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25650227 No.25650227 [Reply] [Original]

Well the dominoes keep falling and the partnerships keep lining up in the hottest place in crypto and gaming.

That’s it I’m talking about exeedme, who are the strongest partners already and who can XED benefit most from going forward?

>> No.25650453

Gaming is a raising industrie
So are NFT
so which fake games and kitties in crypto will rule over worldknown CsGO? I dont think many of them

>> No.25650464

What the hellll are you on about pajeet. These guys are not all that. Better off buying ETH

>> No.25650520

A quick finder
Art will always be a petit choice, so most of u wonderdicks dont know the meaning of it

Nft art to the moon and beyond with lil rapper and Co :)

>> No.25650649

Btc eth and chainlink showed their worth, no need going beyond that for now, you keep spending your pop-pops money dirtycheesefuck

>> No.25650841

I dont know another project that has daily 2 updates, sooo

Dont know much about it just that it hs nft csgo and its own token xed
But gonna look into it if pajeets fuding it

>> No.25650882

Yooo ETH has gone super well lately but OP just trying to give word out about all the good things that been happening over at xed.
Csgo ambassodor and beta flying now
Betprotocol partnership
Polkastarter raise
Polkadot system so partner with them
BGA ... seat on table
DIA partnership for transparent data

>> No.25651089

Shilly dickys amongs us
Let them do to their sticks how the want haha
Btc eth and lets go

>> No.25651149

If u have done your research you would know that xed is connected to eth for q1 at least so, be an ass, just not in my house dipshit

>> No.25651233

What is a NFT and how does it fit in with this Xed. Why is it any good anyway

>> No.25651349


Like Monalisa in paris but u cant touch that, but sure can sell it :)
Usable non art nft sre the way, custom gunz and uniforms :)

>> No.25651515

Its basically like a secondary layer being put down by game developer and the like. When players collect enough NFTs they can melt for Xed. So in the end even all shitty players earn by playing and can make a little side income. Good news for xed too aint it paj

>> No.25651614

You are fuck on right
Gaming is up by millions of players daily so money is there
Specialy couse daddy and mommy will pay for paysafeCard so take their money

>> No.25651786
File: 244 KB, 1074x822, 20201226_152724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love it when someone posts some sense in hear. These are all great partnerships

Team is kicking goals and ill be right there with them with my bag of xed, waiting in the wings

>> No.25652031

If you ask me all projects with NFTs involved are being wayyyyy over hyped atm. Nothing in it substantially just more pumpenomics at play

>> No.25652281

All this looks super good boys. Bullish af on Xed. Thanks for the post too OP playaaa

>> No.25652550

Bullish on xed
But not a beliver of nft

So im gonna burn all nft to get xed hahah

>> No.25652710

What is BGA... only one i didnt hear about before with xed