the new stimy and tax returns you think there will be a dip in March-April?

the dip will come in early Feb

>> No.25697530

where you you faggots go to swing BTC? I'm an amerishart so I don't want to do it on an KYC'd exchange where I'll have to pay the IRS kikes and lose my long-term capital gains status

>> No.25697562

Honestly I think half the reason for the continued pump is that the democrat-controlled senate means $2k checks, and that's being priced-in now

>> No.25697573

I've owned btc since 600, I just don't see where the capital will come from organically to keep pushing it up. Its only up as high as it is because of Tether fuckery. Normies aren't buying in at 40k, they remember the dump at 20k and they don't want to get memed on again. Who knows how high it will get, but this pump is so unnatural that the crash will be tremendous. There's almost 0 major retraces, as soon as tether decides to stop printing money youre going to see one giant retrace back down to 10k

>> No.25697618

100k to 200k, unlike last time. Wont be a big crash.

>> No.25697701

i cashed yesterday what i invested on sept 30 and still have 2/3 of btc buyed. will cash a similiar amount when it will go to 50k (if it goes). Gonna hodl the rest and if it corrects i will buy the amount again at the bottom which i hope will be very low

>> No.25697923

This ride crashes on the moon big boi.

>> No.25697951

If it follows the same crash pattern of '18 it will be at this moment in 6k

>> No.25698001

70-80k to 10-15k in about 2 weeks

>> No.25698091

it'll go back to probably 10k then and stay around there for 6 months. but if atomic swap with xmr will be active in some months, it could happen that criminals and cartels start to massively swap to monero and this will cause another dump to maybe 7/8k. I think it can't go lower than that, then it will probably start to increase slowly, following the inevitable grow of crypto using, and eventually another speculative exponential bull run will start again in 1/2 years

>> No.25698135

I'll just do what every financial guru on /biz/ do: asspull random numbers, then say another random number, before concluding with a third random number.
Then I sit back feeling smug about imparting my great insight into btc prices onto the others, expecting them to not question why I pulled those precise numbers. If they do I'll handwave it away by referring to memelines, trends, and other assorted "in-the-know" words

>> No.25698195

I will also just do what every financial guru on /biz/ do: asspull random numbers, then say another random number, before concluding with a third random number.
>Then I sit back feeling smug about imparting my great insight into btc prices onto the others, expecting them to not question why I pulled those precise numbers. If they do I'll handwave it away by referring to memelines, trends, and other assorted "in-the-know" words

>> No.25698202

For sure btc will not just die and it there will be future bullruns that will probably go even higher, but I dont see this one breaking 100k. Well break 50k if were lucky but eventually a whale will decide to take his profits and it will cause a sell off that Tether cannot handle.

>> No.25698621

no doubt there are diminishing returns on BTC as the mcap increases, but why would you think BTC would only increase peak-to-peak by a mere 2.5x this cycle? cf the 20x increase last cycle. I don't believe we'll see a 20x increase due to diminishing returns, but I don't see the returns dropping by 10x like that.
Unless you meant to say a max of 50k is the local short-term top before we retrace, and then continue on up later this year.

>> No.25698640

100 kwanza EOY

>> No.25698712
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Only one more candle. So how high can it go in a single week?

>> No.25698748

Listen to this guy. People trying to get you to buy in now are either people that bought before 10k waiting to dump on you, or people who got suckered by them and just bought in believing it never goes down. Don't listen to hopium.

>> No.25698917

>5 weeks of normies fomoing to make a quick buck, followed by early hodlers dumping of them
>5 weeks of institutional fomo hoarding. hodlers who wanted to reap profits already did

>> No.25699561

Where is the capital going to come from for that? Youre talking close to a trillion dollars to jump from 50k to 100k. I dont see that coming into btc before it crashes and I dont think tether is going to be able to print that much. If you're going off of btc's growth on a log scale, 6k-50k is a pretty likely range based on past halving booms. Like yeah sure it could go to 100k, but expecting that as even being likely just seem like pure greed. December was entirely fueled by whale accumulation, someone is going to dump sooner than later once we hit a certain price point and it's going to domino.

>> No.25699820

you don't need 1 trillion to go from 50k to 100k
a fraction of it is all it takes and it took in the past

>> No.25700240

>you don't need literally a trillion just hundreds of billions
Ah yes much better btc $1m eoy

>> No.25700346

yes it is way better, stop acting stupid for getting called out

>> No.25700360

stop posting this pic everywhere, you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.25700368
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>close to a trillion dollars to jump from 50k to 100k
>don't think tether is going to be able to print
>fueled by whale accumulation
>going to dump
>going to domino
not even one of the things you said is correct kek that's certainly not easy to achieve unwillingly, congratulations

>> No.25700412


>> No.25700584

hey guys, i have a lot of altcoins that regained in value from the previous crash and made a small profit. when is the best time to cash them out since alts tend to go down worse than bitcoin?

>> No.25700642

50k by monday

>> No.25700889

No its not you retard you don't understand how markets work, money does just grow on trees. This capital has to come from somewhere you delusional pajeet.

okay retard

>> No.25700999

>This capital has to come from somewhere
which is 100% correct
BUT NOT 1 TRILLION and not even half a trillion
it is way less
good fuck we had that discussion so often in 2017

2021 will be a full replay of 2017
better create a bingo picture with all that bullshit from back then
this or repeat every proper scam from this time, they surely work again

>> No.25701082

no clue, maybe some big money is actually buying and holding longer then before

>> No.25701231
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You have one more week. The normies are here

>> No.25701386

Going to infinity then crash to 0 then go back to infinity, repeat forever. I base this on my deep understanding of crypto currencies due to my extensive background in computer machinations.

>> No.25701843

crash at 50, drop to 24, fast climb to 40 again, crab till 70 and new bull commence