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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2560917 No.2560917 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2560972

>2 (two) full time devs working on it

>> No.2560988

I was skeptical to the ETH tags. But this legitimately might be ETH killer.

>> No.2561004
File: 538 KB, 552x807, Ants_in_my_eyes_johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought 320k was the end of the dip

>> No.2561012

Still years ahead of ETH technologically

>> No.2561013

Believe what you want but just because you have more programmers it wont be faster/easier/better.
Enough examples everywhere.

I trust this coin. All or nothing this time.

>> No.2561049

I'd rather have 2 hardworking Asian dudes than 5 nu males

>> No.2561063

Can someone give a tl;dr of the conference?

I don't understand what was so bad about all of that that made the price drop?

>> No.2561066

A rare appearance by Ants In The Eyes Johnson

>> No.2561201

Nothing, the conference was great. Just whales fucking all over.

>> No.2561271

Buy the rumour (pump) sell the news (dump)
Then buy again.
Congrats you are now a whale, especially if you do it 7 or 8 times like ans did.
I started out with 150 eth last Christmas and then just forgot about it.
Sold it at ath.
So I used 1btc of my profits and bought some ans, during the conference, check in 3 months.

>> No.2561357
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You know what else only had two dudes working on it

The Matrix

>> No.2561379

what do you guys use for a wallet. i need to get this off the exchange so i stop panic selling

>> No.2561389

Dump now and buy back in later fools.

>> No.2561418

they have no capacity for creative solutions
they are only capable of execution of things they are told and copying others' work
they chose a fitting name for they are ant-like creatures in an ant-hill cunt

>> No.2561437

You know what those two dudes became?


>> No.2561450

yeah i didn't like reading that wtf

>> No.2561480
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>> No.2561500

You're getting it all wrong. It went SOOOOOO good that the price's dropping. That's just big fucking whales trying to push the price down to buy more. That's your BUY BUY BUY signal. Just buy, forget about it and check in 3 months. Then don't sell and wait another 6 months. Then don't you dare sell and check again 6 months later. Boom. You turned hundreds into several tens of thousands.

>> No.2561512

I'm sorry for your loss man... Are you going to be ok the rest of the year?

>> No.2561526




>> No.2561542

>already down 10 bitcoin


>> No.2561554

i could of bought a rope with that money

>> No.2561561

I guess I have no choice but hodling it for a month or two now and see whether it can rise again. My Bittrex account is disabled for 24 hours, so I couldn't trade today and get out in time. However, I actually liked the news at the conference. I hope this is a long-term coin.

>> No.2561584

4 fucking AM here and I can't sleep. I sold my ANS and now sitting by the sideline waiting to see if it keeps dropping or spike, either way I am buying back in.

>> No.2561586

thread theme

>> No.2561626

5k ants here. Gonna hold for at least a week to see where things go once Chinese normies hear about this.

>> No.2561635

They said they are hiring more devs. You know how easy that will be with the shitload of money they have now?

>it's a scam though
You don't pay out the ass for neo.org if you want to just dump everything

>> No.2561663
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>> No.2561739


im the cuck who bought 30 btc worth at 0.004

do i kill myself now?

>> No.2561769

30 btc? Holy shit anon. How many % of your portfolio is that?

>> No.2561771

>falling for the latest chink pump and dump scheme

Are you people 50 IQ subhumans?

>> No.2561775

Wow fast recovery

I learned not to panic sell now i learn3d not to panic buy

>> No.2561793

Pump in sight

>> No.2561798

who else bough more at the 250 dip?
i picked up about 400 more

>> No.2561813

Fuck you how do you do this shit? I fucking buy high sell low because I don't know how to read these charts.

>> No.2561834

Only managed 280 sadly. Good job tho.

>> No.2561872

im a tard and cant read them either i just sell when i feel it might be getting high or but my sale order in at .45X its value. as for buying low i just stare at the chart for most of the day while doing other stuff

>> No.2561882

also i dont sell at a loss im fully prepared to baghold until i break even or profit

>> No.2561887

I'd say any price under 300k is a steal

>> No.2561936

When you've got nothing left to give...But something keeps you going.
When the world rises against you...And you choose to stay and fight.
When 'I WILL' becomes 'I DID'.
When you realize that fear cannot take, what you do not give it.
When they say you won't finish...when you do.
When you refuse to break. Even when you are broken.
When you stop letting others tell you what you cant do.
Then You'll know you're close...
You'll know you're ready...
to achieve greatness!

>> No.2562007

Sad I didn't sell earlier so I could buy more, but this is fine. Conference wasn't bad and I still see this coin going places

>> No.2562048


>> No.2562057

Me too anon. Panic bought back in

>> No.2562092

I did the exact opposite. Bought at 28k. Probably got your bags kek

>> No.2562131

i sold at 400K still can buy back up when it stabilise at 320k or less.

>> No.2562207
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>newfags getting absolutely fucked by their first babycoin


>> No.2562368
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>17786BTC Vol
spot the newfag

>> No.2562534

lmaoing at your stupid life

enjoy the bags retard

>> No.2562606
File: 148 KB, 800x600, 1465759996094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought at sub 100k, keep coping newfriend

>> No.2562623

I bought at 411k, do I anhero and get out or does it still have a chance to recover?

>> No.2562629
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kek this was the image I meant to post

>> No.2562646

we've only lost about 3 days growth, conference was good news, and volume is pumping hard. Americans are waking up. You tell me.

>> No.2562658 [DELETED] 

tfw you fell for the chinese ant coin scam

>> No.2562667

>gets baited like the newfag he is
>in need of coping in his next post
>"b-but I bought at sub 100k!1"

larp harder faggot

>> No.2562681
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not even mad, enjoy your fantasy

>> No.2562704
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>not even mad

>> No.2562717
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did I stutter nigger

>> No.2562728

>keeps replying

I think you did

>> No.2562734

Good learning experience for me. Got greedy and could have walked away a winner. Should of cashed out before I went to work. Pretty bummed.

>> No.2562754

lost 400 € so far
hodl or sell ?

>> No.2562763

bought yesterday at 420, fucking bargain.

>> No.2562768
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Just collecting (You)s

>> No.2562783

>thinks the ability of wining an argument relies solely on having the last word

typical BTFOd larping newfag

>> No.2562805
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>dumb name
>dumb logo

dumb investors

>> No.2562843

if its more than 5 % you better hold its gona bounce up at some point.

>> No.2562853

youre all like little kids
I bought at 506

>> No.2562873

fucking whales suppressing the price reeeeeee

>> No.2562879
File: 63 KB, 598x435, 1466323367890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trying to win anything, just lmaoing at your headcanon and filling my (You) coffers

>> No.2562902

FUCKING FAGGOTS ALL OVER THIS THREAD . SHOULD I SELL? SHOULD I HOLD? did you fuckers not see the caliber of the presentation?
ppl want hardworking, industrious chinaman, not underfed malnourished ussr famine survivor vitalik.

SRS went all in at 440 k, not evensweating. heavy bags here. iron hands

>> No.2562921
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>> No.2562947

Don't know why so many people even bothering to try shill this coin, if you watched the presentation it should be obvious it's going places, don't need to shill like it's some PnD that needs buyers to keep it from crashing so why all these threads?

>> No.2562994

wake and pump lazy whito piggu americans

>> No.2563075


there should be a fagcoin for them

>> No.2563080


will they change their ticker from ANS?

>> No.2563126


Also got all the fags who say whales are accumelating. You are correct, but volume is starting to explode if this keeps truckong on they sell walls will get demolished.

>> No.2563148

that is a big colony

>> No.2563211
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>> No.2563279

This is a long term hodl. No way around it. Nothing but whales and faggots unloading right now which is keeping the price down.

>> No.2563294

Pump happening right now

>> No.2563317

no its not

>> No.2563320

he didn't buy too good

>> No.2563325


Beautiful. Ant checked...

>> No.2563343
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They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>> No.2563364
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>> No.2563366
File: 362 KB, 1530x2958, StrqeA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck are we going back to 400k?

>> No.2563376
File: 251 KB, 788x652, 1444955724834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll think it'll go much lower or is this a good time to buy in more. I honestly think this coin's gonna spike in value quickly from all of the Etherium holders that are about to bail, but I know it's only going to go up either way.

>> No.2563378

lol you aren't.

I sold literally all my ANS which I've been holding since 50k. It's over.

>> No.2563382

If it drops below 7 dollars I'll get more.

>> No.2563430



>> No.2563443

if it drops below $7 bail, its over senpai

>> No.2563487

Its not going lower . volume at 35 mill last night, now 48 mill. fast increasing. whales playing games to keep weak hands out. WAIT TILL MY NIGGAS RIP THE BONGS OUT WEST, this will soarrr . take the red pill, HOLD

>> No.2563503

Don't be a fag, we all know this coin's going somewhere, and that somewhere is lamboland. Wish bittrex would change the name already though. Antshares is yesterday's news, my body is ready for neo now!

>> No.2563528
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t. nervous ETH holder

>> No.2563552

Yeah anons, it might feel like your anus got wrecked by the dip whilst holding - worry not. This conference was great, this coin is going up up up up.

We need practice what newfags and weakhands can't: patience.

>> No.2563586
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>> No.2563595

Idiot here. How can volume increase while the price decreases?

>> No.2563596
File: 21 KB, 480x480, shrivled pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's taking too long, just give me my confidence and NEETbux back, I want to sleep 8 hours tonight, not 3. God damn whales.

>> No.2563624

Grow a pair laddy! Think of how many people lost out on Etherium lambo money because "It's taking too long REEEEEEEEEEE!" back in the day?

>> No.2563629

I can only think that they are mining new coins. Is that the case?

>> No.2563631

When did you buy in?

>> No.2563673

This isn't stocks, this is FOREX with a ton more volatility and a bunch of rich vengeful nerds pulling off George Soros on anything they can touch.
Because fucking whales keep pumping the prices low to increase their own volume when the price goes up. Volume is down to $47.6 btw.

>> No.2563703
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I bought 2 shares at $3.50 because that's all I had, some at $7.50, and some at $9. Overall, a profit, but too low.

>> No.2563739

Ans are going to drop much more. Even not really started to drop, yet. As it's competitors have real values an today attack meeting them Devs also announced to make a new coin, no one needed this anymore.

>> No.2563772

>As it's competitors have real values an today attack meeting them Devs also announced to make a new coin, no one needed this anymore.

what are you saying here?

>> No.2563778

well... somebody bought it cheap on china exchange.... and dumped on rex.
it was predicted yesterday.
I still think it will raise up.

>> No.2563781

god damn i can smell the ESL fudding from your post back to yunbi xain lao

>> No.2563789

>2 shares at $3.50
jesus guys. go mow some lawns for cash before getting into this shit

>> No.2563828

Boy howdy nigger you sure don't know how to read!


what's going to happen to ANS?

AntShares will retire and get redistributed as NEO in the new wallet software. You don't have to do anything. No reissue so investors don't get screwed. Exchanges will get contacted automatically.

Do research next time, also learn how to write too.

>> No.2563831

>Losing sleep over a few dollars
lmao poorfags are hilairous

>> No.2563858

Devs of Ans taking their money out of business... They ate leaving as rich men now, they said today.

>> No.2563906


Nah man- don't listen to them.

People have gotten richer than anyone on this board and started with less than $3.

Yeah, don't lose sleep, but there is no point where you suddenly "have the big money" and "now it counts" so you start caring. You have to treat your pennies like a fortune. Not as a miser, but a trader.

You have $7 in. that's 700 cents worth. Trade smart with it, learn. One day you will have 700 dollars, and then 170, and then one day you will have 7,000 and one day 700,000.

The method and the trading stays the same. It's not the money, its the mind.

Good luck and keep at it!

>> No.2564038
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Thanks for the advice.

I have about $2000 liquid in my bank account that's mostly going for a Japan trip with some buds. but I'm not throwing anymore shit into crypto than $20 a week at this point. Only reason I was up because I was expecting this to reach at least 470-500 and I was going to short it there before it went back to 300. Paycheck came in today so really, more upset about the sleep than the money.

>> No.2564040


newfag here. Should I buy it right now, or just buy NEO? What happened to japan adopting it?

>> No.2564095

get the fuck out with another thread with this DUMB ant face faggot fucking kike want to steal my money

>> No.2564097

>own volume

Thanks but what does "own volume" mean in relation to "volume".

I understood that "volume" means all the Antshare coins are in existence. Your explanation implies that "own volume" means that coins that whales are hoarding are not included in "volume".

How do you define "volume" then? All the coins that are being traded within a given timeframe?

>> No.2564099

U will double ur investment in 2 weeks if u buy now

>> No.2564233

do I get this right.

ants are neo now ?
do I have to do anythign or is it really just a rebrand ?

>> No.2564308

According to the translated Q&A you shouldn't have to do anything. ANS will be replaced with NEO by the devs. Keep an eye out though just in case that was a mistranlation or something.

>> No.2564352


All assets will be digitized. Two categories: 1. Proof of existence is on the blockchain. 2. Off chain physical assets like IDs, bikeshare locks, intellectual property.
Spirit of blockchain isn't decentralization. It is transparency and fairness via publicly agreed upon rules and data.
Mantra: digital asset + digital ID + smart contract = smart economy.
REBRANDING: NEO smart economy. Green logo
Neo contracts with C#, Java/kotlin, python, go
NeoX is like an interledger protocol
NeoQ is quantum safe encryption
NeoFS is a new database layer

this is like eth, but with better tech and an entire country backing it.

>> No.2564393


>> No.2564455

1. why is no one talking about it on this chink cryptoforum? http://8btc.com/forum-117-1.html

2. why were there hardly anyone present in the audience at their presentation?

>> No.2564509

Which site should I use?

>> No.2564535

500 dollarydoos eoy

>> No.2564549

what kind of dumbfucks are you anons, SRS. Yunbi (china exc) had to cose withdrawls for 24 hrs becuase of utter insanity for volume. That camera live stream was at one angle, there were 100+ ppl in attendance. THIS WAS AT MICROSOFT BEIJING. do you guys research b4 investing or listen to these biz shills????? derrrrrr KEK

>> No.2564607


The "Volume" stat on exchanges signifies how many BTC worth of that coin have been traded, usually in the last 24h
By "own Volume" he meant the stack in the hands of the particular whale

>> No.2564623

They did not said that? Prob sharp price increase when ANS becomes neo

>> No.2564644


>> No.2564672

Wait, is NEO just neocoin? should I buy ANT and wait for the rebrand or just NEO? which exchange should I use?

>> No.2564692

That was because the chinks keep doing arbitrage anon.

>> No.2564702


ETH gave conferences to smaller rooms than that before it went fucking berserk

>> No.2564724

Yes. This will shoot of to outer space once ANS "becomes" NEO.

>> No.2564742
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>> No.2564789

ANS is changing the name to NEO sometime in Q3 of this year. you do not have to do anything. just buy now lmfao

>> No.2564793

Ant will become NEO automatically, no need for waiting
Bittrex worked fine for me

>> No.2564809


Watch the catch with yunbi being so cheap? Fees?
Jubi.com is 57.8 CNY. Why the discrepancy?

>> No.2564830
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god damnit stop fudding.

i lost a good amount when i woke up to find it had dipped. my anus has taken too much of a pounding already

somebody just tell me what the fuck to do and be serious

>> No.2564848

What you need to do is find coins which have dumped and not pumped for a long time. Those are the ones that will pump.

ANS will not pump for at least a few months.

I sincerely suggest selling and making up the loss elsewhere.

>> No.2564878

a few months? aw fuk. people keep saying to HODL and itll be back soon.

>> No.2564879
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>> No.2564899

honestly just forget about them and go do something for a while, selling during the dip is almost as risky as buying the top

>> No.2564902


hodl NEO you pussy!!

>> No.2564910

Everytime it starts to rise a big dump happens, this thing has great potential once all the weak hands get out

>> No.2564935


Time travel back out your ANS into LTC ride that up and now sit for the bottom of the dip to pick up some shiny NEO. It's what I did easy 4K

>> No.2564936

ANON has no basis for saying a few months. This can pump later today for all we know.

FUDDERS btfo, if you really need money atm anons, break even. This is a top five market cap coin by the end of the summer.

Also, it cannot be compared to stratis or waves as a blockchain, this is a completely mature, fully functioning product that is the ONLY PUBLIC BLOCKCHAIN in china.

THIS isnt some bullshit DGB, the value will continue to increase. If you have doubts, you shouldn't. Believe in the tech and its future, just like you do with your daily fap habit. You know its cumming, and it will be good.

>> No.2564992

Very convincing. How many are you holding?

>> No.2565004

>2 shares at $3.50
>enough to worry about
Anon maybe this isn't the game for you

>> No.2565016

60% eth 40% ants. dumped all my altcoins here when I saw the potential and team.

>> No.2565028

2019 -> 1 ANS = 1500-3000 $

>> No.2565040

>only public blockchain in China

wtf is that supposed to mean? All coins use public blockchains, no?

>> No.2565049

This is the correct response

>> No.2565159


Well technically yes, but as you probably know, China is HEAVILY regulated and arduously promotes their national industry. They have clones for google, uber, etc.

Basically China has national regulatory financial standards for companies in the sector, and Antshares was permitted to fully function because of their performance.

I will repeat ANS presented at Microsoft HQ in Beijingg yesterday. I am also bullish because crypto is veryyyy high on chinas list of priorities for their PBOC.


more info:


>> No.2565181

Let me know why you fags are done dumping your shit coin so I can buy it up. Thanks.

>> No.2565209

being dumped hard on yunbi

>> No.2565226

I don't know if you guys know, but ant has be hacked. they are working to fix it, but just gonna say you guys better sell fast before ppl find out.

>> No.2565237

nice source

>> No.2565242


>> No.2565293
File: 989 KB, 245x150, NEO - born.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why a coin like ANS/NEO wouldn't take off like ETH. China has chosen its Champion

>> No.2565341

autism reaches new levels

>> No.2565346

Around the same time everyone realized Microsoft may be backing Antshares (now to be rebranding as NEO) I realized that NEO is an anagram for the word "ONE".
Bill Gates has said that he would love to see a single digital currency (one coin) that would be a very cheap way to send/receive/store digital assets around the world. He has become a philanthropist with a goal in mind, a globalist vision.
When you consider this, it is very possible in my mind's eye, that NEO could be "THE ONE" as he is in the Matrix. Which the developer's have already explained their interest in, in last night's conference.
The technology of NEO is not like other blockchains, it's not proof of work or proof of stake like the others.
The idea of "ants" is to build a colony within a "hive mentality".
By 2030, it is very possible this "NEO coin" may become OneCoin, backed by a growing vision to create a single world currency. (I am keeping in mind the conspiracy theories involved within the Matrix movie itself).
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
Antshares is the red pill. Invest now. It is the future of digital currency. Wake up Neo.

>> No.2565352

ITT: nervous bag holders justifying their greediness

>> No.2565361
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>china has chosen its champion

>> No.2565362


nice reddit copy & paste, faggot

>> No.2565367

Is ths project funded by the state?

>> No.2565380

China doesn't seem to be interested.

>> No.2565388

Just wait when china wakes up

>> No.2565396

>By 2030
But i want to be rich now :(

>> No.2565417

Can someone answer me this honestly please:
Is this coin gonna drop more in the next few days?
It has a chance to grow, at least to 0.004 today?
I believe it has long term potential but I don't want to be an eternal bagholder. Would appreciate if someone could post their honest view.

>> No.2565439

I think it is gonna drop to ~250k tonight

might even flash crash under 200k

>> No.2565443

you got chinked fag

>> No.2565456

So you don't think it can grow at least to 38 or 4?

>> No.2565458

> Xbox One
>Scorpio renamed to keep Xbox ONE continuity (and an anagram for XBOX)
>Enter OneShare
>"Microtransactions without your wallet"

>> No.2565459

Based on what

>> No.2565471

Man.. 0.004 would be fucking great

but i think we got all juked here, time will tell

>> No.2565482

Currently 217k on yunbi

>> No.2565483

the last floor was around 200k

>> No.2565494

It was around 3-6 usd 3-4 days ago.

On the chinese exchanges it is way lower (around 210-230k)

Whales have been manipulating this faggot coin, they made sure it flash crashed two days ago to 250k and the yesterday to around 250k

>> No.2565522

thank you friends
thanks to you i have sold all my fagants with no loss

>> No.2565534


No, that was a lie.

>> No.2565549

Are you able to explain why it's trading at 15CNY more per share on jubi.com?

>> No.2565577

What about the big volume? It doesn't show potential for a pump rally?

>> No.2565578

Why all these people are posting here so much Shit? Ans are over the devs said today. Nothing else. They ate starting from the scratch and not rename anything. They needed this money and it's more easy to start again compared to to renaming.

>> No.2565594

Also, price on Yunbi was always lower, that doesn't mean much.

>> No.2565600

Shorting this to 0.0021. Death to the whales!

>> No.2565610

Money never is disappearing. It's only just changing it's owner. So why you all are crying like Babys?

>> No.2565612

This coin is insane

I have bought at 290k already but have buy orders at 250k

It can just decide to moon but it has been stagnating for a while now

>> No.2565650


I'm really curious, what do you get from this?
I mean, there was multiple chinese people both in the threads and slacks translating the conference live, there were multiple google translatable threads on their boards, and even their site is comprehensible through machine translation, and they all said the same thing:
The coin is rebranded, on the same blockchain, and every ANS will be converted 1:1 with NEO without any need for the user to do anything.

Everyone here knows this.
And yet you post this, with the same credibility of OP posts starting in "whale team here"

>> No.2565654

likewise although I flinched during the huge selloff and reduced my exposure by half.
I didn't like the fact that the MS senior Jiang Li didn't speak and no explanation was given as to why.

>> No.2565666

I guess I'm just having wishful thinking. Losing 20% of my money really feels bad.

It was my fault entirely honestly, but I want to fix this shit. Don't really know how. I feel like selling at massive loss now would be bad, but I also feel like waiting for the coin to go to the bottom is also bad.

>> No.2565681
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We're being fucked with.

>> No.2565685


ANON hes just shitposting lmfao.

And the volume is still crazy high for this coin, it is only on ONE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. it could break out at any moment, volume has increased 25% since this morning in a down market.

>> No.2565689

At least wait a few hours while the americans do their thing. It won't be sold off at the very least.

>> No.2565701

it isnt on polo yet then?

>> No.2565716


Coin hit bottom? what kind of weak handed faggot are you? This isnt dgb cucketry for the 20th time. THIS IS THE FUTURE BLOCKCHAIN OF CHINA. hold

>> No.2565723

not yet. only bittrex

>> No.2565726

Nope, bittrex is the only western exchange where you can trade this coin
I guess I'll wait a little more. Price is showing a bit of promise now.

>> No.2565734

it's picking up now as we speak. You might be up in a few hours.

>> No.2565735
File: 83 KB, 476x707, checked2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean? If you don't know at this point, just sell or hold.

>> No.2565738


Clearly, anon. god fucking damn.

>> No.2565771

If you sell now you are probably missing a chromosome or 2. Also, go fuck your mother.


>> No.2565774

If I knew I wouldn't be asking advice out of weebs on an anonymous board. I'm just clueless as fuck right now.

>> No.2565802
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>> No.2565805

now, we have a dead cat bounce phase, ANS's gonna go even lower slowly

>> No.2565806

Hold for fuck sake, anon. this coin will rise again.
>check yourself

>> No.2565825

Man I told you this chinks were up to no good. Still made 50 ants on the BIG DIP. If you circlejerking faggots actually are right though I'll have a decent profit. Lets see if my motto, never trust a chink, holds true

>> No.2565836

Who else practicing their short timing? It's not like I have much else to lose.
Where will it bottom to in the next hour?

>> No.2565879

yeah doing it right now. about 5 ants every 10-20 minutes. Playing with fire though, if you time your short during a pump you either have to hope it comes back down or buy at a loss...

>> No.2565895

you dumb niggers didnt sell when it was 15 a few days ago.

>> No.2565896

I think when china wakes up, they will dump their bags, instead of pump (from past experience with other coins)

>> No.2565913

Pretty much. I had the chance to sell at 53 but didn't.

>> No.2565921

You can't short this you stupid newfags. You don't even know what short means.

>> No.2565929

hindsight is always 20/20
no need to be so mean about it, anon...

>> No.2565939

so i buy ant shares and itz now neo?

>> No.2565941



ants to 15 by end of day. All the volume is there to destroy these walls, its just a matter of when.

>> No.2565943

Got it. Thank you for explaining it.

>> No.2565948

I bought at 240, sold at 385, bought at 330 and 350, and hodling. I've already made bank on this, I can definitely hodl this dip. I wish I had sold for the conference, but it's really hardly that bad.

>> No.2566024
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I only got 10 ants slightly before the first flight, and I am not really down anything significant right now, but looking at this... I want to buy at least another 10 ants considering how low this dip is. Is that reasonable? I realize I may be holding onto these ants for a while but from my reading and understanding the moon mission is still set to launch, just a while in the future is all. Is that right? Am I crazy? Obviously I'm not talking about going all in on it, but realistically it seems prime to succeed given the information out there.

>> No.2566038

hold my bags, anon

>> No.2566049


Yeah, a lot of people are thnking the same. I am definitely holding for a future rise. People underestimate the Chinese tech dev market.

>> No.2566067

so none of the exchanges allow it?

anyway, it's technically possible to short it anyway, by borrowing from someone that trusts you

>> No.2566084

If you can't understand why they don't let you short every second low market cap shitcoin that pops up then you shouldn't be trading.

>> No.2566146

lol. fucking retard. check their market cap and trading volume again

>> No.2566189

You still don't understand anything.

>> No.2566199

Nice. I bought at 480k (yes, I know... but I'm not short-sighted) ... got a buy set at 280k to try to bring my per ANS price down. Planning to hold long term.

>> No.2566201

I honestly don't even care if this gets to $100000 anymore, just want to get rid of the weight without a big loss.

>> No.2566235

k, nice trolling, aspie

>> No.2566289

No I mean you are still fucking stupid and don't understand anything, go read and educate yourself on basic trading fundamentals. You are just looking at muh volume and thinking it matters, but this coin today is a perfect example of why they don't let you short it.

>> No.2566293

I'm in the same boat

Fuck this shitty Chinese daytrading garbage

>> No.2566313

My red flag for selling is if volume starts to decline. Otherwise I'll see where this goes.

>> No.2566344

I honestly don't understand how people aren't making money off this coin.
Bought at 380k, sold at 480k. Bought more at 320k, sold at 400k. Just bought more this morning at 270k. This pumps and declines so regularly it's just free money at this point.

>> No.2566381

Think my order will fill at 280k? Or should I bump it to 285-290??

>> No.2566386

These price ranges are just speculation though. My experiences with day trading aren't really positive, normally when I sell a coin thinking it will go down, it either does the opposite, or doesn't do anything.

>> No.2566406

In my case I'm a wageslave that can't always buy and sell at my leisure

Bought at 350k hoping for a hike but missed it because I had to sleep. Now I'm stuck holding until my schedule and the market align. Shit sucks breh.

>> No.2566415

order book starts looking like somethign will happen

>> No.2566434

Yeah, I don't want to build too much hope at this point, but looking at the volume, orders and price, it looks like it's up for a rally.

>> No.2566476

Also, I'm starting to believe that chinks are actually the ones fucking with the price. They are ALWAYS the ones who dump. Seems we believe more in the coin then them

>> No.2566521


>tfw I was in a wagecuck meeting during the 500k high
>tfw I was sleeping during last night's pre-conference pump


>> No.2566545
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>tfw didn't sell during the ATH

>> No.2566580

Wrong, chinks are doing this so they can get coins for cheap. If we sell before they dump, we are fine. I made 70 ants from selling before chinks dump

>> No.2566581

please somebody tell me this shit might get near 400k again soon...please....being a greedy fuck i sold my long term investment to make a quick buck last night and i've never been more regretful.

>> No.2566590

Its going to start mooning like crazy when the chinks wake up.

Pro's about antshares:

- Volume +150%
- Price refuses to drop lower then 8$
- Super obvious Sell walls
- Week hands are as good as gone
- Successful conference
- Optimism is still here
- Rebrand to better name and logo
- Official first public blockchain in china
- Small market cap

The future is bright Ant Bro's

>> No.2566597

At this point I'm just HODLING my meager 160 NEOs and forgetting about it for 6 months.

Fuck everything.

>> No.2566611

>Its going to start mooning like crazy when the chinks wake up.
I'm hearing this since 2 days ago.

>> No.2566618

But it did yesterday kek.

Where you not here?

>Went from 32.000 to 42.000 in a few hours.

>> No.2566642

<3 been holding 530 NEOS (ans) for days now.

>> No.2566651

>Mooning like crazy
It went to 42 several times in the past few days, that was literally nothing. This is shit compared to the absurd rise that the coin had beforehand

Btw, volume is decreasing fast.

>> No.2566687
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Your logic is laughable at best. Pic related. Volume stood at 10000BTC a day or two ago.

>> No.2566720


volume isnt decreasing faggot.

predicting $20 by end of the week. This is an actual mature blockchain unlike stratis or waves(holder of both), and has national blessings by chinks. hold it you fucking retards

>> No.2566825

What does it mean to short a coin? Not just selling before it goes down?

>> No.2566850

taking a loan out on coins, selling them, then buying them back cheaper and returning the cheaper coin

>> No.2566875

Isnt that margin trading?

>> No.2566893

first walls melting fast now

>> No.2566903

Yes, and the type of margin you do by selling at a leverage is called shorting
Doing the same thing, but with buying, is called a long position (or "going long") instead

>> No.2566915


>> No.2566918

And thats the real dangerous shit cause you can not only lose everything, you can end up owing... right?

>> No.2566942

this coin wont moon. it will grow though. it will be mooned if you use the right zoom in 6 month.
no moon but still growing is best you can have

>> No.2566962


you have no basis to say this. It could double today for all we know .Shut the fuck up

>> No.2566966


where do you expect the price to be in 6 months?

>> No.2566969


No, your position automatically closes when the losses of your position are equal to the capital you initially put in.

Let's say you start a $1000 long position on BTC.
That means you borrowed $5000 worth of BTC to trade with, and that you'll be reaping profits on that stack if it goes up in value.
But let's say it goes down.

If the coin went down 20% with $1000, you'd lose $200 on the value of your stack, but you'd still have your devalued BTC.
Instead, with a long position, you have made a loss equal to your initial invested capital (20% of 5000 is 1000), so the position is closed, and your 1000 is taken to cover losses.

Except for shady as fuck websites, almost nobody lets you margin trade in other ways that allow you to 'owe' anything past your initial bet

>> No.2566994

23 quadrillion dollars per neo

low expectations will have a greater gain

>> No.2567012

100 dollarydoos easy

>> No.2567126

And if the coin goes UP 20%, with 1000 in, you make 200. But if you have a long for 1000 you make 20% of 5000?

Where does the 1000:5000 ratio come from?

>> No.2567237

Think this increase will last? Or it will decrease again?

>> No.2567267

sell walls aren't anywhere near as bad tonight. Could see 400 with current orders nearing 1k

>> No.2567359

right now a good time to buy in or wait for more downward pressure?

>> No.2567386

hard to know I guess. Anything could happen. It can either moon now, or it can bounce back to resistance floor as it usually does.

>> No.2567409

At least bulls are dominating. I hope they don't give up on the pressure in favor of a few bucks in profit

>> No.2567437

Really important question: I'm holding about 100 ANS on Bittrex.

Do I need to do anything for the conversion, or will it all automatically occur through Bittrex? I don't trust these niggers...

>> No.2567456

no, it will be done automatically

>> No.2567469

Where is the white paper???

New one released today but I can't find it

>> No.2567510

Maybe if you want to buy but feel scared to invest half of what you want to and wait and see with the rest?

>> No.2567669

It is little by little though, it went 200 BTC down in about 30/40 minutes.

>> No.2567946

I will never get why your types prefer (You)'s rather than actual coins.

Is your desire for schadenfreude so intense that you'd rather beggar yourself?

>> No.2568157

Yeah, went from 47 to 45m. I'm selling next time it rises.

>> No.2568165



>> No.2568192
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It's getting heavy

>> No.2568264

Yes, with a long of 1000 if the coin goes up 20% you have made another 1000, and by closing the position you get that money.

The 1000:5000 ratio comes from the fact that I chose Leverage 5 for this example.
With leverage 3 it'd be 1000:3000, and my example would have to work with 33% percentages (Since the coin would have to drop 33% for you to lose 1000)

>> No.2568280

Meh declining or not. Guess I'll wait forever until I can sell it off again without a loss. Might invest some fresh and leave NEO to rot.

>> No.2568339

I'd have no problem with that if all my money wasn't on it. Went down from $6k to 4,8k because of this coin. It hurts to sell with a loss, but I want to invest on other things and not miss coming moon missions, so leaving my money roting isn't a good idea to me.

I want to at least sell at 38 though.

>> No.2568388
File: 110 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170622-185959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this stuff, Im holding for at least 3 months, still buying more when I can.

>> No.2568390

The solution is simple. Invest more and whatever you do don't not sell. That's exactly what whales and chinks are playing this game for. They know you have a small budget so they play the waiting game knowing you will loose out on money this way.

>> No.2568419

ANS probably has the best fundamentals of any of these Shitcoins. They have so much going for them and for gods sake they actually post on Twitter with some regularity.

At first I was disappointed when I found out you people on 4Chan are liars but then I realized... who cares if it didn't go up. This is a great Currency.

First Chinese Crypto and they got to show off their Currency at MICROSOFT. Dear lord... these people are making waves.

I want to be on board for this. I don't care if it goes down. I will throw everything on it.

>> No.2568445

when is it gonna become neo?

>> No.2568472


couple months from now I think

>> No.2568533

yes. sell them all now

>> No.2568534

The fact that microsoft is interested in this speaks volumes of the potential for it. I know a lot of stuff microsoft turns things into shit, but ANS have a good plan set up and they made promising news during their conference.

This is a long term hodl for sure. Hoping for massive gains by november or so.

>> No.2568547
File: 2.94 MB, 359x346, goodgoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This run up = march 2016 runup for Ethereum
This incoming dump from NEOS rebrand = the hard fork

I will buy your ants for $3-4 a piece in a few months after you weak hands have finally capitulated.

>> No.2568557

im confident about this coin too, but honestly. microsoft means nothing, they are involved in nearly every blockchain

>> No.2568558

>neos rebrand
>hard fork

no such thing sweetie ;)

>> No.2568573


If Microsoft is such a big deal, then why did the price fucking plummet after the conference? Fucking explain that bullshit.

>> No.2568579

4 am in china

>> No.2568593

people who only hodl to sell the news getting their money

>> No.2568607

whale scooped all up
one ate 45 btc worth of ans

>> No.2568615

The Microsoft senior exec that they had scheduled to speak didn't even appear.
Not a good sign.

>> No.2568618

The market got manipulated hard last night and weak hands fell for it.

>> No.2568622

tfw day trading post conference and losing 190 ants. Come back to me my precious

>> No.2568635

And probably flipped it an hour later.

>> No.2568637

dude.. its so simple.
this coin is real everyone knows it.
wales, you know, wales, the guys with big money want more big money.
so wales manipulate the price to a low level so guys like you loose trust and sell you coins at a cheap price, they mindfuck you.
and then? then the wales buy your cheap sold tokens.
and wales repeat and reapet until they dont see anymore weak fishes in the see they could eat cheap.
and then..
then they let go and the price can finnnaly go up.

alot weak hands are out, out with loss, sold cheap.
a few wales are in, with profit, bought cheap, huge proft.

>> No.2568651

Well I'll tell you what... I've never met a person that has arranged a Meeting with Microsoft Executives.

I also have never met a Microsoft Executive.

The fact that they got on the Phone with these people to talk to them is a huge sign of motivation... God knows I would never ever do that.

How many times were they told "No" before they arranged the Conference?

>> No.2568671

Bitch nigga ate some of my losses. FUCKA U WHARE

>> No.2568677

Thing is, time is money and money is possibilities. They have a lot of money, so they always have a chance to invest on something they see as promising. However, for me that's all the money I have, so while they can be patient and still not miss opportunities, I cannot. I'm losing time and thus money.

Although I agree with you that patience generally wins the game.

>> No.2568697

ALLS sell the news. I sadly broke that rule yet again, but I never seen a case where price didn't drop right after an announcement.

>> No.2568712


>> No.2568714

Jesus Christ that's reaching m8.

For Microsoft's spokesman to simply not show with no explanation given reeks. It implies that the hype about these guys doesn't match the reality.

>> No.2568732

A little reaching I will agree. Definitely not trying to Shill it. It does suck that the Executive didn't even bother to say a word...

Still if I didn't like you, I don't think I would let you use my Conference Room to announce your Upcoming Projects...

I have mixed feelings about it!

>> No.2568771

Having said that, I still hold 600 but sold most after the conference. It left a bad taste in my mouth that a keynote speaker of a major potential partner just didn't show.

>> No.2568811

I think that this coin has much more hype than substance myself anon. Still think it's probably gonna increase in price though, simply because the market is retarded and everyone will ride the china meme.

>> No.2568812

Yeah totally. You gotta wonder what happened. Was he just busy or did the ANS people piss him off? That is the mystery!

>> No.2568975


1.Still Early, western crypto still dominant but Chinese government doesn't like that

2. There were about 100 people in audience according to someone who was there who translated on r/antshares

>> No.2569218
File: 1.61 MB, 390x520, 1497851404437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are gonna wake up and dump this shit.

Calling it now.

>> No.2569225

pump or dump coming 120 btc wall up

>> No.2569234

why would they dump? there was no pump. they dumped last night after the conference

>> No.2569250

They dumped every day since this coin started to get hyped

>> No.2569314

Why every time I sell it goes higher and every time I buy it goes lower ?

What is wrong with me ?

>> No.2569338

It probably has nothing to do with you. They are probably responding to your Action in the Market directly... I know that sounds strange...

Perhaps you don't have a lot of Money but people can see you making Activity & might be several steps ahead of you.

>> No.2569425

What kills my trades is greed. I come to notice that I actually make good calls, but don't know when to capitalize on them. It was like that with Wings, Ark, Bitshares and now Ants. With wings I got in when it was $0.70, coin got to $1.10, instead of selling at the literal peak, I decided to be a greed bastard, and then, it dipped to $1, again being a greed bastard I didn't sold, and it went down, down, and down, until it got to $0.70 again. With Bitshares I actually fucking had 1500 of them before the moon mission, but it was taking a bit long to moon, so I decided to sell, then, it begun to increase, when it was about 30% FOMO came to me and I invested in, buying less than my initial amount, got almost 100% in profit and decided to pull out. Guess what happened? Coin kept increasing. Instead of waiting or leaving it be with the good gains I already had, I decided to buy at peak time after I sold, then It dipped, and I cut my profits in about 30% with that. Now, coin increased again, but it wasn't on ATH, instead of selling to recover most of my profits, I was a greed fuck and decided to wait for ATH again, turns out that I wait too long and had to sell at much less than my initial gains were.

Same deal with AnS, got a chance to hop in at $6, but thought it wouldn't moon again, at around $11 FOMO hit me and I bought, had the chance to sell at ATH, but didn't out of greed.

>> No.2569560

Yes pretty much this. Now if you look at the ethereum chart we have to wait around 3 months before we finally burned through all of those sell orders.

Also china can try to dump but that wont work very well since the price would crash before they can dump everything.

Let me explain:

- There is demand for 16.000.000 ANTS however they are only willing to offer 1000BTC for it.

- People are selling of people are only selling 1.297.276 ANS but for 12.000BTC.

So while there clearly is A METRIC SHITTON of demand a lot of sellers are asking too much. (Mostly bagholders)

Since the buyers are in control they refuse to pay up such high amounts. This unbalance will continue until (most) people finally start selling of at a loss.

There is no in between. Thats why it will take 1 - 3 months to shake weak hands so the price will rise up again.

So when people least expect it (almost everybody sold off) the massive inflated sell walls finally dissapears and growth can continue.

If you want to be rich, you will have to wait longer then everybody else.

>> No.2569634

This looks like a sound but sad explanation, because I agree with you, and I'm not willing to wait that long. I can maybe buy this weeks or months from now, but with the capital I have I can't give myself the luxury of waiting this long with just one coin without investing in anything else.

It's just wishful thinking at this point, but do you think the chances of this getting to 38 today are minimal? I think they are, but maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture.

>> No.2569782

Do you mean that i have to wait for months to sell my ants without a loss at 409?

>> No.2569811


>> No.2569936

It might be possible. There are only 300BTC sell orders for it to reach 38.000 sat. But it will be a peak so you will have to watch the charts closely.

There would be very little reason for it to hang long at that price (hype/buy train). Your best chance is to to wait for a pump and if it gets near that price/is that price immediately sell.

The more time passes the lower people will start to sell off. But this is great since it chops BTC of the sell wall faster.

>> No.2570288
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>> No.2570451
File: 312 KB, 1062x990, Screen Shot 2017-06-22 at 6.19.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They announced that they're rebranding to NEO. Pretty cool name/theme imo. A lot of people overlooked them just because their name was childish.

>> No.2570475

Yes but what concerns me the most is that china dumps most of the time. It seems like they give 0 shits about Neo even thought its directed at china.

Which is weird at best, Americans pump a chinese project and they dump it. WTF?