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25651718 No.25651718 [Reply] [Original]

I want to buy a house somewhere in a safe, white suburban neighborhood near a major city. My budget is around $300k. It also has to be east of the Mississippi because I don't like dry hot climates and I want to have a lot of trees. Where should I look?

>> No.25651969

Don't buy a house. Rent an appartment and invest your money into bitcoin and some other assets to diversify.

>> No.25652072

are you also white or at least have pale/fair skin?

>> No.25652149

but I want to buy a house somewhere in a safe neighborhood. I don't want to rent an apartment and diversify into bitcoin, I want to buy a house.

I want to buy a house somewhere safe.

Do you read me sir, I want to buy a house.

>> No.25652204

why do you need to live outside a city? want to be near the hustle and bustle?

>> No.25652340

Wealthy suburbs of Midwest or Dixie cities, depends on your industry. If you are a programmer, Atlanta/Raleigh is good. If you want to be a landlord or tradesman, Midwest is good.

All wealthy suburbs of mid atlantic and new england are out of your price range.

>> No.25652348

Have you checked prices on how much it is to rent those houses? You can rent a house then put your money into crypto and other assets.

>> No.25652360

>white suburban neighborhood
>near a major city
>around $300k
>where should I look?
Start by looking in your dreams lel

>> No.25652420

you're priced out, 300k can only buy you a cabin in the woods.

>> No.25652451

Industry is irrelevant. I have enough money to retire and live in an average priced house.

>> No.25652462

There are other cities that are good in Midwest/dixie but you really should orient yourself around maximizing your income, so industry matters.

There are perfect rural places in mid atlantic and new england, but they are not near major cities.

>> No.25652509

renting an apartment costs more than mortgage payments lel

>> No.25652527

Do schools matter? Aka do you have a family?

>> No.25652558
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>> No.25652582

Because I want conveniences like gigabit fiber internet, good grocery stores, and parks.

>> No.25652640

That's too rural. Basically if the streets don't have sidewalks it's not suburban enough for me.

>> No.25652815
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>> No.25652899

Pittsburgh and Cincinnati look pretty based but I haven't visited either. Beautiful cities though

>> No.25652907
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>gigabit fiber internet,

>> No.25652918

PA has a ton of black people OP and others would hate it, don't move there

>> No.25652963

That's too urban. Also looks like black people live in that neighborhood by how unkept everything is.

>> No.25653011

Knoxville TN.

>> No.25653027

>right on top of another house
>nasty septic hump right in front of house

no thanks

>> No.25653073

Yeah but its also extremely segregated no? Just don't move within 2 zip codes of a black neighborhood. Simple as

>> No.25653181

anon what part of NO NIGGERS did you not understand?

>> No.25653215

I'm a euro and I wonder, due to the huge difference in demographic density between Northern America and Europe: how are water and electricity networks? For example, if you live in buttfuck nowhere but a mile from a mainline, do you pay for maintenance between the mainline and your house? Do you pay some taxes for it, and the county has to care for water/electricity repairs?

Here in France I live a good mile away from electricity and water mains, but I don't have to pay for repairs on my personal connection to those (if repairs are outside my house ofc). I fully expect to have to go offgrid at some point though, as privatization will undoubtedly lead to "oh those people in the countryside, whose isolated houses have been connected to the grids when France was a socialist country? They cost too much, they will have to pay for repairs between their houses and the grids now"

>> No.25653265
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Is Greenville, SC any good? The suburbs there look really affordable and nice.

>> No.25653339
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Cincy-South Dayton area, Ohio. Growing into its own MSA, centrally located, nice scenery and things to do, affordable nice houses, and traditional American culture. I'm in Columbus and would suggest our suburbs but they're kind of overpriced right now and this city is annoyingly progressive.

>> No.25653373

OP needs to move to northern New England then, but there are no major cities there.

>> No.25653423

New England looks really nice, but I would probably kill myself from boredom.

>> No.25653440

Shut the fuck up about Greenville. We dont need autists polluting the nicest whitest suburb in the country

>> No.25653459

have you thought about renting because niggers will eventually find their way into your neighborhood and you will have to move again? just rent, diversify into btc and eth

>> No.25654097
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>All very based
Only BOR, not BTC.

>> No.25654311

Charlotte area. Exactly what you describe.

>> No.25654375

Greenville is nice too, also Asheville if you want the hipster city vibe.

>> No.25654418

I live in upstate NY and this state is gay as fuck so I would say don’t come here

>> No.25654884

Greenville is a little small but has a great park system. Asheville used to be nice, now it is horrendous. they literally passed reparations for blacks.