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File: 18 KB, 407x229, Poklonskaya-407x229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25666226 No.25666226 [Reply] [Original]

Where can i buy a russian bride? Anons, don't leave me hanging with this. i don't buy real estate.

>> No.25666308

You can't buy love

>> No.25666354

i am not interested in love

>> No.25666404

Everyone you get online will end up using you entirely and will not be that pretty.
However, if you get your balls in your hand and show some courage by going directly to the Ukraine or anywhere in Russia but Moscow, you’ll get a bride that will be all over you for free and loyal out of fear of losing you. Even if you’re ugly
Online you’ll get scammed one way or another. Either immediately or in 10 years

>> No.25666578

Literally just visit some ex-Soviet country. Not only will you experience a great time traveling, but ~70% of the grills will want you. I consider myself a 7/10 white latino fag and went there back in 2018 and 2019 and had sloots literally beg me to meet them on tinder of all places.

Dont fuck around online, just go there once you have the chance.

Grills aside Ukraine/Russia is a great place to visit at least once. 10/10 would recommend

>> No.25666579

"Russian bride"... KEK

>> No.25666629

russians are insane, and not in a fun way
you would come to regret it

>> No.25666660

And they blow up into fat babooshkas at 40

>> No.25666894

But they make very tasty kompots, so thats that

>> No.25666969

My wife is Russian. I can only tell you that after testing a Russian woman, European or American women will never attract you.

>> No.25667002

just order russian bride(male)
or use fucking tinder you literal retard

>> No.25667028
File: 54 KB, 333x475, 51DN5VT367L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't take my advice, but you should think about buying a sex doll and using that for the next 4 or 5 years because companion bot Ai is coming that will make your "Live Bride" look like absolute trash. Women are going to be absolutely BTFO within the next 5 years, you'll see. (The sex doll maker I recommend is Gynoid Tech out of China)

>> No.25667033

нигдe, google it

>> No.25667061

You cant buy Mommy! FUCK YU

>> No.25667084

god americans are dumb

>> No.25667120

Tell us more anon, how did you meet? I'm curious as I'm sick and tired of women in Europe.

>> No.25667183
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Natalya, she's straight from Vladivostok, 45 years-old and ready for love!

>> No.25667209

>i don't buy real estate.
Real estate appreciates with time, women depreciate.

>> No.25667262

Holy FUCK anon, you weren't kidding..

>> No.25667306

Russian women are finest

>> No.25667326
File: 48 KB, 648x674, 1609718875283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many DIA for a quick scratch at that brapper?

>> No.25667332

She looks like Russian secret police.

>> No.25667350


Free degree (including 1 year of learning Russian), free accommodation, and a monthly stipend.

>> No.25667446

Then you are buying risk.

>> No.25667514


Yeah, they go by Gynoid Tech or RZR DOLL on Youtube. Not many videos, but they are probably the best on the market right now

>> No.25667526

Love(the brain chemicals) lasts only 6-7years and yes, that's a proven scientific fact.

>> No.25667636

So you need to calculate how much profit you get from it in 6-7 years.
Profit/risk ratio is important, and no love means there is less profit for more risk (eg, bought wife have a boyfriend from the russian mafia, and they kidnap the buyer for his crypto).

>> No.25667822

Hope AMD makes a 128 core CPU that can mimic women.

>> No.25668543

a friend's father had severe manic/depression
he bagged a russki import
it took a ton of back & forth to russia etc

>> No.25668934
File: 47 KB, 617x900, 20201026_002430_jpg-1654247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As contrasted with Amerilard girls, who blow up into fat pink-haired hamplanets by the time they are 15.

>> No.25669428
File: 1.18 MB, 1728x2592, 1604827013322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, what is your citizenship and what country do you reside in? These will largely determine whether a Russian woman will marry you out of economic self-interest or not.

Assuming you are from the U.S., western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, or maybe even Canada, you have some chance as long as you can afford her.

You will have to pay a large chunk of cash up front to bring her to your country -- you have to visit her in person, you have to pay for her visa, you have to pay for her flight over. Communications costs add up as well.

If you are an Amerifat, you have to prove to your government that you have enough cash to support her for five years, or prove sufficient income for at least the last three. Cash in the bank has to be at least $125K the last time I looked, or income needs to be a minimum of $35K.

She won't be allowed to work for at least the first year, maybe two. If she does anyway and they catch her, she will be deported. She is not an illegal Mexican who can get away with that shit, they don't want her and they don't like you getting around the gyno-mafia with a foreign wife.

Anyway, if you do all of that, you ALSO have to sign a support declaration guaranteeing that you will pay her a minimum of $1200 per month (this changes annually and is linked to the poverty level income) for the next ten years if you divorce and she remains in the U.S. (You can deduct one month for every month that she works a job at a high enough pay rate to pay into Social Security -- but see above about her not being allowed to work for the first two years.)

Yes, I've looked into it. Thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto, I am finally in a position to be able to go find one myself.

Anyway, if you go through with it all, you can find a hot slut who will drain your balls any time you want. Or you can find a money-grubbing leech who will destroy your life. A lot depends on how carefully you check her out before selecting her. Good luck.

>> No.25669618

If you take a foreign bride to America you fucked up. Now she has the power to take half your shit and you can’t do anything about it. Either be a king in a poor white country or be cucked by the state in a rich “white” country. She doesn’t need you anymore once you take her out of poverty.

>> No.25669698

Tinder doesn't work you dumbass, the girls only want professional atheletes.

>> No.25669839

then why does my 5'6 filipino friend get 100's of matches

>> No.25669907

Most based post I read this week.

>> No.25669928
File: 3.19 MB, 6938x4600, giant natalya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy <3

>> No.25669978

>wants to die alone

>> No.25669979

>come to regret

Sex is the worlds scarcist economic resoruce, you can't regret that.

>> No.25670079
File: 33 KB, 360x450, BrapFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me of my childhood
Take form of, gross old hoore.

>> No.25670359

Matches != quality

>> No.25670672

Forgot to add, if she already has any children, you will have to increase the amount of cash on hand or income. It's about 25% of the amount per child.

Also note, you will have to sign that $1200/mo support agreement per child as well. I'm not sure if in the event of a divorce that can be used to offset additional judge-ordered child support or not. Note that you WILL have to support the children after divorce even though they aren't yours.

Needless to say, unless you're a multimillionaire, marrying a foreign bride with existing children is a fast track to the poorhouse if she dumps you. Literally $28,800/year if she has just one, $43,200/year if she already has two.

Thanks. I've gotten destroyed repeatedly in life. If BTC crashes I may as well kill myself, it's already pretty much too late but there's at least a little chance still.

To some extent I agree. Prenups don't work with mail-order brides because judges will throw them out due to the power disparity. Setting up a trust fund before you start looking will work, however. You still have the financial obligations, but a divorce court judge can't steal everything from you to give to her.

It's arguably better to live wherever she's from, but then you have to deal with living in a place even more corrupt and far more shitty than the U.S. If one of the local mafia decides they want to steal everything from you, you can easily end up dead if you don't just submit.

This is even more true in Thailand, where the locals can hire someone to kill you for only a couple of hundred bucks, and the police just say "oh another suicide" and go off to drink and grope whores for the afternoon. They even have a term for all the foreigners who get thrown off balconies by their bride and her family -- the "Flying Farang Club".

>> No.25670708

Anyone unfortunate enough to be sold as a bride is also likely to be dumb as a rock.

>> No.25671303

because it's still currently fashionable to have a pet brown

>> No.25671460

Not at all true. The ones from Ukraine and Russia are often highly educated. Medical doctors, especially -- they want to go somewhere they can earn real money.

>> No.25671483

Simp. KYS

>> No.25671859


>> No.25672597

Why marry these hoes anon? Just go to the philippines. I have 4 babies with 4 different Filipino women, each on a different island.

Whenever I fly back to flip land I set my tinder and online dating profile as "bareback with creampie ONLY", and message anybody who matches with me "Let me cum inside of you". It takes like 30 minutes of swiping to find a fuckable date for that night.

Flip women are the sluttiest, most cum addicted, willing single mothers on the planet earth. They live to be bred, and the opportunity to have a white baby fucked into them is like a dream come true.

I get them into the bed, make them come, and get them to agree to bear my child before I nut inside of them. I have never had any of them ever get mad at me for coming inside, since that is the entire premise of our hookup. That they will walk away with a creampie from a white man.

You may not believe me, and you definitely won't believe this next part: I have even had several woman promise to meet me on the days they are ovulating, with their fertility cycle schedule all planned out and everything. Because they WANT to get pregnant by a white foreigner. I have even had an older white guy with a filipino wife message me and ask me to breed her, since he had a vasectomy and she was pestering him for a child. I did it.

The philippines is a shithole, but for a white man who wants to COLONIZE brown asian cunt, it is the holy land and paradise.

>> No.25672612

they arent blond though

>> No.25672840

lol your half wife daughters are gonna be used as sex slaves

>> No.25672848
File: 85 KB, 1024x576, F8D1E1BB-4722-43B9-B3E2-44ECA3F20CCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C’mon, man. Actually she barely hit 25. Still fresh and young by russian standards.
Pic related semen demons are top notch russian milfs in their 30-ish.

>> No.25672929


>> No.25672940


how many black benis does she take?

>> No.25673183

How the fuck do you handle their temper mate? Shit goes from 0 to 100 real quick.

>> No.25673194

Where can I hear more stories like this one. I love this shit! Unironicly

>> No.25673461

Get tinder plus and set location to Russia. Put an american flag in your bio, nothing else. They will line up for you and you can pretend they aren't a mail order bride

>> No.25673676


>> No.25673708

Extremely based. I might do the same thing in South America

>> No.25673916

Unironically this.

>> No.25674297

You’re not concerned about STDs?