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25684955 No.25684955 [Reply] [Original]

>any dramatic BTC dip (>10%) caused by world events is immediately bought back up within fucking hours even at ATH levels

This did not happen to this same degree during the last bull run and anyone that claims it did is lying. I’ve been following BTC since 2014 and have never seen this. This is surreal.

>> No.25684986
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exit pumping

>> No.25685003 [DELETED] 
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>load ze tether fud

>> No.25685021

Can't wait for Jan 15 to be behind us so these god damn tether posts can stop.

>> No.25685029

except tether is ACTUALLY exit pumping right now

>> No.25685037
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yes it did.
t. watching since november 2012

>> No.25685047

Do you think a tether crashwill be sufficient or will we need another large crash sooner?

>> No.25685049
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exit pumping

>> No.25685098

remember the kucoin beginning of 2018 exit pump except it's bitcoin

>> No.25685133

How big is your stack anon? Did you sell most of it back then

>> No.25685209
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i had over 500 bitcoin back then.
ive thrown a lot of it away on shit trades like pic rel, but managed to get a few properties and dont need to work a day in my life anymore (in mid 20s).

always fun seeing the seething nocoiner posts calling it a ponzi pyramid scam. these same retards slave their life away for mr shekelburg

>> No.25685253

24 candles since BTC broke 20K on 12/16 (inclusive of that day's candle and today's).

6 small red candles.
18 green candles.

It's just not pausing at all, or doing any kind of sustained retraces. Like you said, all dips, even big ones, just get snapped up instantly.

This is so fucky and suspicious.

>> No.25685294
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>> No.25685299
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>> No.25685307

>world events
nice try shill but i’m never selling

>> No.25685309

>muh bitfinexed orbiters
i thought you all commited suicide when he sold at $4k

>> No.25685322
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yeah it’s called 1% of hedge fund cash holdings and paper hands

>> No.25685514

paypal, grayscale and fidelity are buying more then 900 btc a day right now. 900 btc are mined a day

>> No.25686111
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teach me master

>> No.25686174

U must be a fucking retard to sell btc in 2021

>> No.25686333
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can't really tell you much that isn't common thought now. your best bet is just accumulate and hold bitcoin. use alts (i like xmr, ltc, link and a small number of others right now) only as a vehicle to accumulate bitcoin.
ethereum is also a good idea to accumulate, but you need to remember there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin. ethereum on the other hand has no fixed cap by design.

i think most of the strength lies within the digitial scarcity aspect. dollars are being printed like good old weimar times. with biden potentially getting in, boiling water the frog is in is now hotter than what steal beems melt at

>> No.25686366

there is enormous demand

>> No.25686640

Fucking checked and based, man.

>> No.25686721

I need alts to make more gains, don't have enough fiat to make it with btc alone without going leverage :(

>> No.25686771

yes it did
ill be honest i was only here starting from 2016 but the trend was regular 10% pullbacks followed by occasional 30-40% pullbacks
you dont have to take my word for it, the historical datas all there

>> No.25686786

Fellow 2014/2015 entree /biz/rali reporting in, what if tether worked so well it is causing a feedback loop into Bitcoin? Like propane for an oxygen torch?

>> No.25686802

After not seeing the light for 4 years, BTC accumulation is all I’m now after. Eyeing any alts atm?

>> No.25686813

I mean when you consider the scarcity of bitcoin it's not crazy to think it should be worth much more than it currently is. If you hold 1 BTC then you're in a very exclusive club that has a maximum membership of 21 million.

>> No.25686830

What’s Hal up to nowadays? Hopefully in good health

>> No.25686854

Can confirm, the weirdest date was in Sept. 2017 when china announced it might ban bitcoin (again)
Crashed from 4.5k to 3k just to be up at 4.5k again the next day and continue to run up to 20k

>> No.25686886

Right now I've been pretty lazy. I'm grateful to this board for showing me antshares (neo) and then chainlink while it was way under the radar.
Lately, the defi stuff (like yfi) I profess to know little about, but it looks very interesting. If I was starting from scratch I'd spend my time lurking there.

>> No.25686893

I don't plan on buying any, but Nano is a new cryptocurrency that is currently pumping. You can purchase on Kucoin. Nano.org

>> No.25686949


>> No.25686959

greentext your crypto journey pls

>> No.25686964
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>BTC dipped due to the particular news stories I cared about the other day

>> No.25687087

>mid 2012 buying expensive weed in person
>find out about SR, learn of bitcoin through that
>november 2012 send £1000 to a Japanese bank account called Tibanne Ltd for a £12.50 fee
>buy 144 bitcoin
>spend most all of this on drugs
>find bitcointalk.org
>lurk 15 hours a day for months
>end up becoming a convert, telling everyone bitcoin was going to $1000 someday
>get called a retard by friends and family
>accumulate several hundred and shitpost on g, helped create the containment board you are currently on

fast forward a few years and I've bought a few properties, paid off my brothers mortgage and helped my parents buy a new place

>> No.25687106

>This did not happen to this same degree during the last bull run and anyone that claims it did is lying
Well this time is different.

>> No.25687120

What are you talking about, everything is up

>> No.25687152
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>> No.25687167

This is literally me except I just used all the BTC on weed and MDMA/LSD.

Mined BTC to try get "free" drugs and gave up, formatted HDD like a year later. GG.

>> No.25687173

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.25687230

I need some advice please
I know I won't sell the top, but I'm torn between dca'ing out after 100k or just holding forever. I don't need the money for anything particular but a swing trade and buying back in a bear market might be my only real shot of ever accumulating a full coin.

>> No.25687233

fucking rip.
yeah it is actually painful thinking of the purchases i made back then. I specifically remember spending 33 bitcoin for 50g of MDMA once. worst part is it was for a trip to newcastle where we used it all in one weekend and half of it ended up on the dance floor. my mate then put in his drink.. good times

>> No.25687241

nice, hope you're still holding some bro

>> No.25687257

Dude, guys like the Mooch are grabbing it up.. Aren't you seeing this info or even looking for it?


>> No.25687268

Even lower considering how many dumbfucks found a way to lose wallets with hundreds of them inside.

>> No.25687293

I have made some terrible trades over the years, and my biggest losses have been trying to time the top and rebuying higher at a loss of bitcoin. I would say unless you are going to use the dollars for something you actually need/want, I would hold.

>> No.25687340

Thank you friend. Good luck

>> No.25687433
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thanks. you too mate.
we are all gonna make it

>> No.25687473

I know a guy who did this, he was super into computers and he was mining them back in the early days. Long story short, he kinda forgot that they where on a hard wallet, and it ended up in landfill. This was long before it took off, back before I even knew about BTC.

>> No.25687694

That guy either committed suicide or lives with depression.

>> No.25687715

yeah I remember that story. was back when btc was around £300

>> No.25687856

A lecturer of mine told me he had bought 100 euro worth back when they were pretty much cents to buy as he was a sketchy computer geek back in the day and one of the first buyers of them, his ancient computer shit the bed and he lost them all but didnt care too much because the value of them was so little, would have been a multi millionaire even by the time he told me this about 3 years ago, poor bastard is slaving away teaching till his piss poor retirement

>> No.25687864

Great posts dude. Nice to see some older guys still sticking about, level headed.

Is this a bad meme. He passed away years back.

>> No.25687951

Guys, If I buy this shit - it will drop more than 30%.
So every longing piece of shit owes me money, because I will buy it if you dont pay me.

>> No.25688100

nigga gonan get priced out

>> No.25688144

I remember still having 1btc worth on SR and it only being enough to not even buy drugs. Bought like some software keys or some shit. What a waste hhaha.

Ahh well. We all gonna make it eventually

>> No.25688174

Muh tether fud, total brainlet>>25684955
But yes op I’ve been here since 2015, the institutional meme finally came true

>> No.25688220
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“ Due to a strong demand in crypto and rising prices, Bitcoin Suisse reached the maximum capacity to cover fiat deposits according to their bank guarantees.”

Must be tether right? Kek

>> No.25688242

It doesn't even make sense, how can this not be a bubble? Greed will be the undoing of many at the end of this bull run - unless you really believe that shops will be taking bitcoin as standard in the next five years

>> No.25688271
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>one of the most significant political events of the last decade
>hurr durr who listens to news guise? hhaa

>> No.25688286
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>> No.25688298

It's like calling Tesla a ponzi. It's an overpriced asset, people just don't know the difference.

>> No.25688408
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i-is there gonna be an alt run