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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 115 KB, 500x361, 1467519528833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2566394 No.2566394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's time to give back /biz/ I honestly feel pretty guilty making so much money off you guys. So tell me why you're such a pathetic poorfag and I'll send you losers some bitcoin

>> No.2566414

Hey thanks OP, I am pajeet and need money to buy family loo to poo in.


>> No.2566422

I have 0BTC and can't trade to save my life

and fuck you too


>> No.2566423

Because I live with my parents and I'm 32 and just tried to get into crypto and newfagged all over ants and bought too high and now can't continue this adventure to lamboland because I'm also a poorfag

>> No.2566433

>So tell me why you're such a pathetic poorfag and I'll send you losers some bitcoin
i picked a useless meme degree with no career opportunities

>tfw no foresight


>> No.2566436

Thank you op

>> No.2566449
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, firefallmarketingdivision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because my mom didn't let me invest in bitcoin when it was 13 dollars

>> No.2566458

Also, nice ID you BTC pimp

>> No.2566459

I'm a poor fag because I bought ant at 500 and it fell hard and I sold at a loss

>> No.2566464

I'm begging for BTC on fucking 4chan, I seriously hit rock bottom...


>> No.2566469

poorfag from third world. :(

>> No.2566474

loser here
because no money


>> No.2566479


i just lost $2k

please help


>> No.2566491

I'm a poorfag because I'm incapable of picking a life path, and now its getting too late for me.
Lots of love, your local neighborhood (nearly)nocoiner.


>> No.2566498

I'm 31 and live with my Mum and Dad. Our government, central bank, house builders and landed gentry have colluded to turn everybody born after 1975 into either a debt slave or rent slave. All policies they bring out to 'help' are specifically designed to push up house prices and rents.


We are fucked. I need to leave the country.

>> No.2566499

I am new to bitcoin and need funding to get started, I have some Forex knowledge and chart analyst just need some coins two kids makes a man poor


>> No.2566504

im a neet virgin with no friends. plox halp.


>> No.2566505


Just lost half of my money because ANS


>> No.2566508

bcs i didnt invest much


>> No.2566512

squandered my money when depressed at shit life conditions after college. am happy to beg:


>> No.2566516


thanks froggie

>> No.2566520

i cant afford to go to college cause im so poor so all i do is shitpost on 4chan

but one day id like to leave my parents' house


>> No.2566525

i'm a poorfag because i am just getting started into crypto, work a wageslave job, and my girlfriend and i help foster feral kitties and get them raised and adopted, as well as volunteer at our local shelter. we have to feed a lot of kittehs....


>> No.2566527

I just started trading and I got kek'd by the DGB meme. Pls help this poorfag who wants to go to college. I bought into Ants at $3.35 but need more fuel for the moon mission


>> No.2566535
File: 89 KB, 640x640, 12938179_143885059340212_1855779892331714023_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'M IN DEBT, EVERY 0.01 btc counts for me :( You can save my life if you want. I have never received even a penny... maybe this time will be different: 1FiQFt1modfthR3DjciQffGX9YmVHbX9oK

>> No.2566537

Fuck you saggy shit ^^


>> No.2566543

Because I was told any degree is worthwhile and wasted years of my life and now I'm trying to recoup my losses but losing money because 4chan is nothing but shilling.


>> No.2566544

had only 10 ANS (NEO) and keeping it, bought when was top in pump 1CFxtJc2vLSh3x9dnnAoRsxrYCNead1cNT

>> No.2566546

Medical bills my friend

I was returning to school to finish up my degree. My daughter ended up getting pretty sick and we drained our money down the US medical blackhole.

In the end I am trying to trade cryptos to get rich. I don't have much, but my 1k investment is at 2k so that's a start. Need to get this debt from school and medical bills of my back.

There is something that changes a person when they have debt. Subconsciously at least


>> No.2566556
File: 1.09 MB, 767x720, 1480649179172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 27 year old friendless virgin on ebt


>> No.2566565

pls my mother is dying and I need to pay the jewish doctors


>> No.2566566

I invested at the beginning of the year and still haven't made profit because of shitcoins. I think I'm gonna just keep a little bit in BTC and hope it reaches 1m


>> No.2566584

>>2566394 (OP)

Want to leave home and start new life myself AND HAVE NO MONEY



>> No.2566593

Nocoiner here, would love to start trading asap.. Thanks anon!


>> No.2566601


Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't send me BTC. Also im poor.

>> No.2566615

I'm a fucked up who made guys like you rich, Sr.


>> No.2566622

You do realize I don't even use this address, right? I always use throwaway addresses if I go public.

What is it with all this shit-tier data mining? What's the point?
Why are there so many shitty thieves in the year 2017?

>> No.2566628


>> No.2566637

Anyway currently I'm in debt more than I should be from some idiot who didn't know what he was doing.

>> No.2566685

Shit job, no social life, barely getting by. You're my only hope, Obiwan Coinobi.


>> No.2566758

kiss-less 29 year old virgin with a dead end job

>> No.2566771


poorfag that listen to the shills and put everything into ans

have mercy on me

>> No.2566808

Im doing okay i don't need it.

But i still want it so...


>> No.2566816

Please be good


>> No.2566832


I'm begging for BTC, OP, I'd suk ur kawk too

>> No.2566868

Oh, look. Another "I'm gonna kill myself, put your wallet here" thread.

>> No.2566890

I'm a poor pleb starting law school this fall....
Enough said....


>> No.2566906

because i have to work 2 jobs to pay for university + living and don't have enough disposable income to start trading in cryptos ;_;


>> No.2566925

These are never real but on the off chance one is I dont wanna miss out.

>> No.2566930

African, no jokes, need I say more.
inb4 aids

BTC - 1DWzncmUR841Jw3x9tZBTue2ZLLk6syP1C

>> No.2567023


because i have missed every fucking ico for a good coin ever and im in college about to drop out

>> No.2567040
File: 295 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170622-000213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought getting some education would make me intelligent but it didnt. Two very different things. I should have dropped out of school and wagecucked at mcds last ten years.

I started with .08 btc and have .1 now after trading for a month. Its all i have but could grow a lot faster with some more btc.

Ty if possible


>> No.2567043

Dare you to send me some btc lol. I love these begging threads.

>> No.2567055

I don't know why

>> No.2567073

Idiots! Don't post your BTC addresses here or else your outputs will be banned from regulated exchanges like Coinbase in the future. Have fun being tracked

>> No.2567102

lol, yeah
that makes sense

>> No.2567112


I don't know what I'm doing when I try to say trade and I can't tell what to buy and hold for long term

>> No.2567130

broke student, no family

>> No.2567154


Just trying to survive, anything helps


>> No.2567177

get Byteball for longterm

>> No.2567197

I'm new into Crypto and have invested in a few really shitty coins. College student with minimum, wage job, but cant seem to make the right investment decisions. Thank you

>> No.2567200


>> No.2567300

I'll tell you why OP, I'll tell you how pathetic I am. My entire family has always been small. Those in it are stupid and don't know how to save or manage money. I'm a poor white boy who would have had advantages but now since I don't have the BBC everyone looks down at me. My mother has the diabetus and had her leg removed. I was in a car accident last year and the bills are astronomical. I moved away from my hometown 2 years ago. My old roommate bought into ETH at $9 and made a fortune. My dream girl from back home broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years and started hooking up with my old best friend. I've got a multiple urgent letters from doctors offices saying I need to return immediately to discuss test results but I am afraid to because I can't pay all these bills from my accident. I was fucked out of a promotion at my job because my old boss who loved me was fired for being a pedophile, changing his name and getting the job under false pretenses. The new boss hates me. There are ants in my bedroom and no amount of ant killer seems to destroy them. I saw this as a sign and bought heavy into ANS and then got fucked and lost about $3 grand over the past few days.

I think that's it. Hope you're for real, OP, and thanks.


>> No.2567313

Im so pathetic I post my adress here hoping someone like you will give me the gibs


>> No.2567322

Please save my life...

>> No.2567374


>> No.2567395
File: 49 KB, 426x412, 1471540294890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in third world country
>internet here is shit
>have to spend around $10 for a gig of bandwith via my phone
>found out about crypto a month ago
>missed out on the moon missions
>just want to make money so I can use it to follow my dreams which is running my own school.

anything you could give would be so appreciate and go a long way here.


>> No.2567419

sent ;)

>> No.2567421

Hope you are still feeling generous anon


>> No.2567467


i think i really am
i am black and new to 4chan saw that nigger coin was like the most talked about coin and thought it would go up a lot
bought a lot of niggers... and i guess im stupid


>> No.2567665

>live alone
>have terrible anxiety
>would love therapy but can't pay for it...
>please help me out :')


>> No.2567919

Been into btc since 2010, was poor and abused - had to use sisters' computer (parents would never buy me one, was 14 yrs old) to research it, but couldnt safely buy it because my sister was a retard and had viruses on all of her computers - yes, my parents bought her multiple computers.

BTC hit 13$, i told best friend, he told me i was an idiot, asked my parents, they basically laughed at me. BTC hit $1400, i told my parents again, they said I'm worthless, "best friend" wound up fucking my girlfriend. BTC crashed and I did nothing because at this point I was actively trying to kill myself, rose back up again and I watched in sorrow, too defeated to try and without a dollar to support myself. Thankfully my dad killed himself, but things were too far damaged for me to reap any benefits of his suicide. I wish he would have died earlier - he tried to kill me so many times lmao. I think of myself as intelligent. Definitely let faggots and retards get the best of me for a while - It probably wouldn't have bothered me so much if I didn't feel vulnerable as I have physical ailments that will kill me by the time I'm like 40. Would like to have at least 1 child and raise them to be a normal human being with a fucking brain before that. Thanks dude.


>> No.2567961


u probably should have gotten a job

>> No.2568029


am an orphan with micropenis and premature ejaculation.need to spray my junk with half of liter lydocaine just to last 30 sec. so is this enough ?

if not i have money stuck in RDD at 103
Antshares at 440k sat
Digibyte and so on....

>> No.2568051

Had one. Living in NY is shit and if you're white and your parents make good money and simply choose not to care for you, you basically are cornered between middle class and poverty, with none of the benefits from either. All of my money went toward books for school, tuition and eating. I used to buy and sell iphones for like 3x what I'd purchase them for by unlocking them online, but that market became oversaturated very quickly. I had been in a really bad place for a REALLY long time, and I'm finally coming out of it I guess. I used to go to the bitcoin exchange in NYC back in 2014 with less than enough money to get back home based on bus fare. Just hoping someone would teach me. It was a great experience and I'd say I learned too little too late, but maybe in the future I'll be able to benefit from those experiences. Living in NYC is a trap. Everyone is an asshole and no one cares to give you a job no matter how intelligent you are. I was making $12/hr which is supposedly "good money" for someone my age. Fucking bullshit. Everything is slave labor and there's no opportunity for growth unless you know someone and get hooked up, or someone pays for your school.

>> No.2568098
File: 1.46 MB, 1016x674, pearl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been doing crypto for the past four months

up about 400%

the first month was awful; made lots of really, really dumb mistakes

don't necessarily need your handouts; I'm doing alright

......but the goal after a few years of this is to build a studio and just record my music until I die


I've got a few albums worth of music that I'll email to ya if you send even just a few bucks

>> No.2568156

Double doubles?

>> No.2568183 [DELETED] 

>>2566394 (OP)
>So tell me why you're such a pathetic poorfag and I'll send you losers some bitcoin

Please btc millionaire fuck these other pussies i fucked up a couple times margin trading lost about 4000 xrp but im a savage and i wanna be a millionare too op give me that bitcoin if your a real nigga

>> No.2568200


pls sum btc >>2568098

>> No.2568201 [DELETED] 

such an og I put the address in another post

>> No.2568218

I'm being guilt tripped by my family to liquidate and take care of bills they wouldn't let go of.

I found a piece of land far away as shit and I'm thinking it's time I left this shit family.

I'm 28 and have no savings because it went to boomers who refuse solar but trust in the stock market.


God please help me, Senpai.

>> No.2568230

anything helps

>> No.2568233


Just got into crypto, got 0$ balance atm. If you give me 20$ I can get started with this stuff. I'm studying right now so no spare money to invest in this.

>> No.2568234 [DELETED] 

1PfwC4Tya6fQ4hhDHorUL4eYXzdDPLPNrq in a third one

>> No.2568246

Right now listening to "Very". I don't joke when I say it made me remember a song I heard once through 'A' Net Station (Antarctica Radio)

>> No.2568252


my girlfriend of 3 years left me for a rich black guy.
women have been ruined for me.
i now only visit prostitutes

>> No.2568253

I'm a depressed college drop out who recently got into crypto by buying ETH at 400

>> No.2568268

28, just got married a week ago and moved overseas from a cuck anglo country. Prospects of work in my new home are slim to none as I have no formal education and am barely versed in the conversational dialect. I picked myself up from a broken family, near-death post-surgery hungry skelly neethood after getting sick and losing custody of my son (three years to the day almost haven't seen him) and slaved away on farms working for chinks and arabs to get to where I am now at an approximate 57kg and roughly $5000 net worth. I've devoted every waking moment to learning the tricks of this trade the last few months with $500 currently "invested" (if you could call such a paltry sum an investment) and know I will need to keep studying, researching, charting and trading to even eek out a small profit. Having said that, I will definitely make it happen and it definitely won't be by begging. Keep your BTC and enjoy it /biz/bro.

>> No.2568271
File: 14 KB, 579x393, bittrex_wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider my address as being ... unique.


>spare a penny bro

>> No.2568287
File: 99 KB, 1024x839, 1495859388976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC 1HfFKNkh2dk8skkxceXYugs7JhR2LfNBNi

I work as an electrician in the UK, fully qualified bare in mind. Get shit on by my bosses at work, been there for 6 years and still on a garbage wage, tried applying for other companies but they all expect me to work away due to no work in my city (liverpool). I cant do that though my girlfriend is going back to work soon so i need to be home to spend time with the baby.

I day trade with crypto but dont have money that i can afford to lose, so i only play safe and make small gains. I never put cash into crypto though, i would if i earned more.

Tried going on my own but work dried up and I went bust. Still owe two months rent, my landlord is a nice guy but I can tell I'm pissing him off now.

I'm only 21 and the fucking world is on my shoulders right now. Give me 0.2 btc and you can help me pay off my rent. Thanks.


>> No.2568310

I'm trying to move out of cuckifornia this summer


>> No.2568375

BTC 1AzNLvw2uhBr79bfcpn1zLt74ANkSbDT9f

I'm such a poorfag. please donate.

>> No.2568597

I was kicked off set of the movie I was working on (as an extra so I didn't make shit) because I got involved with a girl there and she turned out to be crazy and made up a bunch of crazy shit about me that got me blacklisted so I can't work for that company again, and nobody will hire me because I have about a month left until I go into the Navy and about $12 to my name to live on until then. literally anything helps, I'm eating rice and eggs only at this point.

>> No.2568665

I was diddled as a kiddo and never recovered fully.
I work a full-time job but due to lack of education and capital i haven't been able to become a wealthy lad.
Thinking of going to college to get some sort of formal degree or achievement to help me get employed in a better career.

>> No.2568684
File: 228 KB, 1165x1277, sCL3sJk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got jacked by niggers twice. They broke into my apartment and stole my shit. And that was the last time I invited a nigger into my house.


>> No.2568687

I have no reason so just give me the money


>> No.2568748

Been having trouble finding a job, more like without any work experience and a lower gpa, it makes the job search so much harder.I am literally at the point where all my savings will be gone paying off student loans.


>> No.2568764

Been out of home since 15. Never saw my little brother grow up. couldn't keep a job for more than two years. Recently started getting my life together. rented this place with a good friend. Could use the money to repair my guitar.


>> No.2568797
File: 388 KB, 854x470, cj bait image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these wallet links

Do people actually think OP is going to give them shit?

>> No.2568820

Still rocking a Samsung Galaxy s3. I use a 2008 macbook to get internets. Some people call that pathetic but I can it character building.

>> No.2568825

Hände hoch und her mit der Kohle. But don't feel guilty, I need to feel guilty to get all your free monies from such a respectful and fine person. You are decent, anon. Thanks and don't fuck up.

>> No.2568857


I've always wanted to backpack across South America. If you send me a bitcoin I will use it to get somewhere in the middle of the amazonas and enjoy a gentle boat ride down a slow river.

>> No.2568864

That's not how that works. There is a 5 separating the two sets of dubs, therefore only the last two thinker didgets count

>> No.2568884
File: 56 KB, 556x578, nocoiner_vs_big_guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little libertarian neckbeard? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Armchair Economics, and I’ve been involved in numerous mining pools of altcoins, and I have over 300 confirmed scams. I am trained in detecting government shills and I’m the top parking-lot scammer on localbitcoins. You are nothing to me but just another conspiratard. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, aspy. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of overweight and disabled introverts across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can mine you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my cheeto-dusted hands. Not only am I extensively trained in scamming people with fake currency, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the MTGox Relief Effort (which contains cases of Mountain Dew: Code Red) and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn shill. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

>> No.2568895

OP is compiling your addresses and selling them to the Chinese

>> No.2568902 [DELETED] 

i was molested by my uncle and emotionally neglected during early development years so now im living and working to become self sustaining and overcome my shit and live a good life and where i can fully provide financially and emotionally for those i love, 20 y/o


>> No.2568903

17 here i put basically all my money on ETH once it hit 400 and am really hurting from my stupid decision could really use some help thanks.


>> No.2569062
File: 587 KB, 581x363, Bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your money so I can finish my business.

I'll give you a free production bike.

>> No.2569079

I'm already rich but I want more money

>> No.2569100

Had dialup internet until 2016, in fact I still only have 4 GB a month. Knew about bitcoin in 2012 and had $1000 to invest but couldn't trade for shit because of how slow my connection was.

>> No.2569344

What the fuck. OP actually sent me btc. Thanks OP will be buying gas for my car for this. Holy shit didn't think these threads actually work....

>> No.2569376

quads give me

>> No.2569419
File: 72 KB, 641x480, 1478363634189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I was born in yuropoor country. Anyway I am doing my best to raise my children. Thanx, hot chix for return

>> No.2569506

I'm a poor fag because I fell for the University scam, when no one wants to hire, and I'm not good enough to just "make it work". Minimum wage, student loans kms.

Doing crypto with what little money I have to spare.


>> No.2569548

Spent 5 years as a hiki NEET due to crippling depression and anxiety and now I can't get a job.


>> No.2569588
File: 164 KB, 1064x694, 1307810585042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pathetic poorfag because i made the mistake of going to a libtard university and ended up with 90k in debt and a useless degree. Any help is mucho apprecienado

>> No.2569600

I don't believe you gave anyone anything. Or that you're a millionaire.


>> No.2569618


I'm addicted to findom porn, I will give a hot chick, the money you give me now.
It will make me sexually satisfied

>> No.2569730
File: 3.58 MB, 630x354, 1458354094689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you but I would certainly appreciate some generosity so:
>wagecucking part-time to earn more magic internet money
>still living with parents
>zero friends
>attained wizard status just a few weeks ago
If you could help me out I'd be very grateful and I promise I'll pay it forward.

>> No.2569790


Trying to get into crypto to pay my crippling student debt , the horror

>> No.2569816

I'm living in NYC right now and just got out of high school this year with pretty much zero ambition beyond living a quiet life, what would you recommend I do to get out of here? I realize this place is hot fucking garbage for living if you're not already established.

>> No.2569941
File: 678 KB, 383x449, 1496991078781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Desperate for a better, calmer life. I've been cursed by being born into a dysfunctional, unstable, abusive-as-shit household. I am a good person and always seem to get fucked in the ass by everyone around me.

>> No.2570037

No sad story. I just did my first trade, bought 5 library coin....if I can make money with this small amount I'll throw some savings in.


>> No.2570078

Im broke and work a shitty service job to support my 7 month old daugher. Id appreciate every dollar OP

>> No.2570106

Poor fag here I LOVE YOU ALL M'KAY

>> No.2570139


I lost $20k due to the flashcrash on GDAX.. It was literally my savings and my entire stack that I grew from next to nothing. HELP ME ESCAPE POVERTY!


>> No.2570160

I used to have 10 bitcoin around 6 months ago. I lost them gambling on the Superbowl like a degenerate. I had the Falcons. They were up 28-3 at halftime. I don't remember how much bitcoin was worth back then but it was only around 10k. Patriots won the game after being down 28-3 and I lost the bet. Falcons were within range to put the game away in the 4th but a holding call moved them out of FG range. pls kill me.

oh did I mention I don't have insurance and I found out I have lung cancer a week ago? I'm currently planning on how to rob a JEWelry store.

pls give me a few bitcoin so I don't have to become a criminal.


>> No.2570162

checks out.

>> No.2570167

Poor cause of school loans, and lack of capital to invest.

>> No.2570171

im new to this and i have no digital moneys


>> No.2570201


My life is completly fucked, the banks are literally rapan me since 2004 because of some bullshit tax fraud and i had to take a credit, if i dont make any money im soon going to need to borrow some from the mafia

pls send me some and save my ass


>> No.2570245

Because I want to quit work, train BJJ all day and spend time with my 5 week old son. open an academy and teach kids BJJ.


>> No.2570269

Don't really need the btc, but I'm gonna buy an iPhone tomorrow so chip in if you want


>> No.2570274
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x2268, 20170622_155441[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father has been sabotaging our family, but we need him because he is the sole provider due to his very high paying job. He called the police on my mother on Christmas Eve and had her put in jail until me and my brother could get enough money to pay her bond, and she missed both Christmas Day and New Years, which is my birthday.
Just today he crashed one of our two working cars into the garage, which destroyed most of everything in the garage including a 1970-something Road Runner which would've been the only way for me to pay off my student debt that I'm currently trapped under.
I'm working a 10 dollar an hour landscaping job, backbreaking labor 12 hours a day, and I'm saving up to go back to school for International Business with a minor in Mandarin.

Thanks to any kind souls. It's fine if i don't get anything, it's just a matter of time until I get my own life in order anyway.
Good luck to everyone in the thread with their own doings too.

>> No.2570370

>I have lung cancer
Check out the Bob Beck protocol. Not shitting you you, lot's of testimonials and it beats the shit out of chemo. Hope you make it famalam.

>> No.2570572

I'm stuck in a dead end job in a town in the middle of nowhere. No money to leave. I've already accepted I'll die alone. Bitcoin is the only thing keeping me going. The hope that I may become something.


>> No.2570730

Dude, I need like $300 it's not for anything intresting, just want to buy some magic cards.

>> No.2570859
File: 140 KB, 998x702, crypto fortune boba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually listened to /biz/ and went in on DGB. Got fucked... and I'm in the middle of this job opportunity, but I don't have the funds to survive until I start working.

I'm opening up a boba tea shop (managing it) were going to take crypto and I'm going to get neets out of their house and help reintroduce them into society.

Would appreciate some btc for reinvestment into the Las Vegas area anons


>> No.2570868

Replying to a begging bot


>> No.2570894

Holy shit you people are pathetic.

OP please give me btc cause I want it :D I'll sell you some nudes but I don't make much off them cause I'm a dude with a lot of hair. Thinking about going into the fetish industry but need 3-5 btc to get all the pup gear I need.


>> No.2571037

>I have proven to be extremely bad with money and can't provide for myself
>please give me more

you beggars are fucking pathetic.

>> No.2571038

Additionally to being dirt poor, I live in a country with ridiculously low purchasing power.
A given amount of money is 10x more valuable to me than to most westerners.


>> No.2571112

Thanks OP


>> No.2571147
File: 49 KB, 480x469, 16730618_785845941573964_6799348148906132463_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because you're a kind anon who I'll buy a drink for someday

>> No.2571180

I'm a poor fag because I live pay check to pay check and I'm in debt. College loans and a mortgage loan on top of many other bills.

>> No.2571185

literally cant have a vacation bc i dont have money if legit just give me as little as affordable for you.Would legit be my first coins ever .


>> No.2571202
File: 121 KB, 1080x1101, 5413314-5159548975-latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh I been to these threads a million times and never gotten shit, so I dont expect this one to be different


>> No.2571255
File: 25 KB, 669x514, IMG_2373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont really need it, im just a jew.