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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2566620 No.2566620 [Reply] [Original]

cesar millan = whales
food = gains
dog = /biz/

>> No.2566654

/biz/ btfo

>> No.2566919
File: 972 KB, 576x720, 1497837628366.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gains = pig
man = /biz/
woman = whales

>> No.2566931

Why did he hit that doge :(

>> No.2566972

because it was trying to get gains it was not allowed to have

>> No.2566998

That's a big pig

>> No.2567077
File: 2.00 MB, 324x191, cat bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat = Whales manipulating the market
Bird = /biz/ trying to make gains on a market manipulated by whales

>> No.2567362

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.2567401
File: 49 KB, 470x706, Bane_TDKR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2567432

why would you hit a dog
dogs aren't pack animals that respond to dominance, we bred that out of them, they are human oriented animals
hitting the dog will just make it scared and angry :C

>> No.2567445

literally not true in the slightest

>> No.2567571
File: 2.83 MB, 640x360, shitty dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dancing area = market
woman = competent investors
steven seagal = /biz/

>> No.2568186

But you literally see it responding to dominance right there. He starts baring his teeth, which is how canines try to establish dominance ("look at these teeth, I'm gonna use them to fuck you up if you don't back down right now"). Wolfboy over there doesn't back down, so doge realizes he might actually not be the alpha around and that he's better off being a beta than a dead dog who dreamt of being top dog.

Also, he didn't actually hit it. If he did, it would have escalated into violence instead of a dominance dispute.

>> No.2568360

Ian Dunbar is better than that spic trash Cesar Millan.

>> No.2568430

Dogs respond better to positive reinforcement training you fucking philistine pieces of shit. Read Ian Dunbar and learn principles behind clicker training.

Dogs do not even descend from wolves but common ancestors.

Dogs who live in the wild are scavengers that form temporary organizations to get food. They aren't like wolves who form pacts they stay with whole life with strict hierarchy.

>> No.2568499

Dogs don't think in terms of alpha. Only inbred trash believes that. Like i've said, read Ian Dunbar.

>> No.2568543

nobody cares you retard. you're wrong which is why the dog directly responded to dominance. fuck off

>> No.2568572
File: 2.58 MB, 480x270, iguana vs snakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2568586

And how would you train that dog with positive reinforcement? To reinforce good behavior, you need some form of good behavior to be present in the first place.

>> No.2568609

lmao perfect

>> No.2568634

>TFW when you think you have those gains locked in and then it all goes to shit.

>> No.2568658

>And how would you train that dog with positive reinforcement

how about throw the ball for the dog all day long, just throw the ball like ten thousand times until its exhausted, give it some water and food and pet it, don't slap the dogs face while its eating

fucking low IQ "pack mentality" faggots, i would hit you shits before i hit a dog

>> No.2568673

And what if it doesn't give a shit about the ball?

>> No.2568711

god you are retarded

>> No.2568779

whyd he interrupt that puppers meal tho

>> No.2568824


Read a book. You use treats and clicker in a positive reinforcement paradigm. Read Ian Dunbar like I've said.

Dogs absolutely do not learn for dominance and making yourself seem alpha, knuckle-heads.

>> No.2568849

No. A clicker isn't going to work on a dog who's that aggressive.

>> No.2568859

You use treats, fucking idiot.

Let's say you use cue to make dog sit. In the beginning you guide him to sit, but you must keep cue consistent. Each time he sits after cue, you click on your clicker and then give him a treat. You give the cue, he sits, click, immediately give treat, couple of times. It's called positive reinforcement training and science shows it is more effective than making the dog think you are alpha.

I recommend reading a good book not by spics. Ian Dunbar for example..

>> No.2568916

Well you're not the Dog Whisperer so checkmate bitch

>> No.2568933

Yeah, I know how it fucking works. You try to put the dog into a situation where it exhibits a behavior you want to encourage, then you reward it to reinforce that behavior. Which is completely dependent on the dog being able to exhibit something at least resembling the behavior you want to encourage. This is not one of those dogs. He wouldn't just wait for you to give you a treat, he'd jump up and try to pull the bag out of your hand instead of exploring ways to make you willingly give it to him.

>> No.2569092

You gain trust slowly then, not through making the dog fear you, which is not real training. He's not really learning through bein hit, just being submissive through fear. The whole point of positive reinforcement is to gain trust. With puppies, the trust is gained faster, but for older dogs that were abused in the past, the trust is gained more slowly. Never hit the dog though, it is counterproductive as studies show.

Ian Dunbar actually has a degree and more experience than that spic Cesar, stupid philistine scum.

>> No.2569576

>he's not learning he's just behaving better, there's a difference!

yeah ok buddy. pretty sure you are actually this ian dunbar cuck at this point anyway.

>> No.2569724

>Dog jumps on you to get treat
>Don't give him the treat
>Eventually he gets tired and stops
>Give him the treat for stopping
Congrats you've taken the first step in teaching your pupper not to jump on people.

>T. My dog was abused/neglected as a puppy and required extensive training

>> No.2570066

Is animal planet back to being good again?

>> No.2570122

What is the clicker training equivalent of making good trades anon?