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25660910 No.25660910 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25660937


>> No.25660954


>> No.25660974
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>> No.25660998


>> No.25661017

What if Tether market buy the entire supply of USDC with USDT then what?

>> No.25661023


>> No.25661051
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Redpill me on why this will crash using only facts and logic.

>> No.25661161

the inevitable event in front of us: Tether gets a deathblow on 15th which causes every tether holder to get rid of the fastest way possible. guess what it is? that's right all that fucking tether will be used to buy Bitcoin and we will witness a biggest green dildo in the history of Crypto.

heh..amazing time to be alive..

>> No.25661264
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either they stop printing when they've extracted all the normie money they can this cycle or they're forceably stopped. Probably a 80% correction in the first scenario, 95% correction in the second

>> No.25661296

>If tether blows initial panic selling will occur
>After initial withdrawals, exchanges won't be able to supply real USD for further withdrawals, because they won't be able to convert 1 tether for 1 usd (because tether prints out of thin air)
>that's when the shit really hits the fan, exchanges go bankrupt and real funds are frozen and can never be withdrawn, you are left with useless tokens.

and tethers cap is large enough to shit on btc to start a panic chain.

>> No.25661333

Do you notice the CEO of tether under every whale alert tweet damage controlling?

This crash is going to be epic. If you don't walk away with at least $1M from this, ngmi.

>> No.25661376

It's a 50/50 case, either they have the USD/Assets to back their printing of Tether or they don't.

If they don't, all of crypto corrects a large percent.

If they do the bull run prolly continues until the next lawsuit on a major crypto

>> No.25661389

yes it will, don't wait until january 15th

>> No.25661417

someone has to want to sell their bitcoin for tether though

>> No.25661456

Nothing to worried at until 14th

>> No.25661458

printing 2.1 billions fake USDT in 7 days, destroy market? NOOOOOOO WAY....

>> No.25661470

Why does tether matter at all if you can just use USDC?

>> No.25661479

It tries to keep up with the printing rate of the USD.

>> No.25661491

No fucking shit


>> No.25661523

every exchange uses USDT instead of USD
if you want to cash out, you have to transact via USDT
if you think tether/bitfinex will wait till the last second to rugpull, you are naive. it can happen any moment now

>> No.25661549

Tether will drop to cents within minutes
How much do you think you can buy with 5 cents per tether

>> No.25661555

This. Tether will die so fucking quickly, it'll be unreal.

>> No.25661578

but printing 5 trillion real USD save market...

>> No.25661586

Load the tether fud, again.

>> No.25661785

If I understand correctly, the only possible scenarios are:
1. Nothing happens, USDT keeps the peg
2. Tether gets fucked, USDT goes to 0

Is there any scenario in which USDT goes above the peg?

>> No.25661900

Why would it ever go way above the peg? They mint millions whenever it looks like it’s about to happen.

>> No.25661974
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>> No.25662105

this is why being 50x short tether is great play right now

>> No.25662148

I don't know, but I was asking just in case I might have missed something. Seems like a good opportunity to short USDT via borrowing on AAVE for example. If tether doesn't crash, just repay the loan, else you make a lot (if you exchanged it before the crash of course).

>> No.25662261

Just use USDC or DAI lol

>> No.25662380

whats happens to the tether i borrowed from aave

>> No.25662775

Black swan is coming. The question is whether or not crypto will survive after the years of manipulation is finally uncovered

>> No.25663422

wat is tether?
a cryptocurrencys?

>> No.25663533

>22b market cap
>btc 750b
>eth 145b
tether can go titsup and literally nothing will happen other stables will take the mantle

>> No.25663587

Tell me exactly how to do this, very intrigued

>> No.25663662

Tether is fake as fuck and has a been a meme since 2017., Real question is if we can keep awake long enough to pull the second the herd spokes. Real money is being made, but most will end up as bagholders.

>> No.25663668
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Look at the volumes not the caps

>> No.25663737

No one thinks Tether is backed 1:1. But even then whats suppose to happen for this to blow everything up? People will sell their Tether for any alt and it will pump. Then what? Seems like nothing.

>> No.25663813


>> No.25663986

volume indicates activity not stake
if somebody has $500b stored in bitcoin and suddenly can't trade, does that mean bitcoin goes down? no just means volume of bitcoin goes down maybe

in tether's case there are plenty of alternatives and every exchange's been moving away from tether in the past years
literally tether can cease to exist tomorrow and nothing will change
bitcoin's price won't go down because people can't transact with tether. Hell how the fuck would price go down if your money is stuck in a certain currency? by default it means the price will be capped at that for a while until things are fixed

this fud is so uneducated it's ridiculous

>> No.25664018

Thing is price won't stay at 1$, it will drop to single digit cents brainlet

>> No.25664086

Still dont see how that wrecks anyone not holding Tether. Plus it wouldnt drop to pennies instantly, it would drop to however much reserves they actually have. And for it to drop, means people got out successful into BTC/alts.

>> No.25664116

No it won't idiot. USDT is still backed 80%. It won't drop below 80c.

>> No.25664218

People seem to be implying tether props up the market

>> No.25664239

It doesn't wreck anyone not holding it
It is just the sole reason of the price increase
Without it the price will stop increasing the way it does right now and the sell pressure will prevail

>> No.25664287

lol, what a couple of fucking morons. Just because you are making the money means you need to drink the koolaid. Unless you want to end up a bagholder. I have my finger on the trigger, but not till we have another 2018 even, not just a fucking twitch.

>> No.25664301

How do you know precisely 80, have you audited

>> No.25664360

It is also "backed" by its integration. Binance and Huobi volumes are mostly USDT. Too big to fail.

>> No.25664376

>It is just the sole reason of the price increase
>Without it the price will stop increasing the way it does right now and the sell pressure will prevail
No it isnt. Tons of people are buying. Its on tv everyday. CNBC has it on as a ticker next to the dow jones. They covered it constantly. There is no evidence tether is the sole pump reason. And Bitifinex wouldnt use tether to buy if they didnt think they couldnt sell the btc later anyway. Theyre acting as market makers if true which it isnt even true.

>> No.25664412

I surely hope so, for the benefit of humanity

>> No.25664542

you really think everyone else doesn't also have this idea. People are gonna pull out this weekend.

>> No.25664588

Compare btc usd to btc usdt ratios and you will find out


>> No.25664787

Tether going bust will end crypto as we know it and btc will be perma bear market for the next 5 years atleast

>> No.25664876

>CNBC has it on as a ticker next to the dow jones. They covered it constantly.

Oh man....

>> No.25664915


The "biggest green dildo in history!!!" narrative takes like two logical thoughts to deboonk.

"Oh, I see in my feed that the day has come then? Heh, well I guess that's it for Tether! I'll have lunch, take a quick walk, then exchange my Tether for BTC."

By the time you know what has happened, your Tethers will be worthless. There will be no mEgA gReEn cAnDlE as people "escape" Tether. The entire market will simply lock up. What part of this do people not get?

>> No.25664974

>The entire market will simply lock up
What’ll gas fees look like

>> No.25664979

This. Guys last spoonfeed. Google: Case 1:19-cv-09236-KPF

DYOR and make up your decision, don't trust me or 4chan or anyone. DYOR!!!!!!

>> No.25665023

Yes, the tether fud exists. We know. You don't have to keep posting it every 5 minutes you retarded faggot. How many times are you gonna beat a dead horse jesus christ.

>> No.25665064

You won't be able to sell when tether implodes. BTC right now is worth 40k tether, not 40k USD. once you understand this its easy to get why tether is so dangerous

when tether goes to zero and it becomes obvious that tether inflated the btc price by manipulating it, price will quickly correct hard ontop of people starting to panic sell due to tether becoming worthless. without tether there wont be enough liquidity in the exchanges, exchanges will shutdown (they shut down today from a tiny sell off already)

tethers volume is absolutely gigantic and if it goes to zero, its gonna be a bloodbath. if u sell before this happens, u win the game, if u hold and this happens, good luck

>> No.25665094

Why would they do that?

>> No.25665098


>> No.25665170

the fudders don't have any facts. they are q-anon tier retards who post screenshots from some court filing without having ever read the documents and with zero understanding of the actual case, and a bunch of conspiracy diagrams "proving" that tether is the only thing causing the bitcoin price to pump.

tether fud is nothing more than sour grapes from nocoiners who are butthurt that they are still poor while everyone else is getting rich & in their spiteful resentment they pray that tether will collapse and bring down bitcoin with it so they can at last get past their endless feelings of regret

>> No.25665211

the market cap is ~20 billion. that's a fucking joke. XRP was bigger and that just got massacred

>> No.25665213
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>> No.25665261

you're a moron on so many levels

>> No.25665312

>crypto babby doesnt know how market cap works

top kek

>> No.25665346

You are such a terrible fag
We are down for the rally to continue WITHOUT Tether

>> No.25666010

The "backing" is loans to bitfinex. You can see this on their website. The 74% backing was in 2018 when the MC of Tether was $2b. It's $25b now.

>> No.25666059

As far as I can tell there won't be any definitive ruling one way or the other on the 15th, as the date is simply the deadline for Tether to hand over the requested documents.

>> No.25667070

Hahahahha how hard are you panicking now tether CEO?