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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 214 KB, 729x823, Confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25686264 No.25686264 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterdays rumors are official now: Germany uses the IOTA tangle to immutably and GDPR compliant track Covid-19 test results. You get your personal test-results encrypted on the tangle and can access it and proof your results to others via QR-code.

>pic related

Another huge step in IOTA adoption, EU´s favorite child. I told you TECH WILL WIN.

>> No.25686283

OK holy shit

>> No.25686318

Vechain also having a share of this:

>> No.25686322

Lition was also confirmed and look where we are. All in. FML

>> No.25686328
File: 31 KB, 735x669, Proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#UBIRCH data-transactions appear on the tangle. You can use https://thetangle.org/ to browse the tangle and verify yourself

>> No.25686427

ATM the market is 99% speculation because companies don't buy tokens due to losing regulation (only exception so far btc). IOTAs tangle now gets mostly used for feeless data transactions, not for value. However this way IOTA technology gets their foot in the door. When regulations come,IIOTA will alreadybbe wwidespread

>> No.25686447
File: 80 KB, 316x592, More proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verification page now shows IOTA logo

>> No.25686463

You retards are fucking stupid.
>imagine formulating a plot to make biz buy logistics shitcoins just because they’re assisting with coof. Good luck holding garbage me.

>> No.25686497
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IOTA is literally alien tech. If you cant beat them, join them

>> No.25686565

So? As a german i can tell you to fuckin run if we touch stuff. This country is fucked beyond repair...we cant manage jackshit. And btw, we have local goverments that still use typewriter instead of PCs since Digital stuff is Voodoo for them

>> No.25686634
File: 21 KB, 379x197, Permissionless adoption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA foundation didnt even know about this adoption. Free IOTA protocol used by companies and state actors.

>> No.25686712

Already 350.000 Covid test results stored on the tangle

>> No.25686736

Which government is that?, any examples?

>> No.25686767

Just here, counting the day until Tesla have iota wallet on their cars

>> No.25686773

choo choo

>> No.25686778

it's just a matter of time before people finally understand IOTA is the real deal

>> No.25686793

Iota copers make me chuckle

>> No.25686800

but but but .. iota is a scam, right?

>> No.25686825

Ok, holy shit that's big news!

>> No.25686850

This is a hidden use-case even IF did not know about. Imagine how many hidden use-cases are there for every use-case that sees the light of day? Those who did not at least buy some IOTA will regret this for the rest of their lives.

>> No.25686852

the German government spent 20 mill or sth on a shitty smartphone covid tracking app that doesnt even work. Im not surprised they would go for meme tech like IOTA lol theyre retarded, out of touch boomers

>> No.25686859

this is real world adoption in your face

>> No.25686883
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>> No.25686950
File: 32 KB, 428x327, 1610042501755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is a scam and every company that uses it fell for that scam. And the German government. And Canada, Japan, Taiwan... its a scam right? Guys?

>> No.25686954

IOTA literally doesn't work.

The NEtwork is BORKENfjkdsa

you faggots are so dumb jesus christ

>> No.25687073

where buy? not on uniswap what’s up with that, these guys are really behind the 8 ball !

>> No.25687074

yeh it does't work... much retard?

it only already registered 350k covid test certifications, next to 1000s of other data integrity stuff.

IOTA is one of the most adopted and stable platform out there, next to Ethereum and Cardano. Wake up anon.

>> No.25687085

13x just to old ath, all in

>> No.25687086

So you mean we're at bottom level and the more IOTA repair the network, the more the coin will e worth?

That's bullish asf

>> No.25687090
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>> No.25687130

EU: Bitfinex, Omoku, Bitpanda, Anycoin direct
US: Bitfinex

More exchanges after Chrysalis update Q1

>> No.25687139


>> No.25687151

Although still better than ETH, Vechain still has fees. If you process tens of thousands of travelers daily, do you want to have fees?

>> No.25687207
File: 49 KB, 1032x796, chrome_2021-01-08_12-08-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kills the IOTAfags

>> No.25687224

So tldr is token not needed

>> No.25687242

not for usage of IOTA.
But token use cases will go up this year.

They are needed for mana generation after coordicide, colored coins, and smart contracts.

>> No.25687259
File: 567 KB, 4000x4000, NAxm7wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesnt read news
>He only thinks about the past, never future
>He thinks pnd is organic adoption
>He buys at ATH because then the chart looks good
>He never buys low before normies FOMO in

>> No.25687281

Valueless chain to decentralize valueless processes. Bearish AF

>> No.25687295

No company is using ANY kind of token atm because companies need regulations. Feeless data-transactions are the Trojan horse that makes IOTA de-facto standard, used everywhere. Once regulations come in, the bomb goes off.

>> No.25687324

jeez your bags must be rancid by now
iota will never function

>> No.25687359
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>> No.25687389
File: 1.57 MB, 320x240, GOOD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You took the yellow line and it doesn't move,

Now explain how it kills the coin

>> No.25687412

it already functions.

check yourself

>> No.25687498
File: 34 KB, 602x257, tangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bags suck ass, when can I sell them.

>> No.25687594

Even if its true no tokens needed.

>> No.25687676

you don't get it.

if IOTA get's adopted smart contracts and mana will be part of ecosystem. This is next to doing regular value tx on the network.

You all need tokens for this.

>> No.25687698

Yes and?

>> No.25687925

This means token price will rise. Chrysalis update Q1 and Coordizide Q3 will be a BOMB each

>> No.25687950
File: 679 KB, 640x950, 1610042567167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the level of foresight of /biz

>> No.25688002

No it doesn't.
The foresight is knowing that IOTA is still a poorly designed centralized shit and that some dudes using it for one particular purpose that has nothing to do with the market doesn't change that

>> No.25688051

don't have words to describe your ignorance.

just don't buy it this year, do you promise?

>> No.25688087

Kek, nice meme.

>> No.25688089

How about you actually read on these things.
I bet you're one of the idiots who thought it was the solution to BTC scalability years ago.

I'm never buying it. If you want to trade it be my guest, it may go up or it may not as the project "advances" and with the bull run, but it has no holding future.

>> No.25688106

If you read the fine print it's not on the IOTA network. It's some private use case bullshit, which is why the IOTA team didn't know about it.

>> No.25688118

Want one of this with bitcoin.

>> No.25688141
File: 203 KB, 1491x751, Youre wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SIEMENS: 47 patents
INTEL: 16 patents
HP: 16 patents
Innogy: 29 patents
+ hundreds of others


>> No.25688179

Pajeets in full damage control right now?
They are literally telling otherwise.
>Our public anchors are in the main tangle for broad trust.
Cope and seethe.

>> No.25688185

Dude its litereally on the main tangle, check yourself: https://thetangle.org/
search for UBIRCH transactions. 350.000 found

>> No.25688194

no, I follow the exact development of IOTA and trying both Chrysalis and Coordicide testnets.

You talk about things without be up-to-date, which is just plain stupid.

>> No.25688468
File: 111 KB, 914x609, 1610041044205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are oblivious about IOTA because it's alien technology, goes completely over their heads

>> No.25688532

I think it was Munich that switched their entire system to Linux and then swapped to windows a few years after

>> No.25688741

"some dudes" lol.
If Dell, Jaguar Land Rover, STM and al lot of governments around the world including, Germany, japan, Canada, Taiwan and others are "Some dudes" for you than yeah, I would rather go them instead of some random ass on the internet xD

>> No.25688874

> the same shit as in 2017 mUh bMw pArTnERSHIPPHPHOIHP
> you're falling for it again
> IOTA did NOTHING meaningful in 3 years, but right when the bullmarket starts they are fucking back! definitely NOT a cashgrab

you pajeets... you are full of shit

>> No.25688967



compare all your "partnerships" with chainlink

if iota was that good and important, shouldn't you have neverending partnerships with everyone jumping on board like motherfucking chainlink?


and you know why? because iota is a shitcoin + a shit project with selfsucking anal fisting mongoloids

>> No.25688972
File: 749 KB, 760x862, IOTAliens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25688977

this is a shitcoin and i have been holding these bags for close to three years. i am selling everything today, stop me faggots.

>> No.25689040

you gotta be quick though, there might be an network outage soon, AGAIN

>> No.25689068
File: 66 KB, 577x433, iotadoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they have neverending partnershios with everyone jumping on board?

Check here: https://iotaarchive.com/companies

1397 unique entities are on the IOTA train, including
SIEMENS: 47 patents
INNOGY: 29 patents
HP: 16 patents
INTEL: 16 patents
and so on

Government and EU2020 partnerships
and so on

I dont know man, you seem salty

>> No.25689086

> among others

>> No.25689137

Yeah, and where have all those hundreds of "interested companies with patents" got you? Ah that's right, from an ATH of $5 to $0.3 during a bull run, because everyone knows it's useless and has no future.

Cool, enjoy your bags.

>> No.25689211

Buy low sell high fren. Chrysalis update coming Q1

>> No.25689220

Oh yeah the revolution

>> No.25689523

You bought in at the ATH didn't you?

>> No.25689659

Wow, I used to be sceptic towards this project but this is something real...

>> No.25689867

no, i actually made quite a lot of money in 2017 with this shitcoin, but:

> rule#1: don't fall in love with your assets
> rule#2: iota is shit
> rule#3: the chart tells a different story you pajeet bagholders

>> No.25689924
File: 81 KB, 1501x813, BuT IOTA iS dEaD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech will win

>> No.25689995

> tech does not always win
all the eth killers would've taken over already. mUh cHeApEr fEeS, mUh mOrE tX

>> No.25690060

>pauses coordinator

>> No.25690336

Oh give it a rest you dope.
IOTA has been working hard for years now. If you actually followed the project you would have seen the progress amd dedication that has gone into it.
Autisticly screeching 'IOTA bad!' Any times it comes up, because that's what biz tells you to say, is pathetic.
At least have credible FUD before making a post you fucking chode

>> No.25690387

Anon, give proof that you actually followed the project. Dedication?
I've been following, and their coordicide plan with 6 modules looks like an ugly spaghetti code mess. I see no elegance or clear breakout in their research. what is your opinion?

>> No.25690702

that's what I thought

>> No.25690765

spaghetti code? how you checked goshimmer code? is it spaghetti?

You talk fucking bullshit man.

>> No.25690786

Do you even read their newest announcements? They have a clear plan which they are following. Chrysalis part 2 will bring most of the tech that will enable coordicide later on easily. It's not that hard.
Also, there's a lot of research going on in the background (PANTOS, TU WIEN anyone?)

>> No.25690846

But since you're probably too lazy to even do your own research, let me help you.

>> No.25690851

German here. When our governments use something it is a good sign to drop that shit. The fuckers are so incompetent, recently they fucked up thousands of batches of Corona vaccine by storing them in camping cooling boxes.

>> No.25690886

>recently they fucked up thousands of batches of Corona vaccine by storing them in camping cooling boxes
Implying that's a bad thing.

>> No.25690892


Dudes, I ask for your opinion, not you attacking me. Show me what you understood, I may have missed something. But I've seen nothing brilliant yet.

> They have a clear plan which they are following
> how you checked goshimmer code? is it spaghetti?
> there's a lot of research going on in the background
Be real

>> No.25690905

>merkel uses iota

>> No.25690958

When did I attack you personally, lmao?
Also, my opinion is that IOTA is on track to actually deliver on everything DLT stands for. Fully decentralization, zero fees, smart contracts, and a new proof-of-stake variant (mana), etc. 2021 will be the biggest year in terms of progress for IOTA definitely, 100%.
They have all their shit already on their testnet, just mana missing and some other stuff basically.

>> No.25691013

And in more IRRELEVANT news ...

>> No.25691049

yeah I abuse that word, but meant like asking me if I've read stuff, when I ask you that specifically.
>Also, my opinion is that IOTA is on track to actually deliver on everything DLT stands for. Fully decentralization, zero fees, smart contracts, and a new proof-of-stake variant (mana), etc. 2021 will be the biggest year in terms of progress for IOTA definitely, 100%.
They have all their shit already on their testnet, just mana missing and some other stuff basically.
Like, I guess you are balls deep invested, but if you can be objective, what makes you think they will deliver? 100%? why so much confidence?

>> No.25691173

I'm one of the lucky ones that invested at around 10 cents back when corona hit the market hard.
I've been interested in IOTA before then as well though. The thing about IOTA compared to the rest is simple, they go hardcore on regulations and official bodies. They already work with a lot of government projects and they build their protocol not to just push the price speculation wise but instead for their partners who eagerly await chrysalis part 2 release so IOTA will be literally enterprise ready.
The price of IOTA will not be going high through speculation instead it will go high through adoption. And like I said they have most of their stuff already on the testnet.
https://blog.iota.org/iota-research-status-update-january-2021/ Newest status update just released yesterday.
So again, they will deliver because their partners need them to deliver, that's it basically. (TM Forum anyone?)

>> No.25691834

yes it is
so is volkswagen cheaters
audio all being left behind

There is a very good reason TSLA beats them all
Germany is a dying sick man of europe

They fall for simple scams of a belorussian redneck

>> No.25691887


IOTA Network down for weeks no body notices
IOTA network halts trading due to double spends happening, no one can sell for week
generated TONS of bagolders
all you do here is looking to dump your bags faggot

>> No.25691909

So Zebra (American company) and the Japanese government also scam, seems legit.

>> No.25691935

2017 back at it again, LMFAO.
Go home, pajeet.
>unironically posting that monstrosity of a forehead
We reach retard levels which shouldn't be possible.

>> No.25691987

its for business use, not fucking charity

>> No.25692032

This is seriously huge considering this fake virus is going to be used to control everyone for the unforeseeable future. Great news.

>> No.25692271

These Anons are all in the same room rn shilling this shitcoin thread.

>> No.25692324

just because its used doesnt mean it will pump anon

>> No.25692421

IOTA has fees, too. Because things have to be confirmed. There is no completely free system.

>> No.25692607

bitch, you can dump your shittokens on somebody else

>> No.25692615
File: 594 KB, 758x505, 1610097740179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god the absolute state of /biz

Fees = You pay a third party to confirm your transaction

IOTA = A node confirms your transaction for selffish reasons (to generate MANA). Until coordizide you confirm your own transcation.

Do you really think anybody would pay 100 Million times ETH fees just to store Covid test results? Fees are a DEALBREAKER for adoption. Thats why IOTA will win.

>> No.25692688
File: 59 KB, 500x367, 2020-05-11 22.59.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a special kind of retard if you compare iota to eth

ethereum plays in a different league son

>> No.25692724
File: 32 KB, 720x522, 1609075578806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how people are stuck with 2017 FUD and cannot adjust to proven reality like op. IOTA is alientech, to hard to grasp for normies

>> No.25692749

kek why is it dumping then?

>> No.25692767

so aliens are advocates for double spend? nice, guess bitcoin must be galaxy tech then

>> No.25693225
File: 50 KB, 380x430, bigboiiota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25693287
File: 75 KB, 1053x592, EDTiO2cX4AAdAty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak FUD, never heard of double spends and Im following closely. Show source or BTFO

>> No.25693577

Wtf are you on about? I'm from the Netherlands and we use Germany as an example for how Europe should be.

>> No.25693680

those pajeet farm memes are so fucking soulless how are you not embarrassed posting them
are we supposed to not realize that some pajeet is making them for 5 bucks an hour

>> No.25694519

He's so desperate about hating IOTA, that he will retroactively call everything bullshit that it touches.
USA using IOTA?
>Shithole country, falling empire
China using IOTA?
Germany using IOTA?
>Government bad

>> No.25694818
File: 240 KB, 2048x1068, 1609876066345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just how some people are

>> No.25695739
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