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25660093 No.25660093 [Reply] [Original]

A warning to ALL newfags:
Here is how crypto works. We place our chips during crab season, and then DUMP OUR BAGS on you during bull runs. Dumping our bags on you is imminent, and the board is already in a state of delusion.
Today, two of my *medical student* friends told me they bought BTC. They didn't even know what the fuck Ethereum is. If that's not a sell sign, I don't know what is. I'm telling you because I also learned through pain in 2017, and maybe if you LISTEN you won't need to have history repeat itself.

>> No.25660152

this is early/mid 2017 retard

>> No.25660198

Good shit, I'm a 2017 oldfag vet myself too and can confirm lmao

>> No.25660271

People buying something called HOTDOG deserve to lose money.

>> No.25660299

Good luck getting all those institutions to dump their bags too.

>> No.25660387

Looky looky, an honest anon on this board. About as rare as a living Tasmanian wolf.

>> No.25660397

Alt season has barely started. Bitcoin isn't going to dump too far anytime soon.

>> No.25660431

um that would be a buy signal that people who have no idea what it even is are desperate to buy...

>> No.25660624

>it's another "I fucked up the exit and now I have ptsd" thread
Unlike OP I sold the top in 17
This is not the top
You'll see these threads for the next several months

>> No.25660653

I miss defi summer so much

>> No.25660676

where are you going to buy back

>> No.25660867

what is HOTDOG lol

>> No.25660923

I know what you're thinking: "This is it, I'm gonna be rich!". Do what you want, just remember that you've been warned.

Honestly this is a casting pearls upon swine situation

>> No.25661044

>they didn't even know what the fuck eth is
Let us know when they do, or better yet when they ask you about buying a stable coin. Then we're actually getting close. My bet is 125k+ btc and 10k eth before that happens.

>> No.25661136

you came here this winter, didn't you?

>> No.25661273

lol it says hotdig

>> No.25661284

my hands are weak and i let go already, bulls you had a good run bears are coming out of hibernation soon because of global warming. let them do their job

>> No.25661444


Hot dog, hot dog hot diggity dog.

>> No.25661539

Hands are weak, arms are sweaty, there's vomit on his sweater already moms spaghetti.

>> No.25661602

You have a poop colored ID, how do you expect me to take you seriously.

I put 90% of my life savings into this bullrun anon. All $900 of it.

>> No.25661673

2017 is still newfag.

>> No.25661675

FUD threads; think about this. What does OP want (apart from more cock)? Does he really want to help you fags out? Out of the goodness of his heart? He's saving you from disaster?
NO. He wants to buy your coin at a discount. Don't let him.

>> No.25661741

What if I just put an amount away into bitcoin that is acceptable to me, and don't plan to do anything with it for at least a couple years? At some point in that time, surely, I could take it back out at a considerably higher price? I'm not looking to get rich off the shit, I just want something.

>> No.25661756

fine take it to 60k, and crash it with no survivors

>> No.25661773

What you need to learn, is that strategy only works when you control a certain percentage of the overall market cap, and when the entirety of fiat isnt about to collapse. Where are you going to dump your bags to when banks are dumping their fiat bags for BTC?

>> No.25661804

bitcoin going to 20k at least, maybe a wick to 13k. Its funny how people think its alt season when we were in a bull run since march, look at most alts, they are in their last bullish wave.

Im going to be buying bitcoin and alts when the corn drops to around 15k

>> No.25661846

buy when it inevitably drops 70% this year

>> No.25661849

Based long term not-greedy bro.

>> No.25661952

I'm assuming there will be mass panic about the US dollar shitting the bed (aka the immediate future) and tons will begin buying, only for tons to begin pulling out. At which point I will buy some. No more than I can afford.

>> No.25661977

And then the bagholders dump you retard

>> No.25662078

Not a bad strategy, but also not optimal. The 4 year cycle is a real thing, and personally I'd swing into a stable coin in december near the peak, then wait 6-12 months for the bear market to stabilize. It's probably going to a bare minimum of 100k this year (minimum) and I expect it to bottom out afterwards at around 50k.

That way you can at least increase your stack size while still long-term holding. Personally that's what I'll be doing this cycle. Swing to USDC or DAI next winter. Withdraw a portion of that to fiat to buy a house and as needed for living expenses. Keep the rest somewhere like blockfi getting some APY. Then rebuy later in 2022 when it's near the bottom.

>> No.25662106

the collapse of fiat, although imminent, is still months to years away, at least before anyone of influence notices, so its effect on what's happening to crypto these coming DAYS will be absolutely insignificant

>> No.25662206


>> No.25662327


>> No.25662361

>swing into a stable coin
>bear market
>stack size
>Swing to USDC or DAI
>blockfi getting some APY
Out of the kindness of your heart
In English please

>> No.25662394

>being this new
nvm this is the top, just market sold

>> No.25662426
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>> No.25662684

It's a thread for newfags anon. Better to go here than some Crypto 493 class

>> No.25662699

I completely missed the YFI craze. I kept hodling like a retard. Didn't even bother making my own scam coin.

How the hell do these scammers advertise to get so many people to jump on it?

>> No.25662750

Institutional investors control this now. A rapper game will be responded to was rapid profit taking. Neets with plans don’t matter anymore

>> No.25662850

If you are this illiterate of what basic trading terminology is, you should not be trading a speculative, volatile asset like this.

>> No.25662931

This will never happen

>> No.25663002

Sold it all. Will be back early for the next cycle. Gl to the anons still holding bags lol.

>> No.25663191

I haven’t even made a x2000 yet why would I sell I’m not over leveraged or anything.

>> No.25663218


>> No.25663262

Sold it all today
Tether might push BTC to 45k or something but it's not worth the risk. The whole crypto market is about to crash fucking hard

>> No.25663327

I know what you're thinking, "this is a fool's rally" but your cognitive bias can't let you see what's happening. I won't remember you at all.

>> No.25663358

No one knows what the fuck alts are except doge because of plebbit and link because of shills

>> No.25663384


>> No.25663421
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>> No.25663423

because you can buy more if it dips, duh ?

>> No.25663439

nobody is blaming you for being new, but the fact you're here is our tell to bail

>> No.25663450

tesla vibes all over

>> No.25663488

Just use OCO stop sell orders. Binance has them.

>> No.25663499

If your poop is that dark you need to see a doctor

>> No.25663532

holy shit, i kinda want to buy some just for the lawls

>> No.25664498

No problem for me though lol, I've got plenty of time to wait to make my own move.

>> No.25664596
File: 755 KB, 1100x1012, 79B2D242-5DCA-4E4E-B4A3-967BA40EC547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn’t 2017. conditions are way different i wish you retards would stop saying the exact same thing will happen

>> No.25664652

"history will repeat idiots. 7k btc eoy. i mean look at these indicators looking at price action history in completely different times before institutions bought! look at the last 20k blow off top before fiat was recognisably depreciating! I mean come on the RSI indicator is more oversold now than it was back in 2017 where ethereum was nascent and next to nothing built on it!!! its gonna come down!!! it has to!!! i already sold!!! fuck they can't just replace gold!!! gold has a 5000 year old history!!! please let it correct!!! PLEASE I SOLD"

>> No.25664704
