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File: 10 KB, 240x240, A657DC23-B074-49C3-862A-E5D6CA0A4F60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25634628 No.25634628 [Reply] [Original]

I hope bubble will burst in next few days. Yes, it will happen, it’s inevitable, but I want it to happen as soon as possible. These ponzi’s just feel wrong. Bitcoin and Tesla just can’t go up forever. It physically hurts me watching degenerates buying something that went x10 last 2 years and shit is still going up. People with <100IQ getting rich, while us >140IQ watching in disbelief. I just want everything to return to normal. I just want people having to learn some skills and offer it to market. To work hard and smart in order to make money, like it should be in healthy economy. You can’t just buy shiny magic internet money which goes up to infinity. People here need to be based and humbled. Please God, today or Orthodox Christmas I pray for all bubbles to burts and economy to return to normal. Amin.

>> No.25634650

Amin brother

>> No.25634653

Imagine believing this

>> No.25634668

You can be high IQ and still have a gambling addiction

>> No.25634679
File: 141 KB, 974x1200, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work hard and smart in order to make money
Kill yourself faggot.
This shit is the easiest money I've ever made in my life. Only an actual RETARD fucks up with their money.
Hope your greed makes you lose everything you selfish pajeet.

>> No.25634691

I, too, am extremely butthurt

>> No.25634699


bitcoin will go up forever until governments just outright ban it and even then it will retain a lot of its value

people dislike not getting rich while others get rich , and they will at some point call for cryptos to be outlawed or so heavily regulated that its not worthwhile anymore to deal with them

they just need to aim for the exchanges

>> No.25634738

you are feeling seethe. relish it

>> No.25634752

short btc on the 10th-14th 125x.

>> No.25635216

Please God, after you immediately crush it to 15k, let them fill their staks more. And then make it 4 years bear market. Slowly dropping from 20k to 6k, where it belongs. And then release quantum sideways, going from 6k to 12k forever. Make it next tulip mania. Thanks God

>> No.25635281

>People with <100IQ getting rich, while us >140IQ watching in disbelief.

Well, though I find that statement untrue, this world is just absurd and cruel by nature. Nothing really makes any sense anon. You just gotta play with the cards you've been dealt with. There are people out there trying to make honest livings but get fucked hard while people like Belle Delphine literally profit off the misery of horny, desperate men.

Oh and for the record, I sincerely think cryptocurrency actually has the potential for a future as a mainstream alternative to just holding fiat currency. It's more convenient than gold.

>> No.25635696

>People with <100IQ getting rich, while us >140IQ watching in disbelief.
this is what dunning-krueger looks like with extra salt

>> No.25635759
File: 41 KB, 750x669, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pictured on the right

>> No.25635823

You are a massive faggot and priced out I might add

>> No.25635826

You'll get your wish.
You honestly think the powers that be are just gonna let normies buy huge swathes of the coins that will dictate our future?
This was planned years in advance.
They're enticing all the normies to buy in now, with everything they have.
Then, they're going to sue Tether and cause mass hysteria and shake everyone out at a huge loss.
Then they'll swoop in and buy everything up for themselves.
THEN the bullrun will begin. The actual bull run.
And normies will not be taking part in it.

>> No.25635855
File: 180 KB, 848x556, faggitorsbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about to be the most bitter pill you're ever going to swallow in your life. If you came here from the site in pic related, you are genetically pre-disposed to be a cucked normie for life. You are literally retarded. Don't think we haven't noticed you asking stupid questions, trying to use our lingo, and pretending to be one of us. Why are you doing it? I can't say for sure, but you probably heard somewhere on your faggity site that this place is good for finding investing advice and crypto moonshots. You couldn't be more mistaken. The truth is, this place is filled with scammers, niggers, street shitting pajeets, and autists.

The reason why the people that naturally gravitate to 4chan succeed is because we are unironically autistic and see the world in a completely different frame than you. You come here and no matter how hard you try to fit in, you stick out like a sore thumb because your future is already written on the wall. You will be a slave to your government, corporations, and bosses for the rest of your pathetic existence. You will live under a guise of happiness, but ultimately die having done nothing even remotely significant in your life.

You will hang around here for a couple weeks, probably lose money gambling on shitcoins, and then run back to the comfort of your faggy home, where you will warn other plebbitors to avoid this place: how we are all retarded, gamblers, racist, and misogynistic. You will collect your upvotes for the warning, and then jerk off to the thought of feeling important, not having realized you failed the most basic of internet shittests.

You will read this post, flame me for the direct confrontation of challenging your intelligence. The reality is you aren't, and never will capable of coming up with an original thought in your pathetic existence. Any words you speak are the equivalent of a sheep going
>bah bah bah

>> No.25635881
File: 36 KB, 768x577, 1558609012871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm too high iq to notice/take part in the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.25635882

Just face facts and admit that you are seething right now. Admit that the system is broken, and that you lucked out at taking advantage of a broken system.

>> No.25635902


>> No.25635912

>tfw too smart to turn 3 figures into six in just over three years

>> No.25635948

Enjoying your 1 month badge i see

>> No.25635963

This is the wrong timeline for that my dude. We're in clown world, numbers only go up.

I don't like it, i don't agree with it, but it is what it is. Don't fight it.

>> No.25635966


>> No.25635981

This is best copypasta I’ve seen in years. Congrats whoever wrote this originally

>> No.25636032

Institutional money is now invested in crypto. Bear markets will no longer exist in the crypto market. Before, people were fearful when bubbles would burst and wouldn't touch it again until BTC reached its previous ath, and the cycle would go on and on. 2 years bear, 2 years bull, so on and so forth. The difference now is that huge companies are hoarding bitcoin and are blatant about it. Moreover, services like VISA and PayPal are showing their support for crypto and in turn provide retail investors and normies with the confidence that crypto is, in fact, a good way to invest your hard-earned wagebux as a means to escape perpetual wagecuckery. Thus, a massive sell off like that of 2018 and previous years is far less likely. The more prices go up, the more optimistic I get for the future of cryptocurrencies, as well as the underlying technology, which will inevitably revolutionize every aspect of our lives forever

>> No.25636046

>don't agree with it,
You plebs think emotion has anything to do with any of this. This is a logical and expected consequence of an inflating currency. You are quite on the wrong side if you don't see that CBs are still inflating and killing currency with a literal flu as the reason. You can hope for a more just economy, as do I, but asset prices are merely a symptom and not the cause

>> No.25636059

that would be me, unironically

keep spreading it on my behalf fren

>> No.25636068

This is your ego
If you were 140 IQ you'd be participating in bubbles because they can make you rich.

>> No.25636086

No shit, but first, if all this is true and crypto is the future, Tether must be purged, along with the millions of normies that have flooded in in the past couple weeks.
They will be shaken out.
THEN what you describe will begin taking place.
Its pretty apparent honestly.

>> No.25636092

it is possible, but is it probable?
generally speaking people with both intelligence and addictive tendencies know to avoid gambling or at least to insulate it from most of their life

>> No.25636099

>while us >140IQ watching in disbelief.
wrong. you are a cursed midwit. you will never be brilliant nor blissfully ignorant.

>> No.25636110

>thinks 4th industrial revolution isn’t actual technology we use everyday, but magic internet money
>thinks he’s part of it
>thinks crypto has actual real life use
>never used crypto in his life for anything else but for price increase and selling for fiat
>friendless virgin
>checking blockfolio is first and last thing he looks at every day/night
>also checking 632 times a day

>> No.25636117

i love this pasta

>> No.25636140
File: 330 KB, 750x450, the tether pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25636160
File: 41 KB, 889x594, 1550242569663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy staying poor

>> No.25636168

project harder and go outside incel

>> No.25636240
File: 848 KB, 749x597, T...Thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, you really hurt my feefees anon.
have fun at work tomorrow btw ;)

>> No.25636258

all the newfags who got baited by the OP, please read >>25635855

>> No.25636286
File: 57 KB, 720x482, FA2CE133-25FB-47DF-B6DD-D9BB9674A874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-th-this time will be different, th-th-thrust me

>> No.25636335

How I can park gains without creating CGT / tax event ?

>> No.25636750
File: 40 KB, 1177x662, A3CDBED8-33F9-490B-A30A-4DDEEDED7165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore all charts
>don’t reply bubble posts
>if we just ispam in “new paradigm golden bullrun posts” to infinity and leave “it’s a bubble” posts at max 50 replies maybe people will continue buying this ponzi a little more

>> No.25636808
File: 3.74 MB, 1578x1067, Wanna get zappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you saved my screen cap for a anime hentai game.

Wanna get zappy?

>> No.25636987

I want to call you retarded but Tesla has been on a moonshot for a fucking year so I guess im retarded

>> No.25637118


fucking true shit, good copypasta. Who the fuck actually buys into whatever is being shilled on here or /pol/?

Is this literally how 4chan works? The right people see through all the BS and it makes sense, yet for the rest of the people its hidden?...

Holy shit, are WE the occult anon?

>> No.25637141

>us >140IQ
ur a midwit

>> No.25637151
File: 76 KB, 680x488, OrthoLarpFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please God
>praised God
As if any of us needed another reason to hate you fucking orthoducks larpers.

>> No.25637424

Stop cursing at us. It’s Christmas

>> No.25638270

never gonan make it fuck off no coin nigggggggggggggggggggggggggggger

>> No.25638294

you gatekeeping faggots

>> No.25638338

As long as a million retards still believe in it, then it will still hold strong.

>> No.25638659

Nice pasta, who wrote it?