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25632182 No.25632182 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, please talk some sense into me

>> No.25632207
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>> No.25632231

You're kinda late to the larger caps. Risk / reward for them will be larger. Look for something smaller that hasn't pumped yet

>> No.25632240

Look up FOMO investing in Google

>> No.25632265

TO what? Doge? You dont have the balls to do that.

>> No.25632301

You’re an idiot.

>> No.25632302

XLM is about to surge to $.80

>> No.25632315

Good luck OP. I just started a 100x BTC short with $100K. It'll hit $20K EOM.

>> No.25632328

No, buy ETH

>> No.25632334

you had 1 week

>> No.25632352

>no trips
I am sorry anon

>> No.25632356

stop loss

>> No.25632374

you go in when the market is RED retard

>> No.25632393
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buy AVAX and make a couple of milion in a year

>> No.25632394

Come to North Branch and feed me cocaine and strippers plz

>> No.25632396

I did the same thing in early 2018. You need to ask yourself this question and answer it honestly. Are you economically and emotionally prepared to watch your $100k investment drop by 80%? It might pay off down the road or maybe it won't.

>> No.25632433


you can't lose. It's bound to hit 10% of BTCs price - so 3x from now

>> No.25632535

Cool, sounds good, I might go for it

>> No.25632565


60% btc
30% eth
10% front - no pump yet

>> No.25632616

I guess we all know where those donations to blm, red house, and the democrats went.

>> No.25632665

Don't buy now you fucking moron. Wait for BTC to crash then buy in at the bottom.

>> No.25632727

Fuck yes. Hello Mr clf Chad, I saw you on smg about 1month and a half ago spreading the word. Thanks I made 70% of that move.
What are your end of 2021 predictions for clf?

I wish you health and a good 2021 clf Chad,

Sincerely, a clf fag

>> No.25632763

Uh your window to turn into $1MM is evaporating fast
Matter of fact it's gone
But 3/4 of a million at least you can say million at the end right?

>> No.25632789

Ethereum still not even at ATH, once it reaches ATH, $3k is the next stop.

>> No.25632813

I went in with 20 9 months ago
how does that make you feel?

>> No.25632818

do it but set 10 limit orders from 20k to 10k

>> No.25632831

Cringe. You're clinically retard

>> No.25632842

>thinking we will ever be below $35000 again

>> No.25632858

shhhh dont let them know, crypto is zero sum remember

>> No.25632910

there won't be a curse, if you sell you're a midwit staring at charts too much not realising that times have changed and the undervalued asset won't be undervalued by the end of this year (we will go to golds market cap minimum - 150k BTC)

>> No.25633060

Tip: the first 30% draw doesn't happen until 50k area

>> No.25633096

If we hit gold's market cap we're at 670k

>> No.25633257

Divide it into 5 chunks and Dollar cost average ever 2 weeks into
BTC-ETH + 1 other bluechip whichever you like.

>> No.25633459
File: 225 KB, 620x368, Phoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think long term OP. Millenials currently hold 5% of the wealth. FIVE. This run up isn't even being driven by the people most passionate and with the greatest ability to be open minded and to understand Bitcoin in the first place.

At 150k it will be worth that of investable gold. And yet it does everything gold does, better. Not only that it rides the same parabolic wave of the digital world, and network effect. At 500k it will be worth what all of gold is worth. There is no theoretical limit because a perfect digital store of value has never existed until 2009. There is no limit because we will decide what the limit for this perfect store of value will be. This is the philosophical argument.

The more pragmatic one is that it's valuable because other things have become and are likely to become less valuable. Bonds are at zero yield - there are trillions invested in bonds, the implications of this can't be overstated. The Fed says they're keeping it this way for the next few years. The 60/40 portfolio has thus disappeared. That money needs to go somewhere.

The stock market has become a store of value, a small portion of stocks make up a disproportionate amount of the market and much of the market is no longer correlated to valuations. Is the stock market really less risky in this sense? When blue chips fell in March, they fell 50% to Bitcoins 60%.

Real estate? ATH, not risky? Buy it if you can afford it.

There is no other asset that has the same asymmetric upside. You're essentially investing in a tech stock (where Google is the network of information, Facebook is the network of social, Bitcoin is the network of money). And you're buying in with the very first institutions, you're largely frontrunning them.

Michael Saylor and Raoul Pal are very intelligent and articulate on Bitcoin as it exists topically. Jeff Booth is interesting as well. But don't just listen to the proponents. Listen to Saifedean Ammous' debate with Peter Schiff.