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25667826 No.25667826 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfag new biz fag here trying to really save and turn around my financial situation for good.
I put 400$ into BTC last night when it was at 37k. I'm set to have about $3k total to invest within about 30 days I'll have it.

I guess I'm here asking for the spicy stuff..I know I'll get some eth, but I'm stuck between LCX, RSR, HEX, or Polka as my 3rd and final investment with about $3,500 total. Or should I choose two? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

Also side question, what wallets should I use? Mainly to aquire LCX or RSR a coin that I can't seem to find on Coinbase Pro. So far I have CB pro and Blockfolio setup, but it seems I need something else. I was recommended Uniswap, but unsure.

Thanks anons, greatly appreciated, really.

>> No.25667886
File: 127 KB, 1070x826, 20210105_060919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ada for quick gainz. Thats like steroids. Lcx for slow gains natural holders.

>> No.25667922
File: 45 KB, 900x450, bitbean-coin-cryptocurrency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rsr will take a while. Hex is similiar to ada, you can jump on that shit and then come back to reconsider your position again.

>> No.25667956

Avoid HEX complete scam. Also what made you pull the trigger on crypto now and not before.

>> No.25667960
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90% Bitcoin
10% mina protocol

>> No.25667966
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Polka is like ethereum, mid stage project, nice and steady.

>> No.25668066

Poorfag with bad habits.
I'll be 22 this month and it's time to turn my life around, finances being my biggest lack.
I'm selling off my /k/ larp gear and other shit, to get about $3,000 more soon to invest and hopefully turn things around. I started saving, stopped eating out, my son will be 1 the day after my birthday so it's really time to get serious.
I've been reading around here and I'm committed to just learning now.
Thanks everyone.

>> No.25668323
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Its not everyone, only me. If you are stupid you should:
Buy at lows and mids. Sell at huge tops. Dont try to time the market, invest slowly. Start stacking btc. Learn how to spot pajeets. Hold btc ezh until you know what you want to jump on. Pajeets shilling shitcoins attack you, old fags make fun of you, learn the difference..

>> No.25668414
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Just dont do anything stupid. Some of the best investors are those that bought btc and checked back in 4 years. Many poorfags lost more money with gambling on shitcoins.

>> No.25668541

BUY and hodl lcx its gona pay but gotta be patient

>> No.25668550

Where did you find mina?

>> No.25669701
File: 106 KB, 998x764, 20210107_180105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where do u get mina?

>> No.25669933

>last night when it was at 37k. I'm set to have about $3k total to invest within about 30 days I'll have it.
>I guess I'm here asking for the spicy stuff..I know I'll get some eth, but I'm stuck between LCX, RSR, HEX, or Polka as my 3rd a

Was going to say this. I'm 50 50 ADA LCX will be my go to bag dump for the next 12 months