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File: 1 KB, 300x168, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2566246 No.2566246 [Reply] [Original]

Ethillionaire here
Shill me your bags and i may buy them if i like them enough

>> No.2566291

no, fuck you

>> No.2566428

You are the first nigger i met whos jelly about his heavy bags, what is it faggot, didnt dump dgb at the right time and now you are stucked with it?

>> No.2566431
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it by sending me 5 eth. If you are the whale you claim to be this is nothing to you.


>> No.2566486

Get a fuckin job nigger

>> No.2566519

Buy litecoin for the pleb influx that is destined to happen any time now, they'll see the low price of ltc on coinplebase and buy it up. Only a matter of time

>> No.2566548

plot twist: the bags are actually your eth

>> No.2566569

Purchased them when they were 0.97, i wouldnt call them bags.
Own them already.

>> No.2566592

show proof or fuck off you faggot

>> No.2566616

41.16 ethereum is all I got, I wanted to buy some litecoin yesterday but luckily I didn't


>> No.2566632

like i should prove my wealth to some pajeet on the internet

>> No.2566638

lost the most of eth in a enormous dip
would be great


>> No.2566645
File: 19 KB, 500x500, Synereo-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I'm shitposting from work. On a serious note Synereo is very interesting. Crypto Patreon with incentives for users to discover and share content. Have my eye on it personally.

>> No.2566690

Synero you say.

Beta opens the 30th.

Shill me a bit more on this pls. I wanna ride a wave early

>> No.2566774


until you show no proof you are the pajeet here. or even worse a attention seeking neckbeard who needs the attention of some people on the internet and make them believe he actually achieved something in life, so he doesn't need to cry himself into sleep this night, like every other night because he just is an immense failure to his parents, who wished they had aborted him.

>> No.2566811

Even 1 would be freaking amazing for me!


>> No.2566827

Will look into it

>> No.2566834

you dont hold over 1 million ether, larping faggot

>> No.2566837

Please send ETH so I can buy more LTC 0xe555f71e61629594a545874788c6c69af6f6837d

>> No.2566852

Thats a poor attempt for a nigger as you to get some free eth faggot, since the only i want is some anon to shill me some unknown coin you have no hope

>> No.2566873


thanks for confirming you are a beta

>> No.2566882
File: 3.31 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 ETH is 1 rent for me. So you buy my girlfriend a hollyday.
Thanks :)

>> No.2566887

No, but the amount of eth i hold is worth well above a million dollar

>> No.2566905

Let them shill themselves: https://www.synereo.com

From their blog:

"Amplifying content with Synereo’s Qrator isn’t just a form of tipping or a voluntary payment for information received for free. Amplifying means teaming up with a content creator and becoming their partner.

After choosing the desired amount of AMPs to be invested in a piece of content, Qrator generates a unique link, associated with your account, which you can then share on social networks or otherwise distribute as you see fit.

Your friends and followers, clicking on the link, will be directed to this content embedded in the Qrator site and presented with the option to Amplify and share it as well. If they choose to do so, a share of the AMPs invested by them will be credited to you and to the person you discovered the content through, while a significant part will be handed to the original content creator. The more AMPs you invest in the content, and the more traction you create, the higher will be your reward from future Amplifications.
From the Creator side of the game, there’s the ability to place a bounty on their content – collected by users who can distribute it successfully, bringing views, subscriptions, and Amplifications. This allows the Creator to break the boundaries of his organic reach, Amplifying their work in the traditionalSynereo sense."

Has white paper.

It's a platform for user based support with kickbacks for discovering content. Direct donations for content works with an incentive and my favorite podcast the No Agenda show. They offer producer credits, on air note reading and shout outs, titles and rings for hitting one time or lifetime amounts. If people can pay to support good content, get themselves attention for sharing good content AND make money doing it, I can see it finding a nice niche. Really big fan of the project.

>> No.2566908
File: 98 KB, 1100x300, 1491169688285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you are not an ethillionaire, you massive nigger faggot

and you have yet to prove anythang, DESU

>> No.2566923

bet your girlfriend has slept with other men before meeting you

bet you didn't burst her hymen

fucking cuck

>> No.2566935

Also that blog post is work safe. No clue why the URL says NSFW.

>> No.2566946

Jelly or what is your problem jew?

>> No.2566976

ark.io, it solves tx scaling plaguing ETH, serves as a cross-blockchain platform, has a solid team, enough financing and a promising roadmap; Q3 will shoot it into up to dance among the stars

mister president please tear down those sell walls starting with the one at 30ksats (bittrex)

>> No.2567026

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna. Limited seats available.

>> No.2567063

Already holding :)