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25655169 No.25655169 [Reply] [Original]

100% BTC.
100% ERECT.

>> No.25655270

I'm 99% bitcoin and own 2, do I have a spot here

>> No.25655306

ouch, 6 figure hell

>> No.25655319

yes. i can barely sleep.

>> No.25655351
File: 231 KB, 1210x1000, 1564983602170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.97% reporting in (the rest is free shitcoins Coinbase gave me for watching videos)

>> No.25655398
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, D9F7EACE-7FDB-452E-B3B4-CB255B36E197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $12k in alts/ETH. Priced out unless there’s an insane crash. Salute to you maxis, wish I found biz sooner.

>> No.25655399

welcome have a seat a little altcoin dust is okay for fellow travellers on this long road.

>> No.25655402

shut the fuck up. They are dumping it now.

>> No.25655412

I'm 80% bitcoin and 20% eth. I fucking hate eth with a passion but I know it's going to pump on the ratio. I can't wait to sell it and become a true bitcoin maximalist for the long term

>> No.25655455

Bow down to us from now. If you don't own atleast 1 BTC but other shitcoins you will never make it. BTC is going create new class of elites

>> No.25655524

50k/btc eod

>> No.25655545

I own 1 BTC and I'm worried it's not enough.

>> No.25655620
File: 59 KB, 657x527, B053CF82-ADEB-43DF-AEC6-32525C0E661B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m poor, so I took what I could afford to lose and turned it into $12k. The plan is to try to make that $20k at least and end up with a BTC/ETH split (not sure what ratio).
If there’s a horrific dip I will put every penny (fiat & crypto) into BTC.

>> No.25655754
File: 241 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_2021-01-07-10-26-57~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3 tips, boys
>NEVER buy 'precious' metals
>don't fall for the diversify meme
>don't be stuck waiting for a dip
Learn from my mistakes. Godspeed

>> No.25655913

Ok but how did you get that much BTC? DCA for years? LINK OG?
This is what sucks for newfags like me, I can’t put in $50k but I also missed the LINK train. Fml stuck in 5figures unless I spend all of my fiat

>> No.25655974

0% bitcoin but i get paid in bitcoin

>> No.25656049

Stole 200k cash (my mom's life savings) and threw it 50/50 into btc and silver. In 2017

>> No.25656150

There is no enough anon. Be always happy with what you got

>> No.25656205
File: 264 KB, 708x662, 1607951396719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 20k worth of BTC about a year ago
>boomer dad found out and told me to take it all out and put into "real stocks"
>did it cus I don't want to worry him or think I'm a bigger fuck up than I already am
>made small profit (in the 100s) on the BTC
>I am eternally kicking myself
>my stocks are stagnant
I love you dad but I wanna lambo too.

>> No.25656242


>> No.25656246


that's 100 million sats dudes.... people are already discussing perhaps calling a million sats a bitcoin in order to make it easier for people.

>> No.25656253

Are you going to give them back to her?

>> No.25656264

sell your fedcoin nerd

>> No.25656302

if that happens you would have 100 bitcoins

>> No.25656359

What does the boomer tell you besides being extremely sorry? Besides - family (dad) rich? If not why listening in the first place

>> No.25656386
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1565483232156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my ETH a week ago because I'm a NEET and needed the money; proud to be a full-fledged maxi now

>> No.25656399

unfortunately for poorfags the only way of ascending is by catching pumps on shitcoins, now more than ever. To Gain more sats than one already has one must let one sats go.

>> No.25656427

if you bought this 3 years ago it would have only cost you $17,000. how could i have been so stupid?

>> No.25656458

you will have a long and successful life full of great missed opportunities.

that's a good thing. There is always another bull market somewhere.

also it's great to hear you love your dad. some of us unfortunately never had one.

all the best.

>> No.25656527

I'm not sure what constitutes as rich. For most of my life we were lower middle class but my dad (along with his brother) has a lot of land they own together and it shot up in value, so their net worth is in the millions but they still live the same way they did when they were labourers.

>> No.25656617

I only have half a bitcoin peanuts compared to your stacks but still something

>> No.25656721
File: 20 KB, 302x301, F4A607D3-33A7-44FD-8525-DABCCB07FC5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’ve kinda made it but not
>10k and 50k are pretty much the same
>it going up 30k is as weird as it going down 30k
Best just leave it alone, let it do it’s thing, since your original plan seems to have worked out fine

>> No.25656829

I'm still in this club and better off than most but I still feel retarded cause I sold at $17,100 to reset my capital gains taxes last year and didn't buy back in till $22,900 cause it went up at fast and I felt horrible
I lost .8 btc in all, fucking killing myself still
But at least I have 3.4 btc, ugh

>> No.25657010

No I'm gonna eventually leverage the btc and live off the residual interest. I'm never really moving out so it's not like I'm taking the money and running. But I had to initially steal it because she would've never willingly agreed to it. No way to explain btc to a female boomer immigrant in my second language

>> No.25657092

You just had a horrific 10% dip. You missed your chance.

>> No.25657180

Lmao that fuckin pepe, dude don't listen to boomers they think you are dumb. In reality they are the dumbest generation ever

>> No.25657233

I suppose that's fine. Treat her well, Anon.

>> No.25657236

Nobody Is discussing this lol

>> No.25657253

im 95% BTC and have one puny corn
can I hang?

>> No.25657296

sorry i meant calling a million sats a kilobitcoin or something lol.

>> No.25657315

I'm all she's got bro, if you only knew her story lol I gotta write a book

>> No.25657412

That would be a good idea. Something as simple as rephrasing can definitely boost adoption. Normies are literally clueless

>> No.25657426

>respect, doing what has to be done. take care.

>> No.25657589

I have tried to tell my friends for years. Only 1 listened. We both should go over the million mark this year.

>> No.25657820

> List prices in Satoshis
How do we make this a reality? 1 Satoshi = $1

>> No.25658234

>no LINK