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25674232 No.25674232 [Reply] [Original]

how do i stop being a coomer

>> No.25674269

Don't get on this site. People post trigger photos and webms all the time.

>> No.25674303

Stop valuing material pleasure so much by seeking the higher spiritual pleasures. Read the Bible and go to Church.

>> No.25674337

>Read the bible
No thanks.

>> No.25674372

Unironically by praying the Rosary.

>> No.25674421

love to see it

>> No.25674520

This, but desu it's gonna be close to impossible unless you can physically remove all electronics for a week or a month

>> No.25674555

No God, no morality. Go talk to your local bishop.

>> No.25674574

Just stop masturbating lol not that hard.

>> No.25674600
File: 34 KB, 325x325, 20210101_234230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should confuse your boner

>> No.25674625

take testosterone blockers

>> No.25674628

Christ said not to pray in vain repetitions in chapter 6 of matthew

>> No.25674721

this is completely meaningless coming from someone on this website

>> No.25674728

boner not confused

>> No.25674772

How is it in vain if they are actually struggling to stop cooming? Asking for God’s help is never a problem and it never will be a problem. That verse refers to prayers for material objects and superfluous desires.

>> No.25674931

>how do i stop being a coomer

research the damage masturbation can do (to your mind, dopamine system, motivation, testosterone, hairline, morals, mindset, priorities and lifestyle), worked for me

>> No.25675041

Was actually raised Roman Catholic. Realized its just a bunch of self-righteous everyday people/pedos in robes telling you to repent for your existence and to pay them weekly for doing so. Turns out the your weekly donation is just used as hush money for victims of said pedos in robes. Morality comes from within. Christianity is just glorified virtue signaling.

>> No.25675123
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Whatever you say, boomer

>> No.25675244

Find a purpose in your life. Take something that is relatively "healthy" (def not cooming) and make a side job or a hobby out of it. I've been trying to stop jerking off for 4 years now and the only thing that really fixed my fucked up coping behavior if filling my time with other productive fun things.

Once you understand this, you're set for success. But maybe you don't know what you really like, that's fine anon, we will all go through the oblivion to truly find what our purpose is. Spend some time with yourself, no time playing video games and watch tv is not time yourself. Real time with yourself is when you have no distractions and you're introspective, the easiest way to get there is to meditate.

Love you anon, you will get through this soul-sucking addiction <3

>> No.25675308

Cringe af but partly true

>> No.25675319

Realize that you have it within you to not coom. it is not a physiological addictionb where you will face withdrawals. you just have to forcefully say NO to the temptation. Do not give the devil a foothold, there is no acceptable level of voluntary viewing of pornography or other lewd media except for 0. you have to just STOP totally and completely, NO watching soft core then images etc, you have to just STOP and never look at it again

>> No.25675343

i wish they didnt have to do all these retarded masculine unfeminine nigger dances

>> No.25675352

>1 post by this ID
Probably cooming as we speak

>> No.25675404

Get a wife
Start cooming in her
Realize that the pill is a Jew created mind control drug so get her off the pill, start cooming in condoms
Realize condoms feel like shit
Start cooming in your wife again
Have a kid
Never COOM again

>> No.25675406

Why do people do this

>> No.25675444


>> No.25675460

Christ is king

>> No.25675508

Being a coomer is not a problem. Watching porn is.
Stop watching porn, and you'll be better.

>> No.25675577

Red Bali kratom stare at stock charts all day

>> No.25675732


>> No.25675814

I'm on a 3 months+ NoFap streak right now.
There's no magic to it. A few days before the end of September 2020 I simply stopped fapping.
Can't see myself returning to it anytime soon.

>> No.25675854

Go out for a walk everytime you have an urge. Works for me

>> No.25676018

wrong board?

>> No.25676291

NoFap is fucking dumb. Jacking off is good for you. It's porn that rots the brain and should be avoided. Nothing wrong with healthy masturbation.

>> No.25676319
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 24A922FA-672B-45BD-BB45-F79F34A2EC12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try to understand that God is better than the best thing. God is better than the best thing the world has to offer. Sex is a sacred energy exchange and when you do have sex in its intended form you are the closest you can possibly be to Godhood because you are creating life. When you coom you are wasting VITAL energy and nutrients from your body. It is quite possible that you are wasting your actual lifeforce which cannot simply be replaced with supplements or whatever tricks you might think of. You are wasting your time, energy, and ultimately your life. You are setting behavioral patterns in your brain that will make it more difficult to succeed in the future. Today I will pray for you anon. You can do it. Take control.

>> No.25676386

You can't get rich if you have some kind of addiction in your way

>> No.25676422


>> No.25676431

Attention grabber, crab bucket, coomers themselves mainly

>> No.25676518

Samething happened to me. I stumbled but I just broke through it all one day. Maybe someone is praying for me.